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The efficiency of hemato-C-cellular transport of calcitonin into the systemic blood flow was evaluated by the methods of statistical modelling. The linear regression model obtained on 36 rats suggests essential predetermination of the serum concentrations of calcitonin (CT) by the intensity of incretory activity of the thyroid parafollicular epithelium: CT = 13.733+ (0.318 Nvsg; rxy = 0.830; p < 0.001 (Nvsg is numerical density of the sublemmal granules on the C-cells vascular pole). At the same time, the resulting index (CT) depends not only on Nvsg. This index is also influenced by the factors not controlled by the model, such as Hemato-C-cellular delay of calcitonin. These factors determine each certain proportion of the error of prognostication of the calcitonin serum content according to Nvsg. A covariation model CT = bNvsg was plotted in order to determine the total influence of uncontrolled factors. Its error of prognostication was subject to analysis of variance and a confidence interval of biological accessibility of endogenous calcitonin was calculated (73% < FCT < or = 100%; p > or = 0.95). The results obtained suggest the absence of essential intrathyroid loss of calcitonin at the transinterstitial and transmural stages of hemato-C-cellular hormone transfer.  相似文献   

We present a case report of extensive wear that occurred on the surface of the titanium-alloy head of a shoulder prosthesis after only 2 years' service. Such wear warrants discontinuing the use of titanium-alloy articulating surfaces even in nonweight-bearing joints.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that the time-dependent difference in urinary excretion of furosemide, a loop diuretic, diminishes during the aging process and disappears by 18 months of age in rats. The present study was undertaken to examine whether the amplitude of the daily variations in the urinary excretion of furosemide or their pattern, or both, are influenced in aged animals. Young (3 months of age) and aged (30 months of age) Wistar rats were maintained under conditions of light from 7 am to 7 pm and dark from 7 pm to 7 am. Furosemide (30 mg/kg) was given orally at 4 am, 8 am, 12 am, 4 pm, 8 pm or 12 pm. Urine was collected for 8 hours after furosemide administration and urinary excretion of furosemide was determined. There were significant daily variations in the urinary furosemide and the urine volume with the peak at 8 am and the trough at 12 pm in both groups of rats. The differences in these parameters between the 8 am and 12 pm trials were significantly smaller in the aged than in the young rats. These results suggest that the age-related alteration in the time-dependent phenomenon of furosemide is caused by the decreased amplitude of the daily variation in the urinary furosemide excretion and its diuretic effect.  相似文献   

Estriol excretion in pregnancy is favourably improved following administration of 25% dextrose to patients with persistently low estriol excretion. A double-blind controlled trial was undertaken in 60 patients to assess the efficacy of other regimens of infusion therapy with Hartmann's solution, aminofusin, 10% dextrose, or ritodrine in Hartmann's solution. Estriol excretion rose above the lower limit of normal in 69% of the patients treated. There was no significant difference in success rates between the four solutions studied when subjected to analyses of variance and covariance. Fetal and placental weights were directly related to estriol excretion. Influences of the various therapeutic regimens on metabolic acidosis have been considered and possible reasons for therapeutic success discussed.  相似文献   

19-Noraldosterone, recently shown to be produced in the human adrenal gland, possesses potent mineralocorticoid and hypertensinogenic activity. A possible precursor, 18,19-dihydroxycorticosterone, has been identified in human urine, with both steroids acutely regulated by the renin-angiotensin system. The secretion of aldosterone declines with advancing age. To elucidate the effect of aging on the urinary excretion of 19-noraldosterone and 18,19-dihydroxycorticosterone, we measured their urinary concentrations in 51 normotensive subjects aged 20-70 years. We observed significant negative correlations between age and the urinary excretion of 19-noraldosterone and 18,19-dihydroxycorticosterone (r = -0.69, r = -0.65, P < 0.05, respectively). Urinary and plasma aldosterone and PRA similarly decreased with aging. These results suggest that 19-noraldosterone may be chronically regulated in part by the renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   

Pethidine is an effective epidural opioid for the treatment of acute pain. Its use has been well described in Australian and New Zealand practice, particularly in the field of obstetric anaesthesia. Reported methods of delivery have included bolus injection, continuous infusion and patient-controlled epidural analgesia. Areas of application have included treatment of postoperative pain, labour pain and intraoperative pain. Because of its intermediate lipid solubility, pethidine may have advantages over many other epidural opioids. However, potential for accumulation of norpethidine limits its use to relatively short durations of treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test whether overfeeding isoenergetic doses protein, carbohydrate and fat would differentially influence appetite on the same day, and the subsequent day's food intake. DESIGN: Six men were each studied three times on a 5-day protocol. On days 1 and 2 they were fed a medium fat (MF) maintenance diet (comprising 40:47:13% fat, CHO and protein by energy) calculated at 1.6 x RMR. Subjects entered the calorimeter at 08.00 on day 3 for 48 h. On day 3 (manipulation day), they ate a MF diet at 1.5 x RMR with an additional 0.6 x RMR as protein (HP), carbohydrate (HC) or fat (HF). On days 4 and 5, (outcome days), subjects had ad libitum access to isoenergetically dense MF (40:47:13) foods (550kJ/100 g). Subjective hunger and satiety were tracked hourly during waking hours throughout days 1-5. RESULTS: Throughout day 3 subjects felt significantly more full and less hungry on the high protein diet relative to the other two diets (P = 0.002). Also by the end of day 3 each overfed nutrient led to a significant increase in its own balance of the other two diets (P < 0.01). These effects did not influence the subsequent day's energy intake. The alterations in nutrient balance by the end of day 3 were partially buffered by increases in the oxidative disposal of each overfed macronutrient throughout day 4 (which was proportionately greater for protein (P < 0.001) than carbohydrate (P = 0.07) or fat (P = 0.1)). CONCLUSIONS: HP diets were more satiating that isoenergetically-dense HC or HF diets on the day they are eaten. The HC diet was transiently more satiating than the HF diet after each meal. This study supports previous work which suggests that relatively large changes in nutrient balance produced on one day appear to be poorly compensated by changes in energy intake on a subsequent day in men.  相似文献   

The adrenal gland is involved in the control of urinary sodium excretion mainly via the secretion of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone. Although under certain conditions glucocorticoid seem to be also involved in the regulation of sodium homeostasis, there are contradictory reports on the relationship between cortisol secretion and sodium intake. Given recent findings linking regulation of physiological activity of steroids to the activity of specific enzymatic pathways, we have examined changes in urinary excretion of cortisol and its metabolites in eight healthy volunteers on a low sodium diet. Urinary steroids were measured with specific radioimmunoassays after extraction and chromatography (F and E) or after dilution (THF and THE). Excretion of cortisol (124 +/-41 nmol/day) was significantly lower on Day 2 (86 +/- 27 nmol/day, p < 0.01) and Day 7 (85 +/- 25 nmol/day, p < 0.01) of sodium restriction. On the same samples calculated ratios of THF/F (55 +/- 15; 61 +/- 22; 68 +/- 21) and E/F (2.5 +/- 0.6; 2.8 +/- 1.4; 3.0 +/- 1.3) reflecting the activity of 5 beta-reductase and 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, respectively, showed significant increases in the former on both Days 2 and 7 and for the latter only on Day 7. This study supports the notion that sodium restriction decreases urinary cortisol excretion and provides evidence that increased activity of 5 beta-reductase and lowered metabolism by 11 beta-HSD are presumably the mechanisms of this decrease.  相似文献   

To assess the relationship or urine flow to the urinary excretion of prostaglandin E (PGE), urinary excretion of PGE was measured before and after acute water loading (20 ml/kg orally) in patients with hypertension. Water loading promptly increased urinary excretion of PGE as well as urine flow rate and decreased urine osmolality (all p less than 0.001), but did not affect urinary excretions of sodium, potassium and creatinine, plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration. There was a significant positive correlation between urine flow rate and urinary PGE excretion rate (p less than 0.01). Urinary PGE concentration correlated negatively with urine flow rate when the flow was lower than 5 ml/min (p less than 0.01). Urinary PGE concentration correlated negatively with urine flow rate when the flow was lower than 5 ml/min (p less than 0.01), whereas it did not change when the urine flow rate was larger than 5 ml/min. These results may support the hypothesis that urinary excretion of PGE is determined mainly by urine flow rate in the situation of water diuresis.  相似文献   

The amino groups of amino acids, the constituents of proteins, are catabolized in the urea cycle. One intermediate of this cycle, ornithine, is a precursor molecule of polyamines. The influence of dietary protein intake on the production and excretion of polyamines in the urine is yet unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the excretion of polyamines in the urine following three days of creatine-free, creatine-free and low-polyamine diet in four persons. On the fourth day they were loaded with creatine-free, creatinine-free and low-polyamine high-protein diet (80 g/70 kg body weight). High-protein diet resulted in no increase of urinary polyamine excretion. The low-polyamine diet caused a non-significant decrease in urinary polyamine excretion (by 15%).  相似文献   

The authors studied the effect of a catecholamine-controlled diet on the urinary level of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) of 6 depressed patients and 6 normal volunteers. The normal subjects showed no change in MHPG levels on or off the diet; the depressed patients showed a significant increase in MHPG while off the diet.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles in an animal model of genetic hypertension (the spontaneously hypertensive rat. SHR) exhibit significant deficits in contractile performance. These deficits appear to be unrelated to the rise in blood pressure. Slow-twitch soleus muscles show a decrease in specific muscle tension and a reduced resistance to muscle fatigue during prolonged contractile activity. We tested the hypothesis that the reduced fatigue resistance occurs as a consequence of an impaired ability to maintain or restore Na+ and K+ balance across the sarcolemma during repeated contractions. This may result from a genetically based increase in the Na+ permeability of SHR muscles, coupled with a reduction Na+, K+ pump capacity as the animals mature. Soleus muscles in adult SHR exhibit a significant increase in intracellular Na+ content and a significant decrease in intracellular K+ content at rest. B6RB+ uptake in Na(+)-loaded hypertensive muscles is 45% less than predicted from the number of ouabain-binding sites available. Activation of Na+, K+ pumps using adrenaline or insulin produces a significantly smaller hyperpolarization in hypertensive soleus than in control muscles. Control soleus muscles are hyperpolarized for at least 10 min after a 4 min period of high-frequency activity, but hypertensive soleus muscles remain at resting polarity. Nonetheless, the number of ouabain-binding sites in hypertensive muscle is significantly greater than in control soleus, and binding affinities are similar. This apparent deficit in pump capacity might lead to a greater and more prolonged increase in extracellular K+ during repetitive contractions,and an associated decline in tension. Recently, we have been able to prevent the abnormal decrease in hypertensive soleus fatigue resistance by long-term treatment (8 weeks) with the Ca2+ blocker amlodipine. The therapy prevented or reversed the contractile deficits, but did not restore the responsiveness of the Na+, K+ pump to hormonal stimulation. The current data suggest that both a reduction in Na+, K(+)-pump capacity and changes in Ca2+ distribution play a role in the development of contractile deficits in hypertensive muscles.  相似文献   

To examine whether bucladesine sodium affects the plasma concentrations of purine bases (hypoxanthine, xanthine, and uric acid) and uridine, 100 mL of physiological saline containing bucladesine sodium (6 mg/kg weight) was administered intravenously to eight healthy subjects for 1 hour after overnight fast except for water. Blood was drawn 30 minutes before, and 30 minutes and 1 hour after the beginning of the infusion, and 1-hour urine was collected before and after the beginning of the infusion. Two weeks later, 100 mL of only physiological saline was administered under the same protocol. Bucladesine sodium decreased the plasma concentrations of hypoxanthine by 36% and by 37%, and of xanthine by 16% and 33%, and of uridine by 17% and 30%, 30 minutes and 1 hour after the beginning of the infusion, respectively, and increased the urinary excretion of hypoxanthine and uric acid by 140% and 30%, respectively, after the beginning of the infusion. However, it did not affect the plasma concentration of uric acid or the urinary excretion of xanthine, and the urinary excretion of uridine was less than 0.2 micromol/h before or after bucladesine sodium infusion. On the other hand, physiological saline alone did not affect any of the values described. These results suggest that bucladesine sodium acts on the secretory process of the renal transport of hypoxanthine, resulting in the increased urinary excretion of hypoxanthine, and further suggest that bucladesine sodium enhances the uptake of uridine in plasma to liver cells.  相似文献   

The quantitative measurement of the IgG subclass composition of the sera from sixteen patients with cystic fibrosis has revealed grossly elevated levels of IgG4 in seven patients. The possible significance of this observation is discussed in relation to recent reports of a high incidence of immediate-type hypersensitivity in such patients.  相似文献   

The effect of chitosan on calcium (47Ca) metabolism was investigated in rats. The whole-body retention of 47Ca by rats fed on a 5% chitosan diet was significantly decreased when compared with that of rats fed on a cellulose diet, but showed no significant difference from that of rats fed on a fiber-free diet. Although there was no significant difference in the fecal excretion of 47Ca between the chitosan group and the cellulose or fiber-free group, the urinary excretion of 47Ca was significantly increased in the chitosan group when compared with the cellulose group. These results suggest that dietary chitosan would affect the calcium metabolism in animals.  相似文献   

The ratio of the zinc content of boar spermatozoa obtained from semen cooled to 4 degrees C for 30 min to that of the original room temperature control (20-26 degrees C) was constant at 2-28 +/- 0-16 in 22 samples of fresh whole semen from 12 animals. The same ratio occurred when zinc (0 to 0.6 mM in citrate buffer) was added to semen or washed spermatozoa. The increase is dependent only on the initial sperm zinc content at room temperature.  相似文献   

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