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This study presents a 3D numerical model of a study area in the NW part of the Persian Gulf, offshore SW Iran. The purpose is to investigate the burial and thermal history of the region from the Cretaceous to the present day, and to investigate the location of hydrocarbon generating kitchens and the relative timing of hydrocarbon generation/migration versus trap formation. The study area covers about 20,000 km2 and incorporates part of the intra‐shelf Garau‐Gotnia Basin and the adjacent Surmeh‐Hith carbonate platform. A conceptual model was developed based on the interpretation of 2700 km of 2D seismic lines, and depth and thickness maps were created tied to data from 20 wells. The thermal model was calibrated using bottom‐hole temperature and vitrinite reflectance data from ten wells, taking into account the main phases of erosion/non‐deposition and the variable temporal and spatial heat flow histories. Estimates of eroded thicknesses and the determination of heat‐flow values were performed by burial and thermal history reconstruction at various well and pseudo‐well locations. Burial, temperature and maturation histories are presented for four of these locations. Detailed modelling results for Neocomian and Albian source rock successions are provided for six locations in the intra‐shelf basin and the adjacent carbonate platform. Changes in sediment supply and depocentre migration through time were analyzed based on isopach maps representing four stratigraphic intervals between the Tithonian and the Recent. Backstripping at various locations indicates variable tectonic subsidence and emergence at different time periods. The modelling results suggest that the convergence between the Eurasian and Arabian Plates which resulted in the Zagros orogeny has significantly influenced the burial and thermal evolution of the region. Burial depths are greatest in the study area in the Binak Trough and Northern Depression. These depocentres host the main kitchen areas for hydrocarbon generation, and the organic‐rich Neocomian and Albian source rock successions have been buried sufficiently deeply to be thermally mature. Early oil window maturities for these successions were reached between the Late Cretaceous (90 Ma) and the early Miocene (18 Ma) at different locations, and hydrocarbon generation may continue at the present‐day.  相似文献   

用镜质体反射率资料恢复热史的相关问题及处理方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用镜质体反射率(R0)资料反演热史是否存在多解性取决于所采用的热流演化模型,采用目前常用的线性或指数模型,用R0作为检验标准,通过地史与热史的联合模拟,能够对持续沉降升温的含油气盆地的热史进行反演,R0不仅与温度及受热时间有关,而且与地层压力和镜质体的类型等因素有关,用TTI-R0法恢复烃源岩热演化,应当进行校正和氢指数校正,中提出了具体校正方法。  相似文献   

利用镜质体反射率 (Ro)资料反演热史是否存在多解性取决于所采用的热流演化模型。采用目前常用的线性或指数模型 ,用 Ro 作为检验标准 ,通过地史与热史的联合模拟 ,能够对持续沉降升温的含油气盆地的热史进行反演。Ro 不仅与温度及受热时间有关 ,而且与地层压力和镜质体的类型等因素有关 ;用 TTI- Ro 法恢复烃源岩热演化 ,应当进行压力校正和氢指数校正 ,文中提出了具体校正方法  相似文献   

The Lower Triassic Kangan Formation together with the underlying Upper Permian Dalan Formation forms one of the most important reservoirs for natural gas in the Middle East. The carbonate‐dominated Kangan Formation was studied at a gasfield in the southern Persian Gulf and some 100 m of core were examined at micro‐ and macro scales. Twelve microfaaes were identified. Previous studies have divided the Kangan Formation reservoir into Lower (K2) and Upper (K1) Units. The Lower Kangan can divided into two subunits (K2b and K2a), while three subunits (K1c, K1b and K1a) are recognised in the Upper Kangan. Diagenetic processes have affected reservoir quality in the Kangan Formation in different ways. Processes improving reservoir quality include dissolution, dolomitization and fracturing, while reservoir quality was decreased by cementation, and chemical and mechanical compaction. Micritization and neomorphism have had both positive and negative effects. Fracture development has improved reservoir quality, particularly in dolomitic intervals.  相似文献   

Interpretation of recently acquired 3D seismic data from the adjacent Sirri C and D oilfields in the SE Persian Gulf indicates that a 3D interpretation of seismic facies is crucial to resolve the internal stratal geometries of the Aptian Dariyan Formation. This carbonate formation passes southward into the Shu'aiba Formation, a prolific reservoir rock of similar facies in the UAE. Lack of exposures and limited cored intervals have forced reliance on the seismic data for evidence of the depositional environment and the internal architecture of potential reservoir rocks. The progradational nature of the Dariyan Formation and the occurrence of carbonate build‐ups within it make this stratal geometry complex. The complex internal heterogeneity of the build‐ups and presence of seismic noise make mapping of the build‐ups in 3D space using conventional seismic interpretation tools difficult, despite the availability of high‐quality 3D seismic data covering the area. The high quality seismic and limited well data from this field is one of the few datasets of this kind presented in the literature. A procedure for the hierarchical multi‐attribute analysis of seismic facies using Paradigm's Seis Facies software is used in this study to provide a 3D interpretation of the stratal patterns. Principal component analysis reduces the noise and redundant data by representing the main data variances as a few vector components in a transformed coordinate system. Cluster analysis is performed using those components which have the greatest contribution to the maximum spread of the data variability. Six seismic attribute volumes are used in this study and the result is a single 3D classified volume. Important new information obtained from within the Dariyan Formation gives new insights into its stratigraphic distribution and internal variability. This method of processing seismic data is a step towards exploring for subtle stratigraphic traps in the study area, and may help to identify exploration targets.  相似文献   

Biomarker‐ and compound‐specific carbon isotope analyses were used to compare oil samples recovered from Late Jurassic and Early to Middle Cretaceous reservoirs at South Pars and nearby fields in the Iranian portion of the Persian Gulf, and condensate samples associated with the super‐giant gas accumulation in Permo‐Triassic reservoirs at South Pars. The results indicate that all of the oil samples, including heavy oil from South Pars and oil from the Salman, Reshadat, Resalat and Balal fields, are genetically related. The most probable source rocks for these oils are Jurassic marine limestones or marls deposited under anoxic conditions. Based on the methyl phenanthrene index, source rock maturity was inferred to be equivalent to vitrinite reflectance values of about 0.8% Rc. The distribution and maturity pattern of the source rocks suggest migration from a depocentre located to the south, with inferred migration distances of up to 250 km. There is no genetic relationship between the heavy oil which has accumulated in Mesozoic reservoirs at South Pars and condensates which are associated with the super‐giant gas accumulation in Permo‐Triassic reservoirs there. Based on biomarker compositions, the condensates at South Pars appear to be derived from shaly marine or lacustrine source rocks deposited under dysoxic conditions. The δ13C values of short‐chain n‐alkanes and isoprenoids in condensate samples suggest a common source and an equal maturity for the source rocks. Pristane/n‐C17 versus phytane/n‐C18 characteristics are in agreement with published data for Silurian‐sourced condensates. High thermal maturities equivalent to 1.7% Rc are also consistent with a Palaeozoic (Silurian) source rock.  相似文献   

In the Central Persian Gulf, super‐giant natural gas accumulations in Permo‐Triassic reservoirs are assumed to be derived from “hot shale” source rocks in the lower Llandoverian (base‐Silurian) Sarchahan Formation, whereas oil in Mesozoic reservoirs is derived from Mesozoic source rocks. A 3D basin model has been established for a study area located in the Iranian part of the Central Persian Gulf in order to help understand the petroleum systems there. Sensitivity analyses considered different heat flow scenarios, and differences in the timing of Cenozoic uplift and erosion. For the Palaeozoic petroleum system, different thicknesses and distributions of the Silurian source rocks were considered. From current temperature profiles measured in five wells, present‐day heat flow was found to be in the order of 65 mW/m2, while palaeo heat flow was probably between 60 and 68 mW/m2 during Cenozoic maximum burial. For Llandoverian source rocks, oil and gas generation commenced during Jurassic and Late Cretaceous time respectively, and gas generation continued until the Neogene. Sensitivity analyses show that different assumptions on the timing of Cenozoic erosion do not have significant effects on the calculated timing of hydrocarbon generation or on the volume of generated hydrocarbons. As expected however, different heat flow scenarios (e.g. time‐constant heat flow of 65 mW/m2 in the entire study area) had a significant influence. With an assumed 50 m thick Sarchahan “hot shale” succession developed uniformly in the study area (8 % TOC; 470 mg HC / g TOC HI), the model calculated gas accumulations which are of the same order of magnitude as those which have been discovered in this region (e.g. South Pars, Golshan and Balal fields). By contrast, scenarios with thinner “hot shales” and models without the Sarchahan Formation along the Qatar‐South Fars Arch do not predict the known accumulations. These scenarios suggest that prolific Silurian source rocks must be present on both sides of the South Pars / North Dome field, or that lateral gas migration from the south may have supplied the Permo‐Triassic reservoirs. This study shows that the Jurassic (mainly Hanifa / Tuwaiq Mountain Formation) and Cretaceous (Shilaif Formation) source units are not sufficiently mature in the study area to have generated significant volumes of oil. This result supports previous suggestions which envisaged lateral migration from the south of the oil present in Mesozoic reservoirs in the study area.  相似文献   

本文简要叙述了应用镜质体反射率、甾烷和蒮烷异构化程度指标恢复古热流史的原理和方法,并对准噶尔盆地西北缘的艾参1井做了实例分析。应用结果表明,以往某些镜质体反射率与TTⅠ的关系式不适合于艾参1井,而用甾烷和藿烷异构化程度指标恢复的热流史两者却极为一致,且与其他学者对艾参1井粘土矿物和磷灰石裂变径迹的研究结果吻合很好。重新建立了新的镜质体反射率与TTⅠ的关系式。  相似文献   

The Early Triassic Kangan Formation is the main reservoir for natural gas in SW Iran and the northern Persian Gulf and is equivalent to the Upper Khuff Formation. Analyses of the formation at the offshore Salman and Minab oilfields indicate that it is composed of 14 facies deposited in tidal flat, lagoon and oolitic barrier settings in the inner part of a carbonate ramp or platform. Vertical variations of microfacies and gamma-ray log profiles show that the formation consists of three depositional sequences (KG1–3), each consisting of transgressive and highstand systems tracts and each bounded above by a type 2 unconformity. Porosity in the Kangan Formation is dominated by fracture and intercrystalline pore types in highstand systems tract deposits. From a study of core plug porosity and permeability, ten flow units were recognized. Flow units GF1, GF5 and GF8 represent zones with similar flow and storage capacities. Flow units GF3, GF7 and GF9 were attributed to zones of higher flow capacity, and units GF2, GF4, GF6 and GF10 were interpreted as zones with higher storage capacities. In general, flow units which correspond to highstand systems tracts with grain-supported facies have enhanced reservoir qualities. These flow units are GF10, GF9, GF8 and GF7, together with the upper parts of GF5 and GF4. The best reservoir quality occurs in flow unit GF9 which is located in the HST of sequence KG3. Flow units GF1 and GF2 from sequence KG1, comprising lagoonal and tidal flat facies, have relatively poor reservoir qualities.  相似文献   

本文在分析了塔里木盆地大庆区块烃源岩的一般地质地球化学特征的基础上,恢复了烃源岩的埋藏史、热演化史、生烃史和排烃史.研究表明:大庆区块烃源岩在埋藏上具有“早期沉降小、中期振荡缓、晚期沉降大”的特点,在成熟演化上具有下古生代源岩演化进度慢、上古生界源岩演化进度快的特点.受上述因素的影响,烃源岩具有两次主要生烃期和3次排烃期,相应地油气成藏期有3个阶段.各成藏期由于油气进入的生储盖组合不同,保存条件和分布范围不同,在勘探中应有相应的对策.  相似文献   

根据盆地热史及剥蚀量的恢复结果对南黄海南部盆地前第三系 (主要为二叠系 )烃源岩的成熟度及生烃期次进行了研究。古生代—中生代所经历的持续高热流过程以及早侏罗世—中侏罗世间大的抬升剥蚀 ,对该盆地二叠系烃源岩的成熟度及生烃状况造成了很大影响。二叠系烃源岩的生烃高峰期为三叠纪 ;后续埋藏过程对大部分地区二叠系烃源岩的生烃没有明显影响 ,但南四凹及南五凹地区二叠系烃源岩因新生界沉积厚度较大而于新生代再次生烃  相似文献   

成煤环境不同类型烃源岩生排烃模式研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
该文运用热压模拟试验和油气地球化学等新技术,在系统分析和总结大量分析数据和地质资料的基础上,对成煤环境不同类型烃源岩的生排烃模式进行了深入细致和系统的研究.本中提出,成煤环境沉积的暗色泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤生烃能力差别很大,滨海(湖)沼泽煤及碳质泥岩多好于泥岩,而较深水—浅水湖(或海)沼泽泥岩多优于煤.作者还创建了煤系4种有机质类型和2种主要岩类的9种生排烃模式,并用实际地质剖面排烃模式进行了验证,指出成煤环境Ⅲ1-Ⅱ1型泥岩排油能力明显优于煤及碳质泥岩.   相似文献   

以现有盆地模拟软件为手段 ,结合钻井资料 ,采用大面积分凹陷已钻井或人工井与二维地震解释资料相结合的模拟分析技术 ,在开展部分已钻井剥蚀厚度恢复与校正以及多模式模拟对比试验的基础上 ,对南黄海南部坳陷前第三系烃源岩的埋藏史和生、排烃史进行了模拟分析。结果表明 :剥蚀厚度恢复与校正的准确与否 ,严重影响前第三系主力生烃凹陷埋藏史和生、排烃史模拟的精度 ;南黄海南部坳陷普遍存在多期抬升剥蚀 ,其古生界生烃潜力优于中生界 ,以生气为主 ;南黄海南部坳陷烃源岩存在二次生烃 ,具有 2个生、排烃高峰期 ,排气作用可持续至今  相似文献   

The results of geochemical analyses were used to classify ten oil samples from six fields in the central and southern sectors of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. The samples were collected from sandstone pay‐zones ranging in age from Early Palaeozoic (Nubia‐C) to Miocene (Kareem Formation) at various present‐day depths. Molecular and stable isotope analyses indicate the presence of two genetic oil families (Families I and II) and suggest their probable source rocks. The biomarker characteristics of Family 1 oils include low Pr/Ph ratio, CPI < 1.0, depleted rearranged steranes, very low diahopane concentrations, high sulphur content, high metal content and V/Ni ratio, low oleanane index, abundance of gammacerane and C27 steranes, and high relative abundance of homohopanes and C30 24‐n‐propylcholestanes. Source rock deposition took place under anoxic marine‐carbonate and hypersaline conditions. The NCR and NDR 24‐norcholestane ratios together with the presence of highly‐branched isoprenoids in this oil family are consistent with Upper Cretaceous – Lower Paleogene source rocks. These characteristics suggest that the Upper Cretaceous Duwi Formation/Brown Limestone or Lower Eocene Thebes Formation are the source rocks for the oils in this family, which occur in the central sector of the Gulf of Suez. Family II oils have geochemical characteristics that point to a mature source rock deposited in a weakly reducing or suboxic setting under normal salinity conditions. Abundant oleananes, high 24‐ to 27‐norcholestane ratios and abundant C25 highly‐branched isoprenoids suggest a Paleogene source rock. The Lower Miocene Rudeis Formation is the best candidate to have generated these oils which occur in the southern sector of the Gulf of Suez.  相似文献   

西藏伦坡拉盆地烃源岩特征及资源条件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
伦坡拉盆地主要发育下第三系牛堡组烃源层系,主力烃源岩为牛二段及牛三下亚段,牛三上亚段也有一定的生烃能力。烃源岩受沉积相带的控制,主要发育于深- 半深湖相区,蒋日阿错凹陷烃源岩厚度最大。烃源岩具有机质丰度中等,母质类型优良,成熟度主体偏高的特点。自始新世末期以来,伦坡拉盆地长期具有成藏的油源条件,早期的源岩为牛二段,晚期则以牛三下亚段为主。总体上看,伦坡拉盆地具良好的油气资源前景  相似文献   

This study evaluates the petroleum potential of source rocks in the pre‐rift Upper Cretaceous – Eocene succession at the Belayim oilfields in the central Gulf of Suez Basin. Organic geochemical and palynofacies investigations were carried out on 65 cuttings samples collected from the Thebes, Brown Limestone and Matulla Formations. Analytical methods included Rock‐Eval pyrolysis, Liquid Chromatography, Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry. Four crude oil samples from producing wells were characterised using C7 light hydrocarbons, stable carbon isotopes and biomarker characteristics. The results showed that the studied source rocks are composed of marine carbonates with organic matter dominated by algae and bacteria with minimal terrigenous input, deposited under reducing conditions. This conclusion was supported by n‐alkane distributions, pristane/ phytane ratios, homohopane and gammacerane indices, high concentrations of cholestane, the presence of C30 n‐propylcholestanes, and low diasterane ratios. The source rocks ranged from immature to marginally mature based on the Rock‐Eval Tmax together with biomarker maturity parameters. The analysed crude oil samples are interpreted to have been derived from source rock intervals within the Eocene Thebes Formation and the Upper Cretaceous Brown Limestone. The similarity in the geochemical characteristics of the crude oils suggests that there was little variation in the organofacies of the source rocks from which they were derived.  相似文献   

The Masila Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in Yemen but the origin of its hydrocarbons is not fully understood. In this study, we evaluate Upper Jurassic source rocks in the Madbi Formation and assess the results of basin modelling in order to improve our understanding of burial history and hydrocarbon generation. This source rock has generated commercial volumes of hydrocarbons which migrated into Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous reservoir rocks. Cuttings samples of shales from the Upper Jurassic Madbi Formation from boreholes in the centre-west of the Masila Basin were analysed using organic geochemistry (Rock-Eval pyrolysis, extract analysis) and organic petrology. The shales generally contain more than 2.0 wt % TOC and have very good to excellent hydrocarbon potential. Kerogen is predominantly algal Type II with minor Type I. Thermal maturity of the organic matter is Rr 0.69–0.91%. Thermal and burial history models indicate that the Madbi Formation source rock entered the early-mature to mature stage in the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary. Hydrocarbon generation began in the Late Cretaceous, reaching maximum rates during the Early Tertiary. Cretaceous subsidence had only a minor influence on source rock maturation and OM transformation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical petroleum systems model for the Jurassic‐Tertiary Austral (Magallanes) Basin, southern Argentina, incorporating the western part of the nearby Malvinas Basin. The modelling is based on a recently published seismo‐stratigraphic interpretation and resulting depth and thickness maps. Measured vitrinite reflectance data from 25 wells in the Austral and Malvinas Basins were used for thermal model calibration; eight calibration data sets are presented for the Austral Basin and four for the Malvinas Basin. Burial history reconstruction allowed eroded thicknesses to be estimated and palaeo heat‐flow values to be determined. Six modelled burial, temperature and maturation histories are shown for well locations in the onshore Austral Basin and the western Malvinas Basin. These modelled histories, combined with kinetic data measured for a sample from the Lower Cretaceous Springhill Formation, were used to model hydrocarbon generation in the study area. Maps of thermal maturity and transformation ratio for the three main source rocks (the Springhill, Inoceramus and Lower Margas Verdes Formations) were compiled. The modelling results suggest that deepest burial occurred during the Miocene followed by a phase of uplift and erosion. However, an Eocene phase of deep burial leading to maximum temperatures cannot be excluded based on vitrinite reflectance and numerical modelling results. Relatively little post‐Miocene uplift and erosion (approx. 50–100 m) occurred in the Malvinas Basin. Based on the burial‐ and thermal histories, initial hydrocarbon generation is interpreted to have taken place in the Early Cretaceous in the Austral Basin and to have continued until the Miocene. A similar pattern is predicted for the western Malvinas Basin, with an early phase of hydrocarbon generation during the Late Cretaceous and a later phase during the Miocene. However, source rock maturity (as well as the transformation ratio) remained low in the Malvinas Basin, only just reaching the oil window. Higher maturities are modelled for the deeper parts of the Austral Basin, where greater subsidence and deeper burial occurred.  相似文献   

Palaeo‐exposure surfaces within and at the top of the carbonate‐dominated Aptian Dariyan Formation have been poorly studied in the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf. This paper presents an integrated sedimentological and geochemical study of the Dariyan Formation at four oil and gas fields located in the western, central and eastern parts of the Gulf. Facies stacking patterns in general indicate shallowing‐upwards trends toward the exposure surfaces, which are interpreted to correspond to unconformities. The Dariyan Formation in the study area is divided into upper and lower carbonate units by a deep‐water, high‐gamma shale‐marl interval. At fields in the western and central Gulf, significant diagenetic changes were recorded in the top of the upper carbonate unit, including meteoric dissolution and cementation, brecciation and paleosol formation. An exposure surface is also present at the top of the lower carbonate unit in all the fields in the study area, and is associated with meteoric dissolution and cementation of grain‐dominated facies. Age calibration of studied intervals was carried out using microfossil assemblages including benthic and planktonic foraminifera. Negative excursions of both δ18O (?10‰ VPDB) and δ13C (?0.66‰ VPDB) were recorded in weathered intervals located below the unconformity surfaces. A sequence stratigraphic framework for the Dariyan Formation was established by integrating sedimentological, palaeontological and geochemical data. The δ13C curve for the formation in the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf can be correlated with the reference curve for the northern Neotethys and used as a basis for regional stratigraphic correlation. Where the top‐Aptian unconformity is present, it has resulted in an enhancement of the reservoir characteristics of the underlying carbonate succession. Accordingly, the best reservoir zones in the Dariyan Formation occur in the upper parts of the lower and upper carbonate units which are bounded above by significant palaeo‐exposure surfaces.  相似文献   

Marine shale samples from the Cretaceous (Albian‐Campanian) Napo Formation (n = 26) from six wells in the eastern Oriente Basin of Ecuador were analysed to evaluate their organic geochemical characteristics and petroleum generation potential. Geochemical analyses included measurements of total organic carbon (TOC) content, Rock‐Eval pyrolysis, pyrolysis — gas chromatography (Py—GC), gas chromatography — mass‐spectrometry (GC—MS), biomarker distributions and kerogen analysis by optical microscopy. Hydrocarbon accumulations in the eastern Oriente Basin are attributable to a single petroleum system, and oil and gas generated by Upper Cretaceous source rocks is trapped in reservoirs ranging in age from Early Cretaceous to Eocene. The shale samples analysed for this study came from the upper part of the Napo Formation T member (“Upper T”), the overlying B limestone, and the lower part of the U member (“Lower U”).The samples are rich in amorphous organic matter with TOC contents in the range 0.71–5.97 wt% and Rock‐Eval Tmax values of 427–446°C. Kerogen in the B Limestone shales is oil‐prone Type II with δ13C of ?27.19 to ?27.45‰; whereas the Upper T and Lower U member samples contain Type II–III kerogen mixed with Type III (δ13C > ?26.30‰). The hydrocarbon yield (S2) ranges from 0.68 to 40.92 mg HC/g rock (average: 12.61 mg HC/g rock). Hydrogen index (HI) values are 427–693 mg HC/g TOC for the B limestone samples, and 68–448 mg HC/g TOC for the Lower U and Upper T samples. The mean vitrinite reflectance is 0.56–0.79% R0 for the B limestone samples and 0.40–0.60% R0 for the Lower U and Upper T samples, indicating early to mid oil window maturity for the former and immature to early maturity for the latter. Microscopy shows that the shales studied contain abundant organic matter which is mainly amorphous or alginite of marine origin. Extracts of shale samples from the B limestone are characterized by low to medium molecular weight compounds (n‐C14 to n‐C20) and have a low Pr/Ph ratio (≈ 1.0), high phytane/n‐C18 ratio (1.01–1.29), and dominant C27 regular steranes. These biomarker parameters and the abundant amorphous organic matter indicate that the organic matter was derived from marine algal material and was deposited under anoxic conditions. By contrast, the extracts from the Lower U and Upper T shales contain medium to high molecular weight compounds (n‐C25 to n‐C31) and have a high Pr/ Ph ratio (>3.0), low phytane/n‐C18 ratio (0.45–0.80) with dominant C29 regular steranes, consistent with an origin from terrigenous higher plant material mixed with marine algae deposited under suboxic conditions. This is also indicated by the presence of mixed amorphous and structured organic matter. This new geochemical data suggests that the analysed shales from the Napo Formation, especially the shales from the B limestone which contain Type II kerogen, have significant hydrocarbon potential in the eastern part of the Oriente Basin. The data may help to explain the distribution of hydrocarbon reserves in the east of the Oriente Basin, and also assist with the prediction of non‐structural traps.  相似文献   

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