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乙醇发酵与渗透汽化在硅橡胶膜生物反应器中的耦合强化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用硅橡胶膜生物反应器(SMBR)实验研究了发酵-渗透汽化的耦合性能。发酵微生物采用酿酒活性干酵母,所用的碳源为工业级葡萄糖。间歇发酵过程由于产物抑制作用在乙醇浓度达到90g稬-1时就趋于停滞,而经耦合渗透汽化膜分离后,发酵罐内的乙醇浓度迅速降低并维持在40g稬-1,且发酵在此浓度下可以连续稳定地进行。 在SMBR运行达到稳态后,乙醇的体积产率为1.5gL-1h-1。SMBR中所用的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)复合膜由实验室自行制备,它能稳定分离含有酵母细胞的发酵液。当发酵液中乙醇浓度为92.7~49.5g稬-1时,PDMS复合膜的总通量为1490~1164g穖-2h-1,分离因子为6.9~7.8,与分离相同进料浓度的清洁模型溶液相比分别平均高出31%和14%。乙醇发酵和渗透汽化在硅橡胶膜生物反应器中能够相互耦合并得到强化。  相似文献   

硅橡胶膜生物反应器中乙醇发酵与渗透汽化的耦合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用硅橡胶膜生物反应器(SMBR)实验研究连续发酵-渗透汽化的耦合性能。发酵微生物采用酿酒干酵母,所用碳源为工业级葡萄糖。发酵过程由于产物抑制作用,在乙醇质量浓度达到73 g/L时趋于停滞,而耦合渗透汽化膜后,发酵罐内的乙醇质量浓度降低并维持在40 g/L,使发酵可以连续稳定地进行。在SMBR运行达到稳态后,乙醇的体积产率为4.02 g/(L.h)。发酵液中乙醇质量浓度维持在20~63 g/L,聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)膜的总渗透通量为1 220~800 g/(m2.h),分离因子为5~9.2。与传统发酵和分离相同进料质量分数的乙醇溶液相比,乙醇发酵和渗透汽化在硅橡胶膜生物反应器中能相互耦合并得到强化。与较小规模耦合系统(发酵体积1 L和2 L)比较,性能稳定良好。  相似文献   

李洪深  李十中 《化工进展》2020,39(5):1620-1631
蒸汽渗透作为一种新型膜分离技术,可有效解决生物燃料乙醇生产中发酵产物浓度低、能源消耗量大、污染环境等诸多瓶颈问题。与渗透蒸发相比,蒸汽渗透技术具有分离性能好、进料清洁、能量损耗低、操作弹性大等优点,在燃料乙醇生产领域具备更广阔的应用前景。本文在比较渗透蒸发和气体分离技术的基础上,简述了蒸汽渗透过程的机理和特点。介绍了优先透水膜和优先透醇膜两类应用于燃料乙醇生产不同阶段的蒸汽渗透膜和这两类膜材料当前的研究进展,重点阐述了有机/无机杂化膜在成膜方法、杂化材料选择等方面的最新成果。回顾了蒸汽渗透在乙醇脱水方面的工业应用成果,指出该技术在发酵原位分离乙醇和替代精馏工艺方面所具有的优势,探讨了与固态发酵技术相结合进行一次相变生产燃料乙醇工艺实现的可能性,并提出未来亟待研究和解决的问题,为蒸汽渗透技术在燃料乙醇生产领域大规模发展提供参考。  相似文献   

以自制的壳聚糖/聚丙烯腈透水复合膜,对乙醇水实行渗透汽化分离,分离因子可达140~2500,含水8.9%~34.6%(质)的溶液,透过液中含水高达93%~99.8%(质),渗透总通量为0.15~1.25kg/m ̄2·h。  相似文献   

从乙醇的生产工艺出发,以其中能耗最大的分离工艺为着眼点,提出采用渗透气化技术是解决能耗的有效途径,列举了国内外在这方面研究和应用的一些成果.  相似文献   

乙醇连续发酵-渗透汽化耦合系统发酵动力学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用自制硅橡胶平板复合膜构造乙醇连续发酵-渗透汽化耦合系统,研究了系统长期运行中发酵反应动力学问题,并分析了连续发酵过程中细胞比生长率的变化。系统稳定运行了269h。由于渗透汽化的进行,发酵液中乙醇浓度控制在35—45g·L-1,酿酒酵母浓度维持在20—25g·L-1,在发酵与渗透汽化耦合阶段,乙醇产率达到3.4g·h-1L-1,是间歇发酵时的4.5倍。乙醇得率系数为0.46,乙醇的转化率达到91%。膜下游冷凝收集液的浓度可达28.2—16.5%(wt),总渗透通量达到1226—707g·m-2h-1,乙醇渗透通量为293—117g·m-2h-1,分离因子为8.5—4.9。  相似文献   

综述了国内外透水膜与透醇膜的结构特点及其渗透汽化性能,指出了目前研究存在的问题及发展趋势,展望了双膜法生产燃料乙醇的应用前景.  相似文献   

据中国化工报报道,欧洲生物乙醇燃料协会发布信息称:2006年欧洲生物乙醇燃料产量达15.65亿L,比2005年的9.13亿L增长了71%。  相似文献   

渗透汽化作为一种膜分离技术应用于生物燃料丁醇生产过程,可减少产物对微生物的抑制,提高发酵效率.制备高纯度丁醇.具有广阔的应用前景。综述了国内外渗透汽化技术应用于生物质发酵制备燃料丁醇过程中所涉及的膜材料、应用和耦合过程的研究进展,指出了渗透汽化存在的问题,展望了该技术今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

渗透汽化法乙醇脱水工艺表明,随着温度的升高,分离因子增大,渗透通量增加;随着进料含水率的增加,分离因子减小,渗透通量增加;随着操作流量增加,分离因子和渗透通量均增大。95%的乙醇在85℃,320L/h,膜面积0.2m2,连续循环渗透汽化脱水9h,可以提高到浓度为99.8%的无水乙醇。  相似文献   

徐国强  余江  王康  刘会洲 《化工学报》2007,58(2):391-395
采用CTAB柱撑蒙脱石通过溶液法制备了有机蒙脱石填充聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)膜,研究了填充量等因素对乙醇/水体系渗透汽化分离的影响,通过XRD、SEM等表征手段证明有机蒙脱石与聚合物形成插层型复合物后,膜的机械强度明显改善,膜的分离因子随填充量增加可提高至最大值10。本文从膜的结构及其与组分的相互作用对填充膜中蒙脱石可能存在的渗透通道作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A facile surface segregation method was utilized to fabricate poly(vinyl alcohol)-polyethersulfone (PVA-PES) composite membranes. PVA and PES were first dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), then casted on a glass plate and immersed in a coagulation bath. During the phase inversion process in coagulation bath, PVA spontaneously segregated to the polymer solution/coagulation bath interface. The enriched PVA on the surface was further crosslinked by glutaraldehyde. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) confirmed the integral and asymmetric membrane structure with a dense PVA-enriched surface and a porous PES-enriched support, as well as the surface enrichment of PVA. The coverage fraction of the membrane surface by PVA reached up to 86.8% when the PVA content in the membrane recipe was 16.7% (by mass). The water contact angle decreased with the increase of PVA content. The effect of co-agulation bath type on membrane structure was analyzed. The membrane pervaporation performance was evaluated by varying the PVA content, the annealing temperature, feed concentration and operation temperature. The mem-brane exhibited a fairly good ethanol dehydration capacity and long-term operational stability.  相似文献   

唐瑞琪  熊亮  程诚  赵心清  白凤武 《化工进展》2018,37(8):3119-3128
寻找化石能源的替代品以及开发和利用生物能源已引起国内外研究者的广泛关注。提高酿酒酵母利用来源广泛、贮存丰富的农林废弃物等木质纤维素原料生产燃料乙醇的效率是生物能源的重要研究内容,但是,重组酿酒酵母木糖发酵性能低是限制纤维素乙醇经济性的关键问题。本文总结了酿酒酵母中木糖代谢途径的构建和优化以及木糖转运对木糖利用的影响,分析了重组酵母利用纤维素水解液进行乙醇发酵的研究现状,并对进一步提高重组酿酒酵母纤维素乙醇生产效率的研究趋势进行了展望。目前国内外已经构建了可有效利用木糖产乙醇的重组酵母,但对其木糖代谢机制的研究还尚未深入,限制了重组菌株的定向改造。此外,目前缺少在纤维素生物质水解液发酵实际应用过程中对重组菌株的评价。因此,加强重组酵母菌株对木糖利用相关代谢调控机理的分析,注重多种抑制物对菌株发酵性能的影响,结合真实底物纤维素乙醇发酵过程进行重组菌株的构建和优化,从而进一步提高纤维素乙醇生产的经济性,是未来菌株构建的重要研究方向。  相似文献   

A new kind of membrane was prepared by blending poly(acrylic acid) with cellulose acetate propionate for the separation of ethyl tert—butyl ether and ethanol mixtures. The properties of the membranes were evaluated by the pervaporation separation of mixtures of ethyl tert—butyl ether/ethanol and the sorption experiments. The experimental results showed that the selectivity and the fluxes of this membrane depend on the blend composition and on that of processed feed mixtures. With respect to temperature, the ethanol fluxes obey the Arrhenius equation. The fluxes increase with the increase of the poly(acrylic acid) content in the blended membrane, the ethanol concentration in the feed, and the experimental temperature. But the selectivity decreases as the poly(acrylic acid) content and the experimental temperature are raised up. When the feed composition is varied, this membrane shows the special characteristics at the azeotropic composition. In the vicinity of the azeotropic point, the minimum values of ethanol concentration in the permeate and in sorption solution are obtained. The swelling ratios increase with an increase in the temperature and the ethanol concentration. The ethanol concentration in the sorption solution is also influenced by the temperature and composition of the mixtures. When the temperature increases, the sorption selectivity of the membrane decreases. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 66: 1631–1638, 1997  相似文献   

In this article a modified polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) blended polystyrene (PS) interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) membranes supported by Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) ultrafiltration membrane were prepared for the separation of ethanol in water by pervaporation application. The relationship between the surface characteristics of the surface‐modified PDMS membranes and their permselectivity for aqueous ethanol solutions by pervaporation are discussed. The IPN supported membranes were prepared by sequential IPN technique. The IPN supported membrane were tested for the separation performance on 10 wt % ethanol in water and were characterized by evaluating their mechanical properties, swelling behavior, density, and degree of crosslinking. The results indicated that separation performance, mechanical properties, density, and the percentage of swelling of IPN membranes were influenced by degree of crosslink density. Depending on the feed temperature, the supported membranes had separation factors between 2.03 and 6.00 and permeation rates between 81.66 and 144.03 g m?2 h?1. For the azeotropic water–ethanol mixture (10 wt % ethanol), the supported membrane had at 30°C a separation factor of 6.00 and a permeation rate of 85 g m?2 h?1. Compared to the PDMS supported membranes, the PDMS/PS IPN supported blend membrane ones had a higher selectivity but a somewhat lower permeability. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

对所制备的聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)/陶瓷复合膜进行了渗透汽化性能表征。通过在乙醇-水混合体系中添加不同的模拟发酵液组分;如葡萄糖(多羟基醛)、甘油(多元醇)、丁二酸(有机酸)、KCl(无机盐);考察了各组分对复合膜渗透汽化性能的影响。研究发现:在333 K下;在乙醇浓度为65 g·L-1的混合物中添加不同浓度的第三组分;有机添加物对膜的渗透汽化性能没有明显影响;而无机盐的加入使膜的分离因子稍有提高。所制备的PDMS/陶瓷复合膜;在上述渗透汽化过程中表现出良好的稳定性和对乙醇的优先选择性;渗透通量和分离因子(醇/水)分别在4.5~4.7 kg·m-2·h-1、8.3~10.3之间。  相似文献   

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