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The term ?security of supply“ refers to a broad scope of topics, including grid-infrastructure and generation investments, operation, maintenance, planning, etc. It is closely related to quality and reliability. The security of supply components are presented from the regulatory viewpoint, an overview of the related activities by the Austrian Energy Regulatory Authority E-Control and by CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators) is given, concluding with future prospects.  相似文献   

The conditions for hydropower as well as the approach towards this energy have been changed within the recent years. Some years ago the increasing environmental consciousness hindered further construction of hydropower plants, whereas now the changed economic conditions are the reason for the restricted position of hydropower at the free electricity market. The macroeconomical benefits have always been the main arguments for the use of hydropower. Therefore investments with long-term return of investments have been carried out. The liberalization of the electricity market and the competition caused by it makes it impossible from the economical point of view to undertake such long-term investments any more. Nevertheless hydropower has its specific advantages. It uses a clean and renewable energy source and preserves other ressources. Also the multi-purpose function of hydropower plants should be emphasized. To keep up the importance of hydropower it is essential that the undisputed advantages of hydropower will also be accepted and assessed in the future.  相似文献   

The human-computer interaction in medicine shows only a few differences to other man-machine interfaces. Medicine technology has — perhaps comparable with the interface in nuclear power stations — unusual features like a septic or aseptic operating room or 100% availability. The interface for people is the language. Therefore the equipment in medicine should be used by speech and the output should also be speech. The medical staff must work on many various pieces of equipment produced by various manufacturers. Siemens is about to establish a new standard named Syngo. Syngo is a synonym for the philosophy of usage of medical equipment, which shall be offered independently of the manufacturer.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Gewaltige Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Digitaltechnik und der digitalen übertragungstechnik haben unsere Gesellschaft innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte in eine Kommunikations- und Informationsgesellschaft transformiert und wesentliche Bereiche des allt?glichen Lebens grundlegend ver?ndert. Das dazu n?tige technologische Rückgrat reicht von zellularen Mobilfunknetzen bis hin zu Hochleistungs-Glasfasernetzen. In diesem übersichtsartikel wird die Rolle der Optik in modernen Telekommunikationsnetzen beleuchtet, und fundamentale und praktische Vor- und Nachteile optischer Technologien werden diskutiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Optik nicht nur die mit Abstand beste Technologie zum Transport gro?er Datenmengen über lange Distanzen ist, sondern auch aus dem leitungsgebundenen Netzzugangsbereich bald nicht mehr wegzudenken sein wird. Andererseits wird auch betont, dass sich Schaltfunktionen in Netzknotenpunkten nur dann effizient optisch realisieren lassen, wenn es um das Durchschalten gro?er Datenmengen im Sinn leitungsvermittelnder Netztechnologien geht. Paketvermittelnde Netzknoten werden auch in Zukunft vorwiegend auf elektronische und nur sehr beschr?nkt auf optische Technologien zurückgreifen k?nnen. Unsere Betrachtungen werden mit aktuellen Beispielen aus der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der optischen Kommunikationstechnologien untermauert.   相似文献   

“In the right key one can say anything. In the wrong key nothing,” the Irish playwright G. B. Shaw once declared, and devoted himself to writing instead. Today, voice trainers help people to speak in a more animated, melodious manner, to retain the interest of their listeners and to stick to the point — while at the same time articulating clearly. The way of speaking reveals far more than the words on their own. The voice ruthlessly exposes a person’s actual state of mind, no matter how carefully he/she chooses his/her words. This explains why our ability to hit the right key is very important in deciding between instant like and dislike in a host of situations. Learn to use and practise your own voice power!  相似文献   

The energy turnaround in Europe results in a rapid development of renewable energy, especially of wind energy and photovoltaic. Because of the short full load hours it is necessary to install large power capacities. However, these capacities can exceed the peak demand and the storage capacities available, and thus cannot be used adequately. The development of centralized and decentralized storage capacities is necessary on the road to predominant renewable energy supply.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Kurzfassung eines Vortrags, gehalten anl?sslich der gemeinsamen Fachtagung der Energietechnischen Gesellschaften des ?VE, SEV und VDE „Netze im 3. Jahrtausend — Technik und Wirtschaft” (gleichzeitig 38. Fachtagung der ?sterreichischen Gesellschaft für Energietechnik im ?VE), die vom 15. bis 17. November 2000 in Innsbruck stattfindet.  相似文献   

Today we look at the problem of “hacking” mostly from a technical, economic and perhaps political point of view. This is caused by the possible damages. As a sociologist, the author tries to see this problem area as one of special fringe-groups. Such groups have existed at all times at the borders of our societies. However, now they manifest themselves globally using the ubiquitous means of information-technology. The somehow unusual terminology opens new views of the hacker-problem.  相似文献   

The following text gives an overview of the development of SO2-, NOx- and CO2-emissions in different European countries due to the electricity generation. Beyond that means of CO2-reduction are inspected with special emphasis on the cost.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Kurzfassung eines Vortrags, gehalten anl?sslich der gemeinsamen Fachtagung der Energietechnischen Gesellschaften des ?VE, SEV und VDE „Netze im 3. Jahrtausend — Technik und Wirtschaft” (gleichzeitig 38. Fachtagung der ?sterreichischen Gesellschaft für Energietechnik im ?VE), die vom 15. bis 17. November 2000 in Innsbruck stattfindet.  相似文献   

Explicit solutions of the antenna integral and the antenna convolution integral are employed to study the relations of the flux density of a radio source to antenna temperature. The assumptions of some special source models result in relations very suitable to radioastronomical measurements. The results are applied to the 3750 Me total flux measurements carried out at this Observatory for some years. The problem of determining the integrated slowly varying solar radio flux density is considered.  相似文献   

The evaluation of possibly adverse health effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body has gained appreciable research interest since the widespread use of mobile communication transceivers. This paper presents numerical results of the specific absorption rate in the human head at frequencies of 915 MHz and 1.9 GHz. We perform our calculations based on anatomically correct head and hand models derived from MRI scans with a spatial resolution of 2×2×2 mm3. In particular, we investigate whether metallic objects, like spectacle frames or tooth caps, may lead to an increase of the electromagnetic field inside the head. For the numerical calculation we use the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) algorithm. We show that the specific absorption rate stays within the limits defined by the Austrian safety standard ÖNORM S1120 for the maximum allowed transmitter power levels in the GSM-and DECT-system, respectively.  相似文献   

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