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辛冠琳  刘惊雷 《计算机应用》2016,36(8):2092-2098
针对传统的推荐系统需要用户给出明确的偏好矩阵(U-I矩阵),进而使用自动化技术来获取用户偏好的问题,提出了一种从偏好数据库中挖掘出Agent的偏好信息的方法。从知识发现的角度,通过Ceteris Paribus规则(CP规则),提出了k阶偏好挖掘算法(kPreM)。在算法中,利用k阶CP规则对偏好数据库中的信息进行剪枝处理,减少了数据库扫描次数,从而提高了偏好信息的挖掘效率。随后以一种通用的图模型——条件偏好网(CP-nets)为工具,揭示了用户的偏好可近似表达为CP-nets的定性条件偏好网。实验结果表明,用户的偏好都是带有条件的偏好。另外,通过挖掘得出的CP-nets偏好模型,为设计个性化的推荐系统提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

为了解决Web数据库多查询结果的问题,该文提出了一种基于上下文偏好的查询结果top-k排序方法,首先提出了一种带偏好程度的上下文偏好模型:i_1i_2,d|X,表示在上下文条件X下,项i_1与i_2相比,用户偏好项i_1的程度为d(0.5≤d≤1),带偏好程度的上下文偏好通过在查询历史中使用关联规则挖掘获得.基于上下文偏好,提出了一种查询结果top-k排序方法,给出了相应的元组排列创建、聚类和top-k排序算法.实验结果表明,提出的上下文偏好模型具有较强的偏好表达能力,top-k排序方法能够较好地满足用户需求和偏好并且具有较高的执行效率.  相似文献   

一种基于多层关联规则的推荐算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余小鹏 《计算机应用》2007,27(6):1392-1393
提出一种基于多层关联规则(MAR)的推荐算法,着重解决目前推荐算法的稀疏性问题和可扩展性问题。该算法采用多层关联规则挖掘用户对商品的偏好,并建立用户偏好预测模型。实验表明该算法性能优于其他推荐算法。  相似文献   

为了解决大规模数据环境下挖掘出的关联规则过多,用户需要耗费大量时间在这些关联规则中寻找自己感兴趣规则的问题,提出了一种基于Map/Reduce并行化编程模型的前后部项约束关联规则挖掘算法FRPFP.通过对用户感兴趣的规则前后部项进行标记和分组挖掘,并在各分组挖掘过程中根据标记的规则前后部约束项,对事务集进行压缩,从而筛选出有效的频繁项集,最终得到含有用户感兴趣项的关联规则.该算法在Spark框架中实现,实验结果表明,该算法能够有效地减少冗余规则的产生,计算开销较少,具有较好的规模增长性.  相似文献   

目的:互联网信息量的急速增长使得人们需要花费大量时间从搜索引擎召回的结果中浏览自身感兴趣的内容,结合用户的搜索日志信息和社交平台信息,提出一种分层的实时偏好挖掘模型,为用户提供个性化搜索服务。方法:在系统分析偏好挖掘的国内外研究现状的基础上,针对足球视频,提出一种分层权重无向图(Hierarchical Weighted Undirected Graph,HWUG)用户偏好模型,充分考虑了用户偏好之间的关联信息,通过获取用户足球领域的显式和隐式反馈信息,提取反馈信息中的偏好标签和偏好动作,并引入时间衰减因子,实现了用户足球偏好的实时计算。结果:算法已经应用在在搜球网(www.findball.net)的个性化检索结果排序和视频推荐上,并已经取得了很好的效果。结论:实验结果表明,结合特定领域的知识,基于分层无向权重图模型的偏好挖掘算法能更准确和实时反映用户的足球偏好。  相似文献   

在实际生活中,可以很容易地获得大量系统数据样本,却只能获得很小一部分的准确标签。为了获得更好的分类学习模型,引入半监督学习的处理方式,对基于未标注数据强化集成多样性(UDEED)算法进行改进,提出了UDEED+——一种基于权值多样性的半监督分类算法。UDEED+主要的思路是在基学习器对未标注数据的预测分歧的基础上提出权值多样性损失,通过引入基学习器权值的余弦相似度来表示基学习器之间的分歧,并且从损失函数的不同角度充分扩展模型的多样性,使用未标注数据在模型训练过程中鼓励集成学习器的多样性的表示,以此达到提升分类学习模型性能和泛化性的目的。在8个UCI公开数据集上,与UDEED算法、S4VM(Safe Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machine)和SSWL(Semi-Supervised Weak-Label)半监督算法进行了对比,相较于UDEED算法,UDEED+在正确率和F1分数上分别提升了1.4个百分点和1.1个百分点;相较于S4VM,UDEED+在正确率和F1分数上分别提升了1.3个百分点和3.1个百分点;相较于SSWL,UDEED+在正确率和F1分数上分别提升了0.7个百分点和1.5个百分点。实验结果表明,权值多样性的提升可以改善UDEED+算法的分类性能,验证了其对所提算法UDEED+的分类性能提升的正向效果。  相似文献   

基于约束的关联规则挖掘是一种重要的关联挖掘,能按照用户给出的条件来实行有针对性的挖掘。大多数此类算法仅处理具有一种约束的挖掘,因而其应用受到一定程度的限制。提出一种新的基于约束的关联规则挖掘算法MCAL,它同时处理两种类型的约束:非单调性约束和单调性约束。算法包括3个步骤:第一步,挖掘当前数据集的频繁1项集;第二,应用约束的性质和有效剪枝策略来寻找约束点,同时生成频繁项的条件数据库;最后,递归地应用前面两步寻找条件数据库中频繁项的约束点,以生成满足约束的全部频繁项集。通过实验对比,无论从运行时间还是可扩展性来说,本算法均达到较好的效果。  相似文献   

在约束关联规则挖掘过程中,影响交互的制约因素是挖掘算法的执行时间。为了提高挖掘过程的交互性,文章提出一种基于两阶段的约束关联规则挖掘算法。算法利用已挖掘的关联规则,实现约束关联规则的挖掘过程。在算法实现的过程中对关联规则集存储结构进行了优化,并扩展了类SQL查询语句。实验结果表明,由于在约束条件挖掘的过程中不需要再对数据库进行挖掘处理,节省了大量的用户时间,因此算法是有效的。  相似文献   

在Eclat算法的基础上,将多种约束条件(反单调约束、单调约束、简洁性约束、可转变的约束)整合到关联规则的挖掘过程中,并给出了Eclat A、EclatM、EclatS、EclatCA等相应约束条件下的挖掘算法;实验结果表明所提出的算法是一种十分有效的解决基于多种约束条件下的关联规则挖掘算法。  相似文献   

为了提升社交网络个性化推荐能力,结合用户行为分布进行个性化推荐设计,文中提出基于用户行为特征挖掘的个性化推荐算法,构建社交网络的用户行为信息特征挖掘模型,采用显著数据分块检测方法对社交网络用户特征的行为信息进行融合处理,提取反映用户偏好的语义信息特征量。从情感、关键词和结构等方面根据用户行为特征组,结合模糊信息感知方法进行社交网络个性化推荐过程中的信息融合处理,在关联规则约束控制下,构建社交网络用户偏好特征的混合推荐模型,实现用户偏好特征挖掘,根据语义分布和用户的行为偏好实现社交网络的个性化信息推荐。仿真结果表明,采用所提方法进行社交网络个性化推荐的特征分辨能力较好,对用户行为特征的准确识别能力较强,提高了社交网络推荐输出的准确性。  相似文献   

Let X and Y be any two strings of finite length. We consider the problem of transforming X to Y using the edit operations of deletion, insertion, and substitution. The optimal transformation is the one which has the minimum edit distance associated with it. The problem of computing this distance and the optimal transformation using no edit constraints has been studied in the literature. In this paper we consider the problem of transforming X to Y using any arbitrary edit constraint involving the number and type of edit operations to be performed. An algorithm is presented to compute the minimum distance associated with editing X to Y subject to the specified constraint. The algorithm requires OX¦ ¦ Y¦min(¦ X¦,¦ Y¦)) time and space. The technique to compute the optimal transformation is also presented.  相似文献   

针对协同过滤推荐中由于项目和用户间关联因素的相互影响而存在项目偏差和用户偏好的问题,提出一种融合项目偏差与用户偏好的推荐算法。先进行聚类处理,包括LDA主题建模生成项目簇和K-means聚类生成用户簇;再依次根据项目簇和用户簇的约束生成项目偏差分,同时以用户项目评分及项目类型为基础,经过概率转移得到用户偏好分;最后以项目簇内已有评分的均值为基础,对项目偏差分和用户偏好分进行线性加权生成预测评分。对比实验表明,新算法能够根据不同的近邻得到合理的推荐,提高推荐的准确度。  相似文献   

The emerging of ubiquitous computing technologies in recent years has given rise to a new field of research consisting in incorporating context-aware preference querying facilities in database systems. One important step in this setting is the Preference Elicitation task which consists in providing the user ways to inform his/her choice on pairs of objects with a minimal effort. In this paper we propose an automatic preference elicitation method based on mining techniques. The method consists in extracting a user profile from a set of user preference samples. In our setting, a profile is specified by a set of contextual preference rules verifying properties of soundness and conciseness. After proving that the problem is NP-complete, we propose a resolution in 2 phases. The first phase extracts all individual user preferences by means of contextual preference rules. The second phase builds the user profile starting from this collection of rules using a greedy method. To assess the quality of user profiles, we propose three ranking techniques benefiting from these profiles that enable us to rank objects according to user preferences. We evaluate the efficacy of our three ranking strategies and compare them with a well-known ranking method (SVMRank). The evaluation is carried out through an extensive set of experiments executed on a real-world database of user preferences about movies.  相似文献   

Traditional researches on user preferences mining mainly explore the user's overall preferences on the pro ject, but ignore that the fundamental motivation of user preferences comes from their attitudes on some attributes of the pro ject. In addition, traditional researches seldom consider the typical preferences combination of group users, which may have influence on the personalized service for group users. To solve this problem, a method with noise reduction for group user preferences mining is proposed, which focuses on mining the multi-attribute preference tendency of group users. Firstly, both the availability of data and the noise interference on preferences mining are considered in the algorithm design. In the process of generating group user preferences, a new path is used to generate preference keywords so as to reduce the noise interference. Secondly, the Gibbs sampling algorithm is used to estimate the parameters of the model. Finally, using the user comment data of several online shopping websites as experimental objects, the method is used to mine the multi-attribute preferences of different groups. The proposed method is compared with other methods from three aspects of predictive ability, preference mining ability and preference topic similarity. Experimental results show that the method is significantly better than other existing methods.  相似文献   

Efficient Adaptive-Support Association Rule Mining for Recommender Systems   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Collaborative recommender systems allow personalization for e-commerce by exploiting similarities and dissimilarities among customers' preferences. We investigate the use of association rule mining as an underlying technology for collaborative recommender systems. Association rules have been used with success in other domains. However, most currently existing association rule mining algorithms were designed with market basket analysis in mind. Such algorithms are inefficient for collaborative recommendation because they mine many rules that are not relevant to a given user. Also, it is necessary to specify the minimum support of the mined rules in advance, often leading to either too many or too few rules; this negatively impacts the performance of the overall system. We describe a collaborative recommendation technique based on a new algorithm specifically designed to mine association rules for this purpose. Our algorithm does not require the minimum support to be specified in advance. Rather, a target range is given for the number of rules, and the algorithm adjusts the minimum support for each user in order to obtain a ruleset whose size is in the desired range. Rules are mined for a specific target user, reducing the time required for the mining process. We employ associations between users as well as associations between items in making recommendations. Experimental evaluation of a system based on our algorithm reveals performance that is significantly better than that of traditional correlation-based approaches.  相似文献   

针对面向领域用户的决策规则挖掘问题,用属性序描述领域用户的需求和兴趣,模拟人脑分辨事物的过程,提出了一种属性序下的分层递阶决策规则挖掘算法.该算法在给定属性序下输出的决策规则集不仅具有唯一性,且对任意待识别样本不会作出矛盾的决策.实例和仿真实验结果表明了算法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

约束关联挖掘是在把项或项集限制在用户给定的某一条件或多个条件下的关联挖掘,是一种重要的关联挖掘类型,在现实中有着不少的应用。但由于大多数算法处理的约束条件类型单一,提出一种多约束关联挖掘算法。该算法以FP-growth为基础,创建项集的条件数据库。利用非单调性和单调性约束的性质,采用多种剪枝策略,快速寻找约束点。实验证明,该算法能有效地挖掘多约束条件下的关联规则,且可扩展性能很好。  相似文献   

最大值控制的多最小支持度关联规则挖掘算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何朝阳  赵剑锋  江水 《计算机工程》2006,32(11):103-105
大部分关联规则挖掘算法使用同一最小支持度阈值进行挖掘,但在实际使用中由干各项目发生频率的不同,理应有不同的最小支持度支持。该文提出了一种多最小支持度关联规则挖掘算法,为每一项目设置一最小支持度,同时在生成舒选集和最大频繁集的过程中使用最大值控制来实现剪枝,有效地提高了该算法的效率,最后用一个超市销售物品的例子来说明该算法的使用。  相似文献   

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