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The authors studied the venous drainage pattern of the stomach in 30 adult laboratory mice (Mus musculus v. alba) and in 31 adult laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus v. alba) of both sexes. In mice, two basic patterns of the venous drainage of the stomach have been found, the first one (50.0% of cases) with a vena gastroepiploica dextra, while in the second pattern (50.0% of cases) the vena gastroepiploica dextra is absent and the venous blood from the curvatura major ventriculi and fundus ventriculi is drained only via the v. lienalis. In rats, three basic patterns of venous drainage of the stomach were found, the first group (35.2%) with the v. gastroepiploica dextra, the second group (38.4%) with prevalence of the v. gastrica sinistra and the third group with various tributaries of the v. lienalis from the stomach (25.6%). The vena gastrica sinistra is the only constant venous channel in both animals examined. Between interorganic venous anastomoses in the mouse and the rat no great differences exist. In spite of the great variability of veins the results indicate that it is possible to differentiate some basic patterns of the venous drainage of the stomach in the animals studied.  相似文献   

The severe form of Mucha-Habermann disease with systemic symptoms is a rarely diagnosed disease which should be considered for children with prolonged fever, impaired general condition, skin manifestations and elevated C-reactive protein concentration and/or erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Eleven cases have been described previously in children. We describe two acute episodes of this syndrome in a three-year-old child; the diagnosis was based on clinical, dermatological and histological findings. During both episodes, the fever lasted for more than one week, C-reactive protein concentration increased to more than 150 mg/l, and there was extensive lymph node enlargement. Skin eruption was initially maculopapulous, then vesiculous and finally pustulous. On skin biopsy, vasculitic changes were observed. We treated the second attack of our patient with high-dose gamma globulin; the first attack appeared to resolve itself spontaneously.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Systemic sclerosis is a disease of unknown origin which often occurs in women after their childbearing years. It has many clinical and histopathological similarities to chronic graft-versus-host disease. Recent studies indicate that fetal stem cells can survive in the maternal circulation for many years post partum. This finding suggests that fetal cells persisting in the maternal circulation or tissues could be involved in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis by initiating a graft-versus-host reaction. METHODS: We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify Y-chromosome sequences in DNA extracted from peripheral-blood cells and skin lesions from women with systemic sclerosis of recent onset. To confirm the PCR findings, we used fluorescence in situ hybridization of peripheral-blood cells and cells within chronic inflammatory-cell infiltrates in biopsy specimens of affected skin. RESULTS: Y-chromosome sequences were found in DNA from peripheral-blood cells in 32 of 69 women with systemic sclerosis (46 percent), as compared with 1 of 25 normal women (4 percent, P<0.001), and in T lymphocytes from 3 women with systemic sclerosis who had male offspring. Furthermore, Y-chromosome sequences were identified in skin-biopsy specimens from 11 of 19 women with systemic sclerosis (58 percent); 9 of the 11 were known to have carried male fetuses. Nucleated cells containing Y chromosomes were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization in paraffin-embedded sections of skin lesions from all seven women we tested whose skin-biopsy specimens contained Y-chromosome sequences. CONCLUSIONS: Fetal antimaternal graft-versus-host reactions may be involved in the pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis in some women.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Nail dyschromia in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was first described in 1987 by Furth and Kazakis. It has since been reported in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), predominantly in patients treated with zidovudine. CASE REPORT: We describe the case of a 37 years old white woman, who developed AIDS in 1994, with nail longitudinal colored bands, oral and cutaneous pigmentation without taking zidovudine. DISCUSSION: There have been four reports of nail pigmentation in HIV-infected patients who had no received this antiviral agent. The singularity of our case is the onset in a white woman. A lot of causes must be evoked and biology must be done, with histopathologic study when it is possible.  相似文献   

The influence of reproductive variables on cervical cancer incidence, controlling for other sociodemographic factors, was estimated in Norwegian register and census data, using Poisson regression models. Among the 1.3 million women under observation, a total of 2,870 cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed. According to models restricted to parous women, parity level had no independent impact on cervical cancer incidence, but a clear effect of age at first birth was noted. It was most pronounced in the squamous cell carcinomas, where the incidence was reduced by 48 percent from age at first birth < 21 years to age at first birth 27+ years. Women without children had the same cervical cancer incidence as parous women with a first birth after age 24. The sociodemographic variables controlled for exerted a strong net effect on the cervical cancer incidence. Educational level was related inversely to the cancer risk. Moreover, an increased risk was seen for women who had given birth when they were still single (never married) and for those who were divorced/separated at the time of the last previous census. A fairly small excess risk was found to be associated with living in non-rural compared with rural areas.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made between microscopic lesion scores (MLSs) and gross lesion scores (GLSs) in sections from small intestine of broilers during three routine coccidiosis screenings. The duodenal and jejunal GLS were determined and recorded by different evaluators. During each screening, 2-cm sections of duodenum and jejunum were collected, and sections of intestine were then scored using a microscopic lesion scoring system. No correlation between MLS and GLS was observed in duodenum in two out of three coccidiosis screenings, and no correlation was observed between MLS and GLS in jejunum in three out of three screenings. Our findings demonstrate that, if used alone in coccidiosis screening, GLSs can underestimate infections and may not provide a true representation of the magnitude of Eimeria maxima infection within broiler flocks.  相似文献   

Therapy with ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and lomefloxacin (alone or in combination with clindamycin) and therapy with sparfloxacin, clinafloxacin, and temafloxacin alone were given to mice with subcutaneous abscesses. The abscesses were caused by two Bacteroides fragilis isolates, one of which was susceptible and one of which was resistant to ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and lomefloxacin, alone or in combination with Escherichia coli. The abscesses were examined 5 days after inoculation. Numbers of B. fragilis organisms reached log10 10.2 to 11.8 per abscess, and numbers of E. coli organisms reached log10 10.6 to 11.8 per abscess. All of the quinolones reduced the number of susceptible B. fragilis isolates (log10 3.6 to 6.9) and E. coli isolates (log10 5.7 to 6.8). However, ciprofloxacin and lomefloxacin failed to reduce the number of resistant B. fragilis organisms in single-organism or mixed infections. The addition of clindamycin to either ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, or lomefloxacin reduced the numbers of both susceptible and resistant B. fragilis organisms (log10 3.8 to 7.8). In contrast, sparfloxacin, clinafloxacin, and temafloxacin were effective as single therapy in eradicating B. fragilis resistant to ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and lomefloxacin. These in vivo data confirm the in vitro activity of these quinolones and suggest that although ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and lomefloxacin are occasionally effective as single agents in eradicating mixed infection by susceptible strains of B. fragilis and E. coli, addition of an agent with activity against anaerobic organisms will ensure their efficacy. Quinolones with good efficacy against B. fragilis may be effective as single-agent therapy of mixed infections.  相似文献   

The epidemiology and clinical aspects of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli O157:H7) infections in rural Wisconsin have rarely been reported. In the last six years, 66 cases of E. coli O157:H7 infection were encountered at our institution. Bloody diarrhea was the universal presentation and all cases represented apparent sporadic infection as institutional or community-wide outbreaks were not found in our study. The mean age was 31 (range 7 months to 86 years), 25% less than 10 years old and 60% were female. Most cases were seen in summer and early autumn (88%). Two patients (3%) developed hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Case-fatality rate in this study was 1.5%. Antibiotic treatment and hospitalization did not change the course and outcome of the infection. Routine screening of E. coli O157:H7 during winter time (December and January) may not be necessary in our rural area. The understanding gained from our study might foster better infection control.  相似文献   

The present study described 3 patients with idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis associated with diabetes mellitus. Clinical characteristics of the 3 patients contrasted with diabetic glomerulosclerosis in the following manner: absence of diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, and presence of nephrotic syndrome associated with relatively short duration of diabetes mellitus. Renal histology showed the characteristic changes of membranous glomerulonephritis along with those of diabetic glomerulosclerosis. Immunofluorescent studies demonstrated a granular pattern of IgG and C3 deposits along the glomerular capillary wall. Electron microscopic study also demonstrated thickening of glomerular basement membrane and increase of mesangial matrix as well as the presence of electron-dense deposits primarily in the subepithelial and mesangial areas.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine energy exposure and temperature changes in routine magnetic resonance imaging practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Body core and skin temperatures were compared in 155 persons (143 patients, 12 volunteers) undergoing routine magnetic resonance examinations with a 1.5 T field-strength magnetic resonance tomography unit using a fluoroptic temperature measurement system. RESULTS: Average applied energy was 0.3 W/kg for whole body and 1.92 W/kg for spatially localized SAR. The maximum whole-body SAR was 1.43 W/kg spatially localized. Body core temperatures differed from those of the control group by a median 0.1 degree C and only a few patients (16.8%) exceeded the limit (+/- 0.5%) at which regulatory mechanisms set in. All patients remained within the normal physiological circadian temperature range (+/- 1 degree C). Skin temperature rose a median 0.49 degree C, with a maximal increase of 5.31 degrees C, which may be considered to be within the limits of physiological temperature change. CONCLUSIONS: Clinically relevant warming of the body is unlikely in routine magnetic resonance imaging practice.  相似文献   

We studied major malformations in 5,581 infants with Down syndrome (DS) from three registers of congenital malformations. THe prevalence at birth of 23 different malformations was compared with the program-specific rates for each malformation in non-DS infants. An about 300 times risk increase was seen for annular pancreas, cataracts and duodenal atresia and an about 100 times risk increase for megacolon and small choanal atresia. Esophageal, anal and small bowel atresia, preaxial polydactyly, and omphalocele all showed risk increases between 10 and 30 times. Statistically significantly elevated risk ratios around 3-5 were seen for cleft palate, cleft lip/palate, and limb deficiencies. No increased risk was seen for neural tube defects, hydrocephaly, microtia, renal agenesis or severe dysgenesis, hypospadias or polydactyly other than preaxial. Oral clefts were more often present in DS in the Swedish material than in the other two materials. Cardiac defects were registered in 26% of all cases (varying between programs) but 28% of the cardiac defects were unspecified. DS infants born to women younger than 25 years had a significantly increased risk for megacolon and there was a trend increasing risk for esophageal or anal atresia with maternal age. A decreased risk for cardiac defect in DS infants born to teenage mothers was found, quite pronounced for endocardial cushion defects and ventricular septum defects. There were no statistically significant differences in the sex distribution of specific malformations in infants with DS and in non-DS infants.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of immune responsiveness on excretion of oocysts after E. acervulina infection and subsequent effects on production characteristics of broilers (Gallus domesticus). These effects were determined in broilers repeatedly infected with 2.85 x 10(3) oocysts of E. acervulina and treated with various dosages of corticosterone in the diet (0, 10, 20 and 30 p.p.m.). Corticosterone treatment did not have an effect on the peak oocyst excretion, although it was administered from 4 days before initial infection. The number of oocysts excreted shortly after the peak and the length of the excretion period were increased in corticosterone-treated groups. The absence of a difference in peak oocyst excretion was ascribed to the existence of a time-lag between first contact with the parasite and rate of development of protective immunity. In a recently developed computer simulation model this period was assumed to be 5 days. Assuming that immunosuppression, through corticosterone, is only effective when protective immunity is in operation, the results indicate a time-lag of at least a few days, which supports the inclusion of such a time-lag in the computer simulation model. General immunosuppressive effects of the corticosterone treatment, monitored by antibodies and mitogen-induced lymphocyte stimulation confirmed that immunosuppression occurred shortly after medication started. Infection did not have a significant influence on production characteristics in animals without dietary corticosterone. However, with increasing corticosterone levels the negative effects of infection on production also increased.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC or EAEC) can spread and cause disease in developing countries, but it is not presently known whether it spreads disease in industrialised countries. Therefore, we did a prospective study to assess the incidence and the clinical manifestations of infections due to EAEC in children in Germany. METHODS: 798 children with diarrhoea, admitted to hospital within a defined geographical area during a 24-month period, were included in the trial. EAEC were cultured from stool specimens, screened by PCR, and identified by colony hybridisation from DNA sequences found on the virulence plasmid. The findings were confirmed by aggregative adherence to HEp-2 cells. Stool samples from 580 children admitted to hospital without diarrhoea were also studied as controls. FINDINGS: EAEC were found in the stools of 16 (2%) of 798 children with diarrhoea, but in none of 580 children without diarrhoea. Only four of the EAEC-infected children had travelled to developing countries. Most EAEC infections were acquired in the summer months. Infection with EAEC was associated with acute, watery diarrhoea in 12 children, and with chronic diarrhoea of up to 5 months' duration in four. Five children had abdominal colic that lasted for 2-4 weeks as their main symptom. The incidence of EAEC infection was 7.7 patients admitted to hospital per 100,000 children in the general population aged younger than 16 years. INTERPRETATION: EAEC infection is associated with acute, watery diarrhoea and may be acquired in industrialised countries. Chronic diarrhoea or abdominal colic of unknown aetiology in young children may also be caused by EAEC infection.  相似文献   

Two media used to detect fecal coliforms in water by membrane filtration, m-FC and m-TEC, were modified and supplemented with the chromogenic substrate 5-bromo-6-chloro-3-indoyl-beta-D-glucuronide (BCIG) and were compared for quantitative recovery of Escherichia coli. Student's t test of data from 181 water samples of sewage, rivers, lakes, and wells did not demonstrate any statistically significant differences (P = 0.05) in the enumeration of E. coli with these media. Target colonies were confirmed to be E. coli at rates of 98.6 and 97.3% by using FC-BCIG and TEC-BCIG media, respectively. Glucuronidase-negative isolates of E. coli were encountered at the same frequency (6.0%) on both media. This collaborative study demonstrated that either modified basal medium could be used successfully for detection of E. coli in various nontreated waters within 24 h.  相似文献   

We studied the behavioral, cognitive, and neuroimaging characteristics of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in 13 patients with focal brain lesions (acquired OCD) and compared their clinical features and the severity of obsessive and compulsive (OC) symptoms with patients with idiopathic OCD. Both OCD groups were further compared with matched normal controls on a series of neuropsychological tests. Patients with acquired OCD had a negative familial history and later age at onset of OCD symptoms than patients with idiopathic OCD. The two OCD groups showed relatively similar clinical phenomenology, severity of OC symptoms, and profile of neuropsychological deficits. Compared with normal control subjects, both OCD groups showed cognitive deficits affecting attention, intellectual function, memory, word retrieval, and motor and executive functions. Eight of the 13 patients with acquired OCD had abnormal neurologic examinations, whereas only 3 of the 13 patients with idiopathic OCD had abnormal neurologic examinations. Neuroimaging in the acquired OCD group disclosed a variety of lesions involving exclusively the cerebral cortex (frontal, temporal, or cingulate regions), the basal ganglia, or both. These results suggest that acquired and idiopathic OCDs may share a common pathophysiologic mechanism, and that structural damage to specific frontal-limbic-subcortical circuits plays an important role in the pathogenesis of acquired OCD.  相似文献   

Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is well-known as a high molecular weight homopolymer of R-3-hydroxybutyrate which accumulates in storage granules within the cytosols of certain bacteria. Escherichia coli does not amass these granules; however, small amounts of low molecular weight PHB (<0.02% of dry weight) have been found in the plasma membranes in complexes with calcium polyphosphate; the complexes serve as voltage-activated calcium channels. Here we report that polyphosphate-complexed PHB is only a minor fraction of the polyester in E. coli. PHB comprises 0.36 to 0. 55% of the dry weight of log-phase cells, depending on culture medium, and this amount increases by 15 to 20% when the cells are made genetically competent. The PHB is widely distributed throughout the cell, wherein it is primarily associated with proteins. The identity of protein-associated PHB was established by antibody reaction, chemical assay, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. As expected, the physical and chemical properties of protein-associated PHB were found to be considerably different from those of the bulk polymer or granule PHB, e.g. protein-PHB complexes are normally insoluble in chloroform, soluble in water and alkaline hypochlorite, and are converted to crotonic acid more slowly on heating in concentrated sulfuric acid. Our studies indicate that the majority of cellular PHB (over 80%) is located in cytoplasmic proteins, especially proteins of the ribosomal fraction. Western immunoblots, probed with polyclonal anti-PHB IgG, revealed a number of PHB-polypeptides having a wide range of molecular weights in all cell fractions. These results suggest that PHB is a fundamental constituent of cells that may have physiological functions in addition to facilitating ion transmembrane transport or serving as a carbon reserve.  相似文献   

Using a granulocytopenic murine model, we evaluated the efficacy of cefoperazone plus sulbactam against disseminated infection due to isolates of beta-lactamase-producing, cefoperazone-resistant (MIC, > or = 50 micrograms/ml) Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both isolates were susceptible in vitro to cefoperazone plus sulbactam (MIC, < or = 6.3 micrograms/ml). Mice rendered granulocytopenic with cyclophosphamide were divided into three groups: group A--infected, untreated mice (controls); group B--infected, cefoperazone-treated mice (700 mg/kg of body weight); and group C--infected, cefoperazone-plus-sulbactam-treated mice (700 mg plus 350 mg). In the E. coli experiment, survival rates in groups A, B, and C were 25, 46, and 73%, respectively. In the experiment with P. aeruginosa, survival rates in groups A, B, and C were 0, 10, and 50%, respectively (P < 0.001). Highly significant differences also were noted for colony counts in the blood, liver, and spleen of group C mice versus group A or B mice in both experiments. Thus, cefoperazone plus sulbactam appears to be a promising combination for the treatment of infections due to certain cefoperazone-resistant gram-negative bacilli, including P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

AIMS: To use serology to investigate an outbreak of verocytotoxin (VT) producing Escherichia coli O157 in a hospital nursery, following the detection of faecal E coli O157 (phage type 49) producing VT type 2. METHODS: ELISA and immunoblotting techniques, based on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) purified from E coli O157; diagnostic bacteriology; serotyping and phage typing; DNA probes for VT. RESULTS: 29 of 126 sera contained antibodies to the LPS of E coli O157: 10 were from children, three were from staff, and 11 were from hospital kitchen staff. Five parents of children attending the nursery were antibody positive. Sixty four sera from other hospital staff and controls did not contain antibodies to the LPS of E coli O157. CONCLUSIONS: Serology detected evidence of infection with E coli O157 in 23% of sera examined. By bacteriology alone, only a single case of infection with E coli O157 would have been detected. Serology is valuable in providing evidence of infection with E coli O157.  相似文献   

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