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Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 20 infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 7 cases of infectious death and 5 cases of violent death were examined with respect to concentrations of interleukin-6 (IL-6). The measurements were performed by ELISA. IL-6 levels in SIDS were significantly lower than in infectious death (p < 0.02), but significantly higher than in violent death (p < 0.02). Since IL-6 plays an important role in immune responses and may induce fever, the findings may suggest that immune activation plays a role in SIDS. The presence of cytokines in the central nervous system (CNS) may cause respiratory depression, especially in vulnerable infants.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: At the beginning of 1994, five cases of sudden infant death syndrome after DTP immunization appeared in Spain. In order to study a causal relationship a meta-analysis of the different studies that assess this possibility has been conducted. METHODS: The selection criteria was epidemiological study, case-control or cohort, assessing risk of sudden infant death syndrome in immunized versus non-immunized infants or risk of sudden infant death syndrome in recently immunized infants versus immunized infants beyond 30 days. Pooled risk ratios were calculated from adjusted risk ratios, when available, of the different studies, by a meta-analysis according the method described by Greenland. RESULTS: One cohort and four case-control studies were selected. Pooled risk ratio for immunized versus non-immunized infants was 0.67 (95% CI = 0.60-0.75). When comparing risk of sudden death syndrome in up to 30 days immunized infants versus more than 30 days immunized infants, the pooled risk ratio was 1.00 (95% CI = 0.84-1.20). CONCLUSIONS: DTP-immunization does not seem to increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. The risk of sudden infant death syndrome is not greater in the first thirty days following immunization. These data indicate a lack of association between DTP immunization and sudden infant death syndrome.  相似文献   

AIMS: This paper examined factors relating to the infants' place of domicile to see whether they increased the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) beyond social and environmental effects previously published. METHODS: A case control study was undertaken in New Zealand between the years 1987-90. From all sudden infant death syndrome diagnoses over this time, parents of 393 (81%) sudden infant death syndrome infants consented to participate and these derive the cases. Controls were ascertained by randomly sampling 1800 infants from all babies born over 78% of the country. Parents of 1592 (88%) control infants consented to participate in the study. RESULTS: The relative risk of sudden infant death for infants usually residing in houses rented from the government (State houses) was 1.73 (95% CI: 1.13, 2.66) times that of infants with parents owning their house, after adjusting for likely social, economic and environmental confounding factors. However, the type of housing, construction of housing, heating and age of housing was not associated with sudden infant death syndrome. Although house size, measured in terms of bedroom numbers, was similar for sudden infant death syndrome and control infants (chi 2 = 0.40, df = 2, p = 0.82), the number of people normally residing within these houses was different. Sudden infant death syndrome infants' houses were less likely to have two adults and more likely to have more children normally resident. Density calculations (derived by calculating the children and/or adult numbers divided by bedroom numbers) revealed a non significant increase in relative risk, suggesting that housing overcrowding was not associated with sudden infant death syndrome in New Zealand. CONCLUSIONS: Infants domiciled in State houses are more likely to experience sudden infant death syndrome. However, this increased relative risk for sudden infant death syndrome appears to have little to do with the house per se and, perhaps, more to do with socioeconomic characteristics.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Certain sleep disorders which occur in children and adults show the same phenomena, although presentation, significance, cause and treatment are all different. However, there are some disorders which are only found in infancy, as in the four conditions which we review below. In spite of great variation between individuals, the general way in which the wakefulness-sleep states mature during the first months of life is well known. In general the physiological patterns of REM and NREM are in general the same in children as in adults. However, the pathological patterns are similar, but there are major differences between them. These differences are mainly physiological, behavioural, parent-child relationship and specific disorders. We shall see that the central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome of infants is not the same as that of adults. The sleep apnea syndrome of the newborn is different to the apneas seen in older children. Benign neonatal myoclonia of sleep are not present in adults, and finally the sudden death of an infant is not like the unexplained nocturnal sudden death or sinus arrest linked to paradoxical sleep in adults.  相似文献   

Infants with mandibular hypoplasia are at risk of sudden death from cardiorespiratory arrest secondary to upper airway obstruction. To evaluate diagnostic difficulties that may occur at autopsy in such infants, the autopsy files at the Adelaide Children's Hospital (ACH) for 36 years, 1959 to 1994, were reviewed. Eight cases were identified (age range, 2 days to 10 months; mean age, 2.2 months; male/female ratio, 5:3). In all cases, death was considered most likely due to airway obstruction related to mandibular hypoplasia or its treatment. Although death occurred in the hospital in five cases, one infant suddenly collapsed at home while feeding and died, and two infants were unexpectedly found dead in their cribs at home. Three infants had defined genetic syndromes. Although all the infants had histories of antemortem airway obstruction, one infant had normal oxygen saturation studies before hospital discharge, and one infant had a tracheostomy. Acute bronchopneumonia was an exacerbating factor in one case. Assessment of mandibular size is important in any infant who dies unexpectedly; and if hypoplasia is found, careful review of the clinical details for evidence of airway obstruction is necessary to help distinguish these cases from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Sudden death may, however, occur in infants with mandibular hypoplasia in spite of apparent clinical stability before death with no significant recent episodes of oxygen desaturation.  相似文献   

Cot death (sudden infant death syndrome) is one of the most common causes of death in the first year of life. Four cases with a pathological fear of cot death are presented. All the patients were depressed and in 2 cases the fear of cot death had an obsessional quality. In all cases there were complications during pregnancy (miscarriage, threatened abortion, recurrent vomiting in last trimester). In 1 case, the patient knew 3 mothers who had suffered cot deaths; in another, the infant was gravely ill in the neonatal period. Pathological fear of cot death can be recognised by the presence of two central features - overvigilance and excessive nocturnal checking of the baby's breathing. Therapeutic interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Substance P and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunohistochemistry was applied to the medulla of neonatal infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A quantitative analysis of cells demonstrating immunoreactivity to GFAP and substance P in 15 neonatal SIDS cases revealed increased GFAP immunoreactivity in the reticular formation, the dorsal vagal nucleus, and the solitary nucleus and an increase in substance P immunoreactivity in the spinal trigeminal nucleus and the solitary nucleus as compared with that in age-matched controls. GFAP immunopositivity suggests astrogliosis which implies a pathologic insult to neurons in the area of astrogliosis. The failure of neurons in these sites to show enhanced substance P immunopositivity may indirectly indicate altered neurons. Further study of prenatal events may be of importance in clarifying the pathogenesis of neonatal SIDS.  相似文献   

Infant death certificates were linked with birth certificates for infants born to residents of Tohoku, Tokai and Kyushu regions in 1989 (n = 409, 679, or about one-third of all births in Japan), to examine the effects of variables, as reported on birth certificates, on cause-specific infant mortality. "Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" and "congenital anomalies" accounted for nearly 90 percent of neonatal deaths, while "congenital anomalies", "injuries and poisoning" and "sudden infant death" were responsible for about 65 percent of postneonatal deaths. Mortality rates for almost all causes of infant deaths, except injuries and poisonings, increased as birth weight decreased not only in the neonatal period but also in the postneonatal period. This suggests that low birth weight places some infants at higher risk of death, and conditions that lead to low birth weight independently contribute to the risk of infant death. Cox's proportional hazards linear model was used to assess the effects of variables on infant mortalities by causes of death. An extremely strong birth weight effect was noted for "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" and "congenital anomalies". Being a male infant and late order of birth in multiparity were other risk factors for deaths from "congenital anomalies", while being a male infant, resident of Tohoku region and maternal stillbirth experience related to deaths from "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period". Elevated risks of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), of which mortality rate in Japan was considerably lower than those in most developed Western countries, i.e. 0.23 per 1,000 live births in 1989, were associated with low birth weight, being a male infant, low maternal age, late order of birth in multiparity and illegitimacy. Low maternal age, late order of birth in multiparity and illegitimacy, also, related significantly to increased risk of infant deaths for "injuries and poisoning". These results suggest the independent contributions of socioeconomic factors to infant mortality, especially postneonatal mortality, from SIDS, "injuries and poisonings".  相似文献   

In 21.6% of infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome, the cerebral white matter showed areas of leukomalacia. Of those infants with congenital heart disease, 24.8% had lesions, whereas 4.4% of infants who died from known acute causes had lesions. The sites of the cerebral white matter lesions, subcortical or periventricular, seem to be related to the age of the infant.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, homovanillic acid, tryptophan, and gamma-aminobutyric acid were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography in 102 infants during the 1st year of life (preterm and term neonates included). CSF levels are expressed versus corrected age (postnatal days - preterm days) which reflects the stage of maturity of the central nervous system. These results are compared to those obtained in CSF of 53 victims of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). All components were significantly higher in SIDS than in the age-matched control group. This increase does not seem to be an artefact related to death. Indeed, under the same conditions concerning postmortem time interval before CSF sampling and analysis, the levels are not significantly higher in infants who died from a known pathology than in living infants. Moreover, in living infants as regards a pathology such as asphyxia or hypoventilation in comparison with SIDS, similar profiles are observed in some neurotransmitters or metabolites. Other studies are necessary to explore further neurotransmission systems in SIDS.  相似文献   

Minor inflammatory changes are often found in tissues of infants who die suddenly. Recently it has been proposed that these infiltrates signal significant underlying infectious disease and are responsible for death. Currently there is no unanimity about the percentage of cases in which inflammatory infiltrates occur and no international consensus in regard to the minimal criteria required for their diagnosis or their significance. We recommend that the presence of minor inflammatory infiltrates should not detract from the diagnosis of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) until further study has determined otherwise.  相似文献   

Apnea in the neonatal period frequently is associated with prematurity. Full-term infants who develop apnea usually have associated clinical conditions such as infection, shock, metabolic disorders, neonatal abstinence syndrome, intracranial pathology, and gastroesophageal reflux. Gastric ulcer also is a rare phenomenon in the neonatal period. We describe a full-term infant presenting with apnea. Upon investigation, a 6-channel pneumocardiogram revealed central apnea and multiple episodes of low esophageal pH (< 4), which is suggestive of gastroesophageal reflux. This was confirmed by an upper gastrointestinal series. A small antral ulcer crater also was demonstrated. When assessing the etiology of apnea in a full-term infant, gastroesophageal reflux and gastric ulcer should be considered.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to confirm the findings of Naeye with regard to the pathological retention of the so-called brown fat cells in the periadrenal adipose tissue of infants who die of the sudden infant death syndrome. The percent of multilocular fat cells was determined in histological sections of periadrenal adipose tissue obtained from a series of 289 autopsies. In general, our morphological observations confirm his. However, our results indicate that the percent of periadrenal multilocular cells cannot be used as a diagnostic criterion in any single case. Futhermore, we consider that the mechanism for this delay in transformation remains unclear.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: The aim was to study the spectrum of clinical problems and outcomes in infants born at an urban academic hospital. In consequence, as part of the overall study, the incidence of congenital anomalies and the outcomes of affected infants were recorded. DESIGN: This was a prospective, hospital-based study, undertaken on liveborn infants born over a 3-year period, 1 May 1986 to 30 April 1989. SETTING: Kalafong Hospital, Pretoria. MAIN RESULTS: A total of 17,351 liveborn infants was examined and the total congenital anomalies incidence was 11.87 per 1,000 livebirths. The central nervous system was the system most frequently involved (2.30 per 1,000 livebirths), followed by the musculoskeletal system (2.13 per 1,000 livebirths). The commonest individual congenital anomaly was Down syndrome (1.33 per 1,000 livebirths), followed by neural tube defects (0.99 per 1,000 livebirths) and ventricular septal defects (0.69 per 1,000 livebirths). In 11% (2.25 per 1,000 livebirths) of neonatal deaths, infant loss was attributable to congenital anomalies. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of congenital anomalies in black South African neonates, born in an urban setting, is as high as in other First- and Third-World countries, and the incidence of some individual congenital anomalies is higher. This study indicates the need for further research and the establishment of prenatal, genetics and paediatric facilities to manage these problems.  相似文献   

Forty-seven of 74 infants with idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome who had received intensive care in the neonatal period were examined between the ages of 15 and 24 months to assess their progress. All the children (including the premature infants) had caught up with their peers in height, weight and head circumference. Although 11 infants had a history of respiratory problems, only two showed residual lung changes on radiological examination. Only one infant who had frequent apnoeic spells had serious eye problems due to retrolental fibroplasia. A definite neurological deficit was found in one case, in which a congenital infection could not be ruled out.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to estimate the annual morbidity and mortality among fetuses and infants that can be attributed to the use of tobacco products by pregnant women. METHODS: Published research reports identified by literature review were combined in a series of meta-analyses to compute pooled risk ratios, which, in turn, were used to determine the population attributable risk. RESULTS: Each year, use of tobacco products is responsible for an estimated 19,000 to 141,000 tobacco-induced abortions, 32,000 to 61,000 infants born with low birthweight, and 14,000 to 26,000 infants who require admission to neonatal intensive care units. Tobacco use is also annually responsible for an estimated 1900 to 4800 infant deaths resulting from perinatal disorders, and 1200 to 2200 deaths from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco use is an important preventable cause of abortions, low birthweight, and deaths from perinatal disorders and SIDS. All pregnant women should be advised that smoking places their unborn children in danger. The low success rate of smoking cessation among pregnant women suggests that efforts to reduce the complications of pregnancy attributable to tobacco use by pregnant women should focus on preventing nicotine addiction among teenaged girls.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-one consecutive patients presenting to the Children's National Medical Center with lambdoid positional molding (LPM) were reviewed. Clinical features included unilateral occipital flattening and alopecia and forward displacement of the ipsilateral ear, forehead, and maxilla. Head tilt and tightness of the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid muscle were common. An unexplained preponderance of LPM was found in males (74%) and on the right side (72%), both findings statistically significant (p < 0.001). Importantly, a variety of other abnormalities were seen with LPM: torticollis (41%), large head circumference (40), excess extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid (35), developmental delay (19), and other CNS abnormalities (20%). Systemic problems affecting the mobility were also common. Only 3 patients had craniosynostosis, and only 2 with LPM required surgery for severe cosmetic deformities. An apparent increase in the incidence of LPM was attributed to current recommendations to keep infants supine to decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, overutilization of infant carriers similar to cradleboards of earlier cultures, and neonatal medical problems resulting in relative immobility. No evidence was found to support the concept that LPM causes compressive brain pathology; thus, surgical treatment is not required for such fears. Further, the sequelae of underlying CNS and systemic problems associated with LPM would not be corrected by opening unfused sutures, but could even be misinterpreted as complications of surgery.  相似文献   

The authors investigated risk profiles of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as a function of age at death. A case-control study carried out in the Tyrol region of Austria enrolled 99 infants who died of SIDS between 1984 and 1994 and 136 randomly selected controls. Early and late SIDS (< 120 days of age vs. > or = 120 days) were defined according to the clear-cut bimodal age-at-death distribution. Inadequate antenatal care, low parental social and educational level, and the prone sleeping position were risk conditions that applied to both early and late SIDS. A marked seasonal variation (winter preponderance) was the most outstanding feature of late SIDS. A gestational age of < 37 weeks (odds ratio (OR) = 8.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.6-26.0), repeated episodes of apnea (OR = 5.7, 95% CI 1.2-27.0), low birth weight (< 2,500 g) (OR = 3.4, 95% CI 1.1-11.0), a family history of sudden infant death (OR = 2.9, 95% CI 1.1-7.5), and maternal smoking during pregnancy (OR = 2.2, 95% CI 1.0-4.5) were associated with early SIDS. This study identified two distinct subgroups of SIDS infants characterized by different risk conditions and ages at death. These results underline a multiple-cause hypothesis for SIDS etiology which involves a genetic predisposition, immaturity in the first months of life, and environmental factors acting at various ages.  相似文献   

In a case of a sudden infant death syndrome-related death of a 3-month-old infant, nail clippings were positive for cocaine by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy analysis that revealed a prenatal exposure to the drug substance. In utero exposure to drugs has been investigated using amniotic fluid, neonatal urine, meconium, and hair samples. Nail analysis offers some advantage over hair analysis because of its continuous growth and persistence after delivery. Nail material is easy to sample in suitable amounts. Currently, the cocaine finding cannot be related to the underlying cause of death. However, this observation indicates that nail analysis may be a new and valuable tool to screen newborns for intrauterine drug exposure. In addition, it can help collect information on the prevalence of possible embryotoxic effects and the link to postnatal manifestations of different dysfunctions in infants who are born by drug abusing mothers.  相似文献   

A nationwide case-control study compared the prevalence and magnitude of risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in male and female infants. The risk factors of SIDS and their magnitude for males and females are very similar. After adjustment for potential confounders male infants had a 1.42-fold (95% CI = 1.04, 1.94) increased risk of SIDS compared with females. Risk factors identified in most epidemiological studies are not the reason for the increased SIDS mortality seen in male infants.  相似文献   

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