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The effects of simulated microgravity on two bacterial isolates, Sphingobacterium thalpophilium and Ralstonia pickettii (formerly Burkholderia pickettii), originally recovered from water systems aboard the Mir space station were examined. These bacteria were inoculated into water, high and low concentrations of nutrient broth and subjected to simulated microgravity conditions. S. thalpophilium (which was motile and had flagella) showed no significant differences between simulated microgravity and the normal gravity control regardless of the method of enumeration and medium. In contrast, for R. pickettii (that was non-motile and lacked flagella), there were significantly higher numbers in high nutrient broth under simulated microgravity compared to normal gravity. Conversely, when R. pikkettii was inoculated into water (i.e., starvation conditions) significantly lower numbers were found under simulated microgravity compared to normal gravity. Responses to microgravity depended on the strain used (e.g., the motile strain exhibited no response to microgravity, while the non-motile strain did), the method of enumeration, and the nutrient concentration of the medium. Under oligotrophic conditions, non-motile cells may remain in geostationary orbit and deplete nutrients in their vicinity, while in high nutrient medium, resources surrounding the cell may be sufficient so that high growth is observed until nutrients becoming limiting.  相似文献   

The experiment LSO (Lightning and Sprite Observations), on board of the International Space Station, was the first experiment dedicated to nadir observations of sprites from space. Such observations are innovative as sprites are generally observed at the horizon. At the nadir, sprites are superimposed with lightning flashes and the observation concept is based on a spectral differentiation of sprites and lightning by using an adapted filter. The experiment is composed of two micro-cameras, fixed on a station window. One camera is equipped with a filter and measures the sprites in the N2 1P most intense sprite emission line, which coincides also to the atmospheric absorption band of the molecular oxygen. The second microcamera provides observations of lightning flashes in the visible. Measurements were performed during four ESA missions: Andromede, Odissea, Cervantes and Delta. During 19h of effective observations, 180 flashes were analyzed and several possible sprites were identified, demonstrating the interest of this differentiation method. In addition during sunset and sunrise conditions when the lower atmosphere is in the dark, LSO observed the airglow of the secondary ozone maximum at about 90 km modulated by gravity wave activity.  相似文献   

Long-term manned space missions requires a continuous monitoring of the air quality inside the spacecraft. For this scope, among several different solutions, electronic noses have been considered. On behalf of European Space Agency an electronic nose specifically designed for air quality control in closed environment is under development. After several ground experiments concerning the monitoring of a biofilter efficiency, the instrument has been tested during the ENEIDE mission on board of the International Space Station. in this paper the instrument main concepts and its performance in ground and space experiments are illustrated.  相似文献   

Potentially pathogenic microbes and so-called technophiles may form a serious threat in advanced life support systems, such as the International Space Station (ISS). They not only pose a threat to the health of the crew, but also to the technical equipment and materials of the space station. The development of fast and easy to use molecular detection and quantification methods for application in manned spacecraft is therefore desirable and may also be valuable for applications on Earth. In this paper we present the preliminary results of the SAMPLE experiment in which we performed molecular microbial analysis on environmental samples of the ISS as part of an ESA-MAP project.  相似文献   

Producing sprouts directly during space missions may represent an interesting opportunity to offer high-quality fresh ready to eat food to the astronauts. The goal of this work was to compare, in terms of growth and nutritional quality, rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) seedlings grown in the International Space Station during the ENEIDE mission with those grown in a ground-based experiment (in presence and absence of clinorotation). The rocket seedlings obtained from the space-experiment were thinner and more elongated than those obtained in the ground-based experiment. Cotyledons were often closed in the seedlings grown in the space experiment. Quantitative (germination, fresh and dry weight) and qualitative (glucose, fructose, sucrose and starch) traits of rocket seedling were negatively affected by micrograv-ity, especially those recorded on seedlings grown under real microgravity conditions The total chlorophyll, and carotenoids of seedlings obtained in the space experiment were strongly reduced in comparison to those obtained in the ground-based experiment (presence and absence of clinorotation). The results showed that it is possible to produce rocket seedlings in the ISS; however, further studies are needed to define the optimal environmental conditions for producing rocket seedlings with high nutritional value  相似文献   

A multiparameter instrument for recording the location of an air leak from the space station module, based on three sensors, namely, electret, thermocouple and an ionization separator, is proposed. The regions of greatest reliability of the measurements of each of the sensors are determined and the recorded air leak uncertainty zones are pointed out.  相似文献   

Human exploration of outer space will eventually take place. In preparation for this endeavour, it is important to establish the nature of the biological response to a prolonged exposure to the space environment. In one of the recent Soyuz Missions to serve the International Space Station (ISS), the Spanish Soyuz mission in October 2003, we exposed four groups of Drosophila male imagoes to microgravity during the almost eleven days of the Cervantes mission to study their motility behaviour. The groups were three of young flies and one of mature flies, In previous space experiments, we have shown that when imagoes are exposed to microgravity they markedly change their behaviour by increasing their motility, especially if subjected to these conditions immediately after hatching. The constraints of the current Soyuz flights made it impossible to study the early posthatching period. A low temperature cold transport was incorporated as a possible way out of this constraint. It turned out that on top of the space flight effects, the cold treatment by itself, modifies the motility behaviour of the flies. Although the four groups increased their motility, the young flies did it in a much lower extent than the mature flies that had not been exposed to the low temperature during transportation. Nevertheless, the flies flown in the ISS are still more active than the parallel ground controls. As a consequence of the lower motility stimulation in this experiment, a likely consequence of the cold transport step, no effects on the life spans of the flown flies were detected. Together with previous results, this study confirms that high levels of motility behaviour are necessary to produce significant decreases in fly longevity.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the contribution of secondary neutrons to the total dose inside the International Space Station (ISS). For this purpose solid-state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) stacks were used. Each stack consisted of three CR-39 sheets. The first and second sheets were separated by a Ti plate, and the second and third sheets sandwiched a Lexan polycarbonate foil. The neutron and proton responses of each sheet were studied through MC calculations and experimentally, utilising monoenergetic protons. Seven stacks were exposed in 2001 for 249 days at different locations of the Russian segment 'Zvezda'. The total storage time before and after the exposure onboard was estimated to be seven months. Another eight stacks were exposed at the CERF high-energy neutron field for calibration purposes. The CR-39 detectors were evaluated in four steps: after 2, 6, 12 and 20 h etching in 6 N NaOH at 70 degrees C (VB = 1.34 microm h(-1)). All the individual tracks were investigated and recorded using an image analyser. The stacks provided the averaged neutron ambient dose equivalent (H*) between 200 keV and 20 MeV, and the values varied from 39 to 73 microSv d(-1), depending on the location. The Lexan detectors were used to detect the dose originating from high-charge and high-energy (HZE) particles. These results will be published elsewhere.  相似文献   

The behavior of two bodies interacting gravitationally onboard a drift-free Earth satellite orbiting at the altitudes of the Alpha international space station is investigated. A numerical simulation of the trajectories of the relative motion of aparticle is performed, as a result of which preliminary estimates of the precision of the experiment are obtained. An estimate of the measurement precision of the parameters of gravitational interaction is given. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 10, pp. 3–8, October, 1997.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to extend the earlier reported observations on the role of transient metastable phases in polymer crystallisation in relation with the initial crystal size. In this article experimental evidence is provided to bridge the gap between single crystal formation in the melt at elevated pressure and temperatures vs. crystallisation at atmospheric pressure using polyethylene as a model substance. During transformation from the hexagonal to the orthorhombic phase it is shown that in the process of growth, a crystal goes through thermodynamically stable and metastable states before transformation to the orthorhombic phase occurs. The crystal growth, on transformation to the thermodynamically stable orthorhombic phase, has been followed with thex help of in-situ optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The observations are that the newly transformed crystal acts as a nucleation centre for many new crystals starting in the hexagonal phase. It is also noticed that with increasing supercooling multilayering dominates. Subsequently, the distinction between primary and secondary thickening has been made and its morphological consequences will be discussed. In its wider generality, the experimental findings indicate that in polyethylene at atmospheric pressure crystallisation occurs via the hexagonal phase. When extended to atmospheric pressure, the morphological features give further insight into spherulite formation. The observations have been extended to other polymers such as nylon, paraffins, poly-di-alkyl siloxanes, trans-1,4 polybutadiene etc. The proposed viewpoint on the crystal size influence in phase transition has been extended to polymer processing as will be illustrated briefly for the case of processing of the intractable polymer ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE).  相似文献   

Bacterial Fuel Cells are innovative energy systems that use bacteria to transform carbohydrates anaerobically into free electrons and waste products. The bacteria deposit the electrons on the anode and hence create a potential difference between the anode and the cathode, yielding a ‘bacterial battery’. This principle may be favourably influenced by enhanced bacterial productivity or bacterial growth in microgravity conditions, as is shown before in several other studies on bacteria in microgravity. Nonetheless, bacterial fuel cells have not been tested in space before. Currently foreseen applications are very promising for space flight and include waste disposal in manned space vehicles. This study describes a ‘space-first’test of bacterial fuel cells onboard the International Space Station using the Rhodoferax ferrireducens strain. We test if it is possible to use a bacterial fuel cell in 1g and under both simulated (RPM) and real microgravity conditions. Due to differences in magnitude of the output the data had to be normalized and cumulatively plotted. In all, it can be concluded that bacterial fuel cells show similar phases in the output under different gravitational conditions. Hence it can be concluded from a biological point of view that bacterial fuel cells do operate in space.  相似文献   

When calculating the probability of hull penetration by meteoroid and orbital debris (M/OD) for some of the International Space Station (ISS) modules (e.g. FGB, Service module, cargo vehicle “Progress”), one has to take into account their additional shielding produced by ISS deployable construction elements (such as solar panels, radiators), which decrease M/OD penetrating probabilities. The lack of developed calculation methods of accounting for this effect has arisen the necessity to investigate the law— governed nature of particle fragmentation process accompanying high velocity penetration of thin barriers, as well as to elaborate techniques for correct calculation of the probability of no penetration (PNP) of module pressure wall. The results of thorough analysis of the theoretical and experime ntal published data as well as of data obtained in joint NASA and RSA experimental program on particle fragmentation are presented in this report in the form of normalized analytical correlation between the fragment maximum size and impact parameters. On the basis of above mentioned particle fragmentation law, the method of module hull ballistic limit curves (BLC's) recalculation is determined, which include the effect of thin barriers greatly distanced from the module hull. This BLC's are used for module PNP calculations with the help of modified version of NASA BUMPER code. The special subroutines accounting for PNP changes due to the particle collisions with ISS deployable construction elements are introduced in the BUMPER algorithm. The results of the Service module PNP calculations with account for its “shadowing” by solar panels and radiators are presented.  相似文献   

T. Suzuki  Y. Gotoh 《Thin solid films》1998,330(2):380-131
The (110) surface of a thin W crystal deposited with Si has been investigated by using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). It was found that an ordered Si–W alloy layer with a regular periodic arrangement of antiphase boundaries (APBs) is formed, as a result of intermixing of deposited Si with the W substrate at room temperature (RT). A crystal structure model of this W–Si superstructure is proposed in this study. After 800°C annealing of Si deposited at RT, grains of tetragonal WSi2 are formed on the W–Si ordered alloy layer. Grains of WSi2 are also formed when Si is deposited on a W substrate maintained at 900°C. These WSi2 grains have epitaxial orientation relationships with the W(110) substrate as follows: (110)W//(01 ) WSi2 and [001]W//[100]WSi2.  相似文献   

Inflow boiling, gravity effects on the distribution of both phases are observed in a heated tube and heat transfer coefficients due to two-phase forced convection is deteriorated in microgravity. In narrow channels between heated and unheated plates, the increase in subcooling enlarges a size of flattened bubble and reduces the frequency of detachment under microgravity conditions resulting the emphasis of heat transfer deterioration. To clarify reasons for the unknown behaviors of interfacial distribution and corresponding characteristics in heat transfer not easily be clarified through the experiments on ground, the opportunity on the experiments utilizing long-term microgravity duration realized in ISS is required. The experiments on microgravity boiling and two-phase flow are proposed by the collaboration of researchers in five countries. A common test loop is designed to conduct multiple experiments by the interchangeable structures of test sections; a transparent heated tube for the visualized flow boiling, a stainless tube for the measurement of CHF data, a copper surface for the heat transfer data of nucleate boiling with superimposed liquid flows in a duct, a glass heated plate with multiple array of small temperature sensors and transparent heaters for the clarification of mechanisms in nucleate boiling heat transfer, and one or two models of cold plates for practical applications. A direction of researches in the present discipline is proposed based on the existing experimental results and on the idea developed by the present authors.  相似文献   

Neurobiological experiments on 4 animal species (Xenopus laevis, Pleurodeles waltl, Drosophila melanogaster, Acheta domesticus) were performed to study effects of microgravity on development and aging of neuronal, sensory and motor systems. Animal models were selected according to their suitability to answer questions concerning μg-effects on neuroanatomy, neuronal activity, and behaviour. The studies were performed on the Soyuz Taxi flights Andromède, Cervantes, Eneide and LDM-TMA8/TMA7. Observations from these flights include: (1) In tadpoles and cricket larvae, morphological features of sensory cells and neurons are rarely affected by microgravity. (2) In crickets, in-flight fertilization was successful; after landing, flight larvae hatched earlier than ground reared siblings. (3) In crickets, proliferation of peptidergic neurons and their projection patterns within the nervous system were not affected by microgravity. (4) During aging, the impact of microgravity on peptidergic neurons of male Drosophila was limited to the size of cell body. (5) In Xenopus, neurophysiological features of the spinal motor system during fictive swimming were partially modified. (6) In Xenopus tadpoles, the vestibuloocular reflex was affected in an age-related manner. Modifications were also related to the occurrence of a tail lordosis induced by microgravity. It is concluded that adaptation to microgravity during development and aging is mainly based on physiological mechanisms within the central nervous system while structural modifications of the sensory and neuronal system contribute less.  相似文献   

To detect the target molecules, aptamers are currently focused on and the use of aptamers for biosensing is particularly interesting, as aptamers could substitute antibodies in bioanalytical sensing. So this paper describes the novel electrochemical system for protein in sandwich manner by using the aptamers and the scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM). For protein detection, sandwich system is ideal since labeling of the target protein is not necessary. To develop the electrochemical protein sensor system, thrombin was chosen as a target protein since many aptamers for it were already reported and two different aptamers, which recognize different positions of thrombin, were chosen to construct sandwich type sensing system. In order to obtain the electrochemical signal, the glucose oxidase (GOD) used for labeling the detection aptamers since it has large amount of stability in aqueous solution. One aptamer was immobilized onto the gold electrode and the other aptamer for detection was labeled with GOD for generation of the electric signal. Thrombin was detected in sandwich manner with aptamer immobilized onto the gold electrode and the GOD labeled aptamer. The enzymatic signal, generated from glucose addition after the formation of the complex of thrombin, was measured. The generation-collection mode of SECM was used for amperometric H2O2 detection.  相似文献   

The Utility Distribution System (UDS) of the Space Station Freedom (SSF) is responsible for routing avionic harnesses and fluid line utilities along the pre-integrated truss segments. These harnesses and lines are housed in a rectangular aluminum carrier that provides a functional level of protection from the impacts of meteoroid and orbital debris (M/OD) particles. An analysis completed by McDonnell Douglas Corporation-Space Station Division (MDC-SSD) estimated that the avionics and fluid utilities in the UDS carrier could experience approximately 5600 failures over the 30 year life of the SSF--of which only 2 were failures of fluid lines. This large number was based mostly on a very conservative avionic conductor failure criteria that had to be used because little is known about the affects of M/OD on avionic conductors, especially behind a protective carrier over. As a result, a two-phase joint NASA-Johnson Space Center (JSC) and MDC-SSD hypervelocity impact (HVI) test program was initiated. From this test program, it was determined that the expected number of M/OD impacts that would cause an avionic conductor/cable failure is 28 over a 30 year period. For the fluid lines, the data indicate the number of predicted fluid line failures increased slightly from the initial analysis to as many as 15 for the entire 30 year life of SSF.  相似文献   

A technique for measuring strain with an accuracy of ±100 by direct observation in the scanning electron microscope has been developed and tested. The technique involves placing a fine metallic mesh loosely on the surface of a tensile coupon and observing the motion of the surface with respect to this mesh. It was evaluated by tensile loading of aluminium and carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy specimens for strains up to 600 using an instrumented miniature loading stage. Applications and limitations of the technique have been discussed.  相似文献   

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