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刘昱 《华中建筑》2007,25(1):206-208,225
窗之于建筑如同镜头之于相机,该文通过对位于武汉市阅马场地段的辛亥革命纪念馆和湖北剧院开窗形制变迁的比较性研究,利用窗所具有的取景框(镜头)的特性,通过建筑和社会的几种不同的"事件"对于窗的美学、功能和形制的影响,试图探询窗的变迁的深层因素和社会根源.  相似文献   

直到现在我们所知的、中国风景园林对美国的影响都是间接的。也就是说,它的影响是通过其他设计传统传到美国的①,正因为如此,且不提普通大众,许多设计师可能也没有意识到有来自中国的任何影响。尽管随着大量中国式庭院在美国兴建的状况正在发生着改变,但中国式的设计仍然被另2个国家—日本和英国的设计传统先入为主地诠释了。探讨为什么大量中国的风景园林设计对美国的影响是间接的,进而探讨为什么这种状况在今后可能有所改观。  相似文献   

十年前,建筑界最精力充沛的探险家瑞姆·库哈斯带领着他的哈佛团队潜入珠三角,以一部后来被冠名为"大跃进"的集体著作,拉开一个区域被大笔书写的序幕。此后的十年,以广州、深圳为中心的珠三角城市故事作为一种全新的模式受到世界关注。这里发生的一切好像一部美国西部大开发历史,曾经蛮荒的土地上,城市运动带来的变化令人目眩神迷。  相似文献   

<正>这个博物馆并没有气派的入口、门厅,亲切信息服务台和大尺度的展览空间。它位于城山洞的住宅区深处,只有一扇门,而且比通常建筑的门还要小。周围也没有明显的指示牌标示博物馆的所在。取而代之的,是一条联通博物馆内外的游客步道,引领着游客去了解这里的故事。游客们在这样一种充满不确定性的环境中的体验,在某种程度上与当年被战争挟裹而成为慰安妇的老奶奶们所经历的不安感类似。  相似文献   

在初次接触这片废旧的工厂时,对它的整体印象是怎样的? iD Town项目的场地是位于深圳大鹏旅游新区的葵涌乡建于20世纪80年代中的鸿华印染厂.整个厂区占地8公顷,藏身于深圳东海岸山峦的谷地之中,群山环绕之间层层叠叠、整整齐齐的标准化厂房蔚为壮观.虽然已是一处被时代遗忘的角落,但当年的宏伟与辉煌仍清晰可见.坚固的钢筋混泥土结构加上荒弃之后锈迹斑驳的墙身,厂区俨然成为一个没落的工业"卫城".我们的设计也就开始于这"卫城"的"遗址"之中.  相似文献   

问:能否介绍一下您在怎样的背景下提出2007深圳·香港城市\建筑双城双年展的主题——"城市的过期和再生"?马清运:一般说来对于城市的理解有两种学派,一种学派认为城市是通过时间的孕育和历史的演变自然而然生长出来的,是一个有机体,所有的有机体都有生、长、熟、死的过程。但这恰恰违背我们盖房子和建城市  相似文献   

印象中的欧洲是一个童话般的王国。也许是爱了儿时熟读的安徒生童话和格林童话的影响,脑海中的欧洲是勇敢英俊的王子和善良美丽的公主以及宏伟威严的古堡构筑的故事中的场景,充满了神秘、梦幻和奇异的色彩。在某年夏季的一天,我终于登上了远赴欧洲的航班,开始了激动人心的行程。  相似文献   

北京:积极推进节约型园林绿化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董瑞龙 《园林》2008,(5):12-14
·编者按· 实施节约园林,是当今世界非常关注的问题,更是人类对自己所生存的环境关爱的明智之举.本期专题围绕"节约园林"这个行业的热门话题,邀请北京、上海、广州三个城市的专家领导和从事设计、科研、建设的专家,结合自己的实践各抒己见,并介绍推荐了许多好的做法,给读者以启发和借鉴.  相似文献   

<正>一座城市的大街小巷,不仅蕴含着这座城市的文化底蕴,也承载着它的历史记忆。无论是大街的称谓还是小巷的名称,既有城市方位的界定、地理概貌的简介,也有标志性建筑的指代和集市商贸的称呼,故不少专家学者将其称为城市民风民俗的百科全书,并将纳入地理学、语言学和历史学的重要范畴去研究。专家学者们一致认为,有着丰富的历史信息的街巷,是一座城市重要的文化遗产。  相似文献   

“山舍”在意大利语中的含意是让登山的人可以稍事休息、重新获得体力的地方.这个位于万科松花湖度假区的咖啡馆因为位于度假区中心小镇最前端、面向大山和雪道的显要位置,同时承担了万科与意大利文化交流的部分任务,而获得了“意大利山舍”这个恰如其分的命名. 咖啡馆拥有两层高的开阔空间和面向群山雪道的270.绝佳景观,勘察现场时站立在建筑毛坯内的我们被窗外梦幻般的美景深深触动,因而设计的灵感也来源于此.我们在高的吹拔空间与低的空间交界处设置了全幅宽的、分三层后退的木格栅,格栅的形态模拟对面的群山,在每层的底部用白色勾勒出雪线.这幅格栅还如垂挂的幔帐伸展到空间中,包裹住位于中央、连接上下层的楼梯,成为统领整个空间的强有力的主题.  相似文献   

A whole-landscape approach is critical to ensuring conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in farmed landscapes. Although existing agri-environmental schemes are constrained by property boundaries and voluntary take up, the potential for adopting a whole-landscape approach to planned countryside management is currently favoured by a number of factors. These include economic uncertainty in some agricultural sectors; the introduction of a reformulated rural development policy; increased understanding of relationships between biodiversity and management; and the introduction of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology that allows future landscapes to be visualized by stakeholders. Ecological and socio-economic aspects of whole-landscape planning in a study covering 31 neighbouring farms in west Oxfordshire are reported. A baseline was first compiled that included information on: property boundaries; land cover; relationships between hedge and field margin management and key taxa; and farmer socio-economics and attitudes towards agri-environmental measures, conservation and sustainable agriculture. Future scenarios of integrated wholelandscape management were then developed, designed to deliver amenity, environmental and biodiversity benefits. These scenarios were presented and interpreted to farmers and conservation and amenity stakeholders with the aid of GIS-based maps and three-dimensional virtual reality visualizations. Farmers' responses are reported and the potential for implementing whole-landscape planning is discussed .  相似文献   

在20世纪末期.欧美的博物得变成了一种“加法动物”不断进行着改建、扩建和加建.从而涌现出大量风格方式不间的建筑实例其中既有失败.也有成功。本文选择了部分典型案例如以分析,特别肯定了托马斯·毕比和西萨·佩里的设计概念和方法,并提出了未来的改.扩建将面向未来不断发展的观点。  相似文献   

该文通过对皇家花园住宅小区设计的回顾与思考,认为好的小区应该是基于生活需求和精神感受下的家园,并分别从空间与场所、环境与文化、形象与品质三个方面进行了探索。  相似文献   

The extent to which urban open space corridors meet recreational, habitat and wildlife needs is highly dependent on the degree to which the interactive effects of these uses are identified and incorporated into planning, design and management decisions. For managers who aim to enhance compatibility between people and wildlife, the challenge is to bridge the gap between established practice and a more multi-functional approach. Ultimately the aim should be to put in place an enlightened and sympathetic management regime that supports indigenous biodiversity maintainable at an acceptable cost and is compatible with providing sufficient access to cater for a wide range of recreational activities. Principles relating to site evaluation and corridor management are discussed in the context of a case study in Singapore.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various options adopted in the UK for engineered protection measures aimed at preventing pollution to the environs of landfill sites. The advantages and limitations of both natural and synthetic lining materials are discussed, recognizing the constraints posed by the geometry and geology of prospective landfill sites. Particular attention is given to the Environmental Safety Centre experience with techniques designed to minimize both leachate and gaseous emissions, and hence prevent pollution of ground and surface waters, and reduce hazards to nearby property. Options for operational practices and restoration procedures are discussed in relation to the control of degradation processes and polluting potential. Included in these options are design and operation of leachate and gas collection/treatment systems, phasing of landfilling operations, and progressive restoration of sites. Monitoring requirements are emphasized as a vital measure of the success or failure of site designs and operational practices in ensuring that appropriate environmental protection is achieved and maintained.  相似文献   

With rapid urbanization in China, an increasing building density has squeezed the urban public space. Community streets are occupied by motor vehicles or other functions, and can no longer sufficiently support children to carry out safe and independent activities. As an important space for children’s daily natural contact and social activities, the lack of the spatial function of streets results in a decline in children’s subjective initiative and social abilities. The United Nations has stressed the importance of community as the basic unit of space for children’s daily activities in building child friendly cities. It is urgent to reshape child-friendly community streets and support children’s healthy growth. Integrating previous research results on affordance theory and design, children’s growth and environment, and street-game spaces, this study focuses on investigating 23 community streets in four residential communities in Nanjing through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and other methods. Then, from the perspective of cognitive affordance, functional affordance, and social affordance, it analyzes the behavioral possibilities provided by the environment and the needs of the children-user group. Finally, from the perspectives of openness and security, preference and diversity, positive and negative, and reality and potential, it proposes a method to assess the existing environment. This study aims to extract the significant characteristics of the built environment that effectively support and promote children’s outdoors activities, and explore the design strategy of improving street space sharing through optimizing space elements and structure at the medium and micro levels, so as to respond to multiple goals including livable city development from the perspective of child friendliness. This study also tries to change the logical way of design thinking and provide an eco-psychological perspective on how to build a child-friendly community.  相似文献   

本文通过把改革开放30年以来中国城市规划的发展历程大致分为恢复重建、摸索学习、加速推进、调整壮大、反思求变和更新转型等六个阶段,阐述了城市规划是如何摆脱计划经济束缚、走向市场经济并在实践中发展的,以及城市规划的任务是如何在资本注入和土地制度改革的推动下逐渐显现出宏观调控和建设引导控制作用,并进而适应多变和多元的发展形势,向和谐社会、多值决策和科学发展迈进的。  相似文献   

针对西(安)合(肥)高速公路孤独庙隧道工程,在进口段岩层松散破碎和出口段基础悬空、严重偏压等不良地质情况和复杂环境条件下,采用大管棚、小导管注浆联合超前支护加固、反压侧墙平衡措施,以及通过开挖方法和支护类型的合理选用与实施确定开挖支护方案,确保了工程质量与安全,创造了较好经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

This is the second of two special issues in Progress in Planning exploring emerging research agendas in planning. It brings together scholars from diverse schools working on new areas of research and application in urban design and planning. Emergent research agendas include both novel areas of research and important shifts in the direction of a research area. The challenge for planning schools is to reflect critically on these changes and develop long-term research agendas that can better position our field in society and academia, and provide a basis from which to assess our academic programmes. The chapters in this issue display the different scales and fields of planning, including planning for: disaster recovery; climate change, especially opportunities for mitigation; shrinking cities in the First World; and rapidly urbanising informal and impoverished cities in the global South. At the same time, the chapters identify research areas that respond to major social and environmental changes. Olshansky and Chang highlight the increasing losses from catastrophic disasters, and address the need for disaster recovery planning. Wheeler, Randolph and London focus on climate change, and, noting the urgency of action now, their research agenda emphasises opportunities for planners to develop research and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hollander, Pallagst, Schwarz and Popper look at increasing economic and population trends in many First World cities that result in city ‘shrinkage’. They present new opportunities for improving cities’ green space networks and natural features, and for research. The trebling of urban population in African cities by 2050, in conditions of poverty and informality, is the major trend driving Parnell, Pietriese and Watson's chapter. They present an agenda for new planning theories and for supporting empirical research to address the actual conditions of African cities.  相似文献   

本文探讨了作为电影和建筑中的一个主要空间构成主题——景框理念。对空间的电影几何关系和建构几何关系的设置.体块、空间、视角、景观、相机和演员的相对位置和组织等.会产生特殊的张力、关系和动态——所有这一切都指向景框所带来的触媒作用和示能作用。电影与建筑中的空间是许多潜在的力量和相互作用的动力场,它涉及对空间景框、机制和策略的部署与调控,由此实现构成的、语义的和叙事的目的。景框建立了边界,但也促进并提醒可能会遇到的那些模棱两可、针锋相对与制约的突破.以及一种呈现怪诞特征的潜力。  相似文献   

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