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Social information processing (SIP) patterns were conceptualized in orthogonal domains of process and context and measured through responses to hypothetical vignettes in a stratified sample of 387 children (50% boys; 49% minority) from 4 geographical sites followed from kindergarten through 3rd grade. Multidimensional, latent-construct, confirmatory factor analyses supported the within-construct internal consistency, cross-construct discrimination, and multidimensionality of SIP patterns. Contrasts among nested structural equation models indicated that SIP constructs significantly predicted children's aggressive behavior problems as measured by later teacher reports. The findings support the multidimensional construct validity of children's social cognitive patterns and the relevance of SIP patterns in children's aggressive behavior problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It was found that situational threat affected behavior in three main areas of functioning: interpersonal relations, utilization of actors' and other group members' resources, and effectiveness of the group. An attempt was made to analyze and interpret these results within the framework of a competing response theory of anxiety. 20 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined different conceptual variables that influence friendship as a function of developmental age. A content analysis of essays from 480 1st-8th graders indicated that age-related friendship expectation (FE) changes reflect a transition from egocentric to sociocentric and sociocentric to empathic FEs. Sex differences appeared to be relatively minor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been the experience of six graduate students in clinical psychology at the Florida State University that the adage "Physician, heal thyself might profitably be amended to "Psychologists, heal each other." Inasmuch as a psychotherapeutic group composed of clinical psychologists is rather unique, the writer feels that his group's experiences may facilitate the formation of similar groups. Some of the salient topics and issues addressed here include the attempt to acquire a group leader, secrecy, the admission of new members, the members' psychological sophistication, and the cross currents of interpersonal relations. The writer feels that perhaps this therapy group's greatest contribution relates to the generally accepted opinion that a healthy therapist is a desideratum. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An hypothesis that seems to be gaining acceptance on the basis of experimental (as opposed to heretofore face) validity, is that the interpersonal relationship in therapy is not only able to modify the patient's behavior, but in a predictable and desirable direction. This hypothesis was cross-validated by using a group of patients in a Veterans Administration hospital, all in group therapy. The experimental condition, the independent variable, involved exposing S to a TAT-like situation outside of therapy. E responded differentially to the emotionally-toned words used by S: (a) by nodding and saying "mm-hm," (b) by communicating to S via a machine that emitted a clicking sound and added on a counter, and (c) a "no reinforcement" group. Change in the patient's behavior, the dependent variable, was assessed by ratings on a scale to measure interpersonal relationships in group therapy. Significant improvement in the measure of interpersonal behavior in the group therapy was noted in Condition A only. From Psyc Abstracts 36:01:3IG28U. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The cohesiveness of small groups is defined in terms of intermember attraction and the rationale for such an approach is discussed. The empirical literature, restricted primarily to investigations published 1950-1962, is reviewed with the aim of evaluating the status of variables hypothesized as having antecedent or consequent relationships with interpersonal attraction. To this end, studies from diverse fields, for example, group dynamics, personality, and learning, are brought together and categorized. Theoretical positions concerned with the development of liking between persons and the effects which liking has upon subsequent behavior are also examined by specifying predictions from systematic formulations and comparing them with the research data. The major intent of this paper is to document relationships which have been clearly established and to identify those which are still equivocal or unexplored. (7 p. ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

First, an attempt was made to generalize the leadership dimensions of consideration and initiating structure to midwestern middle-management behaviors. Rating and item analysis procedures were used to obtain a rating form. Split-half reliability coefficients for the 2 dimensions were greater than .80. Secondly, scores from the rating form were analyzed in relation to the formal organizational structure of a large firm. "Significant behavioral variations were observed along the horizontal axis of the company, but not up the vertical axis. Some evidence is presented which supports the leadership climate concept." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Graduate students (N=76) fulfilling a class requirement for interpersonal group participation completed measures of interpersonal problems and adult attachment at pretest. At the midpoint and at termination they completed measures of interpersonal problems and group attraction and provided interpersonal circumplex ratings of each fellow group member. As predicted, selected attachment insecurities were significantly correlated with interpersonal problems and group attraction. Attachment anxiety and avoidance, also as hypothesized, were associated with discrepancies in self-other perceptions. Whereas members with attachment avoidance tended to overestimate hostile and hostile-submissive problems, members with attachment anxiety were likely to overestimate interpersonal problems in the "friendly" half of the circumplex. Implications for the conceptualization of attachment-based distortions and interpersonal learning in group therapy are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Twenty-eight groups of five or four graduate students each, controlled for sex, education, and acquaintance were assigned to congenial or noncongenial group climates." The accuracy of social perception as a function of the "climate" of social interaction was studied. "Individuals in congenial groups were significantly more accurate in perceiving task oriented behavior of their group than were individuals in noncongenial groups… . Individuals in noncongenial groups were not more accurate in perceiving the interpersonal relations in the groups than were individuals in congenial groups." Other findings on accuracy of perception are reported. "It is concluded that social climates can predictably affect the perception of task-oriented behavior, but that further research on the relationships among social climate, ego-oriented behavior, and accuracy in social perception is necessary." 24 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present investigation employed an alternating treatments design to (1) examine the efficacy of group contingencies in the reduction of disruptive behavior, and (2) compare the effects of independent, interdependent, and dependent group contingencies in the reduction of disruptive behavior in adolescent males identified with serious emotional disturbance. Disruptive classroom behavior has been associated with both decrement inacademic performance and increased risk for antisocial behavior. Although research findings have suggested that group contingencies are efficacious in reducing disruptive behavior, the data remain inconclusive regarding which group contingency (interdependent, dependent, and independent) is most effective. Results suggest that a clear superiority among the group contingencies was not evidenced. However, all were dramatically effective in the reduction of classroom disruptive behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In order to observe systematic behavioral differences between leaders, joiners, and nonjoiners, 17 Ss in each category were placed in a condition of group support followed by one of group nonsupport. In both conditions, 1 S from 1 of the 3 categories interacted with 3 paid participants in an attempt to solve a relatively unstructured task. As hypothesized, leaders made significantly more positive affect responses than nonjoiners across both situations and leaders made significantly fewer negative responses under support and significantly more negative responses under nonsupport than nonjoiners. 1 major hypothesis was not substantiated: Leaders did not make significantly more task oriented responses than either of the other categories under support or nonsupport. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The link between treatment techniques and long-term treatment outcome was examined in an empirically supported family-based treatment for adolescent drug abuse. Observational ratings of therapist interventions were used to predict outcomes at 6 and 12 months posttreatment for 63 families receiving multidimensional family therapy. Greater use of in-session family-focused techniques predicted reduction in internalizing symptoms and improvement in family cohesion. Greater use of family-focused techniques also predicted reduced externalizing symptoms and family conflict, but only when adolescent focus was also high. In addition, greater use of adolescent-focused techniques predicted improvement in family cohesion and family conflict. Results suggest that both individual and multiperson interventions can exert an influential role in family-based therapy for clinically referred adolescents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Client-therapist complementarity: An analysis of the Gloria films" by Donald J. Kiesler and Chesley S. Goldston (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1988[Apr], Vol 35[2], 127-133). The date of receipt indicated for the revision of this article was incorrect. The correct date of receipt is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1988-36446-001.) In this investigation of Shostrom's (1966) psychotherapy demonstration films, we used a checklist inventory measure derived from the 1982 Interpersonal Circle to examine the interpersonal behavior of Gloria, her three therapists, and their respective transaction patterns. Groups of undergraduate raters observed the three films, after which they rated the interpersonal behavior of either Gloria or the therapist. Analyses of Interpersonal Circle axes and segment scores revealed significant differences in the interpersonal behaviors of the three therapists with Gloria and of Gloria with the three therapists. Analyses of transactional patterns showed departures of Gloria's behaviors from the perfect complementary fit predicted from each of the therapist's interpersonal profiles, especially for behaviors categorized on the hostile half of the Interpersonal Circle. Discussion emphasized the complex of dyadic mix and other contextual factors that need to be addressed in future interpersonal studies of psychotherapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Considerable research has demonstrated the effectiveness of interdependent and unknown dependent group contingencies on reducing inappropriate classroom behavior. Several investigators have focused on the addition of self-monitoring and peer feedback to these interdependent and unknown dependent group contingencies in order to further improve their effectiveness. In addition, another and separate line of research has examined group contingencies with the randomization of the reinforcement procedure as a means of improving the intervention effect. Absent in the present literature is a study that combines all of these various elements into one multicomponent intervention. Therefore, the present study focused on demonstrating the effectiveness of interdependent and unknown dependent group contingencies that also included self-monitoring, peer feedback, and the randomization of both reinforcers and criteria for reinforcement in reducing the frequency of inappropriate classroom behaviors. The results indicated large positive effects for this multicomponent intervention across all students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Ratings of [141] industrial foremen were made using a check list. Scores on 18 variables representing six hypothesized aspects of supervisory behavior were factor analyzed using the hierarchical factor model. A detailed explanation of the application of the hierarchical model is given. In terms of the present data, four factors were found, one a general or 'halo' factor and three interpretable factors. These were described in terms of their meaning and variance. The factors were designated as Social Relations, Technical Job Knowledge, and Administrative Skills and are similar to several previously reported. It is concluded that the hierarchical factor model is a useful technique for the analysis of intercorrelations of trait ratings." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What increments in validity might be found from employing statistical techniques other than those of the usual linear type? The symbols for high, medium, or low for one test were put on a graph at the meeting place for the scores on 2 other tests. "It consists of entering coded symbols on a bivariate scatterplot." The procedure was found promising. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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