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Isolated resting platelets are able to limit neutrophil activation and then can control the tissue-damaging potential of activated neutrophils. In the present study, platelet-neutrophil interactions have been evaluated in 10 uremic patients; the blood samples have been collected before the hemodialysis session. Twelve normal subjects served as controls. Platelets and neutrophils have been isolated and recombined in an autologous ex vivo system. Anion superoxide production and chemiluminescence (which is related to hypochlorous acid production) have been evaluated after stimulation with N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. Coincubation of platelets from normal subjects with autologous neutrophils led to a dose-dependent inhibition of both superoxide anion generation induced by N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine and chemiluminescence. Instead, platelets from uremic patients have not affected superoxide anion production by autologous neutrophils. The chemiluminescence was reduced by coincubation with autologous platelets only at the highest platelet-neutrophil ratio (100:1). In conclusion, the modulation exerted by platelets towards neutrophil activation can be impaired in chronic uremia. Therefore, the tissue-damaging potential of circulating neutrophils, due to toxicity by superoxide anion and hypochlorous acid, may be increased.  相似文献   

Two patients who had immunoblastic lymphadenopathy with clinical symptoms of fever, anemia, hypergammaglobulinemia, and enlarged lymph nodes were treated with chemotherapy. The lymph node biopsy specimens were originally interpreted as malignant processes because of severe immunoblastic and plasmacytic infiltration that practically obliterated the architecture of the lymph nodes. One patient recovered and was free of symptoms five years after clinical onset of the disease. The second patient died of massive gastrointestinal bleeding six weeks after the onset of disease and five weeks after administration of cytotoxic drug therapy. The cases illustrate the ineffectiveness and possible adverse effect of chemotherapy, as well as the importance of differentiation of immunoblastic lymphadenopathy from frankly malignant lymph node diseases.  相似文献   

Adrenoleukodystrophy is a hereditary disorder characterized by progressive demyelination of cerebral white matter and adrenal insufficiency. Typical CT and MRI findings in the brain have been documented recently and consist of bilateral white matter abnormalities. We report the case of an 8-year-old boy whose CT and MRI scans showed unusually florid unilateral abnormalities.  相似文献   

Two cases of thanatophoric dwarfism are presented. At external physical examination this anomaly is not readily distinguishable from achondroplasia and other forms of congenital disproportionate dwarfism. Radiologically, however, characteristic skeletal changes are demonstrable. The diagnosis can be made in utero. The clinical course is invariably fatal. The hereditary aspects, of importance for genetic counseling of parents, are still unexplained. The patients discussed show the typical thanatophoric skeletal changes in combination with a form of synostosis, i.e. bilateral radioulnar synostosis in one case, and synostosis of the coronal sutures and the lambdoid suture in the other. Emphasis is placed on the importance of radiological examination in cases of unexplained hydramnion and perinatal death.  相似文献   

Discusses the new health policies of the World Health Organization. It is suggested that these policies are particularly concerned with prevention and health-enhancing life-styles and, therefore, with the role of psychology in primary health care. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tubal herniation as a complication of hysterectomy is a rare phenomenon, markedly more frequent after vaginal hysterectomy. With the increasing use of the vaginal route, the ratio between tubal herniation after vaginal versus abdominal hysterectomy may exceed 3:1. CASE: We report two cases of tubal herniation into the vagina, one after vaginal hysterectomy and the other after total abdominal hysterectomy, in two patients, aged 36 and 37 years. CONCLUSION: A tubal prolapse in the vagina may be considered a hernia and occurs only if a communication exists between the peritoneal cavity and vaginal canal. It can be an early or late prolapse. Symptoms consist almost exclusively of persistent blood loss and/or leukorrhea, dyspareunia and chronic pelvic pain. Whether the abdominal or vaginal approach should be used in surgical correction of prolapsed tubes must be decided in each case according to the patient's individual characteristics. Both histologic pictures described merit careful attention, distinguishing between the terminal tubal segment and the more cranial tract (above the vaginal strangulation).  相似文献   

Hallervorden-Spatz disease (HSD) is a rare progressive disorder characterized by iron deposition in the globus pallidus and zona reticularis of the substantia nigra. The cases of 2 Black female patients (aged 20–38 yrs) with diagnoses of probable HSD are evaluated, based on typical clinical course in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities restricted to the region of the globus pallidus. Ss' deficits included slowed cognitive processing speed, motor sequencing difficulty, constructional dyspraxia, and impaired recent memory functions. The constellation of behavioral deficits can be attributed to dysfunction of the frontal lobe, basal ganglia, or disruption of their functional interconnections. Additional deficits in language and visuospatial processing were also observed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The American Psychological Association Health Care for the Whole Person Task Force was formulated to provide a rationale for integrating behavioral health services in primary care. Collectively, the task force called for a transformation of the biomedical system into one based on the biopsychosocial model. This article is a summary of the Women's Health Committee position paper that reviewed contextual factors in women's health, provided recommendations for clinical service action, and recommended an integrated primary health care system to address women's health needs. This article provides a vision of integrated care and a practical guide for psychology practitioners as they collaborate with other health care providers and health policy groups to improve health outcomes for women over the life course. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors described developmental anomaly of the right kidney associated with hypertension and pyonephrosis in a 37 years old male. The authors reported the diagnostic problems in this kind of hypertension. After nephrectomy had been performed the elevated blood pressure returned to normal values without any additional pharmacological treatment.  相似文献   

Renal myxomas are rare neoplasms. Seven cases have been reported, of which only two are convincingly diagnosed as myxoma; the remaining cases exhibit features of sarcoma, fibroepithelial polyp, or myxolipoma. We report two additional cases; one in a 52-year-old man and another in a 68-year-old woman. They were discovered incidentally by radiological examination. The resected kidney in both patients contained a well-demarcated gelatinous intraparenchymal tumor, which consisted of occasional slender spindle cells scattered in an abundant myxoid stroma, closely resembling myxomas of other sites. The tumor cells showed immunoreactivity for vimentin but not for S-100 protein, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), CAM 5.2, HHF-35, or smooth muscle actin. Ultrastructural features were of fibroblast-like cells with an elaborate network of cytoplasmic processes. The differential diagnosis of myxoid tumors of the kidney includes myxoid variants of renal sarcomas and carcinomas, renomedullary interstitial cell tumors, and fibroepithelial polyps. It is important to recognize the existence of a renal myxoma, to avoid confusing this benign tumor with the malignant neoplasms with secondary myxoid features that may involve the kidney.  相似文献   

We successfully treated two patients with recurrent dislocation of the tibialis posterior tendon by creating a bone block. Sudden resistive contraction of the tibialis posterior muscle is considered to be the mechanical cause of the initial traumatic injury, and a shallow tibialis posterior tendon sulcus may be the predisposing factor. Once the flexor retinaculum is torn during the initial trauma, recurrent dislocation is inevitable, and surgical treatment is mandatory. When treating patients with a complaint of long-standing pain around the medial malleolus, we must bear in mind the possible diagnosis of recurrent dislocation of the tibialis posterior tendon. If the patient can voluntarily dislocate the tendon by active plantar flexion and inversion of the ankle, the diagnosis is definitive.  相似文献   

Phorbol esters exert a dual function in human leukemia cells, induction of differentiation and activation of integrin-mediated functions. Here we have shown that the plastic adherence of phorbol ester-treated U937 cells is mediated by expression of integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) on the cell surface and that these adherent cells exhibit anoikis (apoptosis when adherent cells are detached or adherence is inhibited). We used U937-derived clones overexpressing either antisense RNAs antisense to CD11b and CD18 mRNAs or mRNA from a truncated mutant CD11b gene. We have also shown that apoptosis in non-adherent cells or anoikis was mediated by sphingosine and that survival of adherent cells was achieved by a shift of the dynamic balance between sphingosine and sphingosine 1-phosphate toward the latter by adherence-activated sphingosine 1-kinase.  相似文献   

Two cases of invagination of the Vermiform appendix associated with endometriosis are presented. Classification, incidence, etiology, symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment are discussed. The literature is reviewed in brief, and it is concluded that the possibility of invagination of the Vermiform appendix should be considered in obsure abdominal cases with recurrent right lower quadrant pain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The early development of complications in twin-twin transfusion syndrome is a poor prognostic sign. For this reason, new techniques for intrauterine therapy are being developed: invasive options, such as selective feticide of one of the twins, have been reported. CASES: Two cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome in the late second trimester were treated by selective feticide using vascular embolization to the more severely damaged fetus. In one case the embolized fetus was a hydropic recipient with a normal cotwin; in the other, the donor fetus was affected by bilateral hydrocephalus. These fetuses underwent ultrasound-guided embolization using a bolus of histoacryl injected into the umbilical vein and fetal heart. Both patients went on to deliver healthy singletons in the third trimester. CONCLUSION: In twin-twin transfusion syndrome of early onset, embolization may help one of the twins survive. This technique is neither time-consuming nor expensive and does not require a general anesthetic.  相似文献   

The current restructuring of the U.S. health care delivery system is driven primarily by economic forces. Although primary care providers may understand the roles of technology and advocacy in fostering fundamental change, they may not be familiar with the issues related to financing of health care and, thus, may not fully appreciate the extent to which economic factors influence the character of their professional lives and the services they provide. Analysis of the loss of the home birth option in the 1950s provides a method for understanding and influencing the factors driving health care restructuring today. In examining short-stay delivery in the 1990s, this article also addresses ways in which managed health care systems may improve or restrict women's access to a variety of primary care services.  相似文献   

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