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Research shows that negation can suppress the activation of propositions presented explicitly in text, but does negation have a similar effect on propositions that can be inferred? That is, does negation inhibit the inference process? Four experiments investigated whether a deductive inference that produces a negated conclusion (therefore not a) is made as readily as a similar inference form that yields an affirmative conclusion (therefore a). A combination of naming latencies, verification times, and reading times indicate that negation does not affect the deductive inference process itself, although it may inhibit the activation of inferred concepts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In multiple-cue learning (also known as probabilistic category learning) people acquire information about cue-outcome relations and combine these into predictions or judgments. Previous researchers claimed that people can achieve high levels of performance without explicit knowledge of the task structure or insight into their own judgment policies. It has also been argued that people use a variety of suboptimal strategies to solve such tasks. In three experiments the authors reexamined these conclusions by introducing novel measures of task knowledge and self-insight and using "rolling regression" methods to analyze individual learning. Participants successfully learned a four-cue probabilistic environment and showed accurate knowledge of both the task structure and their own judgment processes. Learning analyses suggested that the apparent use of suboptimal strategies emerges from the incremental tracking of statistical contingencies in the environment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 3 experiments with a total of 463 undergraduates, signs, disorders, or both signs and disorders were negated. Exp I negated the disorder but resulted in no reduction in illusory correlation, measured several ways. Exp II replicated Exp I but informed Ss that some of them would be in a zero-relationship condition. Again, no reduction in illusory correlation was found. Exp III included conditions negating not only the disorder but also the sign and the sign and the disorder, and again no reduction due to negation was obtained. An additional experiment (153 Ss) manipulated the number of disorders per sign and resulted in significant effects due to complexity. (10 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 22(1) of Developmental Psychology (see record 2008-10957-001). In the article, several key words were omitted from the last sentence of the Method section on page 464, column 2, third paragraph. The corrected sentence is included in the erratum.] Studied the development of the concept of truth-functional negation in 2 experiments, using 36 English-speaking children (aged 3–6 yrs) and 10 Korean-speaking children (aged 4–5 yrs) as Ss. In Exp I, English-speaking Ss were given a sentence-variation task in which the following 4 sentence types were used to describe 36 pictures of common items: true affirmative, false affirmative, true negative (TN), and false negative. The results show that a majority of Ss under 5 yrs had difficulty with negative sentences, particularly TN sentences, indicating a lack of explicit understanding of truth-functional negation as defined in logic. In Exp II, a cross-linguistic replication of Exp I was attempted with Korean-speaking Ss. Despite some cross-linguistic differences in the negation system, the Korean-speaking Ss showed essentially the same pattern of results, suggesting that the development in question proceeds within the general limit set by the general cognitive development. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The transition from algorithmic to memory-based performance is a core component of cognitive skill learning. There has been debate about the temporal dynamics of strategy execution, with some models assuming a race (i.e., independent, capacity unconstrained parallel processing) between algorithm and retrieval, and others assuming a choice mechanism. The authors investigated this issue using a new approach that allows the latency of each algorithm step to be measured, in turn providing new insight into (a) whether there is slowing of 1 or more algorithm steps on trials immediately preceding the 1st retrieval trial for an item, as might be expected if there is a competitive strategy execution process of some type other than a race, and (b) whether there is partial algorithm completion on retrieval trials, as would be expected if the 2 strategies are executed in parallel. Results are uniquely consistent with a strategy choice mechanism involving a competition between the retrieval strategy and the 1st step of the algorithm. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Learning in the nudibranch mollusc Hermissenda shows many features of vertebrate associative conditioning. Several of these behaviors are reviewed to show how the demonstrated close temporal correspondence of cellular and behavioral functions further implicates certain causal relations. Studies of the shadow withdrawal behavior of Hermissenda suggest a causal relation between the long-lasting depolarization of the Type B photoreceptor and the animal's reduced ability to turn toward the light at light/dark boundaries. Whereas the shadow response corresponded to cellular events at the end of a light step, responses to the onset of light or rotation were largely unexplored. By using a different approach, we identified behavioral responses during the first few seconds of stimulation with light and rotation. These responses, for which Pavlovian conditioning was demonstrated, correspond closely in time to known cellular correlates. Consideration of the known neural pathways that can control classically conditioned foot-shortening and shadow withdrawal leads to the suggestion that some effects of learning operate through different neural pathways but these different pathways may be modulated by the same primary changes in the Type B photoreceptor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Development and evaluation of a learning strategy training program.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Developed an interactive learning strategy system consisting of primary and support strategies. A set of training procedures was also created to facilitate the communication of this system to college-age students. This system was assessed in the context of a 15-wk (2 hrs/wk) learning skills course with 108 Ss. Results indicate that Ss receiving this training exhibited (p?  相似文献   

This study represents one of the first efforts to empirically differentiate between suicidal patients who complete treatment and those who voluntarily withdraw after resolution of the immediate crisis and, accordingly, before formally beginning treatment or within the first 2 days. Participants were contrasted across a range of variables, including suicide ideation, depression, hopelessness, problem solving, life stress, diagnoses in accordance with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev.; American Psychiatric Association, 1987), and characterological features. Results indicate the high-risk nature of those withdrawing prematurely from treatment and suggest that this behavior potentially represents another manifestation of overall maladaptive coping, consistent with prominent avoidant, negativistic, and passive-aggressive personality traits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish the blood pressure (BP) measurement protocol for Japanese preschool children, systolic BP (K1) and diastolic BP (K4, K5) were measured along with anthropometric values. METHODOLOGY: Commercially available mercury sphygmomanometers were used. In the first group of children (group A), BP was measured in 79 boys and 85 girls using a cuff 9 cm wide and 23 cm long. In the second group (group B), the length and circumference of the upper right arm of 147 boys and 139 girls were measured to select cuffs appropriate for their sizes. Blood pressure measurements were performed twice on the right arm of the children in the seated position at a mean interval of 5 min. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the anthropometric values (height, bodyweight, body mass index [BMI], length and circumference of the upper arm) between groups A and B. The BP values at K1, K4 and K5 in the first measurement of group B were 91 +/- 9, 54 +/- 8, and 48 +/- 10 mmHg (boys) and 90 +/- 9, 54 +/- 8, and 48 +/- 12 mmHg (girls), respectively. There were no significant differences between the first and second measurements in both groups, however, there were significant differences in the first and second measurements of K4 between groups A and B. Multiple regression analysis by the stepwise method revealed a strong correlation between K1 and the length of the upper arm in the boys and the bodyweight in the girls: between K4 and the bodyweight in the boys and the BMI in the girls, and between K5 and the height in the boys and the upper arm circumference in the girls. CONCLUSIONS: From these results it would appear that a single measurement is sufficient under appropriate measurement conditions such as rest before measurement and the choice of the cuff size according to the upper arm circumference, and that BP is closely correlated with the anthropometric values in preschool children.  相似文献   

Examined the involvement of the gustatory thalamic nuclei in fundamental taste reactivity, gastrointestinal reactivity, and conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning. In Exp I, using 72 male Long-Evans rats, bilateral electrolytic lesions were produced in the medial ventrobasal thalamic complex (VBm), including the thalamic gustatory nuclei, in 1 group of Ss. For a 2nd group, at the conclusion of conditioning, lesions were produced in the anterior insular gustatory neocortex (AIGN). Results indicate that destruction of VBm thalamus attenuated taste reactivity to sucrose, citric acid, and quinine hydrochloride. Elimination of VBm thalamus markedly attenuated CTA learning. Results of neocortical lesion manipulations showed that the AIGN contributed to initial CTA learning in Ss lacking a mediodorsal-periventricular thalamus. Whether Ss lacking VBm thalamus used olfactory cues associated with drinking solutions to acquire CTAs was evaluated in Exp II, using 72 male Long-Evans rats. Results demonstrate that Ss lacking VBm thalamus and the olfactory bulbs could not acquire aversions to ingested LiCl following 8 conditioning trials. (54 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Transfer from one serial list to another was analyzed in terms of the degree of correspondence of interlist positional associations. This analysis implies that transfer of serial learning is inversely related to the number of positions that the items are displaced in the transfer list relative to their 1st-list locations. 3 experiments were conducted with a total of 168 undergraduates and 120 4th and 5th graders. 2 of these studies involved a serial-serial transfer design, while a serial-spatial discrimination transfer paradigm was used in the 3rd. Results of each study are consistent with the generalization that transfer of serial learning decreases as the degree of positional remoteness of the items, from one task to the next, is increased. These results and those of recent studies concerning H. Ebbinghaus's (1913) derived-list paradigm are readily interpretable in terms of a "positional" version of the concept of remote associations. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, participants read narratives containing a color term that was mentioned either within the scope of an explicit negative or not, and with the described situation being such that the color was either present or not. Accessibility of the color term was measured by means of a probe-recognition task either 500 ms (Experiment 1) or 1,500 ms (Experiment 2) after participants read the sentence mentioning color. After the 500-ms delay, the accessibility of the color term was influenced by the structure of the sentence. After the 1,500-ms delay, the accessibility was influenced by the content of the described situation. These results are consistent with the view that comprehenders construct a linguistic representation of the text as well as a situation model in which only present properties are represented. An alternative account, according to which comprehenders only construct a perceptual simulation of the described situation, is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the involvement of presumed gustatory thalamocortical projections in conditioned taste aversion (CTA) learning, using 108 male Long-Evans rats in 4 experiments. Neuroanatomical and neurobehavioral manipulations in the ventrolateral neostriatum were used. Findings demonstrate that projections from posterior ventromedial thalamic nuclei, parvicellular division (VPMpc), and thalamus to the anterior insular gustatory neocortex (AIGN) were essential for normal CTA learning. Because both VPMpc thalamus and the AIGN each have been implicated as functional substrates of CTA learning, the present results suggest that the gustatory thalamocortical relay per se is necessary for normal taste-illness learning. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) and the dorsal striatum are often considered to be necessary for stimulus-response (S-R) habit learning, whereas the dorsal hippocampus is considered to be necessary for relational (declarative) memory. Spatial learning is a kind of relational learning that occurs when a rat is released from different locations (variable start) in a water maze to find a submerged platform that is kept in a constant location. However, when the rat is always released from the same starting position (constant start), it can learn to find the platform oriented by a fixed configuration of cues, that is, by S-R learning. To test the critical role of the SNc in S-R and relational learning, the authors tested adult male Wistar rats, sham-operated or with a lesion in the SNc, in these 2 versions of the water maze task. The SNc lesion was induced by bilateral intranigral infusion of 0.5 μmol 1-methyl-4-phenyl- 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. Although the SNc-lesioned rats learned the variable-start version as effectively as sham rats did, they were significantly impaired in learning the constant-start version of the task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the effects of Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT), an instructional strategy employing biracial learning teams and instructional games, on cross-racial friendship in integrated classes. Four experiments comparing TGT and control treatments are reviewed, involving a total of 558 students in Grades 7–12. Sociometric measures were used to assess TGT effects on the number of cross-racial friendship choices and the percentage of cross-racial choices over all choices made. Chi-square analyses showed significant positive TGT effects on 7 of 13 measures of numbers of cross-racial choices and 3 of 13 on percentage of cross-racial choices over all choices. These results indicate that TGT is an effective means of increasing cross-racial friendship in integrated classes. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using student interviews, teacher ratings, and achievement test outcomes, we validated a strategy model of student self-regulated learning as a theoretical construct. Forty-four male and 36 female high school students were asked to describe their use of 14 self-regulated learning strategies in six contexts, and their teachers rated these students for their self-regulated learning during class. Factor analyses of the teachers' ratings along with students' scores on a standardized test of mathematics and English revealed a single self-regulated learning factor that accounted for nearly 80% of the explained variance and two smaller factors that were labeled Student Verbal Expressiveness and Achievement. Students' reports of using self-regulated learning strategies during a structured interview correlated .70 with the obtained teachers' rating factor and were negatively related to the Student Verbal Expressiveness and Achievement factors. Our results indicate both convergent and discriminative validity for a self-regulated learning construct. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Classroom use of student-generated drawings has been encouraged for a number of purposes (e.g., R. Hubbard & K. Ernst, 1996). The present study examined the use of drawing as a learning strategy for 5th- and 6th-grade students reading science text. Three experimental drawing conditions and a reading control tested the hypothesis that drawing is effective only when students are supported during the construction process. Drawing (draw) participants constructed drawings only, whereas illustration comparison participants compared drawings with a provided illustration. Prompted illustration comparison (PIC) participants answered prompting questions to guide this comparison process. Dependent measures included a free-recall and recognition posttest, drawing accuracy, on-line self-monitoring behaviors, and time on task. PIC participants constructed the most accurate drawings and also scored significantly higher on the free-recall posttest. No differences were found on recognition posttest items. Although all drawing conditions spent significantly more time on task, these participants also engaged in significantly more self-monitoring events than did reading control participants. PIC participants also engaged in more events than did draw participants. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes 2 experiments each employing 60 undergraduates as Ss. Exp I showed that (a) providing specific instructions (goal directed or directed forgetting) about how to process a passage induced readers to study most of the material at a slower pace, and (b) when Ss were told to place special emphasis on some of the material, they spent more time on the material that was not emphasized as well as on the material that was emphasized, but without a similar increase in learning. Exp II showed that the increase in inspection time for the emphasized material was necessary for increased learning of these sentences to occur. It is concluded that both the type of processing and the duration of processing influence retention in goal-directed learning tasks. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Retrieval practice is a potent technique for enhancing learning, but how often do students practice retrieval when they regulate their own learning? In 4 experiments the subjects learned foreign-language items across multiple study and test periods. When items were assigned to be repeatedly tested, repeatedly studied, or removed after they were recalled, repeated retrieval produced powerful effects on learning and retention. However, when subjects were given control over their own learning and could choose to test, study, or remove items, many subjects chose to remove items rather than practice retrieval, leading to poor retention. In addition, when tests were inserted in the learning phase, attempting retrieval improved learning by enhancing subsequent encoding during study. But when students were given control over their learning they did not attempt retrieval as early or as often as they should to promote the best learning. The experiments identify a compelling metacognitive illusion that occurs during self-regulated learning: Once students can recall an item they tend to believe they have “learned” it. This leads students to terminate practice rather than practice retrieval, a strategy choice that ultimately results in poor retention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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