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Hasumi Y. Matsunaga N. Oshima T. Kodera H. 《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》2003,50(10):2032-2038
Frequency dispersions of the transconductance and the drain conductance of ion-implanted gallium arsenide (GaAs) metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFETs) are measured and analyzed. In the linear region of the MESFET (low drain voltage), a positive transconductance dispersion is observed, which is caused by the deep-level traps at the surface between the source and the gate. In the saturation region (high drain voltage), however, a negative transconductance dispersion becomes dominant. The drain conductance does not show a dispersion in the linear region, while a distinct positive dispersion is observed in the saturation region with the same activation energy as the negative transconductance dispersion. The difference of the dispersion activation energy of the MESFET with and without the p-buried layer beneath the channel indicates that the negative transconductance and the drain conductance dispersion are caused by the deep-level traps at the channel-substrate interface. Because there exists the high electric field at the drain edge of the gate and an electron accumulation layer is formed, the potential in the channel becomes lower when the drain current is larger with high gate voltage. The emission of electrons from electron traps with lower potential is the cause of the negative frequency dispersion. 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1984,5(6):188-190
The relationship between the characteristics of FET's obtained by direct ion implantation and the properties of a GaAs semi-insulating substrate was investigated. A positive correlation was observed between the dislocation etch-pit density, the as-grown mobility, the mobility after implantation, and the device transconductance. The observation of dislocations' effect on mobility is consistent with the model that dislocations act as segregation centers for imperfections. Localized substrate inhomogeneties are shown to affect the GaAs FET's frequency performance via the mobility. 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1987,8(3):118-120
A 0.5-µm GaAs MESFET with a 25-nm thin channel, 400- mS/mm maximum transconductance, and 580-mS/V.mm K value is presented. This extremely high K value was obtained using an electron-beam fabricated recessed-gate MESFET structure on a highly doped (9.1017cm-3) MBE-grown channel layer with 2600-cm2/V.s mobility. The use of thin channels and a buried p-layer also reduced the output conductance and other short-channel effects dramatically. As a result, these scaled MESFET's are very promising for high-speed digital logic circuits. 相似文献
Goostray J. Thomas H. Morgan D.V. Kohn E. Christou A. Mottet S. 《Electronics letters》1990,26(3):159-160
Deep level transient spectroscopy has been used to characterise the traps found in MBE grown n-AlGaAs/GaAs HEMTs. In addition to DX centres two further traps common to different HEMT structures are reported. The authors have identified an electron trap (E/sub a/=0.6 eV) distributed nonuniformly in the AlGaAs donor layer, and an interface state trap (E/sub a/=0.55 eV) located close to the two dimensional electron gas.<> 相似文献
An analytical model of low-frequency dispersion of transconductanced in GaAs FETs which have nonuniform profiles of carrier concentration and mobility is reported. The frequency dependence of surface charge density is incorporated into the model as a variation in the source resistance of the FETs. The model explains the low-frequency dispersion of transconductance in GaAs p-n junction FETs (JFETs) and metal-semiconductor FETs (MESFETs), both of which have a channel layer formed by ion implantation. It is suggested that the low-frequency dispersion of transconductance can be attributed to the charge exchange which occurs with the surface states in GaAs FETs 相似文献
A device level transconductance spectroscopy approach is developed for characterizing surface states in metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors. A comparison of the theoretical results and the available experimental observations shows that the model can successfully explain both the surface leakage current dependence of transconductance dispersion magnitude reported by M. Ozeki et al. (1982) and the temperature dependence of transconductance dispersion observed by S.R. Blight et al. (1986) 相似文献
In order to obtain higher output power, the width of a single cell MESFET must be large. When it becomes too large the distributed effect along the width direction tends to limit the output power. In this paper, we found that the distributed effect is important when the gate width ≥ 150 μ and that the gain decreases with gate width. Also found is that spurious oscillations occur due to line resonances at much higher frequencies than can be accounted for by the instability factor in the discrete device model. 相似文献
The presence of traps in GaInP/GaAs and AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT's was investigated by means of low frequency noise and frequency dispersion measurements. Low frequency noise measurements showed two deep traps (E a1=0.58 eV, Ea2=0.27 eV) in AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT's. One of them (Ea2) is responsible for the channel current collapse at low temperature. A deep trap (Ea1'=0.52 eV) was observed in GaInP/GaAs HEMT's only at a much higher temperature (~350 K). These devices showed a transconductance dispersion of ~16% at 300 K which reduced to only ~2% at 200 K. The dispersion characteristics of AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT's were very similar at 300 K (~12%) but degraded at 200 K (~20%). The low frequency noise and the transconductance dispersion are enhanced at certain temperatures corresponding to trap level crossing by the Fermi-level. The transition frequency of 1/f noise is estimated at 180 MHz for GaInP/GaAs HEMT's and resembles that of AlGaAs/GaAs devices 相似文献
A rigorous formulation of capacitance changes during trap filling processes is presented and used to accurately determine
the electron capture cross section of EL2 in GaAs at a particular temperature, 377K, in this case. The value, σn (377K) = 2.7 × 10−16 cm2, is compared with that predicted from the emission dependence. 相似文献
By using a model which considers velocity overshoot, it is shown that the performance of GaAs MESFETs in enhancement mode depends strongly on the geometrical and electrical characteristics of the access region between source and gate. The sheet resistance of the unrecessed epilayer, and the distance between the source-end of the recessed region and the gate, have to be as small as possible. 300 nm gate length MESFETs with very low values for these parameters were realised with an n -GaAs active layer (6×1017 cm-3). These devices exhibit very high microwave transconductances (800 mS/mm) with good cutoff frequencies (up to 55 GHz). This result suggests that very high transconductance MESFETs can be fabricated from not-too-heavily doped active layers provided that the characteristics of the source-gate access region is properly optimised 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1976,24(6):317-321
The results of a short study into the reliability and failure modes of GaAs MESFET's are presented. Two failure modes have been observed during this study and improved fabrication techniques that reduce their occurrence have been examined. The results obtained indicate that extremely reliable devices can be manufactured with a predicted mean time to failure in excess of 10/sup 7/ h at junction temperatures of 70/spl deg/C. Room-temperature life tests in excess of 1/2 million device hours lend support to these predictions. 相似文献
刘鸿雁 《固体电子学研究与进展》1984,(4)
本文介绍了在低温下,对GaAs MESFET(包括12GHz低噪声器件、双栅器件、功率器件及振荡用器件)所进行的性能测量与分析。在218K(-55℃)下,上述各类器件的跨导g_m相对于室温可增加5~8%,器件的C_(gs)可减少20~50%,器件的寄生电阻R_s和R_d可减少15~40%,R_g也存在缓慢下降的趋势。 文章还给出了低温下低噪声GaAs MESFET放大器的噪声、增益—温度曲线。在218K下,放大器的噪声相对室温可下降1dB左右,单级增益相对室温可增加1~1.5dB,即在低温表现出良好的微波性能。 相似文献
A simple modelling procedure for the dual-gate MESFET is presented. The model is based on a cascoded connection of two single-gate devices, with each device represented in terms of its s-parameters. These s-parameters are obtained from the overall dual-gate MESFET s-parameters, using accurate deembedding techniques. 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1985,6(1):47-49
A method of comparing noise figures of GaAs MESFET's is presented. The noise measure M graphed against gate length for devices having the lowest value of M gives a figure of merit graph against which other devices may be compared. This is useful in determining the relative value of material and process, improvements for a given gate length. 相似文献
Z-Q. Fang Q. H. Xie D. C. Look J. Ehret J. E. Van Nostrand 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1999,28(8):L13-L16
We have investigated electron emission from self-assembled In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). Through detailed deep level transient spectroscopy comparisons
between the QD sample and a reference sample, we determine that trap D, with an activation energy of 100 meV and an apparent
capture cross section of 5.4×10−18 cm2, is associated with an electron quantum level in the In0.5Ga0.5As/GaAs QDs. The other deep levels observed, M1, M3, M4, and M6, are common to GaAs grown by MBE. 相似文献
Two-dimensional simulation of backgating effect in a GaAs MESFET is made in which impact ionization of carriers and deep donors “EL2” in the substrate are considered. The kink-related backgating is reproduced, which is qualitatively consistent with recent experiments. Based on the simulated results, physical mechanism of kink-related backgating effect is discussed 相似文献
Threshold voltages for ion implanted GaAs MESFETs are measured and shown to have good coincidence with calculated results. The effect of implantation energy on threshold voltage is discussed. The optimum implantation energy is about 45 ~ 60 keV. 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1983,30(7):825-833
A nonlinear lumped Circuit model for GaAs MESFET which includes the effect of Gunn-domain formation under the gate, mobility modulation, and diffusion process in the channel boundary is presented. The important design parameters such as Cin ,g_{m}, I_{dsat} , and Ft , etc. can be derived from the model. The model not only predicts realistically the nonlinearI-V characteristics, but it also provides a closed form design criterion for avoiding instability due to Gunn oscillation. Moreover, a small-signal Circuit model having the same basic circuit structure as the existing empirical small-signal model in [2], [10], [14] can be derived from this nonlinear model. In addition, a two-segment piecewise-linear dc model is derived. This piecewise-linear model contains only four model parameters which can be determined very easily by measurement. Because of its simplicity, this model can be implemented into any CAD system to simulate complex circuits with significantly less CPU time. The simulation results are in excellent agreement with experimental data, and with results obtained by a much more time-consuming two-dimensional calculation. 相似文献
本文对源漏n^+浅结注入的自对准GaAsMESFET内部的电位,电场及载流子浓度的稳态分布进行了二维数值分析,分析表明,不同n^+注入深度对器件的特性有一定的影响。当n^+注入深度为有源层厚度的1/4时,畴的体积最小。适当选取n^+区边缘与栅之间的距离可提高器件的击穿电压。 相似文献