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The output feedback model predictive control (MPC), for a linear parameter varying (LPV) process system including unmeasurable model parameters and disturbance (all lying in known polytopes), is considered. Some previously developed tools, including the norm-bounding technique for relaxing the disturbance-related constraint handling, the dynamic output feedback law, the notion of quadratic boundedness for specifying the closed-loop stability, and the el ipsoidal state estimation error bound for guaranteeing the recursive feasibility, are merged in the control design. Some previous approaches are shown to be the special cases. An example of continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

The key of production planning of refineries is to determine the production planning of units and blending schemes of blends in each period of the plan horizon, since they affect the effective utilization of components of refineries and hence profits. The optimization is difficult, because of many complicated product production–consumption relation-ships in production processes, which are closely related to the running modes of the units. Additional y, the blending products, such as gasoline and diesel, may use multiple blending schemes for their production that increase the complexity of the problem. This paper models the production planning problem as a mixed integer nonlinear programming. Computational experiments for a refinery show the effectiveness of the model. The optimal results give the effective utilization of the self-produced components and increase of the profit.  相似文献   

A dual-scale turbulence model is applied to simulate cocurrent upward gas–liquid bubbly flows and validated with available experimental data. In the model, liquid phase turbulence is split into shear-induced and bubble-induced turbulence. Single-phase standard k-εmodel is used to compute shear-induced turbulence and another transport equation is added to model bubble-induced turbulence. In the latter transport equation, energy loss due to interface drag is the production term, and the characteristic length of bubble-induced turbulence, simply the bubble diameter in this work, is introduced to model the dissipation term. The simulated results agree well with experimental data of the test cases and it is demonstrated that the proposed dual-scale turbulence model outperforms other models. Analysis of the predicted turbulence shows that the main part of turbulent kinetic en-ergy is the bubble-induced one while the shear-induced turbulent viscosity predominates within turbulent vis-cosity, especially at the pipe center. The underlying reason is the apparently different scales for the two kinds of turbulence production mechanisms:the shear-induced turbulence is on the scale of the whole pipe while the bubble-induced turbulence is on the scale of bubble diameter. Therefore, the model reflects the multi-scale phe-nomenon involved in gas–liquid bubbly flows.  相似文献   

In order to take full advantage of regeneration process to reduce fresh water consumption and avoid the accumu-lation of trace contaminants, regeneration reuse and regeneration recycle should be distinctive. A stepwise opti-mal design for water network is developed to simplify solution procedures for the formulated MINLP problem. In this paper, a feasible water reuse network framework is generated. Some heuristic rules from water reuse net-work are used to guide the placement of regeneration process. Then the outlet stream of regeneration process is considered as new water source. Regeneration reuse network structure is obtained through an iterative optimal procedure by taking the insights from reuse water network structure. Furthermore, regeneration recycle is only utilized to eliminate fresh water usage for processes in which regeneration reuse is impossible. Compared with the results obtained by relevant researches for the same example, the present method not only provides an appro-priate regeneration reuse water network with minimum fresh water and regenerated water flow rate but also sug-gests a water network involving regeneration recycle with minimum recycle water flow rate. The design can utilize reuse, regeneration reuse and regeneration recycle step by step with minor water network structure change to achieve better flexibility. It can satisfy different demands for new plants and modernization of existing plants. ? 2016 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press. Al rights reserved.  相似文献   

Integrating multiple systems into one has become an important trend in Process Systems Engineering research field since there is strong demand from the modern industries. In this study, a stage-wise superstructure-based method is proposed to synthesize a combined mass and heat exchange network (CM&HEN) which has two parts as the mass exchange network (MEN) and heat exchange network (HEN) involved. To express the pos-sible heat exchange requirements resulted from mass exchange operations, a so cal ed“indistinct HEN super-structure (IHS)”, which can contain the all potential matches between streams, is constructed at first. Then, a non-linear programming (NLP) mathematical model is established for the simultaneous synthesis and optimiza-tion of networks. Therein, the interaction between mass exchange and heat exchange is modeling formulated. The NLP model has later been examined using an example from literature, and the effectiveness of the proposed method has been demonstrated with the results.  相似文献   

The fluid dynamic behavior of feeding gas (TiCl4) in an annular channel affects the combination of O2 and TiCl4 in an oxidation reactor, a key piece of equipment in titanium pigment production. The numerical procedure was validated by a 3-dimensional gas flow in the annular channel. Applying the validated model, the flow character-istics of TiCl4 in the oxidation reactor with a tangential inlet were simulated and characterized. The flow distribu-tion with five rectifying rings of different structure was simulated and analyzed. The results showed that the rectifying ring improved the distribution uniformity of the pressure and outlet velocity. Compared to the original case without a rectifying ring, the non-uniformity of the pressure and outlet velocity could be reduced by up to 91%and 69%respectively. The rectifying ring #5, which can be instal ed and adjusted easily, is more effective in realizing even distribution. In addition, instal ation of the rectifying ring effectively reduced the circulating flow in an annular channel as well as the total energy loss.  相似文献   

A kinetic model was proposed to predict the seawater fouling process in the seawater heat exchangers.The new model adopted an expression combining depositional and removal behaviors for seawater fouling based on the Kern–Seaton model.The present model parameters include the integrated kinetic rate of deposition(k d)and the integrated kinetic rate of removal(k r),which have clear physical signi ficance.A seawater-fouling monitoring device was established to validate the model.The experimental data were well fitted to the model,and the parameters were obtained in different conditions.SEM and EDX analyses were performed after the experiments,and the results show that the main components of seawater fouling are magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide.The effects of surface temperature,flow velocity and surface free energy were assessed by the model and the experimental data.The results indicate that the seawater fouling becomes aggravated as the surface temperature increased in a certain range,and the seawater fouling resistance reduced as the flow velocity of seawater increased.Furthermore,the effect of the surface free energy of metals was analyzed,showing that the lower surface free energy mitigates the seawater fouling accumulation.  相似文献   

Simulations of adsorption process using the Reynolds mass flux model described in Part I of these serial articles are presented. The object of the simulation is the methylene chloride adsorption in a packed column (0.041 m id, packed with spherical activated carbon up to a length of 0.2 m). With the Reynolds mass flux model, breakthrough/regeneration curves, concentration and temperature as well as the velocity distributions can be obtained. The simulated results are compared with the experimental data reported in the literature and satisfactory agreement is found both in breakthrough/regeneration curves and temperature curves. Moreover, the anisotropic turbulent mass diffusion is characterized and discussed.  相似文献   

A simple and fast plasma reduction method is developed for synthesis of Au and Pd metal nanoparticles. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis indicates a formation of aggregates of Au and Pd nanoparticles with branched structure. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image shows that the inclusive nanopar-ticles are al about 5 nm in size. Compared to conventional hydrogen reduction method, plasma method inhibits the agglomeration of metal particles. The room temperature operation is very helpful to limit the nanoparticle size. Most interestingly, plasma reduction produces more flattened metal particles. This plasma reduction does not require the use of any hazardous reducing chemicals, showing the great potential for the fabrication of noble metal nanoparticles.  相似文献   

刘雨廷  何榕 《化工学报》2016,67(1):339-348
为了深入研究煤焦燃烧的机理并提高对煤焦燃烧过程的预测精度,建立了一个综合的煤焦燃烧模型。该模型考虑了煤焦颗粒孔隙内二次反应与扩散的耦合作用、煤焦燃烧反应阶数的变化和反应过程中CO/CO2比例等问题。使用热天平(TGA)对11种煤焦的燃烧特性进行分析,测得各种煤焦的表观活化能与指前因子,以确定模型中的待定参数。在沉降炉(DTF)中对这11种煤焦做燃烧实验,用TGA基于灰分守恒测得DTF炉管出口处的煤焦样品的转化率。运用建立的模型模拟这些煤焦的燃烧过程,预测的转化率与实验结果有较好的吻合度,相比传统的本征动力学模型,该模型预测的精度有了较大提高,证明了该模型能适用于从褐煤到无烟煤的较广煤焦范围。研究还发现,煤焦燃烧的表观反应阶数在燃烧过程中不断减小并最终趋于稳定。  相似文献   

In circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) boilers, some residual char is left in the ash when the ash is drained into the rotary ash cooler (RAC). The residue char will combust in the RAC given oxygen is present. It is important to understand and predict the influence of residual char combustion on the heat transfer process in the RAC in order to avoid slagging and fouling inside the RAC. In this paper, an improved heat transfer model of the RAC was developed in which the residual char combustion process was considered. Based on the analysis, the shrinking sphere model was selected to describe the residual char combustion. The improved model was validated by the final ash temperature and cooling water temperature data measured from a few RACs equipped with the coal fired CFB boilers with different steam output. The predictions of the improved model agree well with the field measurement data, within an error range of ± 10%. The simulation results also show that the heat released from residual char combustion counts for about 60-80% of the total heat released by ash in the inlet section of the RAC, and the influence of residual char combustion decreases rapidly along the ash flow. The final ash temperature increases accordingly with the increase of inlet carbon content, and decreases with the increases of residual char size. As particle size is larger than 3 mm, the final ash temperature changes little at a given carbon content due to a low mass burning rate. It is suggested that combustion of residual char should be considered when the inlet carbon content is over 2.5%; otherwise, the combustion of residual char in the RAC could be neglected.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and formulation of a novel char combustion kinetic model for pulverised coal. The chemical reaction rate was considered as a function of coal intrinsic reactivity and fuel mass for a global reaction order n. The equation for char combustion reaction rate was devised by dimensional analysis using the Rayleigh method. It shows the dependency of chemical reactivity on coal parameters, such as maceral and mineral composition; char parameters, such as specify surface area and apparent density; devolatilisation time; temperature; and activation energy. The char combustion reaction rate equation developed, unlike most models, is dimensionally homogenous and is expressed by three dimensionless numbers which have physical chemical meaning. The model also exhibit similarities with transport phenomena models described by dimensionless numbers.  相似文献   

Yongbin Cui  John F. Stubington 《Fuel》2001,80(15):2235-2243
Char combustion parameters that significantly affect the in-bed combustion of char in PFBC were determined experimentally using a batch-fed PFBC. The ratio of carbon to oxygen consumed on the surface of a burning char particle was determined and it was concluded that CO was the only product of char combustion in PFBC.

Model simulations revealed that, for PFBC, mass transfer controlled the combustion of large char particles ≥2 mm, whereas the combustion of small char particles below 0.9–2 mm was controlled by both mass transfer and chemical kinetics.

System pressure influenced the char combustion via the interaction between chemical kinetics and the mass transfer of oxygen to the char. Char particle temperature varied markedly with oxygen partial pressure in the particulate phase, indicating a distribution of char particle combustion rates in PFBC. In modelling char combustion in PFBC, the temperature of char particles in the bed should be calculated at different locations based on a heat balance around the burning char particle taking into account the local bed oxygen concentration.  相似文献   

Zongbin Zhao  Wen Li  Jieshan Qiu  Baoqing Li 《Fuel》2002,81(18):2343-2348
The catalytic reduction of NO over coal-derived chars and the catalytic effect of Na–Fe on NO emission during char combustion were investigated in a quartz fixed bed reactor. The catalytic characteristics of Na and Fe in the NO–char reaction were studied and compared in detail. The results show that the catalytic activity of Na depends greatly on its loading amount, while the activity of Fe is more sensitive to temperature. Na–Fe composite catalysts were also prepared with chars as support. Synergistic effect was found both in the reduction of NO and the char combustion. The Na–Fe composite catalysts exhibit significantly higher catalytic activity than the mono-metallic catalysts with the same metal loading amount. It is intriguing to note that the effectiveness of the catalysts on reducing NO emission during char combustion is in the same order as that in the NO–char reaction, i.e. the chars with catalysts not only have high activity in NO–char reaction but also emit less NO during their combustion.  相似文献   

Piotr Pe?ka 《Fuel》2011,90(3):932-940
The inspiration for this research was an attempt at the numerical simulation of the process of mass loss of char particles during its combustion in the upper zone of a CFB boiler furnace. In the first part of the research an experiment was carried out, during which singular char particles were burned in a flow of heated sand. During the course of this test manually polished spherical particles chosen from arbitrary real coal particles were used whose diameter amounted to 10 mm. The mass loss of burning particles was recorded with a tensometric branch scale. The measuring equipment applied enabled the observation of the mass loss both as a result of combustion and erosion resulting from the contact of inert material accelerated particles with the upper surface of the motionless particle being tested. The results of the experiment were compared with the results of numerical simulation, where for the first time the mass loss of a coal particle was presented as the superposition of two separate processes i.e. combustion and surface erosion. The values obtained indicated a good level of conformity which may illustrate the possibility of applying this model in real conditions.  相似文献   

A non-steady boundary layer model is developed for numerical simulation of combustion and gasification of a single shrinking char particle. The model considers mass and energy conservation coupled with heterogeneous char reactions producing CO and homogeneous oxidation of CO to CO2 in the boundary layer surrounding the char particle. Mass conservation includes accumulation, molecular diffusion, Stefan flow and generation by chemical reaction. Energy conservation includes radiation transfer at the particle surface and heat accumulation within the particle. Simulation results predict experimentally measured conversion and temperature profiles of a burning Spherocarb particle in a laminar flow reactor. Effects of bulk oxygen concentration and particle size on the combustion process are addressed. Predicted particle temperature is significantly affected by boundary layer combustion of CO to CO2. With increasing particle size, char gasification to char combustion ratio increases, resulting in decreasing particle temperature and increasing peak boundary layer temperature.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a transient three-phase numerical model for the simulation of multiphase flow, heat and mass transfer and combustion in a bubbling fluidized bed of inert sand. The gas phase is treated as a continuum and solved using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach; the solid particles are treated as two discrete phases with different reactivity characteristics and solved on the individual particle scale using an extended discrete element model (DEM). A new char combustion submodel considering sand inhibitory effects is also developed to describe char particle combustion behavior in the fluidized bed. Two conditions, i.e. a single larger graphite particle and a batch of smaller graphite particles, are used to test the prediction capability of the model. The model is validated by comparing the predicted results with the previous measured results and conclusions in the literature in terms of bed hydrodynamics, individual particle temperature, char residence time and concentrations of the products. The effects of bed temperature, oxygen concentration and superficial velocity on char combustion behavior are also examined through model simulation. The results indicate that the proposed model provides a proximal approach to elucidate multiphase flow and combustion mechanisms in fluidized bed combustors.  相似文献   

An algebraic unified second-order moment (AUSM) turbulence-chemistry model of char combustion is introduced in this paper, to calculate the effect of particle temperature fluctuation on char combustion. The AUSM model is used to simulate gas-particle flows, in coal combustion in a pulverized coal combustor, together with a full two-fluid model for reacting gas-particle flows and coal combustion, including the sub-models as the k-ε-kp two-phase turbulence model, the EBU-Arrhenius volatile and CO combustion model, and the six-flux radiation model. A new method for calculating particle mass flow rate is also used in this model to correct particle outflow rate and mass flow rate for inside sections, which can obey the principle of mass conservation for the particle phase and can also speed up the iterating convergence of the computation procedure effectively. The simulation results indicate that, the AUSM char combustion model is more preferable to the old char combustion model, since the later totally eliminate the influence of particle temperature fluctuation on char combustion rate.  相似文献   

Biodiesel used as fuel for internal combustion engines must meet the European quality standard for biodiesel, which requires a thorough inspection at the time of collection, storage and use. There is a large amount of biodiesel in Spain today which does not meet the required specifications for use in internal combustion engines and which might otherwise be used for thermal purposes in installations. This article offers a study of the use of biodiesel in a conventional combustion facility.This work presents the experimental results of biodiesel combustion with diesel for heating. The work is divided into two sections. The first deals with the characteristics of biodiesel as a heating fuel; the characteristics of heating fuel; the characteristics of the mixtures of biodiesel and heating fuel, thus enabling an estimation of the theoretical combustion results.The second part deals with the combustion of the mixtures. For this, we establish a series of parameters to be controlled in the combustion depending on the chosen burner. We present the tests, describe the experimental facilities where the tests were conducted and present the experimental results and analysis thereof.  相似文献   

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