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花岗石锯切过程中的锯切力特征   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文通过测量和分析锯切花岗石过程中锯切力以及锯切功率,对锯片所受的单位宽度法向力Fn‘和切向力Ft‘以及单颗金刚石磨粒所平均承受的法向力和切向力进行了研究,实验过程中在保持金刚石节块表面状态基本不变的情况下,对锯切深度ap,进给速度vf和锯片圆周线速度Vs进行了较大范围的变化,另外还对锯片磨损过程中锯切力的变化进行了跟踪测量。  相似文献   

金刚石绳锯切割混凝土的锯切力实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对烧结金刚石串珠绳锯在锯切混凝土过程中锯切力的变化进行了跟踪检测实验,研究了锯切力随锯切参数及锯切长度的变化规律.实验结果表明:锯切过程中,工件上所承受的锯切力(水平力Fh和垂直力Fv)随着线速度vs的提高而减低,随着进给速度vf的提高而增加.锯切力随着锯切中工件长度L的增加而增加.垂直力与水平力之间存在着良好的对应关...  相似文献   

文章研究石材种类对锯切石材过程中的力的影响.应用自制新型超薄锯片加工五种不同石材试样,通过测量石材锯切中的主轴消耗功率P、垂直与水平锯切力(Fv,Fh),以及锯切后试样表面的锯缝宽度B;分析了单位宽度锯切力、力比、比能随石材种类的变化;讨论了锯缝及其变化与石材种类变化间的依赖关系.结果表明,锯切消耗功率P与石材种类的强度性能s满足P=190.53S0.0115关系,其相关系数R1=0.97330.5;锯切垂直力Fv与S满足Fv=-1703.6 55.551S-0.1797S2指数关系,其相关系数R2=0.96990.5.锯缝宽度的平均值T与石材种类的硬度性能日满足T=51.203-3.1407H 7.25×10-2-7×10-4H3×10-6H4关系,其相关系数R3=0.99980.5;锯缝宽度的偏差t与石材种类的颗粒尺寸及颗粒间的连接强度密切有关.  相似文献   

本文对烧结金刚石串珠绳在锯切花岗石过程中,锯切力及锯切后工件表面的轮廓进行了跟踪检测,研究了锯切过程中,锯切力随锯切参数的变化,以及锯切力与工件表面轮廓的相互关系。实验结果表明:锯切过程中,工件上所承受的锯切力Fh和Fv随着线速度Vs的提高而减低,随着进给速度吩的提高而增加。垂直力与水平力之间存在着良好的对应关系,垂直力与水平力比约为4.18。加工后工件轮廓偏差量随着工件所承受的垂直力的增加而增加,两者之间呈指数关系。  相似文献   

本文对金刚石薄锯片高速锯切花岗石过程中的锯切力特性进行试验研究,在较宽的参数范围下,通过测量水平力、垂直力和主轴功率来计算切向力和法向力.对锯切力、力比、单颗金刚石承受的平均载荷进行了分析.结果显示,提高锯片的线速度使锯切力、力比和单颗金刚石磨粒承受平均载荷减小;在高速锯切时,锯切力随着锯切深度和进给速度的增加而增加,而进给速度对锯切力的明显影响要小于锯切深度,应选择小切深大进给的工艺参数组合;锯切力比随锯切深度的增加而增加,随进给速度的增加而减小;单颗金刚石磨粒承受平均载荷随着单颗粒金刚石最大未变形切削厚度的增大而线性增大.  相似文献   

本实验对金刚石框架锯锯切花岗岩过程当中的刀具轨迹进行了分析,通过单因素法和正交试验法对锯切力进行了跟踪监测,研究了锯切力随飞轮转速、进给速度和锯切长度的变化趋势。实验结果表明:金刚石锯条按弧线运动轨迹进行锯切,且在一个锯切往复周期内刀具只有一半时间参与锯切,锯切力Fh和Fc随着飞轮转速的增大而减小,随着进给速度和锯切长度的增大而增加。通过回归分析建立了锯切力数学模型,得出进给速度对Fh和Fc影响最明显,锯切长度次之,飞轮转速影响最小,并可以通过该模型在实际生产中预测锯切力的大小。  相似文献   

锯切力仿真与锯切参数选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文基于岩石材料的特征,提出了一个岩石锯切力理论模型,数值仿真结果表明,该模型正确地描述了锯切力变化的基本特征,对它的进一步分析有利于更仔细地解释锯片磨损及更好地选择锯切参数。  相似文献   

本探讨了锯切大理岩实验中锯切力(法向力和切向力)与锯切深度ap间关系,当锯片转速和石材进给速度一定时,随着锯切深度增加,法向与切向力呈线性增大,金刚石的承受载荷也随之增加。  相似文献   

本文针对金刚石绳锯的柔性加工以及长锯切弧区的加工特点,采用弧区内分段的实验方法,在弧区七个位置选取了50 mm的微段,对每个微段进行锯切力的测量,进而总结出锯切加工弧区内锯切力的分布情况.研究结果表明:当线速度和进给速度较小时,整个弧区的锯切力的波动较小,随着线速度和进给速度的增大,弧区锯切力在整个弧区的波动随之变大;...  相似文献   

在对金刚石框架锯锯切加工动力学和锯切破碎机理模型的研究基础上,通过单颗粒金刚石划痕,单个刚石结块切削石材的系列实验,测量并分析了金刚石框架锯锯切加工时的切削力特征及其影响因素,结果表明,单颗粒金刚石和单个金刚石结块以及不同切削路径切削时的切削力不同的特征,反映了切削断裂过程性质的变化。金刚石浓度低和金刚石颗粒直径小时金刚石磨粒形状和切削方位对切削力有较大的影响,减小切削深度,使用切削液,在已切削表面上切削时,切削力下降,在框架锯锯切中,单颗粒金刚石承受载荷不高,考虑到磨粒切削干涉和重复切削的影响,单颗粒金刚石承载大约在5-15N之间。  相似文献   

The characteristics of the surfaces of worn diamond segments in circular saws for the sawing of granite have been investigated. A scanning electron microscope and a toolmaker's microscope were used to examine the worn surfaces, and radial sawblade wear and grinding ratio during sawing were measured. Experimental results indicate that the diamonds on the working surface for a heavy trimming operation can be classified as whole (without significant wear), micro-fractured, and macro-fractured crystals; also pull-out craters occur. The transition from a free-cutting action to a less efficient cutting occurs when the proportions of whole crystal, fractured particle, and grit pull-out are about one-third. When the proportion of particle fracture (particularly macro-fractured particles) and/or grit pull-out exceeds one-third, the cutting ability of a sawblade becomes less efficient and, in an extreme case, leads to sawblade failure. Conversely, a sawblade containing a higher proportion of whole crystals and a lower proportion of macro-fractured particles cuts more efficiently.  相似文献   

The diamond wire-sawing process was developed to cut granite in both quarries and block processing plants. In this paper, swarf was collected from different areas along the sawing arc when sawing three granites. The particle size distribution and the morphology of the swarf were investigated systematically, along with the swarf formation mechanism in sawing. Granite swarf formation was dominated by transgranular fractures based on the morphology of sawn granite chips and the analysis of sawn chip size. A long cutting arc increased the movement among the swarf, tool, and workpiece, thereby inducing a secondary fracture in the sawn chip.   相似文献   

锯切花岗石中金刚石节块形貌变化过程跟踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价锯切过程中金刚石节块表面状态与锯切力的依赖关系是十分重要也是十分困难的。本文以大切深锯切为研究对象,采用新的磨粒磨损状态划分方法将传统的六种金刚石磨损状态细分为十二种,通过视频采集系统跟踪观察金刚石锯片节块表面形貌变化。通过分析磨粒的不同磨损状态随锯切面积的变化规律,并结合锯切力的变化过程,讨论分析了不同磨损状态变化与锯切过程的内在联系。结果表明,单颗金刚石的磨损变化具有跳动性。十二种磨损状态的变化能够较好的反映锯切力的变化,在达到某一锯切面积时大多数磨损状态和锯切力的变化都有一个明显的转折。  相似文献   

Sawing experiments were accomplished to discuss the wear characteristics at different parts of diamond tools in the process of sawing granite in this paper. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and 3D laser microscope were main detection means for the morphology of diamond tools. Synthetic investigation on the abrasion performance of segments was developed from aspects of the wear appearance of diamond particle and metal bond, the particle protrusion height and the residual height of segments. The results indicated that smaller residual height and larger proportion of macro-fractured and pull out crystal were exhibited at the front end of traditional diamond segment compared with the rear end. Morphology characteristics of diamond tools demonstrated different abrasion mechanism, flush erosion and cavitation was the main wear mechanism for the front end, while abrasive wear was the main wear mechanism for the rear end. Maximum undeformed chip thickness per diamond particle for the front end was larger than that of the rear end due to the existence of slot, the same was true for the load of single diamond particle. By reasonably matching of diamond particles and matrix bond, the abnormal failure efficiency of the diamond particles at the front of the segment was effectively reduced and the wear uniformity of the saw tooth surface was greatly improved. Suggestions on the design of diamond tools and test verification were put forward in the end.  相似文献   

对三种不同花岗石绳锯切割过程中不同弧区位置的岩屑进行了采集,并对其粒度进行了分析。实验结果表明:三种花岗石岩屑粒度分布曲线均大致为单峰分布,符合罗辛-拉姆勒分布规律,大部分岩屑颗粒尺寸集中在20~100μm之间,花岗石岩屑的粒度分布不仅与加工弧区的长度有关,还受到花岗石的原始粒径的影响。  相似文献   

One-segmented diamond sawblades containing diamond with varying degrees of etch pits were manufactured to study the wear behaviour of diamond grains during the sawing of granite. The worn surfaces of the diamond segments were analysed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the forces acting on the tool and the wear performance were measured. The results showed that a sawblade containing diamond with a small number of pits during sawing displays predominantly microfractured worn particles on the working segment surface, a lower sawing force, and a better wear performance. When a tool containing a greater number of extensive pits on the diamond grains is used, a higher proportion of macrofracture occurred and wear flats appeared on the worn diamonds. In addition, the sawing forces are relatively higher and the blade performance is poorer.  相似文献   

Based on the results of scratching tests with single point tools and single segments in a previous study, the contact area between stone and blade, the number of effective cutting edges and the cutting forces per diamond grit, per segment and blade in the frame sawing process are simulated by computer. The number of diamond grits per unit area, the distribution of diamond grits per segment and the effective depth of cut of diamond grits are calculated by a new method. The Monte Carlo method is applied to generate the position of diamond grits randomly. The results show that in cutting stroke, only half of the diamond grits on the segment surface cut stone with the depth of cut increasing and a limited moving distance. The interactions of the grooves created by different segments remove the stone and generate the saw kerf. The simulation results of cutting forces are consistent in tendency with the data tested in a frame sawing machine. Cutting feed and the cutting performance of the segments are the major factors which determine the cutting forces and segment wear. The optimized constant contact area between blade and stone depends on the segment spaces, the segment number and the segment size, the ratio of the length of block and the effective cutting length of blade etc.  相似文献   

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