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Thira  David   《Neurocomputing》2009,72(16-18):3517
This paper presents the use of an intelligent hybrid stock trading system that integrates neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms techniques to increase the efficiency of stock trading when using a volume adjusted moving average (VAMA), a technical indicator developed from equivolume charting. For this research, a neuro–fuzzy-based genetic algorithm (NF-GA) system utilizing a VAMA membership function is introduced. The results show that the intelligent hybrid system takes advantage of the synergy among these different techniques to intelligently generate more optimal trading decisions for the VAMA, allowing investors to make better stock trading decisions.  相似文献   

The increasing reliance on Computational Intelligence techniques like Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms to formulate trading decisions have sparked off a chain of research into financial forecasting and trading trend identifications. Many research efforts focused on enhancing predictive capability and identifying turning points. Few actually presented empirical results using live data and actual technical trading rules. This paper proposed a novel RSPOP Intelligent Stock Trading System, that combines the superior predictive capability of RSPOP FNN and the use of widely accepted Moving Average and Relative Strength Indicator Trading Rules. The system is demonstrated empirically using real live stock data to achieve significantly higher Multiplicative Returns than a conventional technical rule trading system. It is able to outperform the buy-and-hold strategy and generate several folds of dollar returns over an investment horizon of four years. The Percentage of Winning Trades was increased significantly from an average of 70% to more than 92% using the system as compared to the conventional trading system; demonstrating the system’s ability to filter out erroneous trading signals generated by technical rules and to preempt any losing trades. The system is designed based on the premise that it is possible to capitalize on the swings in a stock counter’s price, without a need for predicting target prices.  相似文献   

Discovering intelligent technical trading rules from nonlinear and complex stock market data, and then developing decision support trading systems, is an important challenge. The objective of this study is to develop an intelligent hybrid trading system for discovering technical trading rules using rough set analysis and a genetic algorithm (GA). In order to obtain better trading decisions, a novel rule discovery mechanism using a GA approach is proposed for solving optimization problems (i.e., data discretization and reducts) of rough set analysis when discovering technical trading rules for the futures market. Experiments are designed to test the proposed model against comparable approaches (i.e., random, correlation, and GA approaches). In addition, these comprehensive experiments cover most of the current trading system topics, including the use of a sliding window method (with or without validation dataset), the number of trading rules, and the size of training period. To evaluate an intelligent hybrid trading system, experiments were carried out on the historical data of the Korea Composite Stock Price Index 200 (KOSPI 200) futures market. In particular, trading performance is analyzed according to the number of sets of decision rules and the size of the training period for discovering trading rules for the testing period. The results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms the benchmark model in terms of the average return and as a risk-adjusted measure.  相似文献   

This article presents an intelligent stock trading system that can generate timely stock trading suggestions according to the prediction of short-term trends of price movement using dual-module neural networks(dual net). Retrospective technical indicators extracted from raw price and volume time series data gathered from the market are used as independent variables for neural modeling. Both neural network modules of thedual net learn the correlation between the trends of price movement and the retrospective technical indicators by use of a modified back-propagation learning algorithm. Reinforcing the temporary correlation between the neural weights and the training patterns, dual modules of neural networks are respectively trained on a short-term and a long-term moving-window of training patterns. An adaptive reversal recognition mechanism that can self-tune thresholds for identification of the timing for buying or selling stocks has also been developed in our system. It is shown that the proposeddual net architecture generalizes better than one single-module neural network. According to the features of acceptable rate of returns and consistent quality of trading suggestions shown in the performance evaluation, an intelligent stock trading system with price trend prediction and reversal recognition can be realized using the proposed dual-module neural networks.  相似文献   

Stock trading is one of the key items in an economy and estimating its behavior and taking the best decision in it are among the most challenging issues. Solutions based on intelligent agent systems are proposed to cope with those challenges. Agents in a multiagent system (MAS) can share a common goal or they can pursue their own interests. That nature of MASs exactly fits the requirements of a free market economy. Although existing studies include noteworthy proposals on agent‐based market simulation and researchers discuss theoretical design issues of agent‐based stock exchange systems, unfortunately only a very few of the studies consider exact development and implementation of multiagent stock trading systems within the software engineering perspective and guides to the software engineers for constructing such software systems starting from scratch. To fill this gap, in this paper, we discuss the development of a multiagent‐based stock trading system by taking into consideration software design according to a well‐defined agent oriented software engineering methodology and implementation with a widely‐used MAS software development framework. Each participant in the system is first designed as belief–desire–intention agents with their facts, goals, and plans, and then belief–desire–intention reasoning and behavioral structure of the designed agents are implemented. Lessons learned during design and development within the software engineering perspective and evaluation of the implemented multiagent stock exchange system are also reported. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evolutionary computation generally aims to create the optimal individual which represents optimal action rules when it is applied to agent systems. Genetic Network Programming (GNP) has been proposed as one of the graph-based evolutionary computations in order to create optimal individuals. GNP with rule accumulation is an extended algorithm of GNP, which extracts a large number of rules throughout the generations and stores them in rule pools, which is different from general evolutionary computations. Concretely, the individuals of GNP with rule accumulation are regarded as evolving rule generators in the training phase and the generated rules in the rule pools are actually used for decision making. In this paper, GNP with rule accumulation is enhanced in terms of its rule extraction and classification abilities for generating stock trading signals considering up and down trends and occurrence frequency of specific buying/selling timing. A large number of buying and selling rules are extracted by the individuals evolved in the training period. Then, a unique classification mechanism is used to appropriately determine whether to buy or sell stocks based on the extracted rules. In the testing simulations, the stock trading is carried out using the extracted rules and it is confirmed that the rule-based trading model shows higher profits than the conventional individual-based trading model.  相似文献   

Verifying functions in online stock trading systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Temporal colored Petri nets, an extension of temporal Petri nets, are introduced in this paper. It can distinguish the personality of individuals (tokens), describe clearly the causal and temporal relationships betwee nevents in concurrent systems, and represent elegantly certain fundamental properties of concurrent systems, such as eventuality and fairness. The use of this method is illustrated with an example of modeling and formal verification of an online stock trading system. The functional correctness of the modeled system is formally verified based on the temporal colored Petri net model and temporal assertions. Also, some main properties of the system are analyzed. It has been demonstrated sufficiently that temporal colored Petri nets can verify efficiently some time-related properties of concurrent systems, and provide both the power of dynamic representation graphically and the function of logical inference formally. Finally. future work is described.  相似文献   

Market making (MM) strategies have played an important role in the electronic stock market. However, the MM strategies without any forecasting power are not safe while trading. In this paper, we design and implement a twotier framework, which includes a trading signal generator based on a supervised learning approach and an event-driven MM strategy. The proposed generator incorporates the information within order book microstructure and market news to provide directional predictions. The MM strategy in the second tier trades on the signals and prevents itself from profit loss led by market trending. Using half a year price tick data from Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), and corresponding Thomson Reuters news of the same time period, we conduct the back-testing and simulation on an industrial near-to-reality simulator. From the empirical results, we find that 1) strategies with signals perform better than strategies without any signal in terms of average daily profit and loss (PnL) and sharpe ratio (SR), and 2) correct predictions do help MM strategies readjust their quoting along with market trending, which avoids the strategies triggering stop loss procedure that further realizes the paper loss.  相似文献   

Technical trading rules have been utilized in the stock market to make profit for more than a century. However, only using a single trading rule may not be sufficient to predict the stock price trend accurately. Although some complex trading strategies combining various classes of trading rules have been proposed in the literature, they often pick only one rule for each class, which may lose valuable information from other rules in the same class. In this paper, a complex stock trading strategy, namely performance-based reward strategy (PRS), is proposed. PRS combines the two most popular classes of technical trading rules – moving average (MA) and trading range break-out (TRB). For both MA and TRB, PRS includes various combinations of the rule parameters to produce a universe of 140 component trading rules in all. Each component rule is assigned a starting weight, and a reward/penalty mechanism based on rules’ recent profit is proposed to update their weights over time. To determine the best parameter values of PRS, we employ an improved time variant particle swarm optimization (TVPSO) algorithm with the objective of maximizing the annual net profit generated by PRS. The experiments show that PRS outperforms all of the component rules in the testing period. To assess the significance of our trading results, we apply bootstrapping methodology to test three popular null models of stock return: the random walk, the AR(1) and the GARCH(1, 1). The results show that PRS is not consistent with these null models and has good predictive ability.  相似文献   

Recently, many fuzzy time series models have already been used to solve nonlinear and complexity issues. However, first-order fuzzy time series models have proven to be insufficient for solving these problems. For this reason, many researchers proposed high-order fuzzy time series models and focused on three main issues: fuzzification, fuzzy logical relationships, and defuzzification. This paper presents a novel high-order fuzzy time series model which overcomes the drawback mentioned above. First, it uses entropy-based partitioning to more accurately define the linguistic intervals in the fuzzification procedure. Second, it applies an artificial neural network to compute the complicated fuzzy logical relationships. Third, it uses the adaptive expectation model to adjust the forecasting during the defuzzification procedure. To evaluate the proposed model, we used datasets from both the Taiwanese stock index from 2000 to 2003 and from the student enrollment records of the University of Alabama. The results of our study show that the proposed model is able to obtain an accurate forecast without encountering conventional fuzzy time series issues.  相似文献   

The Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market consists of a central computational market and a number of artificially intelligent agents. The agents choose between investing in a stock and leaving their money in the bank, which pays a fixed interest rate. The stock pays a stochastic dividend and has a price which fluctuates according to agent demand. The agents make their investment decisions by attempting to forecast the future return on the stock, using genetic algorithms to generate, test, and evolve predictive rules. The artificial market shows two distinct regimes of behavior, depending on parameter settings and initial conditions. One regime corresponds to the theoretically predicted rational expectations behavior, with low overall trading volume, uncorrelated price series, and no possibility of technical trading. The other regime is more complex, and corresponds to realistic market behavior, with high trading volume, high intermittent volatility (including GARCH behavior), bubbles and crashes, and the presence of technical trading. One parameter that can be used to control the regime is the exploration rate, which governs how rapidly the agents explore new hypotheses with their genetic algorithms. At a low exploration rate the market settles into the rational expectations equilibrium. At a high exploration rate it falls into the more realistic complex regime. The transition is fairly sharp, but close to the boundary the outcome depends on the agents’ initial “beliefs”—if they believe in rational expectations they occur and are a local attractor; otherwise the market evolves into the complex regime. This work was presented, in part, at the Third International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 19–21, 1998  相似文献   

In this paper, an enhancement of stock trading model using Genetic Network Programming (GNP) with Sarsa Learning is described. There are three important points in this paper: First, we use GNP with Sarsa Learning as the basic algorithm while both Technical Indices and Candlestick Charts are introduced for efficient stock trading decision-making. In order to create more efficient judgment functions to judge the current stock price appropriately, Importance Index (IMX) has been proposed to tell GNP the timing of buying and selling stocks. Second, to improve the performance of the proposed GNP-Sarsa algorithm, we proposed a new method that can learn the appropriate function describing the relation between the value of each technical index and the value of the IMX. This is an important point that devotes to the enhancement of the GNP-Sarsa algorithm. The third point is that in order to create more efficient judgment functions, sub-nodes are introduced in each node to select appropriate stock price information depending on the situations and to determine appropriate actions (buying/selling). To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, we carried out the simulation and compared the results of GNP-Sarsa with other methods like GNP with Actor Critic, GNP with Candlestick Chart, GA and Buy&Hold method. The results shows that the stock trading model using GNP-Sarsa outperforms all the other methods.  相似文献   

Stock trading is an important decision-making problem that involves both stock selection and asset management. Though many promising results have been reported for predicting prices, selecting stocks, and managing assets using machine-learning techniques, considering all of them is challenging because of their complexity. In this paper, we present a new stock trading method that incorporates dynamic asset allocation in a reinforcement-learning framework. The proposed asset allocation strategy, called meta policy (MP), is designed to utilize the temporal information from both stock recommendations and the ratio of the stock fund over the asset. Local traders are constructed with pattern-based multiple predictors, and used to decide the purchase money per recommendation. Formulating the MP in the reinforcement learning framework is achieved by a compact design of the environment and the learning agent. Experimental results using the Korean stock market show that the proposed MP method outperforms other fixed asset-allocation strategies, and reduces the risks inherent in local traders.  相似文献   

Generally, stock trading expert systems (STES) called also “mechanical trading systems” are based on the technical analysis, i.e., on methods for evaluating securities by analyzing statistics generated by the market activity, such as past prices and volumes (number of transactions during a unit of a timeframe). In other words, such STES are based on the Level 1 information. Nevertheless, currently the Level 2 information is available for the most of traders and can be successfully used to develop trading strategies especially for the day trading when a significant amount of transactions are made during one trading session. The Level 2 tools show in-depth information on a particular stock. Traders can see not only the “best” bid (buying) and ask (selling) orders, but the whole spectrum of buy and sell orders at different volumes and different prices. In this paper, we propose some new technical analysis indices bases on the Level 2 and Level 1 information which are used to develop a stock trading expert system. For this purpose we adapt a new method for the rule-base evidential reasoning which was presented and used in our recent paper for building the stock trading expert system based the Level 1 information. The advantages of the proposed approach are demonstrated using the developed expert system optimized and tested on the real data from the Warsaw Stock Exchange.  相似文献   

Financial markets are complex systems influenced by many interrelated economic, political and psychological factors and characterised by inherent nonlinearities. Recently, there have been many efforts towards stock market prediction, applying various fuzzy logic techniques and using technical analysis methods.This paper presents a short term trading fuzzy system using a novel trading strategy and an “amalgam” between altered commonly used technical indicators and rarely used ones, in order to assist investors in their portfolio management. The sample consists of daily data from the general index of the Athens Stock Exchange over a period of more than 15 years (15/11/1996 to 5/6/2012), which was also divided into distinctive groups of bull and bear market periods.The results suggest that, with or without taking into consideration transaction costs, the return of the proposed fuzzy model is superior to the returns of the buy and hold strategy. Τhe proposed system can be characterised as conservative, since it produces smaller losses during bear market periods and smaller gains during bull market periods compared with the buy and hold strategy.  相似文献   

针对目前市场上存在的大部分无线充电系统充电效率低、充电电量可控性差等问题,文章设计了一种全新的智能无线充电系统。该系统在电池模块中嵌入电量采集模块、低功耗主控芯片和2.4G通信模块,充电模块中嵌入同样的主控和通信模块。充电模块可通过2.4G无线通信接收电池的实时电压和充电电流等信息,根据内置的智能算法,通过振幅调制载波功率限制,实现自适应动态输出。实验表明,在有效距离内,该系统具有较高的充电效率,具体充电情况可根据电池实时电量信息进行智能控制,有效地预防了电池过充和过放等问题。该智能无线充电系统具有低功耗、转换效率高、能够对充放电智能管理等特点,可广泛应用于智能家居、智能医疗、智能穿戴等领域,具有良好的社会价值和经济价值。  相似文献   

There is an increasing trend in using robots for medical purposes. One specific area is the rehabilitation. There are some commercial exercise machines used for rehabilitation purposes. However, these machines have limited use because of their insufficient motion freedom. In addition, these types of machines are not actively controlled and therefore can not accommodate complicated exercises required during rehabilitation. In this study, a rule based intelligent control methodology is proposed to imitate the faculties of an experienced physiotherapist. These involve interpretation of patient reactions, storing the information received, acting according to the available data, and learning from the previous experiences. Robot manipulator is driven by a servo motor and controlled by a computer using force/torque and position sensor information. Impedance control technique is selected for the force control.  相似文献   

Although quality requirements (QRs) have become a major drive in today's software development, there have been very few real‐world examples in the literature that demonstrate how to meet these requirements. This paper presents such an example. Specifically, the paper describes the design of a partition‐based distributed stock trading service system that satisfies a set of QRs related to resource utilization, performance, scalability and availability. The paper evaluates this design through detailed experiments and discusses some design alternatives and the lessons learned. Central to this design are a static load distribution strategy and a dynamic load balancing strategy. The first strategy is to achieve an initial balanced workload on the system's server cluster during the system initialization time, whereas the second strategy is to maintain this balanced workload throughout the system execution time. Together, these two strategies work in unison to ensure that the server resources are efficiently utilized; the user requests are processed with the required speed; the application is partitioned with sufficient room to scale; and the system is highly available. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Local features for any pattern recognition system are based on the information extracted locally. In this paper, a local feature extraction technique was developed. This feature was extracted in the time–frequency plain by taking the moving average on the diagonal directions of the time–frequency plane. This feature captured the time–frequency events producing a unique pattern for each speaker that can be viewed as a voice print of the speaker. Hence, we referred to this technique as voice print-based local feature. The proposed feature was compared to other features including mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) for speaker recognition using two different databases. One of the databases used in the comparison is a subset of an LDC database that consisted of two short sentences uttered by 182 speakers. The proposed feature attained 98.35% recognition rate compared to 96.7% for MFCC using the LDC subset.  相似文献   

An intelligent dental robot (IDR) is reported for the purpose of artificial denture verification and test. Methods: The IDR is composed of power system, intelligent control and driving system, sensor system and supporting system. Five Maxon motors are adopted to provide the driving force for the IDR. Novel motor linear actuators are developed to mimic the movement of human’s masticatory muscles. Forward and inverse kinematics of the IDR are analyzed. Seven high-precision pressure sensors are utilized to detect the force on individual artificial tooth. Results: Motion and force experiments are conducted on the IDR. The maximum biting force provided by the IDR is 490?N. Hysteresis rate of the biting force loading and unloading is less than 3%. The largest displacement for the mandible movement test is found to be 60, 9 and 22?mm in the vertical, protrusive and lateral directions, respectively. Conclusion: IDR can complete simulated human masticatory movement and provide sufficient biting force. Significance: The IDR provides clinical guidance for the design and performance test of artificial denture.  相似文献   

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