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本文作者伊丽莎白·贝金塔博士了解到《国际城市规划》杂志即将出版一期"大都市地区的发展"主题,主动提出为我们的读者再写作一篇文章,介绍最近几年西方有关"Megalopolis"争论的最新进展情况,作为她2004年发表的文章《格迪斯、芒福德和戈特曼:关于"Megalopolis"的分歧》(见本期杂志8~16页)的续篇。  相似文献   

"megalopolis"一词,在19世纪20年代之前出现于一般性刊物之中,意为"特大城市".20世纪时这一词汇在学术作品中出现,主要被格迪斯和芒福德用来表示一个过于巨大而注定走向灭亡的城市,而戈特曼则用其定义一个巨大的,相互密切联系的城市区域,尤其指美国东北海岸的大城市连绵区.戈特曼的定义主导了地理学词典,但却被地理学之外的学科所忽视.牛津英语字典极力主张认可戈特曼(即地理学者)的用法,而地理学词典的编辑则极力主张对他们的定义进行修订.  相似文献   

“megalopolis”一词,在19世纪20年代之前出现于一般性刊物之中,意为“特大城市”。20世纪时这一词汇在学术作品中出现,主要被格迪斯和芒福德用来表示一个过于巨大而注定走向灭亡的城市,而戈特曼则用其定义一个巨大的、相互密切联系的城市区域,尤其指美国东北海岸的大城市连绵区。戈特曼的定义主导了地理学词典,但却被地理学之外的学科所忽视。牛津英语字典极力主张认可戈特曼(即地理学者)的用法,而地理学词典的编辑则极力主张对他们的定义进行修订。  相似文献   

国外建筑工业化仍在继续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外建筑工业化仍在继续发展姚国华,张文华(中国建筑技术发展研究中心科技信息研究所)从50年代起,欧洲许多国家为解决房荒问题先后掀起建筑工业化①高潮以来,至今已有40年的历史。纵观建筑工业化发展的全过程,大致可以看出二个发展阶段,即50、60年代建筑工...  相似文献   

科学表征是用一个人工设计的事物(如模型)描述另一个相关的事物(如自然现象),其结果是形成科学知识或理论,它蕴含了构成、划界和规范问题,已经成为各种实在论与反实在论争论的焦点。早期的图像论认为表征就是心理图像,后来的相似论主张表征是两个不同事物之间的相似,同构论认为表征是两个不同事物之间具有相同的数学的或者物理的结构,指代论认为表征是一个事物替代另一个事物,推理观认为表征是一种推理力和认知能力。这些观点表现为科学理论的句法观与语义观之争、建模与理想化之争,形成了表征的紧缩观和实质观,以及分析方法和实践方法。  相似文献   

正美国曾多年位居全球涂料行业最大的生产国和消费国,其行业发展已经相对非常成熟,但是,在宣伟、PPG、威士伯、艾仕得、RPM、本杰明摩尔等大型涂料企业之外,目前在美国依然存在着一些中小型涂料企业,其依据地区性优势仍然具有市场空间,同时,这些企业之间的并购整合也依然继续进行着。例如,美国Florida油漆公司日前就宣布完成  相似文献   

正由凯斯纽荷兰工业集团(CNH Industrial)联合其在菲律宾的经销商JV Fruto,BJMarthel,Filholland和Greenapple组建的一支由5辆机械设备组成的抢险车队一直奋战在2013年受台风海燕肆虐的菲律宾礼智省首府独鲁万市的灾后重建工作中。自2013年12月起,纽荷兰B115B型挖掘装载机和凯斯580SN型挖掘装载机、凯斯SR 150型滑移装载机以及配备  相似文献   

近来,有人提出“中国房地产泡沫破裂论”,他们认为中国的房地产泡沫已经“接近爆炸的边缘”、“将在数月内破裂”。对此也有人持“不能判断我国房地产已经是泡沫经济”的观点。两种论点针锋相对,使得议论很为热闹。对于这涉及2005年房地产形势的重大问题,必须做出明确而切合我国实际的回答。  相似文献   

<正>前言人类文明是伴随着材料进步发展起来的。材料既是人类社会现代化的物质基础,也是人类社会进步的里程碑。水泥是人类近代历史上最伟大的发明之一,是现代社会构建物质文明的重要基石,它托起了人类社会的现代文明。地球70%的面积是海洋,在陆地开发资源的同时,必然向海洋拓展。我国海疆面积470万平方公里,海岸线长17.7万公里,拥有14个沿海省市自治区(含特别行政区),仅大陆就有地级以上沿海城市55个、226个区县,人口占全国人口的1/5,海洋资源十分丰富。  相似文献   

Lewis Mumford’s life spanned the era in which American cities were rebuilt for the automobile and his writings addressed that theme from the 1920s to the 1970s. Norman Bel Geddes achieved fame during the 1930s for his imaginative evocations of future urban and regional landscapes designed for high‐speed auto travel, culminating in the Futurama exhibit at the 1939 World’s Fair. Both of these men were influential figures during the period (1935–45) when the basic contours of American urban highway policy were codified. Mumford advocated a careful integration of street, highway and landscape in order to tame the destructive impacts of the automobile. By the 1950s he had become a fervent opponent of both central city freeway building and auto‐dependent suburban sprawl. Norman Bel Geddes embraced the emerging world of automobiles and freeways, and poured his energies into the creation of exhibits, models, plans and books showing how high‐speed motorways could shape a new metropolis. This paper compares these two men along multiple dimensions and argues that the contrasting styles of Mumford and Bel Geddes embody a recurring split in the American attitude toward cities and urban planning.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries successive British governments in Calcutta (Kolkata) became increasingly concerned with the links between the health of its inhabitants and the cleanliness of the city, particularly in the indigenous parts of town. European urban solutions, typically involving slum clearance and road building schemes, were imposed to address such problems. These colonial attitudes contrast with more ‘hybrid’ visions of health and hygiene that Sir Patrick Geddes adopted for proposals for a market area in Calcutta called Barra Bazaar, in 1919. Geddes’ ideas combined an approach that commended ‘traditional’ Indian courtyard houses, street patterns and external space, with more ‘modern’ ideas for business accommodation. In conclusion, I argue that Geddes’ often ambivalent and contradictory outlook on such competing visions of city space echoes notions of ‘hybridity,’ recently developed by Homi K. Bhabha.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries successive British governments in Calcutta (Kolkata) became increasingly concerned with the links between the health of its inhabitants and the cleanliness of the city, particularly in the indigenous parts of town. European urban solutions, typically involving slum clearance and road building schemes, were imposed to address such problems. These colonial attitudes contrast with more 'hybrid' visions of health and hygiene that Sir Patrick Geddes adopted for proposals for a market area in Calcutta called Barra Bazaar, in 1919. Geddes' ideas combined an approach that commended 'traditional' Indian courtyard houses, street patterns and external space, with more 'modern' ideas for business accommodation. In conclusion, I argue that Geddes' often ambivalent and contradictory outlook on such competing visions of city space echoes notions of 'hybridity,' recently developed by Homi K. Bhabha.  相似文献   

Portland boosters invited Lewis Mumford and Robert Moses to Portland to comment on the growth of the city and the region in the years surrounding World War II. Mumford emphasized regionalism and a dispersal of the population to new towns, which would be satellites to the central city, strengthened as a regional centre. Moses, coming to Portland just five years later than Mumford, stressed freeway, bridge and park development, with a mind toward girding the city for post-war growth. In the mid-century, Portlanders were more inclined to adopt Moses' suggestions, almost all of which were eventually implemented. A shift in political culture in the 1960s and 1970s, however, brought a renewed commitment to the ideals Mumford had espoused and, today, the Portland area's regional planning agency, Metro, has adopted a Regional Framework Plan that embraces the Mumfordian vision, with an almost blatant rejection of Moses' commitment to freeways, bridges and other types of massive investment in auto-accommodating infrastructure. This paper discusses the difference between the two paradigms of planning and provides some explanations for the shift in the Portland region from a Mosesian to a Mumfordian ideal.  相似文献   

杨宇振 《建筑师》2021,(1):98-106
本文首先结合历史过程的各种细节,论述朱皆平对帕特里克?盖德斯的社会理论等的详细研习、转译和转述,进而讨论在盖德斯理论基础上朱皆平规划思想与方法的三个方面;最后概述作为学生的朱皆平与刘易斯?芒福德在整体论与区域规划方面对盖德斯的传承.朱皆平的人生处在中国社会转型的一个激烈动荡的年代,朱皆平对转变中的社会状态有着清醒的观察...  相似文献   

大城市连绵区:美国东北海岸的城市化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于第一次来到美国东北部地区的外国人来讲,沿着大西洋海岸线广泛分布的一连串的大城市非常引人注目,即使是在15年以前也是如此.1942年2月,笔者经历了从纽约到华盛顿的第一次旅行.之后,Isaiah Bowman在巴尔的摩市询问笔者,作为一个地理学家,这个国家在最初的几个月里给我带来的最突出的印象是什么?我的回答是:"从波士顿到华盛顿一带大城市沿着海岸线高密度分布的现象."  相似文献   

本文早在1957年7月发表于美国《经济地理》杂志(Economic Geography,Vol.33,No.3,1957),是戈特曼关于大城市连绵区研究的第一篇论文.  相似文献   


The life and career of Patrick Troy reveal a remarkable consistency of purpose. He brings technical expertise and a strong commitment to social justice to bear on a range of issues concerning the natural and built environment. This overview of his life and career records his contribution to the study and implementation of equitable public policy.  相似文献   

Hollywood cinema entertained urban audiences, but it also encapsulated their experiences in a paradoxical way. The us film noir cycle, commonly seen as downbeat B-movies made between 1941 and 1958, presented negative counterpoints to the advantages of modern life. Graham Barnfield argues that film noir is nothing if not a mental megalopolis, originating a sensibility that continues to underpin cinematic visions of the future in our age of blinding computer-generated imagery (CGI).  相似文献   

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