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We report two cases of cholesterol granuloma in the middle cranial fossa. On CT the lesions appeared as a nonspecific, nonenhancing soft-tissue mass with bone erosion. On MRI they were seen as areas of high signal intensity surrounded by a low-intensity peripheral zone on both T1- and T2-weighted images. Cholesterol granuloma is thought to occur when pneumatised cells in the temporal bone become obstructed. Although this lesion usually occurs in the petrous bone, it can extend to the middle cranial fossa. The diagnosis and surgical management are discussed.  相似文献   

Raynaud's Phenomenon (RP) is a relatively common problem which may be troublesome and difficult to treat in a minority of patients. The state of the art in 1998 focusses on three key areas: the clinical spectrum of RP; its progression and prognosis; and its treatment. RP is a systemic disease, with a multifactorial aetiology and vasospasm affects not just the digits and skin but also major organs including the heart, lungs and kidneys. It is important to distinguish primary from secondary RP. RP may predate an associated connective tissue disease by many years and markers for this include severe RP symptoms with trophic skin changes, serological abnormalities and abnormal nailfold capillaries. Repeated attacks of vasospasm may cause ischaemic reperfusion injury to the endothelium, resulting in a vicious and self propagating cycle of cause and effect. Nifedipine remains the "gold standard" of treatment but a number of new and promising drugs, eg relaxin, are currently under investigation. "Vasodilator-plus" drugs, with the ability to also modulate some of the haemorrheological abnormalities in RP, are the drugs that are going to have a major clinical impact on the disease and hold promise for the future.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: This kind of arachnoid cyst has not previously been described as a complication of a cranial base bone defect. Recognition of this rare complication may be delayed, because clinicians are unaware of its possibility. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 22-year-old man presented with severe headache and increasing difficulty in breathing and swallowing. A physical examination revealed a pulsatile mass in the oral cavity, arising from the parapharyngeal area. A cystic mass that protruded into the oral cavity, through a dural and bony defect in the left middle fossa, was detected on neuroimages. INTERVENTION: A left frontotemporal craniotomy was made, and the cyst was decompressed. Duraplasty was performed with lyophilized dura. The bone defect was managed with a calvarial free bone graft and a pedicled myofacial flap. Serial neuroimaging studies performed postoperatively showed that the cyst had decreased in size. CONCLUSION: This report describes an unusual complication of a cranial base bone defect. Although not all bone defects in the cranial base require reconstruction, management of the large bone defect, particularly in the middle fossa, should preferably be accomplished with the help of a bone graft to support the dural graft.  相似文献   

Imaging studies in eight patients with surgically-confirmed spinal arachnoid cysts were analyzed retrospectively. All patients had preoperative MRI of the spine and seven preoperative myelography with postmyelographic CT. In all cases the correct diagnosis could be made preoperatively on the basis solely of MRI. The diagnosis could also be established from myelography and postmyelographic CT in six of the seven cases. In one case myelography and CT simply demonstrated an intradural extramedullary mass.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: It has been suggested that hysterectomy has a disturbing influence on bowel function. To assess the incidence and nature of these changes, we performed a retrospective study. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in all 593 women who had undergone hysterectomy between 1989 and 1993. A control group consisted of 100 women who had undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy. RESULTS: The response rate was 90 percent (n = 531; median age, 45 (range, 18-84) years). Of the responding women, 315 patients (59 percent) indicated a normal defecation pattern before hysterectomy. Of these women, severe deterioration in bowel function was reported by 98 patients (31 percent), whereas 36 women (11 percent) mentioned a moderate change after hysterectomy. Most frequent symptoms were severe straining (90 patients), incomplete and/or digital evacuation (83 and 50 patients, respectively). According to most patients, the changes in bowel function were reported to have started within one month after hysterectomy. With advancing age, fewer complaints were recorded (P = 0.008). No significant difference was found in the incidence of disturbed bowel function between the different types of operation (abdominal, vaginal, supravaginal, or radical hysterectomy). In the control group, the response rate was 96 percent. Median age of these women was 46 (range, 25-78) years. Fifty-eight patients (60 percent) reported normal bowel function before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In this group of patients, disturbed bowel function after surgery was reported by five women (9 percent), which figure is significantly (P < 0.001) lower compared with that in the corresponding hysterectomy group. CONCLUSION: Hysterectomy seems to play an important role in the pathogenesis of disturbed defecation.  相似文献   

Forty six attacks of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) in forty patients were diagnosed between November 1987 and August 1995. Thirty four were initial attacks and 12 were recurrences. Arthritis was the commonest feature, 84.8%. Carditis occurred in 65.2% of the group, 67.6% of the initial attacks and 58.3% of the recurrences; however, the frequency of moderate/severe carditis was higher in recurrences, 25% versus 11.8%. Of those with carditis, mitral regurgitation occurred in 93.3%, aortic regurgitation in 16.7% and significant tricuspid regurgitation in 6.7%. Mitral stenosis was not encountered. No mortality occurred during ARF. Chorea, erythema marginatum and subcutaneous nodules were infrequent. These data are similar with those from a previous study which demonstrated the mild nature of ARF in Saudi Arabia, but showed higher frequency of carditis and suggested the frequency of carditis was not significantly higher during recurrences as compared to frequency of moderate/severe carditis.  相似文献   

The frontal and temporal lobe regions of the brain have a high vulnerability to injury as a consequence of cerebral trauma. One reason for this selective vulnerability is how the frontal and temporal regions are situated in the anterior and cranial fossa of the skull. These concavities of the skull base cup the frontal and temporal lobes which create surface areas of contact between the dura, brain, and skull where mechanical deformation injures the brain. In particular, the sphenoid ridge and the free-edge of the tentorium cerebelli are uniquely situated to facilitate injury to the posterior base of the frontal lobe and the anterior pole and medial surface area of the temporal lobe. Three-dimensional image reconstruction with computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used to demonstrate the vulnerability of these regions. How neuropsychological deficits result from damage to these areas is reviewed and discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this report we describe two cases of fetal midline intracranial cyst presenting with ventriculomegaly at routine detailed second-trimester scan. In the first case, additional findings included a banana-shaped hypoplastic cerebellum and macrocephaly; autopsy after termination of the pregnancy revealed a glioependymal cyst. In the second case, subsequent follow-up examination revealed a progressive increase in cyst size and worsening of ventriculomegaly; termination of pregnancy was performed at 24 weeks and autopsy confirmed an arachnoid cyst. These cases document interhemispheric cyst as a cause for early ventriculomegaly in utero.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic posterior cranial fossa haematoma is a rare occurrence. In our material it accounted for 1.5% of all intracranial haematomas. Due to its infrequency and diagnostic difficulties these patients are referred with delay to neurosurgeons and often die with signs of brain stem lesion. The reported case was a 25-year-old man with this haematoma and considerable diagnostic difficulties were encountered despite the application of modern imaging techniques. These difficulties hamper the qualification of the patient for operation which is the method of choice in these cases.  相似文献   

This study describes nurse practitioners' (NPs) practice and employment trends, primary care/direct patient care involvement, scope of practice issues, productivity, and demographic characteristics. Data were collected by mailed survey from 2,499 NPs in New York State. NPs were predominantly certified as Adult, Pediatric or Family NPs. The vast majority of NPs were working (64.1% full-time; 22.7% part-time). Fifty percent said they spend over 80% of their time providing primary care. Over 50% of the NPs employed in non-hospital settings said that their organizations had contracts with four or more managed care organizations.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) scans obtained at the time of clinical presentation have occasionally been reported to be normal in children with history and findings of significant abusive head injury. We have retrospectively observed abnormalities in "normal" scans of some similar children. We have also seen abnormalities develop on serial scanning. To determine how frequently these situations occur, we reviewed charts of 34 children with a final diagnosis of child abuse who also had cranial CT scans performed. Their CT scans were retrospectively reviewed by a pediatric radiologist. Eleven (11/34) CT scans had initially been interpreted as normal. Four (4/11) of these had been reinterpreted during the hospitalization as abnormal, affecting medical (1) and legal (3) outcome. Repeat scanning in three of the remaining seven resulted in surgical drainage of a subdural effusion (1) and affected legal outcome (2). Four of the seven initial scans felt normal throughout the hospitalizations were judged abnormal on retrospective review. This evaluation was confirmed in the two rescanned. Initial CT interpretation most often failed to appreciate changes in parenchymal density and small amounts of falcine or cortical subdural blood. Subsequent scans also showed evolving effusions and infarcts. Changes were noted in 1 1/2 to 5 days. The CT scan frequently shows subtle changes in the immediate posttrauma period. If the child does not recover promptly, subsequent scans frequently result in significant changes in clinical and legal management.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Whether inflammation of the cardia indicates gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and/or is a manifestation of pangastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori infection is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between cardia inflammation, H. pylori infection, and cardia intestinal metaplasia in patients with and without GERD. METHODS: Patients with GERD were compared with controls undergoing endoscopy for a variety of other conditions. Endoscopic biopsy specimens from the distal esophagus and cardia, fundus, and antrum were evaluated for inflammation, H. pylori infection, and intestinal metaplasia. RESULTS: Neither the prevalence of H. pylori infection (controls, 48%; GERD, 41%) nor cardia inflammation (controls, 41%; GERD, 40%) differed between groups. All 11 controls and 22 of 23 patients with GERD (96%) and cardia inflammation had H. pylori infection. Esophagitis was more common among GERD patients (33%) than controls (7%; P = 0.01). Cardia intestinal metaplasia was more common among controls (22%) than GERD patients (3%; P = 0.01); all had cardia inflammation, 7 had H. pylori infection, and 6 had metaplasia elsewhere in the stomach. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of cardia inflammation is similar in patients with and without GERD and is associated with H. pylori infection (P < 0.001). Cardia intestinal metaplasia is associated with H. pylori-related cardia inflammation (P = 0.01) and intestinal metaplasia elsewhere in the stomach, indicating that it is distinct from Barrett's esophagus.  相似文献   

Although the tripeptide thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) was the first hypothalamic hormone to be isolated and characterized, only very few data were available on the central component of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in the human brain until recently. We used immunocytochemistry to describe, for the first time, the distribution of TRH-containing cells and fibers in the human hypothalamus. Brain material was obtained with a short postmortem delay followed by fixation in paraformaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and picric acid. Many TRH-containing cells were present in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), especially in its dorsocaudal part. Some TRH cells were found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is the circadian clock of the brain, and in the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN), which is in agreement with earlier observations in the rat hypothalamus. Dense TRH-containing fiber networks were present not only in the median eminence but also in a number of other hypothalamic areas, suggesting a physiological function of TRH as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter in the human brain, in addition to its neuroendocrine role in pituitary secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). As a next step, we developed a technique for TRH mRNA in situ hybridization using a [35S] CTP-labeled TRH cRNA antisense probe in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections. Numerous heavily labeled TRH mRNA-containing neurons were detected in the caudal part of the PVN, while some cells were present in the SCN and in the perifornical area. These results demonstrated the value of in situ hybridization for elucidating the chemoarchitecture of the human hypothalamus in routinely fixed autopsy tissue and enabled us to perform quantitative studies. As part of the neuroendocrine response to disease, serum concentrations of thyroid hormone decrease without giving rise to elevated concentrations of TSH, suggesting altered feedback control at the level of the hypothalamus and/or pituitary. In order to establish whether decreased activity of TRH cells in the PVN contributes to the persistence of low TSH levels in nonthyroidal illness (NTI), hypothalamic TRH gene expression was investigated in patients whose plasma concentrations of thyroid hormones had been measured just before death. Quantitative in situ hybridization showed a positive correlation of total TRH mRNA in the PVN and serum concentrations of TSH and triiodothyronine (T3) less than 24 hours before death, supporting our hypothesis. Current experiments aim at elucidating the mechanism by which hypothalamic thyroid hormone feedback control in TRH cells of patients with NTI is changed.  相似文献   

At the Department of Neurosurgery, Hradec Kralové, 454 children (aged under 18 years) were operated on for posterior cranial fossa lesions in a period of 49 years (1948-1996). The majority (402) had tumours: cerebellar astrocytomas 149 (37.1%), medulloblastomas 139 (34.6%), brain stem gliomas 46 (11.4%), ependymomas 28 (7.0%), and others 40 (9.9%). Postoperative mortality was compared for the pre-CT era (1948-1977) and the CT era (1978-1996): astrocytomas (8.6%:4.7%), medulloblastomas (14.9%:2.9%), brain stem gliomas (21.7%:19.0%), ependymomas (18.2%:6.3%), and others (40.0%:7.4%). The initially high mortality was due to insufficient intracranial decompression, brain oedema and disturbances of cerebrospinal fluid circulation. Obstructive hydrocephalus was treated in 53 children with tumours and 25 with aqueduct stenoses, by Torkildsen's drainage in 5.5%, and/or by catheterisation of aqueduct in 12.3%. The main postoperative complications of medial posterior fossa surgery in 429 children operated on were: pseudomeningocele (12.3%), active hydrocephalus (6.2%) and CSF leakage (4.6%). Only 8.2% had shunts placed for these complications. We presume that this low percentage of shunts used results from a frequent use of duraplasties and drains installed at the primary operation. The dura mater was initially (1948-1954) left open (50 cases), and later (1955-1958) also sutured (37 cases), and from 1958, onward, and especially from 1961, reconstructed by a medial approach by means of various grafts (377 cases). In all, duraplasty was performed in 81.6% of cases. The grafts used for dura mater reconstruction were prepared from autogeneic (1.6%), allogeneic (72.3%), xenogeneic (24.8%), or synthetic (1.3%) material. They were successful in 99.2% of cases (all materials). Our own suture technique for posterior fossa duraplasty is presented.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of endodermal cysts of the posterior fossa is still incompletely understood. The authors reviewed three new cases and those reported in the literature to clarify the clinical, pathological, radiological, and surgical characteristics of these lesions. A total of 49 cases were reviewed. Details on demographic profiles, clinical characteristics, histopathological and radiological features, and surgical methods were collected. These cysts have a predominance in male patients (61%) and can occur at any age (birth-77 years). In patients with posterior fossa endodermal cysts there is a bimodal age distribution and headache is the most frequent complaint. On immunohistopathological examination, endodermal cysts were reactive for epithelial membrane antigen and for keratin immunostains whenever the latter were tested. The cysts were reactive for carcinoembryonic antigen in nine of 11 cases. Endodermal cysts were located anterior to the brainstem in 51% of cases and in the fourth ventricle in 21% of cases. They frequently appeared hypodense on computerized tomography scans, and in five cases, the lesion was missed. The cyst's appearance on magnetic resonance imaging is variable. Resection was complete in 19 cases and partial in 11; marsupialization was achieved in two cases. Three recurrences have been reported. Total excision with preservation of neurological function should be the goal. Cranial base approaches are helpful for surgical access in selected examples of these lesions.  相似文献   

Characterisation of an ovarian mass is of utmost importance in the preoperative evaluation of an ovarian neoplasm. It enables the surgeon to anticipate carcinoma of the ovary before the operation, so that adequate procedures are planned. Although, ultrasonography (US) remains the foremost imaging modality for screening patients with adnexal lesions, computed tomography (CT) recently has proved to be of value in the characterisation and management of tumors of the ovary. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has also been shown to have a high degree of diagnostic specificity for certain types of ovarian masses, such as dermoid cysts, and endometriomas. However, the potential of MR imaging to characterize tumors of the ovary has not yet been established. This study assesses the value of MR imaging and CT for the purpose of predicting the malignancy of ovarian lesions, and comparing findings of MR imaging with those of CT.  相似文献   

The pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine derivatives 3 could be prepared by condensing compounds 1 with the 3-aminopyrazolone derivative 2. The pyrazolo[5,2-b]-1,3-oxazine derivative 11 and polyfunctionally substituted 1,4-dihydropyridines 15, 18 were also synthesized. Some of the obtained compounds were tested for their antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

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