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博文 《通信世界》2004,(6):17-17
“彩铃”是“个性化多彩回铃音业务”(Coloring Ring Back Tone)的简称,这是中国移动推出的一项“移动梦网”新业务,使用这项业务,客户可以为特定的主叫或特定的群组在特定时段播放“彩铃”,这样,“彩铃”用户就可以让主叫方听到最有针对性的个性化铃音,丰富有趣的铃声效果,灵活的定制和设置方式,使简单的铃音眼下正成为最能出彩、最能炫出个性的业务。  相似文献   

彩铃业务自发展以来,由于其业务特点及当时的技术条件决定了其业务的提供方式,即通过在网络中引入专门提供彩铃业务的平台来开展彩铃业务。利用移动交换中心直接播放彩铃的方法,则不再需要另外发起一次指向彩铃平台的彩铃呼叫,不再需要在移动通信网内再建设彩铃呼叫平台,在节省大量系统建设成本的同时,彩铃接续中又减少了一次指向彩铃平台的彩铃呼叫,进而提升了移动通信网的运行效率。  相似文献   

李巧玲 《广东通信技术》2007,27(10):15-17,48
七彩铃音按键复制功能是指:用户在收听彩铃的过程中,可以通过按一个或多个键来将当前收听的铃音复制到自己的铃音库中。对按键复制业务进行了定义,并对按键复制的实现方式作了详细分析。  相似文献   

介绍了彩铃业务的概念和由来,分析了原有彩铃业务在铃音查找、下载等方面存在的问题,重点介绍了将语音搜索应用于彩铃业务之中形成的新的音乐语音搜索业务系统的架构,以及音乐DNA、动态菜单管理与音乐订单等功能。认为该系统满足了用户个性化的需求,降低了用户搜索、下载彩铃的门槛,提高了彩铃用户的活跃度和彩铃的换歌率,有效地增加了音乐类产品的业务收入,确保了彩铃业务及音乐类产品业务持续、健康的发展。  相似文献   

个性化、差异化的服务使彩铃业务获得了成功,浙江移动采用基于智能网控制的彩铃业务解决方案,既提供了该业务属性的全省一致性,又充分利用了各种基于交换机的解决方案,最大程度上克服了智能网过渡方案中的话路迂回,节约了网络资源.铃音服务器的设立,使得系统具备分布化特征.有效的数据同步方案,使得用户业务属性的自管理的实时性得到了提高.  相似文献   

彩铃业务是将主叫用户在呼叫时听到的普通回铃音替换为音乐、音效铃声等,该业务由被叫用户申请并定制。彩铃作为一项个性化的增值业务已经成为电信运营商提高用户ARPU值的有效手段,并取得了良好的成绩。然而随着彩铃用户快速增长和可供选择的铃音增多,彩铃系统容量的需求也飞速膨胀,特别是对铃音播放设备的要求也随之提高,因为原先“工控机+语音板卡”方式的单机容量有限,直接导致彩铃放音失败,给系统的稳定运行和日常维护带来了困难。  相似文献   

1概述 所谓“彩铃”就是用动听的音乐、自个性化的声音或语音代替现有的传统回铃音。某用户定制了彩铃业务后,当他人拨打该用户的电话时,主叫方听到的不再是传统的、单调的振铃音,而是被叫用户自行定制的个性化铃声。彩铃业务自从推出以来已表现出了非常旺盛的生命力,经过一段时期的实践证明,  相似文献   

日前,东信北邮信息技术有限公司(EB)精心打造的“彩振下载”业务在江西以及海南三亚正式启用。彩振业务融合了“手机铃声下载”和“手机彩铃”两大中国移动当前的热点业务,面向主叫用户提供了在彩铃系统播放被叫回铃音的过程中,通过简单的按键操作,下载与彩铃同主题  相似文献   

文章介绍了主叫彩铃的定义,指出其与目前广泛应用的被叫彩铃之间的区别;并对电信运营商开展主叫彩铃业务的运营方案和技术实现方案做出详细的分析,主要包括:在主叫彩铃的不同运营模式以及不同触发方式下对现网各个系统的配合要求,并在对各种方案详细分析的基础上进行了对比,给出了选择主叫彩铃建设方案的建议.  相似文献   

刘波  程玉松  迟柏洋 《移动通信》2011,35(23):64-67
随着网络向IP化方向的演进及彩铃业务的不断发展,彩铃平台架构的优化将是彩铃平台下一步演进的基础。文章先简要介绍现有彩铃平台的架构,再分析现有彩铃平台存在的问题,最后提出了彩铃平台架构如何进行优化的方案。  相似文献   

为了了解现有智能手机提示音设计的适用性及其对手机人机交互体验的影响,首先采用问卷的方式调查了智能手机提示音设计中存在的问题和用户使用习惯和需求,然后采用心理实验方法对手机来电铃声、短信提示音的适用类型、适用音量进行了进一步研究。调查问卷发现,智能手机的部分提示音没有起到应有的提示作用,用户对自动音量设置的需求较大。主观评价实验发现,用户偏爱使用的歌曲类来电铃声在嘈杂环境中辨识度最低,而语音类来电铃声的辨识度最高,当铃声音量高于环境噪声10 dB以上才可以避免漏接电话的问题。短信提示音适宜采用短音调序列,与用户的偏爱设置一致。  相似文献   

The popularity of mobile devices, such as PDAs and SmartPhones, has grown rapidly over the last couple of years. Though most users still perform searches using desktop computers, it is expected that more and more people will also search the Web while they are on the move. In addition to text-based keyword queries, mobile devices can support richer and hybrid queries such as images, audio, video, and their combinations. In this paper, we will discuss mobile search systems that support image queries and audio queries, covering typical designs for mobile visual and audio search, as well as the opportunities and challenges. Specifically, we will present an in-depth study of two real systems we have developed: product image categorization and mobile ringtone search, which use image queries and audio queries, respectively. Experimental results on real-life data demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

The radio spectrum is a unique, ubiquitous natural resource shared by various types of services. Unlike many other natural resources, it can be repeatedly reused. In practice, though, it remains a finite resource, and it can only accommodate a limited number of simultaneous users. This restriction requires careful planning and management for maximizing its value for all services. This is especially true since the demand for communication spectrum worldwide is rapidly increasing. As the pressure on spectrum increases with a generalized image of radio techniques, traditional ways to assess the merits of new technical solutions and to allocate as well as to tax frequencies appear to be adapted less and less. This paper reviews the present situation and stresses the need for more proactive, harmonized, and dynamic approaches linking technical and regulatory aspects in order to introduce broadband wireless communications systems  相似文献   

We present a hierarchical model for the analysis of proactive fault management in the presence of system resource leaks. At the low level of the model hierarchy is a degradation model in which we use a nonhomogeneous Markov chain to establish an explicit connection between resource leaks, and the failure rate. With the degradation model, we prove that the failure rate is asymptotically constant in the absence of resource leaks, and it is increasing as leaks occur & accumulate, which confirms the resource leaks as an aging source. The proactive fault management (PFM) is modeled at the higher level as a semi-Markov process. The PFM model takes as input the degradation analysis from the low-level model, and allows us to determine optimal rejuvenation schedules with respect to various system measures.  相似文献   

Flow control covers several concepts. In an end-to-end connection, it intends to adapt sender's output to receiver's capabilities. In a shared resources communication network, it attempts to prevent congestion by restricting traffic flows. Flow control mechanisms are built with a small number of basic throttling tools. However, they are always tied into a resource management problem, which depends on a large variety of environmental parameters. Techniques used in end-to-end connections are summarized. Congestion control in store-and-forward packetswitching networks is covered extensively, and techniques used or proposed are discussed. Memoryless networks, such as broadcast local networks are shown to be simpler systems in the area of flow control. In conclusion, arguments are made for a service oriented approach, which would optimize resource usage through differentiated service characteristics.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between technology resources, alliance formation, and sustained growth in new technology-based firms. We employ a three-dimensional measure of technology resources that includes the development and commercialization of technologies, and represents both a firm's initial resource foundation and its early actions to build on this foundation. Our analysis of 67 computer and telecommunications firms reveals that innovative first products are not associated with sustained growth, while patenting and product development activities are. This indicates that new firms cannot rely on their initial innovations for longer term advantage, but need to undertake follow up actions to build their technology resource foundations. In addition, while all three of the technology resource variables are positively associated with alliance formation, alliances, in turn, are weakly and negatively associated with sustained growth. The advantage of forming alliances has long been extolled, and it was assumed these benefits extended to new firms and those in technology-intensive environments. These findings suggest, however, that building, rather than accessing, technology resources is more critical to long-term growth for these firms. Our research provides convincing evidence that new firms should not be complacent about their initial success derived from innovative beginnings. They must turn their attention, early on, to building their technology resources internally, while exercising caution with respect to alliances.  相似文献   

The radio frequency spectrum in nontechnical terms is a valuable, highly contested natural resource. In the most simplistic terms it can be viewed as the central nervous system of our business. It is a key element in national security, provides for world-wide communications, and supports scientific ventures beyond our planet and solar system.  相似文献   

P2P网络规模的扩大使基于洪泛的检索方法产生严重的通信消耗问题,提出一种区域资源聚集模型,对非结构化对等网络中分散的资源进行分层聚集,形成大粒度的资源实体,从而显著缩减网络规模,并综合考虑影响资源检索命中率的多种因素,构造资源引用价值衰减函数来调节描述资源实体的引用价值向量和矩阵.检索时从区域资源簇中具有最大引用价值的资源组开始逐步寻找所要的资源.实验证明,该方法的消息转发范围得到控制、检索命中率有显著提高.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of resource allocation in an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access-based Cognitive Wireless Mesh Network (CWMN) is addressed. The objective is to maximize the total utilities in a CWMN, which is defined as any increasing, concave and twice differentiable function of the end-to-end flow rate, by jointly allocating each link’s rate, power and subchannels under the constraints of multiple primary users’ Interference Temperature and multiple access interference. First, a centralized resource allocation algorithm is developed based on the Column Generation approach, and shown to be optimal. So it can perform as a criterion for designing other algorithms. Secondly, considering the applicability of algorithm in distributed system, a near-optimal distributed algorithm is proposed, which allocates subchannel based on routing information at first, and then jointly allocates the resource of rate and power. Finally, the simulation results validate the centralized and distributed algorithms, and show that better performance can be achieved than the conventional algorithm.  相似文献   

随着广电运营业务发展迅速,城域网上的业务种类繁多,城域网面临着资源耗尽、传输效率低、受攻击出现大面积故障等问题。介绍利用QinQ技术的特性,将QinQ技术成功部署于宽带网络上,实践证明,QinQ技术可有效提升广电宽带网络的稳定性与可维护性。  相似文献   

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