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干涉SAR在遥感测量中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:论述干涉SAR技术在遥感测量中的应用,方法:在回顾干涉SAR发展历史之后,详细地说明了干涉SAR的工作原理和信号处理技术,最后讨论了干涉SAR广泛的应用现状和前景,结果:干涉SAR技术可以广泛应用于DEM测量及地球测绘的多个方面,结论:这项技术将会得到更大的发展,中国应广泛开展干涉SAR技术的应用研究。  相似文献   

干涉条纹图估测基线的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据SAR干涉测量原理,提出了利用干涉相干条纹估测基线的方法,并以欧洲空间局资源卫星1号和2号携带的SAR系统在中国新疆伽师试验区获取的串接式(Tan-dem)干涉测量数据为数据源,对提出的方法进行了验证,结果表明,该方法能有效地估测基线,并弥补不能有效获取卫星轨道参数时,对基线进行估测的缺陷,该方法尤其适用于差分干涉测量的研究。  相似文献   

目的 论述干涉 SAR技术在遥感测量中的应用 .方法 在回顾干涉 SAR发展历史之后 ,详细地说明了干涉 SAR的工作原理和信号处理技术 ,最后讨论了干涉 SAR广泛的应用现状和前景 .结果 干涉SAR技术可以广泛应用于 DEM测量及地球测绘的多个方面 .结论 这项技术将会得到更大的发展 ,中国应广泛开展干涉 SAR技术的应用研究  相似文献   

于海滨 《硅谷》2011,(10):140-141
数字高程模型不仅作为一种基础数据,更作为一种应用方法,在地学领域发挥越来越重要的作用。内容包括:首先介绍DEM的含义,其次叙述DEM的数据的获取,然后又对数字高程模型表面建模进行说明,再次详细的描述DEM三维可视化方法和步骤,最后对DEM精度的主要影响因素及其质量控制进行概述。  相似文献   

在数字摄影测量中,航摄影像在空中三角测量后,在对影像进行正射纠正之前需要计算出地表面的数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Models DEM),利用计算机,根据相关算法,如何自动、快速、高效、高精度地计算出DEM是学者们研究的一个重要课题,本文对运用Coarse-to-Fine理论如何实现自动快速提取地面的数字高程模型进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   

基于数字相位载波调制(DPGC)原理,建立了激光干涉振动测量系统及其信号解调的软硬件处理平台,以24位数字信号采集卡配合64位PC处理器作为硬件电路的核心,实现了参考波形的发生与待测信号的实时采集,利用LabVIEW软件平台构建了DPGC算法,实现了振动信号的实时解调.实验结果表明,基于PC平台的DPGC信号解调方法,降低了传统的模拟PGC技术中模拟乘法器和微分器等硬件电路的漂移和噪声,提高了信号解调精度,改善了系统信噪比,实现了对频率范围10~200Hz低频振动信号的高精度测量,其分辨力达到0.14nm,动态范围达到120dB.  相似文献   

基于白光干涉的空间频域算法研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了精确定位白光干涉条纹的零光程差位置,采用空间频域算法通过傅里叶变换提取白光干涉信号中心波长的相位信息并结合包络中心算法去除相位模糊从而实现零光程定位.实例测量了具有相位突变的计算全息元件的表面轮廓,其平均刻蚀深度为1.63 μm.测量表面形貌连续分布的微透镜阵列,0.32 mm×0.32 mm视场内表面PV为370...  相似文献   

本文阐述一种用超声波干涉原理精确测量超声波速度的方法,用阿贝测长仪测量波长;用数字频率计测量超声波频率。对40kHz超声波速度测量总不确定度为0.1m·s-1。  相似文献   

精细化DEM是国情普查中地形地貌统计分析的基础。  相似文献   

测量薄膜折射率的光栅衍射干涉方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据光的干涉理论,讨论了条纹周期数对测量薄膜折射率不确定性的影响,推导出干涉条纹错位量与薄膜折射率和厚度的关系式。由此提出采用光栅衍射干涉测量薄膜折射率的方法和实验方案。实验表明:该方法的干涉条纹测量精度达λ/10~λ/20,薄膜折射率测量精度可达 0.01 以上。  相似文献   

为减少网络地理信息系统(GIS)海量数字高程模型(DEM)数据的存储与传输数据量,提出了一种基于嵌入式小波编码的DEM快速无损压缩算法--FEC算法,此算法编解码快速,压缩位流具有分辨率嵌入、感兴趣区域嵌入和质量嵌入特点.对2/6可逆整数小波变换系数的每级分辨率数据按照区域划分分区,利用时空邻居关系挖掘每个分区子带的数据冗余,对其系数的每一个位面在一次扫描中完成三个子编码过程的系数建模重组与自适应二进制游程Golomb_Rice熵编码.实验数据表明,FFC算法与JPEG2000算法相比,编码、解码时间分别减少了36.04%和44.49%,而压缩比仅仅降低了8.05%;与SPIHT算法相比,编码、解码时间分别减少了32.28%和37.49%,而压缩比仅仅降低了4.58%;与GZIP算法相比,压缩比提高了79.63%;与n点最优预测算法相比,压缩比提高了9.23%.FEC算法在保持良好的压缩性能的同时,大幅度减少了编解码时间.  相似文献   

Conventional synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) has been successfully used to precisely measure surface deformation in the line-of-sight (LOS) direction, while multiple-aperture SAR interferometry (MAI) has provided precise surface deformation in the along-track (AT) direction. Integration of the InSAR and MAI methods enables precise measurement of the two-dimensional (2D) deformation from an interferometric pair; recently, the integration of ascending and descending pairs has allowed the observation of precise three-dimensional (3D) deformation. Precise 3D deformation measurement has been applied to better understand geological events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The surface deformation related to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake was large and complex near the fault line; hence, precise 3D deformation retrieval had not yet been attempted. The objectives of this study were to ① perform a feasibility test of precise 3D deformation retrieval in large and complex deformation areas through the integration of offset-based unwrapped and improved multiple-aperture SAR interferograms and ② observe the 3D deformation field related to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, even near the fault lines. Two ascending pairs and one descending the Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2) Phased Array-type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-2 (PALSAR-2) pair were used for the 3D deformation retrieval. Eleven in situ Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements were used to validate the 3D deformation measurement accuracy. The achieved accuracy was approximately 2.96, 3.75, and 2.86 cm in the east, north, and up directions, respectively. The results show the feasibility of precise 3D deformation measured through the integration of the improved methods, even in a case of large and complex deformation.  相似文献   

基于分布式卫星INSAR(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar)系统的特点,建立了分布式卫星INSAR系统中天线指向误差和由此引起的天线波束偏离的确定关系,分析了天线波束偏离引起的接收信号信噪比、多普勒中心以及方位模糊比的变化和由此产生的测高误差。根据分析结果和系统设计中的误差分配可以提出对天线指向误差的限制。  相似文献   

Pitman shorthand language (PSL) is a widely practised medium for transcribing/recording speech to text (StT) in English. This recording medium continues to exist in spite of considerable development in speech processing systems (SPS), because of its ability to record spoken/dictated text at high speeds of more than 120 words per minute. Hence, scope exists for exploiting this potential of PSL in present SPS. In this paper, an approach for feature extraction using Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and classification using hidden Markov models (HMM) for generating strokes comprising consonants and vowels (CV) in the process of production of Pitman shorthand language from spoken English is proposed. The proposed method is tested on a large number of samples, drawn from different speakers and the results are encouraging. The work is useful in total automation of PSL processing.  相似文献   

扫描测量功能是三坐标测量机一项重要功能,扫描测量方法效率高,可以反映出零件表面自由形状的细部特征,因此,该方法多用于具有复杂型面零件的测量和逆向工程。由于不同型号三坐标测量机的扫描数据格式都不相同,如何识别不同的扫描数据格式,并将其转换为CAD曲线或曲面,以便进一步进行数据分析或建立三维模型,是亟待解决的问题。针对此问题自主开发的CAD接口,可自动识别三种以上数据文件格式,且效率很高。  相似文献   

杨媛媛  季铁  张朵朵 《包装工程》2020,41(4):312-317
目的通过分析文化遗产在严肃游戏中应用的目的、玩法以及范围,探讨在面向未来的文化遗产教育中,严肃游戏可能发挥的潜力和方向。方法利用严肃游戏的G/P/S分类模型,进行国内外相关文献和案例的梳理,结合案例分析对文化遗产在严肃游戏中的应用现状、难点和趋势进行概述。结论文化遗产在严肃游戏中的设计与应用可以分为4个方向:文化展示和传播、文化意识和行为的改变、传统技艺的辅助性获取以及社会文化情景的构建。其游戏玩法和应用范围呈现出多样化、复杂化和跨界拓展的趋势。其中,将文化传承与其它教育目标相结合,在设计游戏时考虑学习者社会文化情景的构建是通过游戏学习文化遗产的一个新趋势。  相似文献   

目的 探究数字图像相关方法(Digital Image Correlation, DIC)对大变形测量问题的研究现状,为相关领域展开深入研究提供参考。方法 通过对增量相关、初值估计和形函数等方面的改进梳理,总结研究人员关于DIC方法在大变形测量问题的研究进展。结果 现有的DIC方法研究大变形测量问题,主要通过增量方法以及结合特征检测的初值估计方法,极大地消除了去相关效应,同时对形函数的选择和结合深度学习等技术也增强了DIC方法对复杂变形的适用性。结论 尽管面向大变形测量的DIC方法面临着诸多挑战,但DIC方法仍然是极具潜力的大变形测量技术之一,DIC方法在大变形测量中将发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

TOPSIS法在电信企业客户关系评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尝试将多目标决策中的逼近理想解法(TOPSIS法)应用到电信企业客户关系评价的问题。在建立电信企业客户关系评价模型基础上,利用TOPSIS法对电信企业的各地分公司或不同年度的客户关系管理绩效进行综合评价,从而选出最佳分公司和最佳服务年度,作为电信企业客户关系管理改进的依据。  相似文献   

The present article considers models of four-lined gyrostabilized platforms (GSP) and alternative positions of the measuring elements that make it possible to create inertial reference systems on gyrostabilized platforms and construct relationships between the coordinate systems of the platform. The models also make it possible to calculate the angular relocation of a rocket in inertial space with the use of readings of the turning angle sensors of the GSP gimbals. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 12, pp. 21–25, December, 2007.  相似文献   

Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and Generalized Estimates System (GES) data are most commonly used datasets to examine motor vehicle occupant injury severity in the United States (US). The FARS dataset focuses exclusively on fatal crashes, but provides detailed information on the continuum of fatality (a spectrum ranging from a death occurring within thirty days of the crash up to instantaneous death). While such data is beneficial for understanding fatal crashes, it inherently excludes crashes without fatalities. Hence, the exogenous factors identified as critical in contributing (or reducing) to fatality in the FARS data might possibly offer different effects on non-fatal crash severity levels when a truly random sample of crashes is considered. The GES data fills this gap by compiling data on a sample of roadway crashes involving all possible severity consequences providing a more representative sample of traffic crashes in the US. FARS data provides a continuous timeline of the fatal occurrences from the time to crash – as opposed to considering all fatalities to be the same. This allows an analysis of the survival time of victims before their death. The GES, on the other hand, does not offer such detailed information except identifying who died in the crash. The challenge in obtaining representative estimates for the crash population is the lack of readily available “appropriate” data that contains information available in both GES and FARS datasets. One way to address this issue is to replace the fatal crashes in the GES data with fatal crashes from FARS data thus augmenting the GES data sample with a very refined categorization of fatal crashes. The sample thus formed, if statistically valid, will provide us with a reasonable representation of the crash population.This paper focuses on developing a framework for pooling of data from FARS and GES data. The validation of the pooled sample against the original GES sample (unpooled sample) is carried out through two methods: (1) univariate sample comparison and (2) econometric model parameter estimate comparison. The validation exercise indicates that parameter estimates obtained using the pooled data model closely resemble the parameter estimates obtained using the unpooled data. After we confirm that the differences in model estimates obtained using the pooled and unpooled data are within an acceptable margin, we also simultaneously examine the whole spectrum of injury severity on an eleven point ordinal severity scale – no injury, minor injury, severe injury, incapacitating injury, and 7 refined categories of fatalities ranging from fatality after 30 days to instant death – using a nationally representative pooled dataset. The model estimates are augmented by conducting elasticity analysis to illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

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