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Measurements of mass and diffusion fluxes for ternary distillation of the acetone-methanol-ethanol systems were made by a wetted-wall column under total reflux conditions for wide ranges of the liquid concentrations. Intermediate component methanol showed peculiar behavior of a finite mass flux near the zero-driving force region. This was explained as being due to the effect of the interfacial velocity caused by mass fluxes of the other components. The diffusion fluxes were shown to be proportional to concentration driving forces, whereas the mass fluxes were not. Discussions on the use of the number of transfer units for correlation of mass transfer data in ternary distillation were also made.  相似文献   

Airside performance for tube bank having N = 1 ~6 are reported in this study. Test results indicated that the heat transfer coefficients for N = 1 and N = 2 are comparable and the heat transfer coefficients increase with the number of tube row. For the same P t, P t the heat transfer coefficients for the tube bank containing smaller diameter tube are higher than those of larger tube diameter for N≥2 and is comparable for N = 1. Comparisons of the heat transfer performance were made with several correlations. It is found that the Gnielinski correlation gives the best predictive ability. For multiple-row heat exchangers, the predictive ability of the well-known ?ukauskas correlation is also good. But the correlation under-estimate the present I-row heat exchangers. As a consequence, a slight modification to the ?ukauskas correlation is proposed that can extend its applicability in N = 1 and ReD < 1000. In addition, modification to the frictional performance of ?ukauskas correlation is also made. The mean deviation of the proposed frictional correlation is 11.2%.  相似文献   

Average Him thickness and liquid-side mass transfer coefficient for the absorption of oxygen in wavy and turbulent power-law model falling liquid films are measured. Considerable reduction in (he film thickness with resulting increase in the mass transfer coefficient are obtained as compared to that predicted by the theoretical laminar flow equation assuming no slip at the wall.  相似文献   

波纹板规整填料塔液体分布   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
将填料单元处理成立体节点网,根据节点网内网线液流和节点液流各自的运动方式建立了填料单元的液体分布模型.通过将填料与塔壁间的液体交换规范成填料节点网与塔壁节点网间的液量传递建立了填料单元对应塔壁区的流体分布模型.提出了规整填料塔液体分布问题的边界条件.2个描述填料单元及其对应塔壁区液体分布的数学模型与2类边界条件共同构成了波纹板规整填料塔的液体分布模型.采用单纯形法对3个模型参数进行了估计.模型计算结果与实验数据一致,表明模型能合理地描述波纹板规整填料塔的液体分布性能.  相似文献   

The steady-state performance of a multi-stage bubble column bioreactor in which substrate limited microbial growth proceeds is investigated numerically. The back-flow model for representing longitudinal mixing of the liquid phase and the Monod kinetic equation for cell growth are employed here. The influence of the endogenous metabolism of cells is also taken into account. The concentration profiles of substrate and cells, the substrate conversion, the washout condition and the cell productivity are discussed. The effects of various model parameters, especially the back-flow ratio, on such reactor characteristics are presented as equations or figures. Optimal reactor conditions are determined.  相似文献   

孙树瑜  王树楹 《化工学报》1997,48(6):736-739
<正>填料塔以压降小、通量大、持液量小、分离效率高等优点广泛应用于精馏和吸收等单元操作中。填料塔中液体的流体力学行为对精馏等传质过程有重要影响,而液体在填料塔中的有效流速是液体流体力学行为的重要参数。例如描述填料塔中液相返混通常用一维或二维扩散模型,其中的有效流速就是重要的方程参数;要精确描述填料塔中相界面的传质行为,液相的真实流速也是关键性的参数。目前一般采用Bravo提出的公式来计算规整填料塔内液体的有效速度  相似文献   

The effect of column number on the Frazier scheme performances with total sum of column heights fixed has been investigated. The equations that may be employed to predict the optimal number of columns (generally not integers) for the maximum performance are derived. Accordingly, the proper number of columns, which are the integers nearest to and smaller than the optimal column numbers, are obtained for practical applications. Considerable improvement in performance is obtainable if the scheme is constructed with the proper number of thermal diffusion columns, instead of using a single column, with the same total sum of column heights.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, corrugated metal sheet structured packing has been widely used in chemical and petrochemical industry for their high throughput, low pressure drop, lower liquid holdup, good separation efficiency and, particularly, smaller scaleup effect in comparison with random packing.  相似文献   

描述多组份精馏塔要用众多的方程式,数字仿真是求得它的动态响应的有效方法,如果有J个组份,不是理论板,非恒分子流,在一块加料板上有气、液混合进料,并假设回流R及再沸器供热量Q_B恒定,在这样的条件下本文编排了仿真程序,仿真结果与文献[1]提供的数据一致,稍加更动后也可仿真其他情况。  相似文献   

Experiments are conducted for gas absorption in a long wetted-wall column. Liquid-side mass transfer coefficients are measured for absorption of CO2 and O2 into falling water films on the outside of a stainless steel pipe 2.72 cm OD and 183 cm absorption length. The liquid film Reynolds number ranges from 129 to 10500 which encompasses the wavy-laminar, wavy-transition and turbulent flow regimes. The experimental data are correlated by a dimensionless equation of the form kt = (ktD) (v2/g) 1/3 = a-Rep-Sc1/2. The correlation is well supported by a viscosity-damped turbulence model at the gas-liquid interface which tends to confirm that viscosity is probably the major mechanism causing eddy damping and not surface tension as proposed by Levich and Davies. The form of the above correlation also represents previous experimental work at different temperatures and for different gases quite well.  相似文献   

水平管束间气液两相流局部含气率分布的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在废热锅炉火管管束间的气液两相流中,局部含气率的分布直接影响管束间流场、温度场的均匀性以及火管壁温工况.使用单纤光纤探针对水平管束间含气率的分布进行测量.实验沿管周方向以5度的间隔布置测点,得出含气率随径向、角度、气量、液量等参数变化的分布规律.同时通过分析得到了平均截面含气率的计算式.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic properties of bubble columns play a significant role in many chemical and biochemical processes. Recent theoretical and experimental work conducted by Krishna et al. (1991, 1994), and Wilkinson et al. (1992) have been examined in conjunction with a bubble column and data for the air-water system operating at ambient conditions. The bubble column is 0.108 m in internal diameter, has a 1.70 m tall test section, and is equipped with a perforated plate distributor having 91 holes of 0.8 mm diameter. The data are taken for five values of the slumped water column height in range from 0.79 to 1.15 m, and for superficial air velocities up to about 0.4 m/s.

The data accord to the qualitative aspects of Krishna et al. model but lead to different values of the bubble swarm rise velocity, and superficial transition air velocity characterizing the transition from homogeneous bubbly flow regime to heterogeneous churn-turbulent flow regime. The quantitative reproduction by the model expressions of these recent works of the experimental data is poor. This may be partly attributed to the geometry of the column, diameter and distributor design.

The qualitative features of Krishna et al. model for the two regimes are confirmed by the present data. For quantitative predictions of gas-phase holdup, a new model is proposed in which the large bubble flow in the churn-turbulent regime is formulated following the drift-flux theory. The proposed theory and experimental data are in good agreement.  相似文献   

混杂纤维丝束冲击拉伸性能实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用自行研制的摆锤式冲击拉伸试验机对玻璃纤维、芳纶纤维、超高分子量聚乙烯纤维和PBO纤维丝束及其混杂丝束进行了冲击拉伸试验.得到混杂纤维丝束断裂吸能和断裂强度随纤维混杂比变化的规律.  相似文献   

Experiments are conducted for gas absorption in a long wetted-wall column. Liquid-side mass transfer coefficients are measured for absorption of CO2 and O2 into falling water films on the outside of a stainless steel pipe 2.72 cm OD and 183 cm absorption length. The liquid film Reynolds number ranges from 129 to 10500 which encompasses the wavy-laminar, wavy-transition and turbulent flow regimes. The experimental data are correlated by a dimensionless equation of the form kt = (ktD) (v2/g) 1/3 = a-Rep-Sc1/2. The correlation is well supported by a viscosity-damped turbulence model at the gas-liquid interface which tends to confirm that viscosity is probably the major mechanism causing eddy damping and not surface tension as proposed by Levich and Davies. The form of the above correlation also represents previous experimental work at different temperatures and for different gases quite well.  相似文献   

张克峰  杨爱学 《大氮肥》2005,28(4):241-243
简述山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司大氮肥装置中国产化空压机组的技术参数及结构特点,详细介绍安装的主体步骤以及施工要点.  相似文献   

通过对氟里昂R-113在水平管束管外地沸腾的实验研究,分析了管束沸腾的滞后现象及沸腾换热系数的管束效应.得出了管束沸腾换热系数的经验关系式,并讨论了关系式中系数和指数与换热机理的内在联系.  相似文献   

In this work, a dynamic model was developed to simulate the transient behaviour of a pilot scale, continuous, siagewise, 15 plate distillation column separating a mixture of ethanol, iso-propanol and isobutanol. The accuracy of the predictions was assessed by transient response data collected during experiments under step changes in reflux ratio, feed flow rate and feed composition.

Results demonstrated the feasibility of simulating multicomponent distillation under unsteady state conditions with fairly good success. Further improvements were suggested for a better accuracy  相似文献   

以木塑复合材料、无碱玻璃纤维织物以及不饱和聚酯树脂为原料,采用真空导入工艺制造复合材料-木塑组合柱。对该组合柱进行轴心受压试验,得到其失效模式、承载力以及纵向变形等力学行为。试验结果表明:复合材料-木塑组合柱在轴压荷载作用下,主要破坏模式为轴向受压破坏,且在复合材料面层出现横向裂纹;组合柱极限承载力随着截面尺寸的增加而显著提高,而且组合柱具有良好的延性。采用考虑组合效应的分析方法对该组合柱的轴压承载力进行预测,结果表明当组合系数取0.3时,理论计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

This paper presents the real-time application of the learning control theory to the control of a chemical pilot plant: a pulsed liquid-liquid extraction column.

The behaviour of an agitated liquid-liquid extraction column can be related to random mechanisms such as the phenomena of droplets breakage and coalescence. Previous studies on hydrodynamic and mass transfer aspects showed that a pulsed liquid-liquid extraction column had an optimal behaviour for operating conditions close to flooding. These results led to choose the following strategy to control the column in its optimal behaviour zone:

- the measure of the conductivity of the liquid medium below the distributor which gives a good information about flooding, is the controlled variable

-the pulse frequency is the control action.

The learning control algorithm is based on a multilevel system of automata which operates in a random environment. By means of an evaluation unit of the performances of the column which generates either penalty (inaction) or reward on the basis of heuristic rules, the automaton chooses a value of the pulse frequency. This approach is essentially connected to artificial intelligence in so far as human knowledge on the plant is included in these rules.

This algorithm has been implemented on a microcomputer for control purposes. The experimental results presented show the good performances of the approach.  相似文献   

活性炭单柱提取肌苷新技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
活性炭单柱提取肌苷新技术研究李永泉,张进,姚恕,郑莲英,俞峰(杭州大学生物系杭州310028)(浙江大学化工系杭州310027)关键词:肌苷,提取技术,活性炭单柱1前言目前,国内肌苷发酵后处理工艺落后,在分离提取工序中肌苷损失严重,收率一般只有50%...  相似文献   

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