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松花蛋在我国加工历史悠久,在国际市场上也已久负盛誉,但多数以鸡、鸭蛋为原料生产。而以鹌鹑蛋为原料生产,虽前人早有报道,但目前市场上产品很少见。我们认为在相关技术上仍存有一定问题,技术改进势在必行。 本文在前人研究的基础上,针对目前鹌鹑饲养业突飞猛进的发展形势,急待解决鹌鹑蛋的贮藏和销售问题。采用以锌代铅,料液浸泡,生产三无鹌鹑松花蛋,并着重对配料加以改进,解决了料液沉淀问题。对无茶叶、无锌盐生产松花蛋进行了对比试验。料液浸泡,清洁美观,品质尤佳,解决了鹌鹑蛋个体小、皮薄,用传统的包泥滚糠法操作困难,食用不便。鹌鹑蛋素有“动物人参”的美称,生产出的三无鹌鹑松花蛋,蛋白晶莹如玉,富有弹性,蛋黄五彩斑斓,溏心适中,营养丰富,香味浓郁,再加上斑驳松花的点缀,我们坚信,改进后的鹌鹑松花蛋,定会前景广阔,餐桌上倍受青睐的。 相似文献
本实验旨在确定以鹌鹑蛋为原料制作松花蛋时所需料液的碱度。采用不同碱度的料液进行试验,通过过程品质检验,得到的结果是碱度在6%-6.5%时能制作出品质优良的鹌鹑蛋松花蛋。 相似文献
主要以鹌鹑蛋为原料,研究了鹌鹑皮蛋的最佳加工工艺;在腌制过程中,对料液及鹌鹑蛋内容物中的氯化钠、氢氧化钠浓度的变化进行了测定;为降低成本,减少环境污染,对残料进行了二次利用。 相似文献
为缩短酱卤肉制品的酱制时间,改善产品质构,同时不影响产品的风味特征,对基于注射-滚揉工艺的酱卤肉制品风味料液的制备工艺进行优化。风味料液由卤制浓缩液和美拉德反应液按一定比例混合而成。以感官评分为响应值,对卤制浓缩液的浓缩程度、美拉德反应液的反应时间及两者混合比例进行优化。结果表明,最佳参数为卤制液浓缩程度为15%,美拉德反应液的反应时间为10 min,卤制浓缩液与美拉德反应液体积比为9∶2,在此条件下酱卤肉制品感官评分87. 23,感官评分与理论预测值相比误差为1. 34%。与传统酱制产品相比,使用风味料液的注射-滚揉工艺产品的质构评分及综合感官评分均有所提高,风味评分无差异。 相似文献
味精精制中和料液的除铁方法,有史以来一直沿用的是Na2S除铁法和极少企业使用的树脂除铁法,但Na2S无食品级规格,会带入产品中大量有害杂质,该法现已被国家取缔.而树脂除铁设备投资大、运行费用高.文章通过试验研究,发明了用一种食品级添加剂来替代Na2S除铁,取得了理想效果. 相似文献
A comparative analysis of egg yolk proteome of three major poultry species, namely, chicken, duck, and quail, was carried out with two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis patterns and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry. Proteins identified from these three poultry species shared high degrees of sequence and structure homology, which might be related to the bird’s adaptability under different environmental stresses. Few specific proteins were found in this study. Comparative 2D gel electrophoresis patterns of chicken, duck, and quail revealed that some protein-specific regions on gels could be used for authentic identification of poultry eggs. These findings could provide a fundamental understanding of different poultry egg protein profiles and showed us some new sights in egg yolk nutrients related to certain properties and functions. 相似文献
Fu‐Rong Wang Xiao‐Fang Dong Xiao‐Ming Zhang Jian‐Ming Tong Zhong‐Guo Xie Qi Zhang 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2010,90(15):2660-2663
BACKGROUND: Taurine is a semi‐essential amino acid and has many biological properties. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary supplementation with taurine on egg production, egg quality, and cholesterol level in serum and egg yolk of quails. A total of 108 quails aged 6 weeks were randomly allocated to three dietary treatments. Each treatment consisted of four replicates of nine quails. The diets were supplemented with 0, 100, and 500 mg kg?1 of taurine for 8 weeks. RESULTS: Dietary 500 mg kg?1 taurine significantly affected egg production rate and feed conversion ratio, but had no significant effects on body weight gain, feed consumption, or egg weight. Dietary taurine had no significant effect on egg quality parameters studied. Serum triglyceride concentration was reduced significantly with supplementation of taurine at 100 and 500 mg kg?1. Egg yolk cholesterol content was reduced significantly, and the contents of serum taurine and egg yolk taurine were increased significantly with taurine supplementation at 500 mg kg?1. CONCLUSION: Results of the present study indicated that adding 500 mg kg?1 taurine reduced yolk cholesterol concentration and increased yolk taurine content without adverse effects on performance and egg quality of laying quails. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
T. Lawrence Parkinson 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》1977,28(9):811-821
Storage of spray-dried whole egg and egg-milk mixture for about a year at 3–5°C resulted, in both cases, in a marked reduction in the proportion of insoluble proteins and an equally marked increase in the inert lipoprotein fraction of the soluble proteins; this fraction was clearly derived from the low density fraction of the yolk. Storage of frozen liquid egg for about a year in the frozen state resulted in the insoluble protein fraction of the thawed egg having more water bound in it than did the corresponding fraction of the freshly-frozen egg, but in neither case did the insoluble proteins have as much water bound with them as those of the reconstituted spray-dried samples. Spray-drying results in only a partial reduction in the contents of ovalbumin, ovomucoid and conalbumin, and addition of milk to the whole egg before spray-drying improves the stability of these proteins. They appear to be little changed by freezing and storing in the frozen state. There is evidence that ovalbumin is present in a more stable form in processed egg products than in new-laid raw egg. 相似文献
C.S. STOCKLEY L.H. SMITH P. GUERIN H. BRÜCKBAUER R.S. JOHNSTONE late K.G. TILLER T.H. LEE 《Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research》1997,3(3):1-8
In a previous survey of over one thousand individual vineyards (Gray et al. 1994), records of specified vineyard characteristics were compared during three years with assessments of potential value of the wines made at preliminary allocation to wine product ('Value Index' - 'VI'); significant relationships were infrequent and inconsistent. This paper reports the results from a more focused survey examining 148 cv. Shiraz vineyards in one year with an improved set of vineyard characteristics ('scoresheet'). Linear regression analyses showed small trends for lower 'VI' from vineyards with leafy, dense canopies, poor fruit exposure, lower anthocyanins, larger berries and higher yields. But the high variability of the data precludes reliance on these vineyard assessment methods, particularly as the assessments made at ripening were less successful than those made at harvest. 相似文献
《Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment》2013,30(9):1221-1225
A column-switching HPLC method for the determination of neotame in beverages, cakes and preserved fruits was developed. After pre-treatment using a Waters Oasis HLB cartridge, the sample solution was separated on two C18 columns using a column-switching technique with a six-port valve. UV detection was performed at 210 nm. The effects of eluent composition and eluate volume on the retention and elution of neotame on SPE cartridge were investigated. The method is simple, rapid, sensitive and has good reproducibility. RSD was lower than 5% (n = 5). The calibration curve of neotame was in the range 5–100 µg/ml with good linearity (r 2 = 0.999). Because neotame was concentrated 10 times from an original sample to a sample solution by solid-phase extraction (SPE), the limit of quantification (LOQ) of the method was 0.5 mg/kg. The recovery yields of neotame spiked in foods was >92% with a coefficient of variation <3.2%. The proposed column-switching HPLC method can be successfully used to determine neotame in routine inspection work. 相似文献
Application of ultrasound-assisted thermal processing for preservation and quality retention of liquid foods 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
A continuously working pilot plant-scale prototype was used to evaluate the effects of continuous-flow ultrasound-temperature treatment for bacterial decontamination of model suspensions and various liquid food systems such as milk, fruit, and vegetable juices. Escherichia coli K12 DH 5 alpha and Lactobacillus acidophilus were used as test microorganisms. In addition, treated juices were investigated for damage caused by heat or ultrasound-induced degradation of sensory and nutritional properties after treatment and storage. Changes in color and destruction of heat-labile and slightly oxidizable L-ascorbic acid content were monitored as an index to measure processing effects. Results were assessed with respect to the total energy requirement and compared with those using a conventional, indirect heating method having similar processing conditions. For the bacteriological process evaluation, the temperature- and time-dependent process lethality was used as the basis; for the quality- and energy-related investigations, the degree of bacterial inactivation was used. At identical degrees of bacterial inactivation, the ultrasound-assisted thermal treatments required a lower processing temperature than treatment with conventional thermal processing. However, according to energy balances, the total energy consumption was not reduced compared to conventional heating. Indications for a positive influence on shelf life, with improvements in surface color stability (lightness) and L-ascorbic acid retention, were found among quality parameters of treated orange juice. 相似文献
Objectives of the current study were to estimate genetic parameters in Holstein cows for energy balance (EB) and related traits including dry matter intake (DMI), body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), energy-corrected milk (ECM) production, and gross feed efficiency (GFE), defined as the ratio of total ECM yield to total DMI over the first 150d of lactation. Data were recorded for the first half of lactation on 227 and 175 cows in their first or later lactation, respectively. Random regression models were fitted to longitudinal data. Also, each trait was averaged over monthly intervals and analyzed by single and multivariate animal models. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.27 to 0.63, 0.12 to 0.62, 0.12 to 0.49, 0.63 to 0.72, and 0.49 to 0.53 for DMI, ECM yield, EB, BW, and BCS, respectively, averaged over monthly intervals. Daily heritability estimates ranged from 0.18 to 0.30, 0.10 to 0.26, 0.07 to 0.22, 0.43 to 0.67, and 0.25 to 0.38 for DMI, ECM yield, EB, BW, and BCS, respectively. Estimated heritability for GFE was 0.32. The genetic correlation of EB at 10d in milk (DIM) with EB at 150 DIM was -0.19, suggesting the genetic regulation of this trait differs by stage of lactation. Positive genetic correlations were found among DMI, ECM yield, and BW averaged over monthly intervals, whereas correlations of these traits with BCS depended upon stage of lactation. Total ECM yield for the lactation was positively correlated with DMI, but a negative genetic correlation between total ECM yield and EB was found. However, the genetic correlation between total ECM yield and EB in the first month of lactation was -0.02, indicating that total production is not genetically correlated with EB during the first month of lactation, when negative EB is most closely associated with diminished fitness. The genetic correlation between GFE and EB ranged from -0.73 to -0.99, indicating that selection for more efficient cows would favor a lower energy status. However, the genetic correlation between EB in the first month of lactation and GFE calculated from 75 to 150 DIM was not significant, indicating that the unfavorable correlation between GFE and EB in early lactation may be minimized with alternative definitions of efficiency. Thus, EB, GFE and related traits will likely respond to genetic selection in Holstein cows. However, the impact of selection for improved feed efficiency on EB must be carefully considered to avoid potential negative consequences of further reductions in EB at the onset of lactation. 相似文献