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Constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow (HF CWs) designed for treatment of municipal sewage have been monitored extensively with respect to removal of organics, suspended solids, nitrogen, phosphorus and bacteria. However, the information on the removal of various metals and metalloids in these systems is very limited. During the period 2002–2004 aboveground and belowground biomass of Phragmites australis (common reed) and Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass) were sampled in three HF CWs in the Czech Republic. Concentrations of monitored elements in both aboveground and belowground plant tissues were similar to those found in plants growing in natural stands. The concentrations were much lower as compared to those found in plants growing in wetlands receiving acid mine drainage waters, waters from smelters or highway runoff. Concentrations decrease in the order of roots > rhizomes > leaves > stems. The leaf:stem concentration ratios were quite similar for all monitored elements ranging between 1.0 and 1.9. The root:leaf concentration ratio varied widely between 1.5 (Cu) and 54 (Cr) with a mean value of 20.0. Belowground/aboveground plant tissue concentration ratios varied from 2.2 (Cu) to 32 (Cr) with the average value of 9.9.  相似文献   

The balance between evapotranspiration (ET) loss and rainfall ingress in treatment wetlands (TWs) can affect their suitability for certain applications. The aim of this paper was to investigate the water balance and seasonal dynamics in ET of subsurface horizontal flow (HF) TWs in a sub-tropical climate. Monthly water balances were compiled for four pilot-scale HF TWs receiving horticultural runoff over a two year period (Sep. 1999-Aug. 2001) on the sub-tropical east-coast of Australia. The mean annual wetland ET rate increased from 7.0 mm/day in the first year to 10.6 mm/day in the second, in response to the development of the reed (Phragmites australis) population. Consequently, the annual crop coefficients (ratio of wetland ET to pan evaporation) increased from 1.9 in the first year to 2.6 in the second. The mean monthly ET rates were generally greater and more variable than the Class-A pan evaporation rates, indicating that transpiration is an important contributor to ET in HF TWs. Evapotranspiration rates were generally highest in the summer and autumn months, and corresponded with the times of peak standing biomass of P. australis. It is likely that ET from the relatively small 1 m wide by 4 m long HF TWs was enhanced by advection through so-called “clothesline” and “oasis” effects, which contributed to the high crop coefficients. For the second year, when the reed population was well established, the annual net loss to the atmosphere (taking into account rainfall inputs) accounted for 6.1-9.6 % of the influent hydraulic load, which is considered negligible. However, the net loss is likely to be higher in arid regions with lower rainfall. The Water Use Efficiency (WUE) of the wetlands in the second year of operation was 1.3 g of above-ground biomass produced per kilogram of water consumed, which is low compared to agricultural crops. It is proposed that system level WUE provides a useful metric for selecting wetland plant species and TW design alternatives to use in arid regions where excessive water loss from constructed wetlands can be problematic. Further research is needed to accrue long-term HF TW water balance data especially in arid climatic zones.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the respective effects of Zn, Pb and Cd as well as the combined effect of Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu on the removal of nitrogen and oxygen demand in constructed wetlands. Four laboratory-scale gravel-filled subsurface-flow constructed wetland units planted with cattails (Typha latifolia) were operated outdoors and fed with primary-treated domestic wastewater at a constant flow rate of 25 ml/min. After 6 months, three of the wetland units were fed with the same type of wastewater spiked with Zn(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II), respectively, at 20, 5 and 1 mg/l for a further 9 months. The remaining unit was fed with the same type of wastewater spiked with a combination of Zn(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) and Cu(II) at concentrations of 10, 2.5, 0.5 and 5 mg/l, respectively, over the same period. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammoniacal nitrogen (AN) concentrations were monitored at the inlet, outlet and three additional locations along the length of the wetland units to assess the performance of the wetland units at various metal loadings. At the end of the study, all cattail plants were harvested for the determination of total Kjeldahl nitrogen and metal concentrations. The results showed that the COD removal efficiency was practically independent of increasing metal loading or a combination of metal loadings during the duration of the study. In contrast, the AN removal efficiency deteriorated progressively with increasing metal loading. The relative effect of the heavy metals was found to increase in the order: Zn相似文献   

Reed (Phragmites australis), a commonly used macrophyte in the wetlands constructed for water purification, was investigated as a new biosorbent for the removal of Cu(2+), Cd(2+), Ni(2+), Pb(2+) and Zn(2+) from aqueous solution. The metal adsorption capacity of reed biomass was improved significantly by water-wash, base- and acid-treatment. The maximum sorption of NaOH-pretreated reed biomass was observed near neutral pH for Cu(2+), Cd(2+), Ni(2+) and Zn(2+), while that for Pb(2+) was from an acidic range of pH 4.0 or higher. The maximum metal adsorption capacity on a molar basis assumed by Langmuir model was in the order of Cu(2+)>Ni(2+)>Cd(2+)>Zn(2+)>Pb(2+). Reed biosorbent showed a very high adsorption affinity value, which helps predict its high ability to adsorb heavy metals at low concentration. Desorption of heavy metals and regeneration of the biosorbent was attained simultaneously by acid elution. Even after three cycles of adsorption-elution, the adsorption capacity was regained completely and the desorption efficiency of metal was maintained at around 90%.  相似文献   

Braskerud BC 《Water research》2003,37(16):3793-3802
Constructed wetlands (CWs) can be used to mitigate non-point source pollution from arable fields. Previous investigations have shown that the relative soil particle retention in small CWs increases when hydraulic load increases. This paper investigates why this phenomenon occurs, even though common retention models predict the opposite, by studying clay and silt particle retention in two Norwegian CWs. Retention was measured with water flow proportional sampling systems in the inlet and outlet of the wetlands, and the texture of the suspended solids was analyzed. The surface area of the CWs was small compared to the watershed area (approximately 0.07%), giving high average hydraulic loads (1.1 and 2.0 md(-1)). One of the watersheds included only old arable land, whereas the other included areas with disturbed topsoil after artificial land leveling. Clay particle retention was 57% for the CW in the first watershed, and 22% for the CW in the disturbed watershed. The different behavior of the wetlands could be due to differences in aggregate size and stability of the particles entering the wetlands. Results showed that increased hydraulic loads did affect CW retention negatively. However, as runoff increased, soil particles/aggregates with higher sedimentation velocities entered the CWs (e.g., the clay particles behaved as silt particles). Hence, clay particle settling velocity is not constant as assumed in many prediction models. The net result was increased retention.  相似文献   

通过现场试验,考查了多环芳烃(PAHs)从污泥向芦苇的转移以及PAHs在芦苇各部位的分布情况。受试芦苇植于污泥干化芦苇床内,芦苇床规格3 m×1 m×1.3 m,其中高度含0.65 m填料层和0.65 m超高。试验进行了3 a,包括2 a的污泥负荷期和1 a的闲置期。2 a负荷期内共进泥8.4 m(含水率99.14%),污泥PAHs含量平均5.69 mg·kg -1。原生芦苇茎和叶中的PAHs含量相对较高,达到2.198和2.583 mg·kg -1 (DW),分别是芦苇根PAHs含量的2.44和2.87倍,且以低环PAHs为主。运行结果表明,受试芦苇对污泥中的PAHs产生了明显的富集作用。运行第2年9、10和11月取污泥干化芦苇床芦苇样品并进行检测,发现芦苇根茎叶内PAHs含量呈逐月升高趋势;第3年11月芦苇根茎叶所含PAHs总量分别为7.642、7.713、7.946 mg·kg -1 (DW),相对原生芦苇分别提高了8.50、3.52和3.08倍,且以低环PAHs为主,根茎叶低环PAHs含量占PAHs总量的55.14%、56.96%和44.59%。芦苇中PAHs的含量与植物含脂率具有显著的正相关关系,而与芦苇的含水量无关。  相似文献   

Polar organic solvent removal in microcosm constructed wetlands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Grove JK  Stein OR 《Water research》2005,39(16):4040-4050
Three polar organic solvents, acetone, tetrahydrofuran (THF) and 1-butanol, were added at 100 mg/l each to post-primary municipal wastewater in order to simulate a mixed waste stream. This mixture was applied to an experimental microcosm subsurface constructed wetland system consisting of replicates of Juncus effusus, Carex lurida, Iris pseudacorus, Pondeteria cordata and unplanted controls in a series of 14-day batch incubations over a yearlong period simulating a summer and winter season. 90% removal of 1-butanol typically took less than 3 days. 90% removal of acetone required from 5 to 10 days in summer and 10 to 14 days in winter. 90% removal of THF required at least 10 days and was frequently not achieved during the 14-day incubations. Initial experiments confirmed that the majority of solvent removal was via microbial bioremediation. Solvent removal was typically better in planted replicates, especially Juncus, regardless of season. The removal rate of all solvents was slower in winter, but the seasonal effect was most pronounced in the unplanted control replicates and least in the Carex and Juncus replicates. Plant and seasonal effects are believed to be due, in part, to variation in metabolic pathways induced by plant and seasonal variation in available root-zone oxygen. Variation in transpiration also influenced species and seasonal effects on THF removal, but not the other more biodegradable solvents. A model based on a prediction of plant uptake of nonionic dissolved chemicals suggests that as much as 39% of the THF in solution could have been removed through plant transpiration.  相似文献   

新疆是我国西北边陲的石油、矿产及农业资源大省.其地理位置位于亚洲中心,长年干旱、地广人稀并且有大量的沙漠地区.其中就有面积规模位于世界第二大中国第一大的塔克拉玛干沙漠和全国前十大的古尔班通古特沙漠。有大量需要进行绿化和防风固沙的区域,对于水资源需求量极大。人工湿地技术由于其低投资.出水水质好.抗冲击力强,操作简单,建造和运行费用低维护方便,氨氮去除率高.同时可使污水处理与环境生态建设有机结合,在处理污水的同时可创造城市生态景观等特点,因此人工湿地非常适合新疆这样的地广人稀、干旱少雨的地区进行污水处理与利用。  相似文献   

The persistence and removal of enteric pathogens in constructed wetlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sedimentation is thought to be one of the mechanisms of microbial reduction from wetlands used for wastewater treatment. This study compared the occurrence and survival of enteric indicator microorganisms and pathogens in the water column and sediments of two constructed surface flow wetlands in Arizona. On a volume/wet weight basis the concentration of fecal coliforms and coliphage in the water column and sediment was similar. However, on a volume/dry weight basis the numbers were one to two orders of magnitude higher in the sediment. Giardia cyst and Cryptosporidium oocyst concentrations were one to three orders of magnitude greater in the sediment compared to the water column. The die-off rates of all the bacteria and coliphage were greater in the water column than the sediment. The die-off rates of fecal coliforms in the water and sediment were 0.256log(10)day(-1) and 0.151log(10)day(-1), respectively. The die-off rates of Salmonella typhimurium in the water and sediment were 0.345log(10)day(-1) and 0.312log(10)day(-1), respectively. The die-off rates of naturally occurring coliphage in water column and sediment were 0.397log(10)day(-1) and 0.107log(10)day(-1), respectively, and the die-off rates of and PRD-1 in water and sediment were 0.198log(10)day(-1) and 0.054log(10)day(-1), respectively. In contrast Giardia die-off in the sediment was greater compared to the water column. The die-off rates of Giardia in water and sediment were 0.029log(10)day(-1) and 0.37log(10)day(-1), respectively. Coliphage survived the longest of any group of organisms in the sediment and the least in the water column. In contrast Giardia survived best in the water column and least in the sediment.  相似文献   

Microbial biomass, activity and community composition in constructed wetlands   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The aim of the current article is to give an overview about microbial communities and their functioning but also about factors affecting microbial activity in the three most common types (surface flow and two types of sub-surface flow) of constructed wetlands. The paper reviews the community composition and structural diversity of the microbial biomass, analyzing different aspects of microbial activity with respect to wastewater properties, specific wetland type, and environmental parameters. A brief introduction about the application of different novel molecular techniques for the assessment of microbial communities in constructed wetlands is also given. Microbially mediated processes in constructed wetlands are mainly dependent on hydraulic conditions, wastewater properties, including substrate and nutrient quality and availability, filter material or soil type, plants, and different environmental factors. Microbial biomass is within similar ranges in both horizontal and vertical subsurface flow and surface flow constructed wetlands. Stratification of the biomass but also a stratified structural pattern of the bacterial community can be seen in subsurface flow systems. Microbial biomass C/N ratio is higher in horizontal flow systems compared to vertical flow systems, indicating the structural differences in microbial communities between those two constructed wetland types. The total activity of the microbial community is in the same range, but heterotrophic growth is higher in the subsurface (vertical flow) system compared to the surface flow systems. Available species-specific data about microbial communities in different types of wetlands is scarce and therefore it is impossible make any general conclusions about the dynamics of microbial community structure in wetlands, its relationship to removal processes and operational parameters.  相似文献   

Methods to measure protein, exopolysaccharide, viable cell number and INT reduction activity were tested on biofilm growing in a wastewater batch reactor. They were shown to be meaningful indicators of biofilm growth and correlated well with each other. Protein, exopolysaccharide, viable cells and INT reduction rates increased linearly over time. Viable cell number exhibited strong linear correlations with protein (R2= 0.98) and exopolysaccharide (R2= 0.99) while INT reduction rate was somewhat less well correlated (R2= 0.90). Our results indicate production rates of 0.91 x 10(-7) microg EPS per viable cell and 1.0 x 10(-7) microg protein per viable cell. Protein and polysaccharide specific INT reduction rates decreased by approximately 50%, whereas viable cell specific INT reduction rates decreased by 65% and the protein to polysaccharide ratio stayed relatively constant at between 1.1 and 1.2 as the biofilm developed. Measurement of protein, polysaccharide, viable cells and INT reduction rate at depth within the bioreactor showed that they were concentrated in the top 1cm of the influent end of the reactor and each decreased to a base level within 4.5 cm of the inlet. Protein to polysaccharide ratios increased with depth in the reactor and the specific INT reduction rates were maximal at 4.5 cm depth. The results indicate that the biomass can take upwards of 100 days to stabilize during batch (fill and draw) operation of subsurface wetlands and that the relative ratios of biomass components remain relatively constant during biofilm growth. Also, it appears that filtration of suspended solids results in biomass concentration at the inlet to the wetland.  相似文献   

Subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands with intermittent loading are considered as state of the art and can comply with stringent effluent requirements. It is usually assumed that microbial activity in the filter body of constructed wetlands, responsible for the removal of carbon and nitrogen, relies mainly on bacterially mediated transformations. However, little quantitative information is available on the distribution of bacterial biomass and production in the "black-box" constructed wetland. The spatial distribution of bacterial carbon utilization, based on bacterial (14)C-leucine incorporation measurements, was investigated for the filter body of planted and unplanted indoor pilot-scale constructed wetlands, as well as for a planted outdoor constructed wetland. A simple mass-balance approach was applied to explain the bacterially catalysed organic matter degradation in this system by comparing estimated bacterial carbon utilization rates with simultaneously measured carbon reduction values. The pilot-scale constructed wetlands proved to be a suitable model system for investigating microbial carbon utilization in constructed wetlands. Under an ideal operating mode, the bulk of bacterial productivity occurred within the first 10cm of the filter body. Plants seemed to have no significant influence on productivity and biomass of bacteria, as well as on wastewater total organic carbon removal.  相似文献   

Solids accumulation in six full-scale subsurface flow constructed wetlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we evaluated the amount of accumulated solids in six different horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSF CWs). We also investigated the relationship between accumulated solids and, on one hand, the wastewater quality and load and, on the other hand, the hydraulic conductivity of the granular medium. Aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability tests were also conducted on the accumulated organic matter. Experiments were carried out on full scale wastewater treatment systems consisting of SSF CWs with stabilisation ponds, which are used for the sanitation of small towns in north-eastern Spain. There were more accumulated solids near the inlet of the SSF CWs (3-57 kg dry matter (DM)/m2) than near the outlet (2-12 kgm DM/m2). Annual solids accumulation rates ranged from 0.7 to 14.3 kg DM/m2 year, and a positive relationship was observed between accumulation rates and loading rates. Most of the accumulated solids had a low level of organic matter (<20%). The results of the aerobic and anaerobic tests indicated that the accumulated organic matter was very recalcitrant and difficult to biodegrade. The hydraulic conductivity values were significantly lower near the inlet zone (0-4 m/d) than in the outlet zone (12-200 m/d). Although hydraulic conductivity tended to decrease with increasing solids accumulation, the relationship was not direct. One major conclusion of this study is that the improvement of primary treatment is necessary to avoid rapid clogging of the granular media due to solids accumulation.  相似文献   

Removal of nutrients in various types of constructed wetlands   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
The processes that affect removal and retention of nitrogen during wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands (CWs) are manifold and include NH(3) volatilization, nitrification, denitrification, nitrogen fixation, plant and microbial uptake, mineralization (ammonification), nitrate reduction to ammonium (nitrate-ammonification), anaerobic ammonia oxidation (ANAMMOX), fragmentation, sorption, desorption, burial, and leaching. However, only few processes ultimately remove total nitrogen from the wastewater while most processes just convert nitrogen to its various forms. Removal of total nitrogen in studied types of constructed wetlands varied between 40 and 55% with removed load ranging between 250 and 630 g N m(-2) yr(-1) depending on CWs type and inflow loading. However, the processes responsible for the removal differ in magnitude among systems. Single-stage constructed wetlands cannot achieve high removal of total nitrogen due to their inability to provide both aerobic and anaerobic conditions at the same time. Vertical flow constructed wetlands remove successfully ammonia-N but very limited denitrification takes place in these systems. On the other hand, horizontal-flow constructed wetlands provide good conditions for denitrification but the ability of these system to nitrify ammonia is very limited. Therefore, various types of constructed wetlands may be combined with each other in order to exploit the specific advantages of the individual systems. The soil phosphorus cycle is fundamentally different from the N cycle. There are no valency changes during biotic assimilation of inorganic P or during decomposition of organic P by microorganisms. Phosphorus transformations during wastewater treatment in CWs include adsorption, desorption, precipitation, dissolution, plant and microbial uptake, fragmentation, leaching, mineralization, sedimentation (peat accretion) and burial. The major phosphorus removal processes are sorption, precipitation, plant uptake (with subsequent harvest) and peat/soil accretion. However, the first three processes are saturable and soil accretion occurs only in FWS CWs. Removal of phosphorus in all types of constructed wetlands is low unless special substrates with high sorption capacity are used. Removal of total phosphorus varied between 40 and 60% in all types of constructed wetlands with removed load ranging between 45 and 75 g N m(-2) yr(-1) depending on CWs type and inflow loading. Removal of both nitrogen and phosphorus via harvesting of aboveground biomass of emergent vegetation is low but it could be substantial for lightly loaded systems (cca 100-200 g N m(-2) yr(-1) and 10-20 g P m(-2) yr(-1)). Systems with free-floating plants may achieve higher removal of nitrogen via harvesting due to multiple harvesting schedule.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) processing in constructed wetlands (CWs) is often variable, and the contribution to N loss and retention by various pathways (nitrification/denitrification, plant uptake and sediment storage) remains unclear. We studied the seasonal variation of the effects of artificial aeration and three different macrophyte species (Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia and Phalaris arundinacea) on N processing (removal rates, transformations and export) using experimental CW mesocosms. Removal of total nitrogen (TN) was higher in summer and in planted and aerated units, with the highest mean removal in units planted with T. angustifolia. Export of ammonium (NH4+), a proxy for nitrification limitation, was higher in winter, and in unplanted and non-aerated units. Planted and aerated units had the highest export of oxidized nitrogen (NOy), a proxy for reduced denitrification. Redox potential, evapotranspiration (ETP) rates and hydraulic retention times (HRT) were all predictors of TN, NH4+ and NOy export, and significantly affected by plants. Denitrification was the main N sink in most treatments accounting for 47-62% of TN removal, while sediment storage was dominant in unplanted non-aerated units and units planted with P. arundinacea. Plant uptake accounted for less than 20% of the removal. Uncertainties about the long-term fate of the N stored in sediments suggest that the fraction attributed to denitrification losses could be underestimated in this study.  相似文献   

人工湿地基质堵塞会极大的限制湿地的去污能力和净化效果,通过分析垂直流人工湿地基质净水原理和堵塞机理,指出了湿地堵塞的影响因素,并提出了解决湿地堵塞的处理措施,保证人工湿地的稳定运行。  相似文献   

Extracellular enzymes play a central role in the breakdown of organic pollutants. In wetlands constructed to treat wastewaters, supplementing the naturally occurring soil enzymes may result in faster pollutant removal, or breakdown of novel pollutants, but only if the added enzymes could retain their catalytic activity. In this study, the persistence of exogenous enzyme supplements was investigated. Adding cellobiohydrolase and beta-glucosidase to sterilised soil increased enzyme activity (range 375-4210%); although the increased activity began to decline after just 10-15 days. Thus, without an active microbial population, enhanced enzyme activity is unlikely to be long lived. However, with the naturally occurring soil microbes present to maintain the improved biodegradative capacity, cellobiohydrolase and beta-glucosidase additions created significant increases (range 173-530%) in activity and these persisted for more than 6 weeks. These findings therefore support the proposal that enzyme additions can enhance enzymic biodegradation processes, and suggest that this may be achieved primarily through a 'pump-priming' mechanism.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling of subsurface flow constructed wetlands (CWs) gained increasing interest during the last years. The main objective of the modelling work is, on the one hand, to increase the insight in dynamics and functioning of the complex CW system by using mechanistic or process based models that describe transformation and degradation processes in detail. As these mechanistic models are complex and therefore rather difficult to use there is, on the other hand, a need for simplified models for CW design. The design models should be premium to the currently used design guidelines that are mainly based on rules of thumb or simple first-order decay models. This paper presents an overview of the current developments on modelling of subsurface flow CWs based on the modelling work and model developments presented at the WETPOL 2007 symposium. Three kinds of models have been presented: simple transport and first-order decay models, complex mechanistic models, and a simplified model that has been developed for design of CWs. The models are presented and selected results are shown and discussed in relation to the available literature.  相似文献   

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