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Relaying is regarded as a promising technique for enhancing the system throughput and coverage of emerging broadband wireless access networks. While next generation broadband wireless standardization bodies (e.g., LTE-advanced and IEEE 802.16j) have specified the support of relays in general terms, the problem of allocating network resources in an efficient and effective manner remains a challenging issue. In this study, the utility-based resource scheduling optimization problem for IEEE 802.16j transparent relay networks is formulated mathematically and proven to be NP-hard. Two efficient heuristic algorithms, namely Relay Resource Scheduling (RRS) and Adaptive Relay Resource Scheduling (ARRS), are proposed to resolve the resource scheduling problem. RRS maximizes the system utility in networks containing direct and relay mobile stations by exploiting the benefits of optional transmissions. ARRS enhances upon the performance of RRS by adaptively determining the split ratio between the access zone and the transparent zone in the downlink subframe. The computational complexities of both algorithms are shown to be polynomial and proportional to the number of links and subchannels in the network. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithms achieve significantly better throughput and fairness performance than existing schemes such as Partial Proportional Fairness (PPF) and GenArgMAX.  相似文献   

The IEEE 802.16j standard for WiMAX introduced the concept of relay station in order to increase the service area and decrease the deployment cost of the network. In this paper, we have proposed an efficient scheduling scheme for IEEE 802.16j networks, which maximizes the number of connections that are scheduled in a particular time slot. The proposed scheme schedules the connections based on their priority, which is decided by the quality of service (QoS) requirement of the connections. A selected connection can be scheduled in the current timeslot only if it is not having interference with any of the already scheduled connections. Our algorithm considers scheduling of lower priority connections even if any higher priority connection is not scheduled due to interference. Thus, the delay for lower priority connections is reduced without increasing the delay for higher priority connections. In addition, our algorithm achieves higher frame utilization and higher system throughput by reducing the length of the schedule.  相似文献   

IEEE 802.16j标准在IEEE 802.16d/e标准的基础上引入了中继站。由于有的中继站具有便携、游牧,甚至移动的特性,往往采用电池或者太阳能供电的方式,中继站的能量节省问题也随之而来。中继站睡眠模式作为能量节省的重要手段,对其进行研究是十分必要和有用的。介绍了IEEE 802.16j RS睡眠机制,并构建了中继站睡眠模式下的能量消耗模型和帧时延模型。然后用概率统计的方法对模型进行了仿真,并就各参数对平均能量消耗和平均帧时延的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

IEEE 802.16j标准在IEEE 802.16e标准的基础上引入了中继站。中继站睡眠模式是能量节省的重要手段。其中各参数的选取关系到RS睡眠模式的效果——平均能量消耗和平均帧时延。用概率统计的方法构建了IEEE 802.16j RS睡眠模式下的能量消耗模型和帧时延模型,通过对睡眠模式各窗口参数的分析,提出了根据业务流动态改变窗口参数的算法,并且对改进前后的算法进行了仿真分析。  相似文献   

针对IEEE 802.16j网络,提出了一种上行业务的动态联合带宽资源调度方案。根据该网络系统树状拓扑结构,在基站BS和中继站RS间采用分级分布式资源调度体制,从而既保障了业务的带宽需求,又提升了上行带宽利用率,同时还提出了针对不同类型业务采用不同的调度算法,改善了调度的公平合理性。仿真结果表明,提出的动态联合调度方案相比严格优先级调度更具灵活性,能够在兼顾用户速率公平的条件下有效地保证各种服务的QoS要求,同时也可获得较高的带宽资源利用率。  相似文献   

The IEEE 802.16 is a standard for fixed and mobile Broadband Wireless Access (BWA). In this paper, we deal with two key challenges of 802.16-based networks. First, terminals close to cell edge experience poor channel quality, due to severe path-loss and high interference from concurrent transmissions in nearby cells. To address this issue, we propose a framework based on a static partitioning of bandwidth into chunks with different transmission power levels. Terminals with impaired channel conditions can then benefit from being allocated a higher amount of transmission power than the others. Secondly, transmissions should be scheduled according to Quality of Service (QoS) requirements to keep users with real-time video or voice calls satisfied, while best-effort connections should fairly share the remaining capacity. To this aim, we propose a scheduling algorithm, called Power-aware Opportunistic Downlink Scheduling (PODS), that aims at meeting both the QoS and fairness requirements, while taking into account the different power levels of the bandwidth chunks. The performance of the proposed scheduler is assessed through detailed packet-level simulation in realistic scenarios and compared with well-known scheduling algorithms. Results confirm that PODS is able to exploit power boosting to provide real-time connections with the desired level of QoS, irrespectively of their MSs’ channel quality.  相似文献   

董国军  戴居丰 《计算机应用》2007,27(6):1310-1313
深入分析了IEEE802.16e建议的三种实时调度服务算法:UGS、rtPS、ertPS,并在此基础上提出了一种优化的实时调度服务算法:irtPS。该优化的调度服务算法在保证变化数据率实时上行链路的延时性能基础上,最大限度地提高了实时上行链路的资源利用率。数学建模分析结果显示,在保证延时性能的前提下,该优化的调度服务算法的系统容量较IEEE802.16e建议算法的系统容量有显著增加。  相似文献   

Although the IEEE 802.16j standard introduces a connection identifier (CID)-based forwarding scheme and a tunnel-based forwarding scheme, these schemes exhibit poor performance when forwarding broadcast messages. This study considers a CID translation strategy and proposes two CID-translated forwarding schemes for IEEE 802.16 multi-hop relay networks. The basic CID-translated forwarding scheme does not require to append the relay MAC header of the tunnel-based scheme to the broadcast messages. The enhanced CID-translated forwarding scheme further divides a broadcast message into a common part and a specific part and forwards these parts in a multicast manner and a broadcast manner, respectively. Simulation results validate that the basic CID-translated forwarding scheme uses fewer resources than the tunnel-based forwarding scheme. Moreover, the enhanced CID-translated forwarding scheme outperforms the basic CID-translated forwarding scheme in terms of the system resources used and transmission latency.  相似文献   

For coverage extension and throughput enhancement, the IEEE 802.16j task group has developed a novel multi-hop relay network architecture to enable typical IEEE 802.16 networks to achieve data transmission between base stations and mobile stations via a multi-hop path with relay stations deployment. How to determine an effective path for throughput gain and overhead reduction is emerging and crucial in IEEE 802.16 multi-hop relay networks. This paper introduces a load-aware spectral-efficient routing metric, called LASER, to evaluate paths, and proposes an efficient scheme to determine a proper path. Based on the LASER metric, the proposed path selection scheme formulates the path cost as the summation of cost of each link, and the path with the minimum cost will be selected as the appropriate one. Simulation results show that the proposed LASER-based path selection scheme significantly outperforms existing path selection schemes in network throughput and map overhead.  相似文献   

IEEE802.16j标准引入了中继站,从而能获得覆盖能力和容量的提升.与传统的单跳无线接入网络相比,IEEE802.16j网络具有以较低代价获得较高容量的优势.中继站和基站的联合优化是移动网络运营商进行网络规划的重要内容之一.由于中继站建站代价远小于基站建站代价,在给定候选站址和覆盖需求的前提下,通过对中继站和基站的站址进行联合优化可以减少基站的建设数目,从而降低网络的建设总代价.为了解决802.16j网络基站及中继站选址优化问题,给出了一个基于免疫计算的选址优化方案.设计了802.16j网络选址优化问题的数学模型,给出了求解选址优化问题的免疫优化算法,并进行了仿真实验.实验结果表明:所给出的方案能以较小的网络建设代价获得较大的网络容量增益,具有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   

本文针对QAPF调度算法存在的吞吐量与公平性矛盾的问题,提出了一种改进的QAPF调度准则(RQAPF),该准则利用队列门限值降低了队列状态信息对调度准则的影响,保证了用户的公平性。但与QAPF调度准则相比,降低了系统吞吐量,进一步提出了具有载波配对的RQAPF调度算法(SubPairRQAPF),仿真表明该算法在满足系统公平性要求的同时能够提高频谱利用率。  相似文献   

给出了IEEE 802.16 PMP支持QoS的带宽调度算法,此算法由BS scheduler和SS scheduler共同实现,带宽的分配单位是时隙,并在NS-2上实现了该算法。通过建立仿真环境,对各种数据流的端到端的延时进行比较,结果表明算法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种应用于IEEE 802.16系统的改进的VoIP服务上行链路调度算法,此算法是一种基于语音活动检测的调度算法,BS根据SS的语音状态转换来分配上行链路资源。它可以弥补传统的调度算法中的一些不足,例如对上行链路资源的浪费、增大MAC负载和引入附加的接入时延等。就系统的吞吐量和接入时延两方面分别对传统的算法和提出的算法作了具体地分析和仿真,结果表明,提出的算法在吞吐量和系统容量方面具有更优的性能。  相似文献   

Mobile multi-hop relay (MMR) network is known to be easy to install and convenient to manage because of its self-organizing and self-healing characteristics. However, MMR is vulnerable to security problems because of the same reason. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid authentication and key distribution algorithm for IEEE 802.16j MMR service. The proposed scheme uses centralized authentication when a mobile station or a relay station initially joins the MMR network and uses distributed authentication for hop-by-hop authentication between mobile nodes. We examine the procedure of the proposed scheme and its usefulness when applied to MMR networks. We also analyze the performance of the hybrid scheme. The proposed scheme can be used in any mobile multi-hop network as well as IEEE 802.16j MMR network.  相似文献   

The popularity and availability of Internet connection has opened up the opportunity for network-centric collaborative work that was impossible a few years ago. Contending traffic flows in this collaborative scenario share different kinds of resources such as network links, buffers, and router CPU. The goal should hence be overall fairness in the allocation of multiple resources rather than a specific resource. In this paper, firstly, we present a novel QoS-aware resource scheduling algorithm called Weighted Composite Bandwidth and CPU Scheduler (WCBCS), which jointly allocates the fair share of the link bandwidth as well as processing resource to all competing flows. WCBCS also uses a simple and adaptive online prediction scheme for reliably estimating the processing times of the incoming data packets. Secondly, we present some analytical results, extensive NS-2 simulation work, and experimental results from our implementation on Intel IXP2400 network processor. The simulation and implementation results show that our low complexity scheduling algorithm can efficiently maximise the CPU and bandwidth utilisation while maintaining guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) for each individual flow.  相似文献   

IEEE802.16标准在每个节点处都提供实时业务和非实时业务。由于基于优先级的业务的服务质量(QoS)的需求不同,因此需要对传统的调度算法进行改进使其具有更大的适应性。为了改善QoS端到端时延的性能,提出了一种混合调度算法(EDD和WFQ算法相结合)。仿真结果表明:在每个节点处,提出的混合算法比仅使用EDD算法能给实时业务产生的时延更少,并且还能够使单个BS在可允许的端到端时延范围内容纳数量更多的子SS,而且使用从BS到SS的GPSS模式的调度机制比使用GPC模式能产生更小的时延。  相似文献   

1980年3月13日,IEEE批准了一个新的的工程802。IEEE802由LAN/MAN Standard Committee(LMSC)负责。就无线通信而言,802WG定义了802.11WLAN,802.15WPAN和802.16WMAN。与以前的无线技术一样,随着通信实体的距离的增大,数据的传输速率随之降低。对新的应用层业务而言,无论距离多远,都必须要保障高的数据率。要克服链路速率的限制,必须密集地布置无线网路设备。WMN有助于克服当前的无线通信系统对有线主干网络的依赖,因为它们价格便宜并能保证新的无线应用。概括了WMN的发展历程和最新的发展动态,并指出了进一步的发展方向。  相似文献   

In this paper,we propose a new media access control (MAC) protocol,which is compatible with the IEEE 802.16e-2005 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) wireless interface.In this protocol,the same radio resource can be shared by neighboring cells in the wireless mesh network (WMN) and collisions can be reduced in the overlapping areas.This protocol consists of two schemes: a downlink transmission and an uplink transmission.For downlink transmission we use a cross layer adaptive radio resourc...  相似文献   

WiMAX is a futuristic technology which provides simultaneous support for web, video, and voice applications. WiMAX networks are best suitable to real time traffic however the quantity of non real time and best effort traffic cannot be neglected. Distribution of resources in such heterogeneous applications is therefore a challenging task. There are many schedulers available for WiMAX but adaptive and adequate schedulers are still in growing stage of development. This paper introduces a novel method using which a system is developed based on concepts of fuzzy logic to schedule traffic in WiMAX networks. The proposed fuzzy expert system simplifies fair allocation of resources to real as well as non real time traffic. The implementation is based on changing the weights of the queues serving real and non- real time traffic adaptively. New weights will be calculated for each bandwidth request made to base station and these weights will in turn decide amount of bandwidth allocated to different traffic classes. The weights are calculated based on three parameters that are amount of real time and non real time traffic in queues, change in throughput requirement for non real time flows and latency requirement of real time input data. Results obtained by virtue of simulations justify the significance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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