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Glucocorticoids are predominantly prescribed in asthma therapy as aerosols to achieve high pulmonary effects with reduced systemic spill-over and pronounced pulmonary selectivity. A variety of pharmacokinetic parameters are potentially important for determining pulmonary selectivity. The intent of this article, is to provide a practice-relevant theoretical approach to put the importance of these parameters on pulmonary targeting using pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling as a tool in perspective. The applied pulmonary pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model revealed that, in addition to recognized parameters such as systemic clearance, oral bioavailability, and efficiency of pulmonary deposition, other factors, such as the pulmonary release (dissolution) rate and dose, are relevant. However, the volume of distribution (for effect parameters not undergoing a diurnal rhythm) and the receptor affinity of a given glucocorticoid are not important for achieving lung targeting.  相似文献   

Extracellular and bacterial factors that influence the phagocytosis and killing of staphylococci by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes have been studied. Staphylococcus epidermidis strains were, in general, more rapidly phagocytized than were S. aureus strains. However, two strains of S. epidermidis had a very slow rate of ingestion. Although the rate of phagocytosis of S. aureus Wood 46 was greater than that of S. aureus 502A, the Wood 46 strain was more difficult to kill. Serum was essential for phagocytosis of both S. aureus and S. epidermidis. The opsonic titer of pooled serum was similar for S. aureus and S. epidermidis. In normal pooled serum, heat-labile factors were more important for effective phagocytosis than they were in immune serum. Although a saturation point for ingestion was reached, the percentage of ingested bacteria that remained alive within the leukocyte remained relatively fixed. Heat-killed and live staphylococci were igested in a similar fashion. The rate of phagocytosis was greatly reduced at 41 degrees C.  相似文献   

Although many parameters have been described to quantitate the killing and regrowth of bacteria, substantial shortcomings are inherent in most of them, such as low sensitivity to pharmacokinetic determinants of the antimicrobial effect, an inability to predict a total effect, insufficient robustness, and uncertain interrelations between the parameters that prevent an ultimate determination of the effect. To examine different parameters, the kinetics of killing and regrowth of Escherichia coli (MIC, 0.013 microg/ml) were studied in vitro by simulating a series of ciprofloxacin monoexponential pharmacokinetic profiles. Initial ciprofloxacin concentrations varied from 0.02 to 19.2 microg/ml, whereas the half-life of 4 h was the same in all experiments. The following parameters were calculated and estimated: the time to reduce the initial inoculum (N0) 10-, 100-, and 1,000-fold (T90%, T99%, and T99.9%, respectively), the rate constant of bacterial elimination (k(elb)), the nadir level (Nmin) in the viable count (N)-versus-time (t) curve, the time to reach Nmin (t(min)), the numbers of bacteria that survived (Ntau) by the end of the observation period (tau), the area under the bacterial killing and regrowth curve (log N(A)-t curve) from the zero point (time zero) to tau (AUBC), the area above this curve (AAC), the area between the control growth curve (log N(C)-t curve) and the bacterial killing and regrowth curve (log N(A)-t curve) from the zero point to tau (ABBC) or to the time point when log N(A) reaches the maximal values observed in the log N(C)-t curve (I(E); intensity of the effect), and the time shift between the control growth and regrowth curves (T(E); duration of the effect). Being highly sensitive to the AUC, I(E), and T(E) showed the most regular AUC relationships: the effect expressed by I(E) or T(E) increased systematically when the AUC or initial concentration of ciprofloxacin rose. Other parameters, especially T90%, T99%, T99.9%, t(min), and log N0 - log Nmin = delta log Nmin, related to the AUC less regularly and were poorly sensitive to the AUC. T(E) proved to be the best predictor and t(min) proved to be the worst predictor of the total antimicrobial effect reflected by I(E). Distinct feedback relationships between the effect determination and the experimental design were demonstrated. It was shown that unjustified shortening of the observation period, i.e., cutting off the log N(A)-t curves, may lead to the degeneration of the AUC-response relationships, as expressed by log N0 - log Ntau = delta log Ntau, AUBC, AAC, or ABBC, to a point where it gives rise to the false idea of an AUC- or concentration-independent effect. Thus, use of I(E) and T(E) provides the most unbiased, robust, and comprehensive means of determining the antimicrobial effect.  相似文献   

Quinidine and nifedipine appear to be subject to metabolism by the same isozyme of cytochrome P-450. In addition, both drugs have been reported to alter the pharmacokinetics of other compounds. To investigate a potential interaction, 10 healthy subjects (five male, five female) received quinidine sulfate (200 mg orally), nifedipine (20 mg orally), or the combination of both drugs every 8 hours for 4 doses using a randomized, cross-over study design with a 2-week washout period between treatments. Drug concentration, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure were measured at frequent intervals after the final dose. Quinidine concentrations were unchanged by the co-administration of nifedipine. Nifedipine area under the curve (AUC0-8) increased 36.6% from 333 to 455 micrograms.hr/L (P < .05) after quinidine administration. Heart rate was significantly higher in the nifedipine-quinidine treatment at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 hours when compared with either drug alone. The maximum increase in heart rate (17.9 beats/minute) occurred at 0.5 hours after nifedipine administration and was significantly correlated with serum concentrations at that time (r = .78). These results suggest that quinidine inhibits nifedipine metabolism, and this pharmacokinetic interaction results in enhanced pharmacologic response.  相似文献   

Cases of death occurring at University Hospital (Akademiska sjukhuset), Uppsala, during a four-month period were studied by means of interviews (n = 258) with the attending physicians and questionnaires answered by relatives (191) of the deceased. In half the cases death was unexpected and the preceding treatment period short. In most cases the family was present at the time of death, one of several signs that family participation has increased. The question of autopsy was raised in 70 per cent of cases, autopsy being performed in 53 per cent. Great importance was attached to relatives' attitudes toward autopsy, which were negative in only about one case in four. Shortcomings remain in the information provided to families, although there was improvement in this respect as compared with findings in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Venlafaxine is a new antidepressant with a unique mode of action. Because many patients taking antidepressant therapy may self-medicate with ethanol, this study was undertaken to assess the possible pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions between venlafaxine and ethanol. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-period crossover study was conducted with 16 healthy men. Multiple doses of venlafaxine (50 mg every 8 hours) or placebo were administered for 7 days. On days 5 and 7 a single dose of 0.5 g/kg of ethanol or a placebo solution was administered in a randomized fashion. Pharmacokinetic data indicated that ethanol administration did not affect the disposition of venlafaxine or O-desmethylvenlafaxine. Similarly, venlafaxine administration did not affect the pharmacokinetic disposition of ethanol. Ethanol produced its expected effects on the eight psychometric tests administered. Venlafaxine produced small effects on the results of the Digit Symbol Substitution Test, the Divided Attention Reaction Time, and the Profile of Mood States. No pharmacodynamic interaction was detected between venlafaxine and ethanol.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and amalgam to seal furcal perforations in extracted human molars using an anaerobic bacterial leakage model. Furcal perforations were made in 39 maxillary and mandibular human molars with a high-speed bur. These were randomly divided into two experimental groups of 18, with the remaining three teeth used as positive controls. Experimental group 1 was repaired with MTA and group 2 with amalgam. Three additional teeth without perforations served as negative controls. A dual chamber anaerobic bacterial leakage model was assembled. Brain heart infusion broth with yeast extract, hemin, menadione, and the chromogenic indicator bromcresol purple was used as the culture broth for Fusobacterium nucleatum. Eight of 18 amalgam samples leaked, whereas none of the 18 MTA samples leaked. MTA was significantly better than amalgam in preventing leakage of F. nucleatum past furcal perforation repairs.  相似文献   

In vivo inhibition of 2,3-oxidosqualene:lanosterol cyclase (OSC, E.C. enzyme which catalyzes the cyclization of monooxidosqualene to lanosterol--does not result in elevated 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase (HMGR) activity. This trait is attributed to increased levels of oxysterols, produced upon partial inhibition of OSC, that suppress HMGR and other sterol-responsive genes. The OSC inhibitor [4'-(6-allyl-ethyl-amino-hexyloxy)-2'-fluoro-phenyl]-(4-bromopheny l)-methanone (Ro 48-8071) was shown earlier to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in hamsters with no increase in hepatic HMGR, in contrast to simvastatin. To delineate the regulatory mechanism(s) by which Ro 48-8071 reduces cholesterol synthesis without raising HMGR levels, Syrian hamster C100 cells were incubated with either Ro 48-8071 or simvastatin, and their effects on cholesterol synthesis and LDL uptake, as well as on HMGR mRNA levels and rates of synthesis, were determined. Using RNase protection and radioimmunoprecipitation assays, we found that, in the absence of LDL in the culture medium, both HMGR mRNA levels and synthesis were reduced with concentrations of Ro 48-8071 inhibiting cholesterol synthesis by 50-75%, whereas LDL uptake was either reduced or unchanged. In contrast, simvastatin, at concentrations inhibiting cholesterol synthesis by the same 50-75%, increased both HMGR mRNA levels and synthesis, as well as LDL uptake. In the presence of LDL, HMGR mRNA levels and synthesis along with LDL uptake were little affected after incubation with Ro 48-8071. Still, simvastatin markedly increased both HMGR mRNA levels and synthesis in cells incubated in the presence of LDL, leaving LDL uptake unaffected. These data suggest that inhibition of OSC by Ro 48-8071 results in an indirect down-regulation of HMGR mRNA levels and synthesis.  相似文献   

The current and dominant theory about the origin of modern humans is the out-of-Africa hypothesis, which asserts that populations of Homo sapiens left Africa 100,000 years ago and replaced indigenous populations of humans in Eurasia. Many scholars equated the out-of-Africa dispersal of humans with paleoenvironmental changes. However, until now, few have paid special attention to the faunal data and whether or not faunal patterns are supportive of the popular theory. Recent comparative study of the Chinese fauna shows that the communication of faunas between Africa and East Asia could have occurred during the Neogene, but it was very limited during the Pleistocene. In the Chinese Quaternary fauna, only 16% of the genera are also present in the sub-Saharan African fauna. There is also no element among the dominant taxa of the Chinese Quaternary fauna which can be related to the African fauna. There is no reliable proof for the existence of Hippopotamus and Giraffa, as well as Panthera leo, during the Quaternary in China. Two controversial taxa are Acinonyx and Crocuta, about which there is still argument concerning their species identification in Eurasia. It is possible that both of the genera have co-specific taxa in Africa and Eurasia. Although the two genera are confined to Africa today, they did have a long evolutionary history in China. For the Out of Africa hypothesis for Homo sapiens, the implications of the limited faunal interchanges between China and Africa are not completely clear yet.  相似文献   

The architecture of the intact cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum, a huge extracellular multi-polypetide bacterial enzyme complex engaged in degradation of cellulose, was investigated by electron microscopy. This was done because former electron microscopic studies aimed at elucidation of the structure of polycellulosomes and cellulosomes were restricted by the fact that data on macromolecular details could only be derived from deformed or disrupted enzyme complexes, or by application of cryo preparation and imaging techniques yielding insufficient resolution. The shape of well-preserved cellulosomes was more or less spherical, often similar to that of an olive fruit with a cavity. Therein, multiple fibrillar structures could be visualized, interpreted to be the proximal stretches of copies of the fibrillar protein Cip A ('scaffoldin'), the nonenzymatic scaffolding protein known to function as attachment site for the enzymatic subunits, as well as fibrillar parts of anchoring proteins. The enzymatic subunits were depicted to be attached, in a repetitive fashion, to the distal stretches of the Cip A proteins. The enzymatic subunits were seen, in the intact cellulosome, to form a shell-like complex substructure surrounding the cavity. Obviously, this kind of architecture makes sure that the catalytic domains of the enzymatic subunits are exposed to the environment, and, hence, to the substrate, the cellulose fibrils. Attempts were made to demonstrate the alternating occurrence of coiled domains and fibrillar stretches along the elongated protein Cip A previously characterized by sequencing, X-ray, and NMR studies. To this end, Cip A molecules, with adhering enzymatic subunits, were partially removed from their native location within the cellulosome, "stretched" by hydromechanical forces directly on the electron microscopic support film, negatively stained, and depicted by electron microscopy. The alternating occurrence of presumed coiled domains and fibrillar stretches along Cip A could be visualized, together with detached enzymatic subunits found on the support film.  相似文献   

Enterolobin, a 55-kDa cytolytic, inflammatory, and insecticidal protein isolated from seeds of the Brazilian tree Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) has been further purified and partially sequenced by using both manual and automated methods. A computational search of enterolobin partial amino acid sequence against the PIR database revealed possible sequence similarities with aerolysins, cytolytic proteins from Aeromonas species. An alignment of enterolobin partial sequence to the amino acid sequences of A. hydrophila and A. sobria aerolysins showed several similar regions with many residue identities. The seed protein enterolobin and the bacterial aerolysins may be homologous proteins despite the distant phylogenetic relationship.  相似文献   

A cleaning resin has been developed for the non-chromatographic purification of 99mTc-labeled monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The resin used is a modified form of thiopropylsepharose 6B resin, in which its sulfhydryl groups have been tinylated with stannous chloride. The method requires only simple stirring of the radiolabeling reaction mixture with this tinylated resin and subsequent separation of it from the resin by filtration to obtain a 99mTc-labeled MAb of radiopharmaceutical purity. The method provides an alternative to chromatographic purification of the radiolabeled MAb (i.e. gel filtration or anion exchange chromatography) which has been used in other 99mTc-MAb preparations. For comparison studies, we labeled the B72.3 MAb with NeoRx's diamide dimercaptide chelate radiolabeling kit, split the reaction mixture into two equal portions and then purified one portion with anion exchange chromatography (NeoRx's chosen method) while the other portion was purified with our cleaning resin. Comparison of HPLC chromatograms, percent 99mTc-bound to MAb, biodistribution and scintigraphic results show that our cleaning resin methodology provides a 99mTc-labeled MAb of essentially equal purity and utility as does the established, chromatographic one.  相似文献   

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