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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of volatile-char interactions on the evolution of char structure during the gasification of Victorian brown coal in steam. A novel one-stage fluidised-bed/fixed-bed quartz reactor was employed to carry out the experiments in the presence and absence of volatile-char interactions. The effects of thermal annealing on char structure were also investigated under similar conditions. The structural features of char were evaluated using FT-Raman spectroscopy. The results indicate that the char structural features were considerably affected by volatile-char interactions, which was shown from the Raman band area or the ratios between the band areas. H radicals from the thermal cracking/reforming of volatiles are believed to play a vital role in the changes in char structure due to the volatile-char interactions. H radicals could penetrate into char matrix and favour the condensation of aromatic rings, which was the main reason for the decrease in the ratio of small (less than 6 fused rings) to large aromatic rings during the volatile-char interactions. The volatile-char interactions also greatly affected the concentrations of O-containing groups in char and thus significantly altered the observed Raman intensity of the char.  相似文献   

The reactivity of four pulverised Australian coals were measured under simulated air (O2/N2) and oxy-fuel (O2/CO2) environments using a drop tube furnace (DTF) maintained at 1673 K and a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) run under non-isothermal (heating) conditions at temperatures up to 1473 K. The oxygen concentration, covering a wide and practical range, was varied in mixtures of O2/N2 and O2/CO2 in the range of 3 to 21 vol.% and 5 to 30 vol.%, respectively. The apparent volatile yield measured in CO2 in the DTF was greater than in N2 for all the coals studied. Pyrolysis experiments in the TGA also revealed an additional mass loss in a CO2 atmosphere, not observed in a N2 atmosphere, at relatively high temperatures. The coal burnout measured in the DTF at several O2 concentrations revealed significantly higher burnouts for two coals and similar burnouts for the other two coals in oxy-fuel conditions. TGA experiments with char also revealed higher reactivity at high temperatures and low O2 concentration. The results are consistent with a char–CO2 reaction during the volatile yield experiments, but additional experiments are necessary to resolve the mechanisms determining the differences in coal burnout.  相似文献   

Shu Zhang  Jun-ichiro Hayashi 《Fuel》2011,90(4):1655-1661
Volatile-char interactions are an important consideration in the design and operation of a gasifier. This study aims to investigate the effects of volatile-char interactions on the in situ char-steam reactivity at 800 °C and the ex-situ char-O2 reactivity at 400 °C. A Victorian brown coal was gasified in 15% steam at 800 °C in a one-stage novel fluidised-bed/fixed-bed quartz reactor, in which the extent of volatile-char interactions could be controlled. The chars after varying extents of volatile-char interactions and/or varying extents of char conversion in steam were also collected for the measurement of their reactivity with air at 400 °C in a thermogravimetric analyser. Our results show that the char-steam gasification reactions were greatly inhibited by the volatile-char interactions. It is believed that the H radicals generated from the thermal cracking/reforming of volatiles slowed the char gasification in three ways: occupying the char reactive sites, causing the char structure to re-arrange/condense and enhancing the release of catalytic species inherently present in the brown coal. The importance of volatile-char interactions to char-steam reactivity was further confirmed by the char-air reactivity.  相似文献   

This study was to examine the influence of reactions of char–O2 and char–steam on the char reactivity evolution. A newly-designed fixed-bed reactor was used to conduct gasification experiments using Victorian brown coal at 800 °C. The chars prepared from the gasification experiments were then collected and subjected to reactivity characterisation (ex-situ reactivity) using TGA (thermogravimetric analyser) in air. The results indicate that the char reactivity from TGA was generally high when the char experienced intensive gasification reactions in 0.3%O2 in the fixed-bed reactor. The addition of steam into the gasification not only enhanced the char conversion sig-nificantly but also reduced the char reactivity dramatical y. The curve shapes of the char reactivity with involve-ment of steam were very different from that with O2 gasification, implying the importance of gasifying agents to char properties.  相似文献   

A set of NaCl-loaded Loy Yang brown coal was pyrolysed in a thermogravimetric analyser between 600 and 900 °C. The char sample after pyrolysis was cooled down directly for in situ reactivity measurement with air. The results indicated that the volatilisation of Na during pyrolysis is an important reason for the existence of catalyst loading saturation level with Na as a catalyst in char because the char prepared at high temperature had a limited holding capacity for Na. Under the experimental conditions in this study, the char reactivity showed good linear correlation with the Na concentration in the reacting char. Peak pyrolysis temperature, affecting the release of Cl and distribution of Na in char, is an important factor governing the correlation between the char reactivity and Na concentration in char. The catalytic activity of Na is a result of the interaction between Na and char and thus is greatly dependent on the char/carbon structure. At high char conversion levels where the char structure is more inert and highly condensed, the catalytic activity of Na is reduced compared with its activity at low char conversion levels. The catalytic activity of Na depends on the structure of char.  相似文献   

Lian Zhang  Eleanor Binner  Chun-Zhu Li 《Fuel》2010,89(10):2703-6646
Experimental investigation of the combustion of an air-dried Victorian brown coal in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 mixtures was conducted in a lab-scale drop-tube furnace (DTF). In situ diagnostics of coal burning transient phenomena were carried out with the use of high-speed camera and two-colour pyrometer for photographic observation and particle temperature measurement, respectively. The results indicate that the use of CO2 in place of N2 affected brown coal combustion behaviour through both its physical influence and chemical interaction with char. Distinct changes in coal pyrolysis behaviour, ignition extent, and the temperatures of volatile flame and burning char particles were observed. The large specific heat capacity of CO2 relative to N2 is the principal factor affecting brown coal combustion, which greatly quenched the ignition of individual coal particles. As a result, a high O2 fraction of at least 30% in CO2 is required to match air. Moreover, due to the accumulation of unburnt volatiles in the coal particle vicinity, coal ignition in O2/CO2 occurred as a form of volatile cloud rather than individual particles that occurred in air. The temperatures of volatile flame and char particles were reduced by CO2 quenching throughout coal oxidation. Nevertheless, this negative factor was greatly offset by char-CO2 gasification reaction which even occurred rapidly during coal pyrolysis. Up to 25% of the nascent char may undergo gasification to yield extra CO to improve the reactivity of local fuel/O2 mixture. The subsequent homogeneous oxidation of CO released extra heat for the oxidation of both volatiles and char. As a result, the optical intensity of volatile flame in ∼27% O2 in CO2 was raised to a level twice that in air at the furnace temperature of 1273 K. Similar temperatures were achieved for burning char particles in 27% O2/73% CO2 and air. As this O2/CO2 ratio is lower than that for bituminous coal, 30-35%, a low consumption of O2 is desirable for the oxy-firing of Victorian brown coal. Nevertheless, the distinct emission of volatile cloud and formation of strong reducing gas environment on char surface may affect radiative heat transfer and ash formation, which should be cautioned during the oxy-fuel combustion of Victorian brown coal.  相似文献   

Daniel M. Keown  Chun-Zhu Li 《Fuel》2008,87(7):1127-1132
An Australian cane trash biomass was pyrolysed by heating at a slow heating rate to 700-900 °C in an inert gas atmosphere. The chars were then gasified in situ with steam. Our results indicate that the gasification of char with steam, even only for 20 s when the char conversion was minimal, resulted in drastic reduction in the intrinsic reactivity of char with air at 400 °C. The decreases in the char reactivity were not mainly due to the possible volatilisation of inherent catalysts during gasification in steam. Instead, the FT-Raman spectroscopy of the chars showed that the gasification of char with steam resulted in drastic changes in char structure including the transformation of smaller ring systems (3-5 fused rings) to large ring systems (?6 fused rings). It is believed that the intermediates of char-steam reactions, especially H, penetrated deep into the char matrix to induce the ring condensation reactions.  相似文献   

Dimple Mody Quyn  Chun-Zhu Li 《Fuel》2003,82(5):587-593
The purpose of this study is to investigate the catalytic effects of Na as NaCl or as sodium carboxylates (-COONa) in Victorian brown coal on the char reactivity. A Na-exchanged coal and a set of NaCl-loaded coal samples prepared from a Loy Yang brown coal were pyrolysed in a fluidised-bed/fixed-bed reactor and in a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA). The reactivities of the chars were measured in air at 400 °C using the TGA. The experimental data indicate that the Na in coal as NaCl and as sodium carboxylates (-COONa) had very different catalytic effects on the char reactivity. It is the chemical form and dispersion of Na in char, not in coal, that govern the catalytic effects of Na. For the Na-form (Na-exchanged) coal, the char reactivity increased with increasing pyrolysis temperature from 500 to 700 °C and then decreased with pyrolysis temperature from 700 to 900 °C. The increase in reactivity with pyrolysis temperature (500-700 °C) is mainly due to the changes in the relative distribution of Na in the char matrix and on the pore surface. For the NaCl-loaded coals, when Cl was released during pyrolysis or gasification, the Na originally present in coal as NaCl showed good catalytic effects for the char gasification. Otherwise, Cl would combine with Na in the char to form NaCl during gasification, preventing Na from becoming an active catalyst. Controlling the pyrolysis conditions to favour the release of Cl can be a promising way to transform NaCl in coal into an active catalyst for char gasification.  相似文献   

The instantaneous rate of catalysed CO2 gasification of char at 800 °C was measured at various levels of conversion. One important reason for the change in rate during the gasification is the change in the solid surface area, measured in the present study by CO2 adsorption at 25 °C. The models which have been successful in representing the char porous structure under noncatalytic conditions were found inadequate for catalytic gasification at low conversions. Other important factors contributing to the variation in rate during conversion are the catalyst loss and the change in the catalyst/carbon ratio. A model is presented which combines the effects of these contributing factors and gives a satisfactory representation of the experimental data.  相似文献   

D.G. Roberts  D.J. Harris 《Fuel》2007,86(17-18):2672-2678
Our understanding of char gasification reaction kinetics at high pressures is generally limited to analyses of data generated using pure reactants, or reactants diluted with inert gases. This paper presents data generated for the reaction of coal chars with mixtures of CO2 and H2O at high pressures, to determine how existing pure-gas rate data can be applied to more realistic gasification systems. The data presented here show that the rate of reaction in a mixture of CO2 and H2O is not the sum of the two pure-gas reaction rates; rather, it is a complex combination of the two that appears to be dependant on the blocking of reaction sites by the relatively slow C–CO2 reaction. Analysis of the results using a Langmuir–Hinshelwood (LH) style of rate equation with the assumption that both reactions compete for the same active surface, produces a model that explains the experimental data. This model allows reaction rates in mixtures of CO2 and H2O to be estimated based on existing, measured pure-gas reactivity data or from ‘first principles’ using knowledge of the rate constants for the LH equation.  相似文献   

Jacob Brix 《Fuel》2011,90(6):2224-2239
The aim of this investigation has been to model combustion under suspension fired conditions in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 mixtures. Experiments used for model validation have been carried out in an electrically heated Entrained Flow Reactor (EFR) at temperatures between 1173 K and 1673 K with inlet O2 concentrations between 5 and 28 vol.%. The COal COmbustion MOdel, COCOMO, includes the three char morphologies: cenospheric char, network char and dense char each divided between six discrete particle sizes. Both combustion and gasification with CO2 are accounted for and reaction rates include thermal char deactivation, which was found to be important for combustion at high reactor temperatures and high O2 concentrations. COCOMO show in general good agreement with experimental char conversion profiles at conditions covering zone I-III. From the experimental profiles no effect of CO2 gasification on char conversion has been found. COCOMO does however suggest that CO2 gasification in oxy-fuel combustion at low O2 concentrations can account for as much as 70% of the overall char consumption rate during combustion in zone III.  相似文献   

This paper reports the significant enhancement of hydrogen production during the gasification of Victorian brown coal with steam using iron as a catalyst. Iron was loaded into the acid-washed Loy Yang brown coal using ferric chloride aqueous solution. Gasification experiments were carried out using a quartz reactor at a fast particle heating rate. The yield of char was determined by directly weighing the reactor before and after each experiment. Gases were analysed using a GC with dual columns. The overall gasification rate of a char increases greatly in the presence of iron. The transformation of iron species during pyrolysis and gasification was examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that both reduced-iron (α-Fe and γ-Fe) and magnetite (Fe3O4) highly dispersed in a char can catalyse the gasification of the char with steam. In particular, the char from iron-loaded coal samples gives much higher yields of H2 than a char from the acid-washed coal under similar conditions. The mechanism for the enhancement of hydrogen production in the presence of iron is discussed.  相似文献   

A novel two-stage fluidised-bed/fixed-bed reactor was designed to investigate the effects of volatile-char interactions on the volatilisation of alkali and alkaline earth metallic (AAEM) species during the pyrolysis of Victorian brown coal at 900 °C. With the two-stage reactor configuration, the AAEM-free volatiles generated from the pyrolysis of the H-form coal in the fluidised bed came into direct contact with the char from NaCl-loaded or Na-form coals in the fixed bed. The results indicated that the interactions between the volatiles, especially free radicals in the volatiles, and the char particles enhanced the volatilisation of Na from the char drastically. However, such radical-char interactions resulted in little volatilisation of Mg and Ca, indicating the importance of valence of the AAEM species. The degree of the volatile-char interactions was also related to the ageing of the char and the chemical form of AAEM species in the coal substrate. The volatiles interacted more strongly with the nascent char than the aged char, indicating that the AAEM species existed in the aged char in more stable forms than in the nascent char.  相似文献   

Jacob Brix 《Fuel》2010,89(11):3373-4289
The aim of the present investigation is to examine differences between O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres during devolatilization and char conversion of a bituminous coal at conditions covering temperatures between 1173 K and 1673 K and inlet oxygen concentrations between 5 and 28 vol.%. The experiments have been carried out in an electrically heated entrained flow reactor that is designed to simulate the conditions in a suspension fired boiler. Coal devolatilized in N2 and CO2 atmospheres provided similar results regarding char morphology, char N2-BET surface area and volatile yield. This strongly indicates that a shift from air to oxy-fuel combustion does not influence the devolatilization process significantly. Char combustion experiments yielded similar char conversion profiles when N2 was replaced with CO2 under conditions where combustion was primarily controlled by chemical kinetics. When char was burned at 1573 K and 1673 K a faster conversion was found in N2 suggesting that the lower molecular diffusion coefficient of O2 in CO2 lowers the char conversion rate when external mass transfer influences combustion. The reaction of char with CO2 was not observed to have an influence on char conversion rates at the applied experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Effects of pressure on the formation of HCN and NH3 during the pyrolysis and gasification of Loy Yang brown coal in steam were investigated using a pressurised drop-tube/fixed-bed reactor. The NH3 yield increased with increasing pressure during both pyrolysis and gasification. Increasing pressure selectively favours the formation of NH3 at the expenses of other N-containing species. The changes in the yield of NH3 with increasing pressure were mainly observed in the feeding periods both during pyrolysis and gasification and were closely related to the formation and subsequent cracking of soot both as a result of intensified thermal cracking of volatile precursors inside the particles and as a result of volatile-char interactions after the release of volatiles. While the corresponding HCN yield during pyrolysis showed little sensitivity to changes in pressure, the HCN yield during gasification in steam showed some increases with increasing pressure. Our data indicate that the direct hydrogenation of char-N by H radicals, favoured by the presence of steam, is the main route of NH3 formation during pyrolysis and gasification. The direct conversion, either through hydrogenation or hydrolysis, of HCN into NH3 on char surface during the pyrolysis and gasification of brown coal is not an important route of NH3 formation.  相似文献   

A kinetic study on the gasification of carbonised grapefruit (Citrus Aurantium) skin with CO2 and with steam is presented. The chars from this agricultural waste show a comparatively high reactivity, which can be mostly attributed to the catalytic effect of the inorganic matter. The ash content of the carbonised substrate used in this work falls around 15% (db) potassium being the main metallic constituent. The reactivity for both, CO2 and steam gasification, increases at increasing conversion and also does the reactivity per unit surface area, consistently with the aforementioned catalytic effect. Lowering the ash content of the char by acid washing leads to a decrease of reactivity thus confirming the catalytic activity of the inorganic matter present in the starting material. Saturation of this catalytic effect was not detected within the conversion range investigated covering in most cases up to 0.85-0.9. Apparent activation energy values within the range of 200-250 kJ/mol have been obtained for CO2 gasification whereas the values obtained for steam gasification fall mostly between 130 and 170 kJ/mol. These values become comparable with the reported in the literature for other carbonaceous raw materials including chars from biomass residues and coals under chemical control conditions.  相似文献   

Yu Qiao  Eleanor Binner  Chun-Zhu Li 《Fuel》2010,89(11):3381-931
The ignition temperatures of a Loy Yang brown coal and a Datong bituminous coal were investigated in a wire-mesh reactor where the secondary reactions of the evolved volatiles were minimised. An increase in the average particle ignition temperature of 21 °C was observed for the brown coal when air (21% O2 + 79% N2) was replaced with a mixture of 21% O2 + 79% CO2. Combustion was also carried out in the mixtures of 21% O2 + 79% argon and 21%O2 + 79% helium in order to determine the effects of heat transfer on the observed particle ignition temperature. It is concluded that the thermal conductivity of gas atmosphere surrounding the particles greatly influences the observed particle ignition temperature while the effects of the heat capacity of the gas atmosphere was very minor under our experimental conditions. The structure of char and the reactions involving the char (char-O2 and char-CO2) can greatly affect the observed particle ignition temperature. In particular, the char-CO2 reactions were largely responsible for the observed difference in particle ignition temperature in air and in 21% O2 + 79% CO2. Alkali and alkaline earth metallic (AAEM) species in the brown coal also significantly affect the observed particle ignition temperature.  相似文献   

Char-CO2 gasification reactions in the presence of CO and char-steam gasification reactions in the presence of H2 were studied at the atmospheric condition using a thermogravimetric apparatus (TGA) at various reactant partial pressures and within a temperature range of 1123 K-1223 K. The char was prepared from a lignite coal. The partial pressure of H2 and CO varied from 0.05 to 0.3 atm. The experimental results showed that Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetic equation was applicable to describe the inhibition effects of CO and H2. The kinetic parameters in L-H equations were obtained. Interactions of char gasification by steam and CO2 in the presence of H2 and CO were discussed. It was found that the kinetic parameters determined from pure or binary gas mixtures can be used to predict multi-component gasification rates. The results confirmed that the char-steam and char-CO2 reactions proceed on separate active sites rather than common active sites.  相似文献   

Two sized fractions (<75 μm and 150–250 μm) of Ban Pu lignite A and Lampang subbituminous B coals were pyrolyzed in a drop tube fixed bed reactor under nitrogen atmosphere at 500–900 °C. Gasification of coal chars with excess carbon dioxide was then performed at 900–1,100 °C. The result was analyzed in terms of reactivity index, reaction rate and activation energy. It was found that chars at lower pyrolysis temperature had highest carbon conversion, and for chars of the same sized fraction and at the same pyrolysis temperature, reactivity indices increased with gasification temperature. The lower rank Ban Pu lignite A had higher R s values than higher rank Lampang subbituminous B coals. Smaller chars from both coals had higher R s values, due to the higher ash content. At present, it can be concluded that, within the gasification temperature range studied, gasification rates of chars obtained at various pyrolysis temperatures showed a linear correlation with temperature. However, additional experiment is needed to verify the correlation.  相似文献   

The gasification rates of Shenmu coal chars with CO2 were experimentally studied with a pressurized thermo- gravimetric analyzer (PTGA). Shenmu coal is a typical Chinese coal, and the coal char was prepared by a fixed-bed reactor in nitrogen at 900 °C. The experiments were carried out in the dynamic heating segments from 750 °C to 1,000 °C, and the reaction pressure increased from 0.1MPa to 3.1MPa with pure CO2. The external diffusion resistances were minimized by increasing the flow rates and decreasing the thickness of sample layer before the test, to ensure the reactions were under kinetic control. The results show that the gasification rates increase proportionally to the 0.1 power of the CO2 partial pressure. The unreacted-core shrinking model was applied to predict the reaction rate by changing the molar fraction of CO2 at 0.6Mpa and 1.6Mpa total pressures, which showed a good match with experimental data. This work was presented at the 6 th Korea-China Workshop on Clean Energy Technology held at Busan, Korea, July 4–7, 2006.  相似文献   

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