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圆叶葡萄(Muscadinia rotundifolia Michx.)属于葡萄科圆叶葡萄属,落叶木质藤本浆果果树,起源于美国东南部,具有400多年的栽培历史,是当地栽培最早的葡萄种之一。圆叶葡萄具有良好的环境适应性,对主要葡萄病害高抗,也是抗性育种的良好材料。圆叶葡萄品种繁多,有众多鲜食品种和酿酒品种,也有鲜食加工兼用品种。圆叶葡萄营养价值高,多酚类及白藜芦醇含量丰富,也是唯一富含鞣花酸的葡萄种类。本文综述了圆叶葡萄植株的特征、起源、分布、分类和栽培历史,分析了其植物学和生物学特征,总结了应用现状和加工属性等,并对其在中国的发展前景进行了探讨和展望。 相似文献
新疆无核白葡萄多酚氧化酶特性的研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
以新疆无核白葡萄品种为供试原料提取多酚氧化酶(PPO),分别就pH、温度、底物专一性、耐热性、底物浓度五个方面对无核白葡萄PPO活力的特性进行了探讨。结果表明,该酶的最适pH为7.2,最适作用温度为30~35℃,35℃下表现出较高的热稳定性,70℃受热20min酶活力基本稳定,80℃受热100s、100℃受热60s该酶全部钝化。该酶对不同酚类物质表现出不同的底物专一性,由高到低的顺序为:邻苯二酚>绿原酸>焦性没食子酸>没食子酸>阿魏酸。 相似文献
以新疆无核白葡萄品种为供试原料提取多酚氧化酶(PPO),分别就pH、温度、底物专一性、耐热性、底物浓度五个方面对无核白葡萄PPO活力的特性进行了探讨。结果表明,该酶的最适pH为7.2,最适作用温度为30~35℃,35℃下表现出较高的热稳定性,70℃受热20min酶活力基本稳定,80℃受热100s、100℃受热60s该酶全部钝化。该酶对不同酚类物质表现出不同的底物专一性,由高到低的顺序为:邻苯二酚>绿原酸>焦性没食子酸>没食子酸>阿魏酸。 相似文献
以引进的5个圆叶葡萄品种‘阿拉紫’‘诺贝尔’‘格威尔’‘卡洛斯’和‘弗雷尔’为对象,调查和分析各品种的植物学特征、生物学特性和栽培性状。结果表明,5个品种均为中熟品种,‘格威尔’成熟期为8月中旬,其它4个品种在8月上旬成熟。果实品质方面,5个品种均表现果皮较厚、无涩味、香味浓郁、种子较多等特点,其中‘格威尔’和‘卡洛斯’的果粒大小和可溶性固形物较高,且两品种的固酸比均超过30,口感较好。栽培性状方面,5个品种在江苏南京地区的高温、高湿气候条件下均表现长势良好、抗病性强。综合不同栽培条件和果实经济性状发现,‘卡洛斯’耐热性强,在南京地区避雨条件下表现优异,‘格威尔’和‘阿拉紫’在露地栽培条件下表现良好,‘诺贝尔’‘弗雷尔’有待进一步观察。 相似文献
采用五点采样法连续3年调查广西南宁圆叶葡萄的污果病发病情况,并随机选择具有典型形态特征的单一病斑,刮取病斑组织进行病原菌分离纯化,根据柯赫氏法则验证其污果病致病力,通过形态学及分子生物学手段对病原菌进行鉴定。结果表明,在参试种植园中,2019—2021三年中圆叶葡萄‘Noble’的果穗污果病发病率分别达到92.00%、96.67%和97.33%,病情指数分别为62.13、67.46和66.40。从病斑组织中分离得到多株形态特征相近、具有污果病致病力的优势菌,选取其中代表性菌株GX-2216,经鉴定为蚜虫莫氏黑粉菌Moesziomycesaphidis,其与前期在附近地块‘巨峰’葡萄污果病病果上分离鉴定的病原菌亲缘较近,表明M.aphidis可能是当地污果病的优势病原菌,其能够在不同葡萄品种上引发污果病。 相似文献
葡萄叶是葡萄种植过程中产生的副产物,其中富含多酚、生物碱、维生素等功能性化合物,在部分国家有饮食、入药的传统。因此,充分挖掘此类副产物的经济价值,回收再利用,对葡萄与葡萄酒产业可持续发展及环境改善十分有意义。该文重点总结了葡萄叶中主要的酚类化合物组分、含量及其结构,并分析了目前常用于提取葡萄叶片酚类化合物方法的关键工艺及其优缺点,同时探讨了葡萄叶酚类化合物在体内外的抗氧化、抑菌、抗炎及抗肿瘤活性。葡萄叶可作为一种丰富的酚类化合物植物来源,在化妆品、医药、食品等领域具有广阔的开发利用前景。研究结果可为葡萄叶片的研究利用提供参考。 相似文献
花椒叶中多酚含量丰富。多酚具有抗氧化、调节人体神经系统功能、软化和疏通心血管、抗癌、调节机体新陈代谢、抗病毒和抗疲劳等多种生物活性功能。我国花椒叶的应用技术目前还在起步阶段,花椒叶中多酚的提取技术落后于很多国家。该研究基于此,对花椒叶多酚的提取工艺进行优化。结果表明,花椒叶多酚的抗疲劳活性高于西洋参,花椒叶多酚提取的最佳工艺为乙醇浓度70%、超声波功率200 W、超声波时间30 min和料液比1∶20。 相似文献
S. WHEELER B. LOVEYS C. FORD C. DAVIES 《Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research》2009,15(3):195-204
Background and Aims: Grapevines ( Vitis vinifera L.) are considered to have non-climacteric fruit, but the trigger initiating ripening (veraison) is poorly understood. This study aimed to further investigate the role of abscisic acid (ABA) during berry ripening.
Methods and Results: In field-grown grapes over three seasons, free ABA levels increased at veraison then subsequently declined to low levels. Bound ABA increased as the free ABA level decreased after 10–11 weeks post-flowering (wpf), but ABA must also be degraded and/or exported. The absence of a large pool of bound ABA before veraison makes it unlikely that the increase in free ABA is due to the mobilization of conjugated ABA. The expression pattern of genes crucial for ABA synthesis, zeaxanthin epoxidase and two 9-cis-epoxycartenoid dioxygenases (NCEDs) indicates that berries may have the potential to synthesize ABA in situ . However, the expression profile of these genes did not correlate well with ABA levels indicating that ABA accumulation is under more complex control. The application of (+)-ABA advanced ripening as measured by colour formation, berry size increase and to a lesser extent sugar accumulation and altered the expression of one of the NCED genes.
Conclusions: The changes in berry ABA levels around the time of veraison, which influence the timing of ripening, are under complex developmental control.
Significance of the Study: The improved understanding of the control of berry ripening is vital to attempts to successfully manipulate this process. 相似文献
Methods and Results: In field-grown grapes over three seasons, free ABA levels increased at veraison then subsequently declined to low levels. Bound ABA increased as the free ABA level decreased after 10–11 weeks post-flowering (wpf), but ABA must also be degraded and/or exported. The absence of a large pool of bound ABA before veraison makes it unlikely that the increase in free ABA is due to the mobilization of conjugated ABA. The expression pattern of genes crucial for ABA synthesis, zeaxanthin epoxidase and two 9-cis-epoxycartenoid dioxygenases (NCEDs) indicates that berries may have the potential to synthesize ABA in situ . However, the expression profile of these genes did not correlate well with ABA levels indicating that ABA accumulation is under more complex control. The application of (+)-ABA advanced ripening as measured by colour formation, berry size increase and to a lesser extent sugar accumulation and altered the expression of one of the NCED genes.
Conclusions: The changes in berry ABA levels around the time of veraison, which influence the timing of ripening, are under complex developmental control.
Significance of the Study: The improved understanding of the control of berry ripening is vital to attempts to successfully manipulate this process. 相似文献
Analysis of tannins in seeds and skins of Shiraz grapes throughout berry development 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
MARK O. DOWNEY JOHN S. HARVEY SIMON P. ROBINSON 《Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research》2003,9(1):15-27
The flavan-3-ol and proanthocyanidin composition of both seeds and skin of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz grapes was determined by reversed-phase HPLC after acetone extraction and acid-catalysis in the presence of excess phloroglucinol. Samples were taken at weekly intervals from fruit-set until commercial harvest. The main period of proanthocyanidin accumulation in grape seeds occurred immediately after fruit-set with maximum levels observed around veraison. Over two seasons there was variation in both the timing and content of proanthocyanidins in seeds. In skin, proanthocyanidin accumulation occurred from fruit set until 1–2 weeks after veraison. Proanthocyanidin subunit composition was different in seeds and skin and changed during berry development but the mean degree of polymerisation of the tannin polymers in skins was higher than in the seeds at all stages of berry development. Proanthocyanidin levels in both seeds and skin decreased between veraison and harvest. Additional proanthocyanidin subunits were released when the residues remaining after acetone extraction were subjected to direct acid-catalysis in the presence of phloroglucinol. In the seeds, these accounted for much of the post-veraison decrease, but not in grape skin. At harvest, 75% of extractable berry proanthocyanidin was in the seeds. Accumulation of proanthocyanidins in the seeds appears to be independent of that in the skins, but in both tissues synthesis occurs early in berry development and maximum levels are reached around veraison. 相似文献
PAUL R. PETRIE PETER R. CLINGELEFFER 《Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research》2006,12(1):21-29
Crop thinning subsequent to fruit set can help regulate yield and improve fruit composition at harvest. Accordingly, an experiment was established in two vineyards (Site 1 Riverland District of South Australia; Site 2 Sunraysia District of Victoria) to investigate effects of crop removal after fruit set (when berries were pea size) using a machine harvester. Specific zones of the canopy were targeted for thinning to remove a predetermined percentage of the fruit and avoid over‐thinning. Cropping responses to mechanical thinning were compared with control (un‐thinned) vines, and with hand thinned vines (where fruit was removed from a similar portion of the canopy as for mechanical thinning). In a fourth treatment, bunches damaged by mechanical thinning were removed by hand. Inclusion of hand thinning treatments enabled us to distinguish between the potential benefits of reduced yield and the potential damage caused by the mechanical harvester to foliage and/or remaining fruit. Both the mechanical and the hand thinning treatments reduced bunch number as well as yield by a similar amount (approximately 24% on Site 1 and approximately 45% on Site 2) and advanced fruit maturity (soluble solids accumulation at harvest), relative to un‐thinned controls, by approximately 1.6 % and 1.7% respectively. Soluble solids accumulated at a similar rate for all treatments at sites, despite differences in yield, implying that the impact of thinning treatments originated prior to veraison. Berry weight was increased by hand thinning at Site1, and by all thinning treatments at Site 2. Anthocyanin concentration (berry fresh weight basis) was higher in fruit from the mechanically thinned vines compared to controls (un‐thinned). Mechanical thinning successfully reduced crop level to the target yield, and improved fruit quality. Mechanical thinning, via modified use of a machine harvester, thus offers some potential to regulate yield over large and minimally pruned vineyards, in a timely and cost‐effective fashion. 相似文献
不同品种苹果籽总酚含量与抗氧化相关性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探讨苹果籽总酚含量与抗氧化相关性及其抗氧化的物质基础,以7 个品种苹果籽为材料,采用 Folin-Ciocalteu法测定总酚含量,FRAP法、ABTS+·法、O2-·清除法、·OH清除法和DPPH自由基清除法评价抗氧化活性,高效液相色谱法进行多酚成分分析。结果表明:7 个品种苹果籽总酚含量范围为5.74~17.44 mg GAE/g(以干质量计),抗氧化性优于茶多酚、VC和2,6-二叔丁基-4-甲基苯酚(2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol,BHT),蜜脆苹果籽具有最高的总酚含量和最好的抗氧化能力。除DPPH自由基清除法外,多酚含量与其他4 种方法测得的抗氧化数据具有显著正相关(r=0.771~0.984)。根皮苷为苹果籽多酚抗氧化的主要成分。 相似文献
葡萄种间杂交一代果穗果粒性状的遗传 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以华东葡萄、瘤枝葡萄、毛葡萄等中国野生种葡萄为亲本,与欧洲葡萄酿酒品种杂交,共计12 个杂交组合,323~375 株杂种苗。对杂交后代果穗重量、百粒重、含糖量、含酸量的遗传变异进行了分析探讨。 相似文献
An ethanol spray at veraison enhances colour in red wines 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Aqueous ethanol (5% v/v) was sprayed onto bunches of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon 8–9 weeks following full flowering (controls were sprayed with water). Internal ethylene concentration in treated berries increased to a maximum within 6 hours, and berry colour subsequently increased substantially (maximum attained 2–3 weeks after spraying). Berry fresh weight at harvest was unaffected by ethanol treatment, but wine made from treated grapes showed greater colour intensity compared with control grapes. 相似文献
Berries of Vitis vinifera L. cv Shiraz can undergo weight loss during later stages of ripening. Existing published views on how weight loss occurs are based on changes in capacity of the vascular system to import water during development (McCarthy and Coombe, Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 5, 17–21, 1999). One important element of these views is the proposed cessation of water flow through the xylem after veraison. We have now measured the water flow into berries of Shiraz and Chardonnay as they develop using the pressure probe and the high pressure flow meter (HPFM). The pressure probe connected to the pedicel of individual berries provided measurements of single berry hydraulic conductance. By systematic excision of tissue segments of the berry and pedicel we determined where in the pathway hydraulic conductance changed during development. The HPFM was used on whole bunches showing that berries (including pedicels) represent parallel high hydraulic resistances and that the hydraulic resistance of the bunch axis was rather small. The hydraulic conductance per berry could be determined from excision experiments. There was close agreement between the pressure probe and HPFM measurements. Both showed a ten‐fold reduction in hydraulic conductance of whole berries from veraison to full ripeness. Shiraz had hydraulic conductances that were 2‐ to 5‐fold higher than those for Chardonnay. Shiraz maintained a higher hydraulic conductance past 90 days after flowering than Chardonnay. The decrease in hydraulic conductance occurred in both the distal and proximal parts of the berry for both varieties. The pressure probe also provided measurements of the xylem pressure that non‐transpiring berries could develop. These pressures were –0.2 to –0.1 MPa until veraison and increased to zero when the juice osmotic potential reached about –3 MPa in Chardonnay and –4 MPa in Shiraz. The results suggest values of the reflection coefficient of the osmotic barrier around the xylem vessels of about 0.1–0.2 at veraison decreasing to 0 at harvest. It is suggested that in addition to changes in xylem anatomy, aquaporins in berry membranes may play a role in regulating hydraulic conductance. Water movement from the berry back to the parent vine via the xylem (backflow) may be an important component of berry weight loss in Shiraz, particularly if the phloem ceases functioning at high osmotic potentials near maximum weight. Backflow could account for a weight loss of 43 mg per day in Shiraz berries for a relatively small gradient of 0.1 MPa. 相似文献
The effect of bunch shading on berry development and flavonoid accumulation in Shiraz grapes 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
MARK O. DOWNEY JOHN S. HARVEY SIMON P. ROBINSON 《Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research》2004,10(1):55-73
Opaque boxes were applied to bunches of Shiraz grapes prior to flowering to determine the effect of sunlight on berry development and accumulation of flavonoids. The boxes were designed to maintain airflow while excluding light and thus to minimise changes in temperature and humidity. There was no significant effect of shading on sugar accumulation and in two of the three seasons studied there was no effect on berry weight. Chlorophyll concentration was much lower in the shaded fruit, which appeared pale yellow until veraison. The fruit coloured normally in the shaded bunches and in two of the three seasons there was no significant change in anthocyanin content. Expression of the gene encoding UDP-glucose flavonoid-3-O-glucosyl transferase (UFGT), a key gene in anthocyanin synthesis, increased after veraison and was similar in both shaded and exposed fruit. Anthocyanin composition was altered in the shaded fruit, which had a greater proportion of the dioxygenated anthocyanins, the glucosides of cyanidin and peonidin. Shading had no significant effect on the levels of condensed tannins in the skin or seeds of ripe fruit. Shading significantly reduced the levels of flavonols in the grape skin. In the exposed fruit, flavonol concentration was highest around flowering then declined as the berries grew, but there was an increase in flavonols per berry during ripening. When the boxes were applied before flowering, shaded fruit had much lower levels of flavonols throughout berry development and at harvest the level of flavonols were less than 10% of that in exposed fruit. A gene encoding flavonol synthase (FLS) was expressed at flowering and during ripening in exposed grapes but its expression was greatly reduced in shaded fruit. The results indicate that shading had little effect on berry development and ripening, including accumulation of anthocyanins and tannins, but significantly decreased flavonol synthesis. 相似文献
Background and Aims: Asynchronous berry development results in variation in berry size and berry composition. Variation in berry size affects vineyard yield, wine quantity and berry composition, while variation in berry composition affects fruit flavour and wine quality. The objective of this study is to identify when variation in berry size begins.
Methods and Results: Shiraz bunches were sampled at seven stages throughout the growing season and the development of individual berries was characterised by measurements of weight, volume, surface area, deformability, seed number and seed weight. Coefficients of variation with respect to berry weight, volume and surface area were elevated throughout the post-flowering period but declined as the berries approached harvest ripeness.
Conclusions: Variation in berry size originates prior to berry set, most probably during differentiation in the floral primordium at budburst. Harvest represents a point of resynchronisation in berry development when a number of physiological changes become synchronised between berries and within the bunch.
Significance of the Study: Variation in berry size is presumed by the wine industry to have a negative impact on crop level, fruit composition and wine quality. Much of this presumption is scientifically unsubstantiated. The findings of this paper should encourage grapegrowers and winemakers to modify the timing of the harvest to coincide with a reduction in variation in berry size. 相似文献
Methods and Results: Shiraz bunches were sampled at seven stages throughout the growing season and the development of individual berries was characterised by measurements of weight, volume, surface area, deformability, seed number and seed weight. Coefficients of variation with respect to berry weight, volume and surface area were elevated throughout the post-flowering period but declined as the berries approached harvest ripeness.
Conclusions: Variation in berry size originates prior to berry set, most probably during differentiation in the floral primordium at budburst. Harvest represents a point of resynchronisation in berry development when a number of physiological changes become synchronised between berries and within the bunch.
Significance of the Study: Variation in berry size is presumed by the wine industry to have a negative impact on crop level, fruit composition and wine quality. Much of this presumption is scientifically unsubstantiated. The findings of this paper should encourage grapegrowers and winemakers to modify the timing of the harvest to coincide with a reduction in variation in berry size. 相似文献