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The room temperature modes of growth of Au/(111) Cu and Cu/(111) Au are described. For the former growth mode initial deposits (2.4 Å) of gold on copper form smooth flat islands delineated by coincidence lattice misfit dislocations. For 6.0 Å of gold deposit, both thick and thin gold areas were observed with almost complete substrate coverage. For a 10 Å deposit, surface coverage was complete. Strain measurements and dislocation densities obtained on the (111) Au/(111) Cu films suggest the presence of two separate misfit dislocation networks at the interface. The coincidence lattice networks were large enough for transmission electron microscopy observation but contributed little to total overlayer strain. The (van der Merwe) natural lattice misfit dislocations were too closely spaced for direct observation but their presence was inferred because of the strain measurements. The initial epitaxy of Cu/(111) Au was similar to the Stranski-Krastanov model: the initial monolayer of copper (also delineated by coincidence misfit dislocations) grew smoothly on the gold; additional copper formed essentially stress-free “nuclei” on top of the initial copper layer.  相似文献   

Orientation of ethyl mercaptan on Cu(111) surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) studies have been performed on ethyl mercaptan adsorbed on a clean Cu(111) surface at 85 K. At submonolayer coverage (0.36 ML), two different states of sulfur (thiolate) are identified with the aid of XPS investigations. Polarization dependence of S K-edge NEXAFS of the submonolayer phase indicates that the S---C bond for the two thiolate phases are tilted 33±7° and 30±7° from the surface.  相似文献   

Recent work on the early stages of the epitaxial oxidation of (111) Cu at 350 °C and in oxygen pressures between 10-7 and 10-4 Torr has resulted in the determination of the growth modes that occur and the accompanying elastic strains. Initially a hexagonal 3 × 3 oxide superlattice is formed which continues to grow by a layer growth mechanism up to a theoretically estimated thickness of approximately five monomolecular layers. Subsequent oxidation occurs by the formation of lamellar islands containing misfit dislocations which reduce the coincidence lattice misfit strain. In the present work these (111) Cu/(111) Cu2O bilayers were annealed and examined in situ in the transmission electron microscope in the temperature range 25–350 °C. The misfit dislocation density decreased as the temperature was increased. The annealing effects are complex and interdiffusion phenomena can be observed even at 60 °C.  相似文献   

三维3D ES势垒直接影响着层间扩散,在Cu(111)和Cu(100)面2D ES势垒和3D ES势垒是不同的.本文主要研究了基于(1+1)维KMC模型,在这两个特殊的晶面上Cu薄膜的同质外延生长.观察两个面的生长情况,发现随着温度的增加薄膜的粗糙度逐渐减小,由于Cu(111)表面2D ES势垒较小,所以Cu(111)面粗糙度的下降的速度比Cu(100)要快,Cu(111)表面更有利于薄膜的生长.对于纳米棒的应用,在生长时间较短时两个面的生长速率逐渐减小,但是Cu(100)面的生长速度比Cu(111)面更快,随着生长时间的增加,这两个面会出现多层台阶,Cu(111)面的生长速度会逐渐增加,最终会超过了Cu(100)面.多层台阶出现后对两个面的影响是不同的.由于Cu(111)表面3D ES势垒较大,在Cu(111)表面会形成较多的多层台阶,Cu(111)面上多层台阶数有利于纳米棒的生长,然而在Cu(100)表面3D ES势垒较小,Cu(100)表面很难形成多层台阶,所以Cu(100)面上纳米棒的生长速度并没有增加.正是因为3D ES势垒的存在才会导致多层台阶的出现,较大的3D ES势垒有利于纳米棒的生长.  相似文献   

We present a joint experimental-theoretical study of the one-dimensional band of excited electronic states with sp character localized on Cu nanowires supported on a Cu(111) surface. Energy dispersion and lifetime of these states have been obtained, allowing the determination of the mean distance traveled by an excited electron along the nanowire before it escapes into the substrate. We show that a Cu nanowire supported on a Cu(111) surface can guide a one-dimensional electron flux over a short distance and thus can be considered as a possible component for nanoelectronics devices.  相似文献   

The organic molecule 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) was studied by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) on thin insulating NaCl films grown on a Cu(111) single crystal. The deposition of approximately two monolayers (ML) of sodium chloride onto a Cu(111) substrate at a sample temperature of about 350 K causes a rather rough growth of (100)-oriented NaCl islands up to a local height of 4 ML. For submonolayer coverages (0.1 and 0.4 ML) of PTCDA on a Cu(111) surface partly covered with NaCl, two different rod structures of PTCDA were found on the copper surface, which are in contrast to previously published data for PTCDA on Cu(111) showing a herringbone-like arrangement. These findings can be explained by the formation of a Na(x)-PTCDA complex. On NaCl covered areas, single PTCDA molecules adsorb at vacancies of [010] and [001] oriented steps of the NaCl(100) islands. In this case, the electrostatic forces between the polar step edges and the PTCDA molecules are dominant. The terraces of the alkali halide surface are free of PTCDA molecules.  相似文献   

Copper films were deposited simultaneously in high vacuum on three different monocrystalline NaCl substrates: evaporated (111) NaCl on mica, evaporated (100) NaCl and air-cleaved (100) NaCl. The occurence and microstructure of monocrystalline or polycrystalline copper films were determined by transmission electron microscopy and diffraction as a function of deposition rate R and substrate temperature T. When log R was plotted against 1/T, straight lines could be drawn separating the monocrystalline and the polycrystalline regions. Activation energies for the polycrystalline to monocrystalline transition of Cu films were calculated to be 1.48, 1.22 and 1.27 eV for the (111), evaporated (100) and air-cleaved (100) NaCl substrates respectively. It is shown that these results can be related to the atomistic theory of nucleation by Walton. Moreover, the results indicate that both the binding energy U between a single adatom and a growing oriented cluster and the atomic adsorption energy Qad on the substrate surface are proportional to the planar atom densities in the growing cluster and in the substrate surface respectively. It is further shown that while the activation energies for Cu films formed on the two (100) substrate surfaces are about the same, the actual epitaxial temperatures for the same R are significantly different.  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhihong  Xu  Xiaozhi  Qiao  Ruixi  Liu  Junjiang  Feng  Yuxia  Zhang  Zhibin  Song  Peizhao  Wu  Muhong  Zhu  Lan  Yang  Xuelin  Gao  Peng  Liu  Lei  Xiong  Jie  Wang  Enge  Liu  Kaihui 《Nano Research》2019,12(11):2712-2717
Nano Research - The continuous pursuit of miniaturization in the electronics and optoelectronics industry demands all device components with smaller size and higher performance, in which thin metal...  相似文献   

Overgrowths of Cu2S were formed on (111) single-crystal films of copper by exposing them to sulfur vapor in the temperature range 25–300 °C. Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) analysis revealed that the resultant overgrowths were epitaxial and of various structural forms depending predominantly on the duration of exposure and not on the temperature. The overgrowth started as a cubic form of Cu2S but transformed to the hexagonal form and finally to the orthorhombic form. The morphology of the Cu2S indicated by RHEED, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy proceeds from a smooth flat structure to an island-type formation.  相似文献   

Co nanoislands on the Au(111) and Cu(111) surfaces have been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. The experimental results showed that Co nanoislands prefer to aggregate at the step edge and dislocation sites on the reconstructed Au(111) surface and at the step edge on the Cu(111) surface, respectively. In addition, based on dZ/dV-V spectra, in both the Co/Au(111) and the Co/Cu(111) systems, Gundlach oscillation was observed. From the peak shift of dZ/dV-V spectra between Co nanoisland and substrate surface, we can quantitatively obtain that the constant energy separation is -0.13 +/- 0.01 eV for the Co/Au(111) system, and 0.41 +/- 0.02 eV for the Co/Cu(111) system, respectively. These values indicate the work function difference between Co nanoisland and these surfaces.  相似文献   

We report the growth of amorphous carbon nanowalls with molten salt electrolytes and a carbonate carbon source at 600 °C on home-made Cu(111) foil as the growth substrate (and cathode). The nanometer thick nanowalls grow preferentially along symmetric slip lines on the Cu(111) surface and their ordered arrangement appears to also be dictated by the electrosynthesis parameters. Computational chemistry suggests that nucleation of carbon growth is favored at the slip lines (atomic steps) of the Cu(111) surface. The electrodeposited carbon structures can be varied by tuning the potential on the electrodes and temperature of the molten salt. The macro, micro, and nanoscale structure of the nanowalls was studied and is reported.  相似文献   

Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been employed to investigate the chirality of monophosphine compounds that are highly efficient chiral ligands in transition-metal-catalyzed organic transformations. The absolute configuration of 1-(2-diphenyphosphino-1-naphthyl)isoquinoline enantiomers with axial chirality was discriminated directly by the "marker" group, PPh(2) substitutes. Although the two enantiomer molecules adsorb on a Cu(111) surface and form well-defined (4 x 4) structures, the positions of PPh(2) substitutes in the molecular adlayers are different. The mirror symmetry between two adlayers is demonstrated. On the basis of STM results, structural models are proposed to interpret the chiral adsorption. The results presented here supply a straightforward method for axial chirality analysis in adsorbed adlayers by STM.  相似文献   

Auger electron (AES) and directional elastic peak electron (DEPES) spectroscopies were used to investigate the Co/Cu(111) interface. The change in the Auger Cu (M2,3VV transition at 66 eV) peak intensity (hCu) recorded at room temperature shows that the Co growth mechanism is not a layer by layer type. This proves that Co does not wet the Cu substrate. The recorded DEPES profiles reveal the coexistence of fcc and hcp Co structures already at an early stage of growth (0.8 ML). The Co coverage increase leads to the reduction of intensities associated with the fcc structure and significant increase of the signal from the hcp structure. The comparison between experimental and theoretical data at large coverages (43 ML) shows a major contribution of the hcp structure within the Co layers in the recorded DEPES profiles.  相似文献   

Jong Keon Yoon 《Thin solid films》2010,519(4):1375-1379
Surface structures induced by the growth of Cr on Cu(111) at room temperature are studied with scanning tunneling microscopy. At sub-monolayer Cr coverage, islands and vacancy islands with lateral sizes of about 10 nm in length are observed. The islands show one- or two-monolayer heights with irregular shapes, while vacancy islands have one-monolayer depth and hexagonal shapes with openings. Atomic structures inside and near the vacancy islands are the same as those of bare Cu(111), implying that Cu atoms detach from the vacancy islands and attach to other step edges and islands. Possible origins and atomic processes for the observed structures are discussed.  相似文献   

Li  Yiling  Ren  Xiaolei  Chen  Shi  Qiao  Yuanyuan  Zhao  Ning 《Journal of Materials Science》2022,57(6):4369-4382
Journal of Materials Science - The morphology and orientation transformation of Cu6Sn5 grains formed on electroplated (111) textured Cu at 250 °C and 290 °C were...  相似文献   

利用多重散射团簇方法 (MSC)首次对Cl/Ge(111)自组装系统的Cl原子K边X射线吸收精细结构 (NEXFAS)进行了详细的计算和分析。研究揭示了实验NEXFAS谱峰的物理起源。其中最显著一个峰来源于Cl和正位于其下的Ge之间的散射。同时还得到了吸附系统的局域结构 ;Cl吸附在Ge(111)面的顶位 ,吸附高度是 0 2 15± 0 0 0 5nm ,Cl在Ge(111)表面自组装形成了一个单分子层。这些结果和广延X射线吸收精细结构 (EXFAS)结论以及从头计算的结果相互吻合  相似文献   

The local modification of NaCl thin films on Cu(111) under different bias voltages is investigated using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) at room temperature. We find that the type of modification of NaCl thin films is dependent on sample bias voltage (Vs). Defects in a triple-layer-thick NaCl film are destabilized and repelled away from the region beneath an STM tip by applying Vs in the range of 0.3 V ≤ |Vs| ≤ 0.5 V. When Vs is larger than + 1.2 V or smaller than − 4.0 V, the removal of NaCl films takes place and a bare Cu surface appears. In this case, the removed NaCl is transferred to the STM tip and can be supplied back to the surface from the STM tip. The redeposition of NaCl enables not only the reformation of single-crystalline NaCl films on a bare Cu surface but also the formation of additional NaCl films on a clean NaCl film surface.  相似文献   

J.S. Tsay  A.B. Yang  F.S. Shiu 《Thin solid films》2007,515(22):8285-8289
The surface structure and composition of semiconductor/Cu(111) films prepared by thermal evaporation in an ultrahigh vacuum condition have been investigated. As Si atoms were deposited on a Cu(111) surface, diffused spots were observed up to 2 monolayers while 1 × 1 spots become dimmer as revealed using low-energy electron diffraction technique. Because of a larger electron affinity of Si than that of Cu, the Cu L3M45M45 Auger line shifts to a lower kinetic energy. Annealing treatments at 425 K causes a splitting of the Cu L3M45M45 line. This shows the interdiffusion at the Si/Cu interface and the formation of a Cu-rich surface layer. After annealing treatments, the domains grow and aggregate to form larger domains as revealed by the decreasing full-width at half maximum of diffraction spots. Ge/Cu(111) shows 1 × 1 structure as annealing up to 500 K. Lack of a dominant structure and a large valence diameter of Ge result in different structures as compared to Si/Cu(111).  相似文献   

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