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In this study we present the first evidence for the occurrence of apoptotic cell death in ovarian follicles from teleost fish. Preovulatory ovarian follicles from mature hatchery-raised rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were collected and either immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen or incubated in serum-free medium at 18 degrees for 24 hr. The extent of ovarian apoptotic DNA fragmentation was determined using 3'-end labeling of DNA with [32P]dideoxy-ATP, size fractionation by agarose gel electrophoresis, and quantification of low-molecular-weight (<15 kb) DNA using autoradiography and liquid scintillation counting. The extent of apoptotic DNA fragmentation was eightfold greater in immediately frozen preovulatory follicles than in previtellogenic ovarian follicles collected from immature rainbow trout (P < 0.05), suggesting differences in the degree of apoptosis at different stages of follicular development. In preovulatory trout follicles, the extent of apoptotic DNA fragmentation was fivefold greater in follicles incubated for 24 hr. Treatment of incubated preovulatory follicles with either partially purified salmon gonadotropin SG-G100 (1 microg/ml) or epidermal growth factor (EGF; 100 ng/ml) suppressed apoptotic DNA fragmentation by 31 and 41%, respectively, in comparison to untreated incubated follicles (P < 0.01). Treatment of incubated follicles with 17beta-estradiol (1-100 ng/ml) caused a concentration-dependent suppression of apoptotic DNA fragmentation (P < 0.05). These results suggest that apoptosis is involved in teleost ovarian development and that several of the hormonal factors acting as follicle survival factors in mammalian and avian ovaries may play a similar role in teleost ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

Granulosa cells in the ovulatory follicle express messenger ribonucleic acid encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), an agent that may mediate the neovascularization of the developing corpus luteum, but it is not known whether luteinizing granulosa cells synthesize and secrete VEGF during the periovulatory interval. Studies were designed to evaluate the effects of an in vivo gonadotropin surge on VEGF production by macaque granulosa cells (study 1) and to test the hypothesis that gonadotropins act directly on granulosa cells to regulate VEGF production (study 2). Monkeys received a regimen of exogenous gonadotropins to promote the development of multiple preovulatory follicles. Nonluteinized granulosa cells (i.e. preovulatory; NLGC) and luteinized granulosa cells (i.e. periovulatory; LGC) were aspirated from follicles before and 27 h after an ovulatory gonadotropin bolus, respectively. Cells were either incubated for 24 h in medium with or without 100 ng/mL hCG (study 1) or cultured for 6 days in medium with or without 100 ng/mL hCG or 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 ng/mL of recombinant human LH (r-hLH) or r-hFSH (study 2). Culture medium was assayed for VEGF and progesterone. In study 1, LGC produced 8-fold greater levels of VEGF than NLGC (899 +/- 471 vs. 111 +/- 26 pg/mL, mean +/- SEM; P < 0.05). In vitro treatment with hCG increased (P < 0.05) VEGF production by NLGC to levels that were not different from the LGC incubated under control conditions. In vivo bolus doses of r-hCG (100 and 1000 IU) and r-hFSH (2500 IU) were equally effective in elevating granulosa cell VEGF production. In study 2, in vitro treatment with r-hFSH, r-hLH, and hCG markedly increased (P < 0.05) VEGF and progesterone production by the NLGC in a dose- and time-dependent manner. By comparison, the three gonadotropins (100 ng/mL dose) only modestly increased VEGF and progesterone production by LGC. These experiments demonstrate a novel role for the midcycle surge of gonadotropin (LH/CG or FSH) in primates to promote VEGF production by granulosa cells in the periovulatory follicle. Further, the data demonstrate that FSH-like as well as LH-like gonadotropins directly stimulate VEGF synthesis by granulosa cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: School-based drug prevention programs have been criticized on methodologic grounds because the unit of analysis is often not the unit of randomization, thus increasing the likelihood of Type I errors. Application of multilevel analytic strategies appropriately corrects this biasing tendency. This study demonstrates the practical use of such analysis. METHODS: Data from 2,370 seventh-grade students participating in a substance use prevention trial were analyzed using a multilevel strategy. We examined the effectiveness of a social pressure resistance training and a normative education (NORM) intervention against an information-only control group. RESULTS: The NORM condition revealed 1-year program effects for cigarette and marijuana use with individuals as the unit of analysis and only marginal effects with classroom as the unit of analysis. No program effects were found using school as the analysis unit. A multilevel strategy revealed program effects for cigarettes and marijuana with both class and school as grouping levels. The effect for alcohol use was significant at the 2-year follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Interventions establishing conservative drug use norms in classrooms may be an effective strategy in reducing substance use onset among adolescents. Utilization of appropriate analytic strategies is important in the analysis and interpretation of data containing nested structures.  相似文献   

The expression of the mRNA for the inhibin/activin subunits (alpha and beta A) in the granulosa layer of the five largest preovulatory follicles of the hen was investigated. Total RNA from the granulosa layer of the F5 (the fifth largest) to F1 (the largest) follicles was extracted and analyzed by Northern blot analysis using homologous chicken inhibin alpha and beta A subunit cDNA probes. RNA loading was quantified by a cDNA probe of bovine 18S rRNA. Results showed that for the chicken inhibin alpha subunit mRNA signals (n = 3), the mean relative intensity for the F1, F2, F3, and F4 follicles was 0.50 +/- 0.10 ( +/- SEM,), 0.52 +/- 0.08, 0.59 +/- 0.06, and 0.81 +/- 0.04, respectively, compared to a mean relative intensity of 1.00 (p < 0.05) for the F5 follicle. For the beta A subunit mRNA signals (n = 3), the mean relative intensity for the F5, F4, F3, and F2 follicles was 0.25 +/- 0.06, 0.28 +/- 0.15, 0.40 +/- 0.17, and 0.48 +/- 0.10 (p < 0.05) for the F1 follicle. The inhibin alpha subunit was also estimated to be more abundantly expressed among follicles in the granulosa layer than was the beta A subunit. Our data indicate that the expression of inhibin alpha and beta A subunits is differentially regulated in the hen granulosa layer during follicular development. Expression of the alpha subunit is reduced with follicular development whereas inhibin beta A subunit expression is dramatically enhanced. In addition, the granulosa layer of the large preovulatory follicles may produce more inhibin alpha subunit than beta A subunit, and the F1 follicle may be the primary source of the beta A subunit for dimeric inhibin and/or activin in the hen.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation and in vitro culture of bovine inner cell mass (ICM) cells and the use of ICM cells in nuclear transfer to produce totipotent blastocysts that resulted in calves born. Of 15 cell lines represented in this study, 13 were derived from immunosurgically isolated ICM of 3 in vitro produced day 9-10 bovine blastocysts, while 2 lines were derived from single blastocysts. Approximately 70% of attempted cell lines became established cell lines when started from 3 ICMs. The ability to establish cell lines was dependent on the number of ICMs starting the line. Sire differences were noted in the ability of ICMs to establish cell lines and to form blastocysts. The cell lines were cultured as a low cell density suspension in the medium CR1aa plus selenium, insulin, and transferrin (SIT) and 5% fetal calf serum (FCS) for 6-101 days before use in nuclear transfer, at which time some had multiplied to more than 2000 cells. If allowed to aggregate, cells of established cell lines formed embryoid bodies. A total of 659 nuclear transfer clones were made by fusing the ES cells into enucleated oocytes with polyethylene glycol; 460 of these fused, based on cleavage (70%). After culture of the clones for 7 days in vitro in CR1aa/SIT/5% FCS, 109 (24%) of those fused became blastocysts. Thirty-four blastocysts were transferred into uteri of 27 cows, and 13 cows (49%) became pregnant. Four of the 13 cows gave birth to 4 normal calves. DNA typing showed the calves to be derived from the respective sires of the cell lines. The calves were derived from cultures of less than 28 days.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence implicates inhibins and activins as endocrine and local regulators of follicular development in mammals, and it was recently confirmed that inhibin/activin alpha and betaA genes are also expressed in the avian ovary. To investigate the potential involvement of these proteins in the chicken ovary, thecal and granulosa layers of the four largest follicles (F1-F4) and the most recent postovulatory follicle were collected from hens (10/group) killed 4, 12, and 20 h before the expected time of F1 ovulation. Inhibin A and activin A concentrations of tissue extracts (expressed per mg DNA) were measured using validated two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays; total immunoreactive inhibin alpha-subunit (ir-alpha) was also measured by heterologous RIA (Monash assay). Inhibin A and ir-alpha were largely confined to the granulosa layer, whereas activin A was much more abundant in the thecal layer. Granulosa inhibin A contents were similar in F4 and F3, but increased approximately 40-fold from F3-F1 (P < 0.0001). As such, the F1 granulosa layer was by far the richest source of inhibin A in the chicken ovary, but contained very little activin A. Total ir-alpha in granulosa was much more abundant than inhibin A and increased only 3-fold from F4-F1 (P < 0.001). Activin A in both granulosa and theca showed little variation between F1 and F4 follicles (by ANOVA, P > 0.05). The inhibin A content of F1 granulosa was maximal 12 h before ovulation and had fallen approximately 6-fold (P < 0.0001) within 8 h, suggesting an inhibitory effect of the preovulatory LH surge on the F1 capacity to synthesize inhibin A. Inhibin A, activin A, and ir-alpha were all less in the postovulatory follicle compared with F1 before ovulation (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, application of the present two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays to the chicken ovary revealed 1) divergent tissue distribution of inhibin A and activin A within preovulatory follicles, and 2) differential regulation of granulosa cell production of inhibin A and activin A dimers during preovulatory follicular development. These findings of dynamic changes in inhibin A, activin A, and total ir-alpha support the hypothesis that these proteins subserve regulatory roles during preovulatory follicular development in the hen.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the concentration of the soluble form of intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 in granulosa luteal cell-conditioned media and in follicular fluid (FF). DESIGN: Granulosa cells and FF samples were obtained at the time of oocyte retrieval for IVF. In 10 women, a total of 33 fluids were obtained from individual follicles, whereas in 70 women, the follicular aspirates were pooled. SETTING: Clinica "L. Mangiagalli" and Reproductive Center, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy. PATIENT(S): Eighty women referred for IVF for tubal factor or male factor infertility. INTERVENTION(S): Women underwent ovarian hyperstimulation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Soluble ICAM-1 was measured by an ELISA, and its levels were correlated with follicular size, the number of retrieved oocytes, and the number of follicles with a diameter of >15 mm. RESULT(S): The concentration of soluble ICAM-1 in granulosa luteal cell-conditioned media was 17.8 +/- 1.8 ng/5 x 10(5) cells. Interleukin-1beta can stimulate soluble ICAM-1 release in a dose-dependent manner. A significant positive correlation was demonstrated between levels of soluble ICAM-1 in pooled FF and the number of retrieved oocytes or the number of follicles with a diameter of >15 mm. CONCLUSION(S): Soluble ICAM-1 can be released by granulosa luteal cells and can be detected in FF after ovarian hyperstimulation. Levels of soluble ICAM-1 in FF correlate directly with some indices of ovarian function.  相似文献   

The role of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) in ovarian function was investigated using in vitro culture of theca and granulosa cells isolated from gilt follicles (4-6 mm) and small (SLC) and large (LLC) luteal cells from mid-cycle corpora lutea. TNF alpha did not affect basal accumulation of progesterone (P) by theca cells after 72 h of culture. However, TNF alpha (0.1-100 ng/ml) caused a marked dose-dependent noncytotoxic inhibition (p < 0.05) of LH or LH+insulin (I)-stimulated P accumulation by theca cells after 72 h. Maximal inhibitions averaged 87 +/- 6% at 5 ng/ml TNF alpha for LH-stimulated P and 69 +/- 4% at 50 ng/ml TNF alpha for LH+I-stimulated P. The inhibitory effect of TNF alpha, evident by 24 h after culture, progressively increased on Days 2 and 3 of culture. The effect of TNF alpha on theca cells was mediated by cAMP generation as evidenced by TNF alpha inhibition of LH-induced cAMP accumulation and P accumulation in response to LH and forskolin but not dibutyryl cAMP. Consistent was this, TNF alpha had no effect on increased P accumulation by theca cells in the presence of 22-hydroxycholesterol or pregnenolone alone, but inhibited further increases in P accumulation stimulated by LH plus sterol substrates. Unlike that in theca cells, FSH-induced P accumulation in granulosa cell cultures was slightly enhanced (p < 0.05) by low doses of TNF alpha (0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 ng/ml) after 72 h, while higher doses (5-50 ng/ml) did not alter P accumulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We examined the presence of cell surface aminopeptidase on cultured porcine granulosa cells by employing the aminopeptidase assay using alanine-p-nitroanilide and histochemical staining using L-leucyl-beta-naphthylamide. Porcine granulosa cells obtained from follicles 4-5 mm in diameter were cultured for 7 days. The aminopeptidase assay showed that the porcine granulosa cell culture had aminopeptidase activity and that this activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by bestatin which binds to cell surfaces and inhibits cell surface aminopeptidases. Histochemical staining also indicated that cultured granulosa cells had aminopeptidase activity. Porcine granulosa cells were cultured in the presence or absence of porcine follicle stimulating hormone (FSH, 3.125 nmol/l) and/or bestatin (0.4, 4.0 and 40.0 micrograms/ml) for 7 days, and the production of progesterone and oestradiol was measured. In the presence of porcine FSH, the production of progesterone and oestradiol by granulosa cells was increased significantly by approximately 5- and 2-fold respectively. These increases were enhanced further by bestatin (40.0 micrograms/ml). In the absence of porcine FSH, progesterone production was enhanced by bestatin (40.0 micrograms/ml), whereas no significant effect of bestatin on oestradiol secretion was observed. These findings indicate that the inhibition of membrane-bound aminopeptidase(s) on the cell surfaces affects the steroidogenesis of granulosa cells, and that these aminopeptidase(s) are important regulators of granulosa cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Granulosa cells from small (less than 2mm) antral porcine follicles were grown in culture to study the effects of various hormones on growth, morphology and progesterone secretion. Culture medium 199D + 4% serum was found to be most suitable since it maintained a fairly constant cell population. Estradiol (1mug/ml) and human FSH stimulated cell growth. LH and FSH stimulated progesterone secretion and induced morphological changes associated with luteinization. Estradiol (0.1 mug/ml) inhibited progesterone secretion by granulosa cells.  相似文献   

This paper describes, from a mathematical viewpoint, the cellular changes in the granulosa of ovarian follicles during their terminal development. A dynamic model takes into account the processes of (1) cell division, (2) exit from the cell cycle towards differentiation, and (3) apoptotic cell death. Proliferative cells leave the cycle in an irreversible way. The risk of entering apoptosis applies to non-cycling cells. Changes in the cell numbers and in the growth fraction are derived from differential equations. The transitions between the different cell states are ruled by time-dependent rates. Numerical applications of the model concern ovulating and degenerating ovarian follicles in the ewe. The main feature of the ovulating case is the progressive exhaustion of the proliferating compartment for the benefit of the non-cycling cells. From an initial mainly proliferative state the granulosa progressively switches to a highly differentiated state, so that the growth fraction continuously decreases. In the atretic cases, the pattern of changes in the total viable cell number is influenced by the follicular age at the onset of the apoptotic process and by the intensity of the cell death rate. As apoptosis affects the non-cycling cells, the growth fraction is no longer strictly decreasing. The sensitivity of the model to the parameters is studied in a more general framework than the granulosa cell population.  相似文献   

A single injection of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) into immature female rats was used to stimulate graafian follicle growth. The surface of granulosa cells in the growing follicles was examined at 12-hour intervals for 72 hours by scanning electron microscopy. Between 24 and 36 hours after injection of PMSG, microvillous processes appeared on the surface of the cells. These villous processes became fully developed at 48 hours and remained for at least 72 hours after PMSG injection. The significance of this PMSG-induced microvilli formation on granulosa cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of mRNA encoding plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) subunit isoforms (1-4) and splice variants was examined in the adult and developing rat cochlea by PCR and in situ hybridization. High levels of PMCA mRNA expression were observed in the neurons of the spiral ganglion, and in hair cells. Spiral ganglion neurons expressed PMCA 1-3 beginning in embryonic development, reaching high levels shortly after birth, and continuing into adulthood. Inner hair cells expressed PMCA 1 at moderate levels from birth to the time of onset of cochlear function on postnatal day 12, and strongly from then until adulthood. Outer hair cells expressed PMCA 2 at high levels from shortly after birth through adulthood. The data suggest that the calcium clearance requirements of inner and outer hair cells are distinct. PMCA 2 is the isoform with the highest affinity for calmodulin, and has also been associated with high levels of inositol triphosphate. Its presence in outer hair cells suggests that regulation of the enzyme by calmodulin may be particularly important for this hair cell type. It further suggests that inositol phosphate may play a unique role in the outer hair cell.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of the efferent innervation of the hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) cochlea were done during postnatal development. Efferent neurons were labeled via injections of biocytin and horseradish peroxidase into the crossed olivocochlear (OC) bundles using an in vitro brainstem technique. Such injections retrogradely labeled cell bodies in ventral periolivary regions of the superior olive consistent with their being medial OC neurons. Anterogradely labeled axons were traced to the cochlea, where they terminated on or below inner hair cells (IHCs) prior to postnatal day 5 (P5). After P5, labeled axons terminated on IHCs and outer hair cells (OHCs) and after P10, the majority of labeled axons terminated on the OHCs. In the electron microscope, small labeled terminals containing densely packed synaptic vesicles were found both adjacent to IHCs (axosomatic) as well as apposed to afferent and efferent fibers below IHCs prior to P5. By P10, large labeled terminals were axosomatic to OHCs and no longer found on IHCs. Consistent with previous reports, these data suggest that medial OC axons form part of an early primary innervation on and below IHCs before terminating on OHCs. This raises the possibility that OC neurons demonstrate a period of waiting below an intermediate target similar to that described in the development of thalamocortical projections.  相似文献   

Biplexiform ganglion cells were labelled by retrograde transport of HRP in five species of marine fish from the neoteleost acanthopterygian orders Perciformes and Scorpaeniformes. Their forms and spatial distributions were studied in retinal flatmounts and thick sections. Biplexiform ganglion cells possessed sparsely branched, often varicose, dendrites that ramified through the inner nuclear layer (INL) to reach the outer plexiform layer (OPL), as well as conventional arborizations in the most sclerad part of the inner plexiform layer (IPL). Their somata were of above-average size and were displaced into the vitread border of the INL. Mean soma areas ranged from 99 +/- 6 microns2 in Bathymaster derjugini (Perciformes) to 241 +/- 12 microns2 in Hexagrammos stelleri (Scorpaeniformes), but were similar in each species to those of the outer-stratified alpha-like ganglion cells, whose dendritic trees occupied the same IPL sublamina. In the best-labelled specimens, biplexiform cells formed clear mosaics with spacings and degrees of regularity much like those of other large ganglion cells, but spatially independent of them. Biplexiform mosaics were plotted in three species, and analyzed by nearest-neighbor distance and spatial correlogram methods. The exclusion radius, an estimate of minimum mosaic spacing, ranged from 113 microns in Hexagrammos stelleri, through 150 microns in Ernogrammus hexagrammus (Perciformes), to 240 microns in Myoxocephalus stelleri (Scorpaeniformes). A spatial cross-correlogram analysis of the distributions of biplexiform and outer-stratified alpha-like cells in Hexagrammos demonstrated the spatial independence of their mosaics. Similar cells were previously observed not only in the freshwater cichlid Oreochromis spilurus (Perciformes) but also in the goldfish Carassius auratus (Cypriniformes) which, being an ostariophysan teleost, is only distantly related. Thus, biplexiform ganglion cells may be regular elements of all teleost fish retinae. Their functional role remains unknown.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was evaluation of presence of the antibodies against theca of the oocyte in peritoneal effusion and in serum in fertile and infertile women with minimal endometriosis in luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Antibodies were measured by means of ELISA method. Median of the antibodies against theca was three-fold higher in peritoneal effusion in infertile women. No differences were stated in serum.  相似文献   

We have examined the rotational diffusion of the luteinizing hormone (LH) receptors binding human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or ovine luteinizing hormone (oLH) in MA-10 Leydig tumor cells using time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy techniques. LH receptors binding erythrosin isothiocyanate (ErITC)-derivatized oLH were rotationally mobile with rotational correlation times of 62 micros, 48 micros, 38 micros, and 29 micros at 4 degrees C, 15 degrees C, 25 degrees C, and 37 degrees C, respectively. ErITC-hCG bound to the LH receptor was rotationally immobile, showing no anisotropy decay at 4 degrees C, 15 degrees C, 25 degrees C, and 37 degrees C. To determine whether cytoskeletal components influenced the rotational diffusion of LH receptors, we measured rotational diffusion of LH receptors on MA-10 cells treated with 20 microg/ml cytochalasin D and on plasma membrane preparations. Following 1 h exposure to cytochalasin D, the rotational correlation times for hCG-occupied LH receptors were typically 11 micros at 37 degrees C compared to > 1000 micros on untreated cells. Treatment of MA-10 cells with cytochalasin B or colchicine had no affect on LH receptor rotational diffusion. Rotational correlation times for LH-occupied receptors decreased from 29 micros to 12 micros at 37 degrees C following cytochalasin D treatment. The rotational diffusion of LH receptors on plasma membrane preparations was similar to that observed for LH- and hCG-occupied receptors on intact cells treated with cytochalasin D. These various results indicate that there are differential effects of LH and hCG binding on the interactions of LH receptors with plasma membrane proteins and that microfilaments anchor the hCG- and LH-occupied receptors.  相似文献   

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