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Using a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope (STM), we have manipulated individual Mn adatoms at the GaAs (110) surface to apparently bond with two surface As atoms. In this configuration the Mn atoms, which either are at an interstitial site or have substituted for a surface Ga atom, give rise to strong in-gap levels as probed by spatially resolved STM spectroscopy measurements. Mapping the Mn-induced in-gap bound state shows an unusual spatial structure, with highly anisotropic character. The bound state shares some characteristic features with subsurface Mn and Zn dopants.  相似文献   

We investigate the temperature dependent Raman spectra of Mn implanted (Ga,Mn)N samples with five Mn implantation doses. A small shoulder at 572.4 cm−1 on the high energy side of the main Raman peak has been attributed to the Mn-related local vibrational mode (LVM). It is found that with the increase of Mn implantation dose the intensity ratio of LVM to that of the increases at first and tends to saturate at high implantation dose. In addition, at high temperature or after rapid thermal anneal treatment, the value of decreases significantly, explaining the reason why it is difficult to observe Mn-related LVM reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Electrodeposited GaAs and AlSb thin film semiconductors were prepared under various deposition conditions. Reasonable stoichiometry could be attained as revealed by EDAX studies. The best stoichiometry was obtained are Ga1·04As0·96 and Al1·12Sb0·88. The band gap of the GaAs and AlSb films was ∼1·5 eV and 1·6 eV respectively. The electrochemical and photoelectrochemical studies on these films are reported with different redox-couples in aqueous and non-aqueous medium.  相似文献   

Semiconductor nanocrystals produced by means of colloidal chemistry in a solvent medium are an attractive class of nanometer-sized building blocks from which to create complex materials with unique properties for a variety of applications. Their optical and electronic properties can be tailored easily, both by their chemical composition and particle size. While colloidal nanocrystals emitting in the infrared region have seen a burst of attention during the last decade there is clearly a paucity of review articles covering their synthesis, assembly, spectroscopic characterization, and applications. This Review comprehensively addresses these topics for II-VI, III-V, and IV-VI nanocrystals, examples being HgTe and Cd(x)Hg(1-) (x)Te, InP and InAs, and PbS, PbSe, and PbTe, respectively. Among the applications discussed here are optical amplifier media for telecommunications systems, electroluminescence devices, and noninvasive optical imaging in biology.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the theory for calculating Raman line shapes as functions of the Fermi energy and finite temperatures in zinc blende, n-type GaAs for donor densities between 1016 cm−3 and 1019 cm−3. Compared to other theories, this theory is unique in two respects: 1) the many-body effects are treated self-consistently and 2) the theory is valid at room temperature for arbitrary values of the ratio R = (Q2/α), where Q is the magnitude of the normalized wave vector and α is the normalized frequency used in the Raman measurements. These calculations solve the charge neutrality equation self-consistently for a two-band model of GaAs at 300 K that includes the effects of high carrier concentrations and dopant densities on the perturbed densities of states used to calculate the Fermi energy as a function of temperature. The results are then applied to obtain the carrier concentrations from Fermi energies in the context of line shapes in Raman spectra due to the coupling between longitudinal optical phonons and plasmons. Raman measurements have been proposed as a non-destructive method for wafer acceptance tests of carrier density in semiconductor epilayers. The interpretation of Raman spectra to determine the majority electron density in n-type semiconductors requires an interdisciplinary effort involving experiments, theory, and computer-based simulations and visualizations of the theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

MBE-grown (Ga,Cr)As has interesting electric and magnetic properties. Ga1–x Cr x As with x = 0.1 exhibits short-range ferromagnetic behavior at low temperatures. This is manifest in several anomalous properties: magnetization does not scale with B/T; fitting M(B) requires a model of distributed magnetic cluster or polarons; and inverse susceptibility is nonliner in T (non-Curie–Weiss) at low fields. At room temperature, the conductivity is activated and Hall measurements yield a hole concentration of 1020 cm–3, indicating that chromium acts as an acceptor similar to Mn in GaAs. For decreasing temperature, the conductivity decreases by eight orders of magnitude and follows exp(1/T 1/2).  相似文献   

红外/雷达兼容隐身材料的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马成勇  程海峰  唐耿平  谢炜 《材料导报》2007,21(1):126-128,132
阐述了实现红外与雷达隐身兼容的技术途径,综述了导电高聚物、纳米材料、掺杂氧化物半导体和复合型多波段隐身材料等红外/雷达兼容隐身材料的隐身原理和研究现状,并指出了红外/雷达兼容隐身材料的发展趋势.  相似文献   

源气体流量比对F-DLC薄膜结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以高纯石墨作靶,CHF3/Ar作源气体采用反应磁控溅射法制备出了氟化类金刚石(F-DLC)薄膜。拉曼光谱表明,CHF3相对流量的增加会引起薄膜的D峰与G峰强度之比I(D)/I(G)减小,晶粒增大,芳香环结构出例下降。红外吸收光谱分析证实了这些推论,指出这是由于薄膜中氟含量上升的结果。  相似文献   

Gallium arsenide (GaAs) provides a suitable bandgap (1.43 eV) for solar spectrum absorption and allows a larger photovoltage compared to silicon, suggesting great potential as a photoanode toward water splitting. Photocorrosion under water oxidation condition, however, leads to decomposition or the formation of an insulating oxide layer, which limits the photoelectrochemical performance and stability of GaAs. In this work, a self‐limiting electrodeposition method of Ni on GaAs is reported to either generate ultra‐thin continuous film or nanoislands with high particle density by controlling deposition time. The self‐limiting growth mechanism is validated by potential transients, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy composition and depth profile measurements. This deposition method exhibits a rapid nucleation, forms an initial metallic layer followed by a hydroxide/oxyhydroxide nanofilm on the GaAs surface and is independent of layer thickness versus deposition time when coalescence is reached. A photocurrent up to 8.9 mA cm?2 with a photovoltage of 0.11 V is obtained for continuous ultrathin films, while a photocurrent density of 9.2 mA cm?2 with a photovoltage of 0.50 V is reached for the discontinuous nanoislands layers in an aqueous solution containing the reversible redox couple K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic ellipsometry from 0.73 to 4.75 eV was used to study the optical properties of epitaxial GaAs0.9-xNxSb0.1 layers with x = 0.00, 0.65, 1.06, 1.45 and 1.90%. The ellipsometric experimental spectra were fitted using a multilayer model employing the model dielectric function to describe the GaAs0.9-xNxSb0.1 optical response. We have identified the Γ-point E0, E+, and E# transitions of GaAs0.9-xNxSb0.1 and have determined the effect of nitrogen on the respective transition energies. We have demonstrated that a lower N content can provide an equal E+-E0 energy splitting for GaAs0.9-xNxSb0.1 with respect to GaAs1-xNx.  相似文献   

纳米氧化铝的晶型及粒度对其红外光谱的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李莉娟  孙凤久  楼丹花  王闯 《功能材料》2007,38(3):479-481,484
利用硫酸铝铵热解法,通过控制焙烧温度,制备了不同晶型和粒度的纳米Al2O3.XRD物相分析表明,焙烧至900℃可得到纯γ-Al2O3,1200℃发生相转变,生成α-Al2O3.用Scherrer公式计算得到了各样品的晶粒度.对所制备的纳米Al2O3的红外光谱进行了详细研究.结果表明,不同晶型的纳米Al2O3具有不同的红外光谱特征,因此,红外光谱可以作为一种定性判断Al2O3是否发生了相转变的辅助手段.实验中发现所制备的纳米Al2O3的红外光谱存在吸收峰的蓝移和宽化,对出现此现象的原因进行了分析讨论.最后,对纳米金属氧化物材料出现谱移现象的原因进行了归纳总结.  相似文献   

New NASICON type materials of composition, Li3−2x Al2−x Sb x (PO4)3 (x = 0·6 to 1·4), have been prepared and characterized by powder XRD and IR. D.C. conductivities were measured in the temperature range 300–573 K by a two-probe method. Impedance studies were carried out in the frequency region 102−106 Hz as a function of temperature (300–573 K). An Arrhenius behaviour is observed for all compositions by d.c. conductivity and the Cole-Cole plots obtained from impedance data do not show any spikes on the lower frequency side indicating negligible electrode effects. A maximum conductivity of 4·5 × 10−6 S cm−1 at 573 K was obtained for x = 0·8 of the Li3−2x Al2−x Sb x (PO4)3 system.  相似文献   

TeO2-ZnCl2-BaO-NaF玻璃系统的结构及中红外透过特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
制备了一种新型的氧卤碲酸盐玻璃:(80-x)TeO2—15ZnCl2-xBaO-5NaF(x=30、20、10、0mol%),对玻璃的机械强度、热稳定性、拉曼光谱、紫外吸收光谱、红外透过光谱等特性进行了研究.通过拉曼光谱分析研究了玻璃组分含量的变化对玻璃结构和红外透过性能的影响.结果表明,随着BaO含量的增加,玻璃在红外波段透过率显著增加,并且红外透过截止波长向长波方向移动,本文对这一实验结果进行了机理性的研究探讨.同时,通过在熔制过程中通入高纯O2,以及引入适量的卤化物有效地除去玻璃中的[OH]基团,使玻璃的红外透过性能得到进一步的提高.这种新型的氧卤碲酸盐玻璃在中红外区域有较高的透过(≥80%),中红外波段透过截止波长达6.5μm,是一种红外透过性能优良的光学玻璃材料.  相似文献   


量子点(QDs)材料由于其出色单色性,发光可调等优点,在电致器件方面得到了快速的发展。文章研究通过物理方法在QDs核生长的过程中用溶剂稀释单体的浓度,减少QDs核的生长时间,从而可在不改变化学成分比例的基础上改变QDs的发光波长。进一步通过包覆ZnSe与ZnSeS壳层对发光波长进行调制,最终得到光致波长在540 nm的绿色QDs。通过对比实验以及LaMer模型解释了发生变色的原理。仅在核的生长阶段进行干涉才能控制QDs的发光峰位。同时发现提高QDs外壳的包覆温度对QDs的缺陷的减少有积极作用。随后将得到的QDs用于制备量子点电致发光器件,在8 V电压下得到了348993 Cd/m2的亮度,以及32 Cd/A的电流效率。另外,该方法可以为其它类型的由热注入法制备的纳米材料制备提供新的思路。


汪莲  王佐才  耿栋  任伟新 《工程力学》2017,34(1):130-138
为了实现基于应变测量的连续梁动挠度识别,提出了一种基于应变模态的梁结构动挠度监测方法。利用应变传感器进行应变测试获得梁的动应变数据,由动应变数据的互相关函数求出应变模态振型,利用应变-位移转换关系求出位移模态振型,再由动应变数据和应变模态振型计算出位移模态坐标,最后根据计算出的位移模态坐标叠加位移模态振型得到梁结构的实时挠曲线,从而实现对动挠度的监测。为了验证方法的有效性,对连续梁在脉冲激励及地震作用下的动挠度进行了数值模拟,并进行了简支梁力锤锤击实验。数值模拟及实验的结果表明,基于应变模态监测梁结构动挠度是可行的,且具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

Fullerene thin films have been deposited by thermal evaporation on glass substrates at room temperature. A comprehensive optical characterization was performed, including low-level optical absorption measured by photothermal deflection spectroscopy. The optical absorption spectrum reveals a direct bandgap of 2.3 eV and absorption bands at 2.8 and 3.6 eV, which are related to the creation of charge-transfer excitons. Various photodiodes on indium-tin-oxide coated glass substrates were also fabricated, using different metallic contacts in order to compare their respective electrical characteristics. The influence of a poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) buffer layer between the indium-tin-oxide electrode and the fullerene semiconductor is also demonstrated. These results are discussed in terms of the workfunction for each electrode. Finally, the behaviour of the external quantum efficiency is analyzed for the whole wavelength spectrum.  相似文献   

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