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采用CCD图像采集系统与图像处理技术提取等离子射流长度;以红外测温仪检测的单位时间内基体温度变化来衡量加热效应,研究不同熔射距离与射流长度条件下射流和粉末粒子流对基体的加热效应特点.结果表明,当熔射距离不大于射流长度时,基体温升主要来至于射流加热效应;随着熔射距离增大,射流对基体的加热效应迅速减弱;当熔射距离大于射流长度时,粒子流加热效应比较明显.提出射流长度可以作为合理选择熔射距离的特征评价指标,并通过不同熔射距离条件下熔射皮膜的截面尺寸以及形貌进行验证.  相似文献   

Modern plasma spray coating technology allows the use of high- enthalpy plasma- forming reactive gases. Plasma gun thermal efficiency, which defines spray output and coating quality, can be increased. Unlike the argon plasma jet, the CH4- CO2 plasma jet oxidation/reduction potential is adjustable and has an enthalpy that is seven to ten times higher. Argon- based gas mixtures are most appropriate for spraying materials that exhibit a high chemical affinity for reactive gases. Otherwise, mixtures of CH4 and CO2 are preferable because of higher enthalpy, lower cost, and the possibility of improving the working conditions of the plasma gun electrodes. A universal plasma gun has been developed that uses various plasma- forming gases. The choice of gas depends on the specific plasma spray technology requirements.  相似文献   

热处理对等离子喷涂316L不锈钢涂层组织和性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用大气等离子喷涂和低压等离子喷涂在不同的基体温度下制备了316L不锈钢涂层,分别使用光学显微镜和显微硬度计研究涂层的组织和性能,并且对涂层进行了退火处理,研究了涂层的组织性能的变化。结果表明,对于低压等离子喷涂,通过改变基体温度,可以获得层片状组织和等轴晶组织的涂层,并且对层片状组织的涂层进行热处理,可以使其转变为等轴晶结构涂层;而对于大气等离子喷涂通过改变基体温度以及对涂层进行后续热处理,均不会形成完全的等轴晶结构涂层。在涂层硬度方面,对于原始涂层而言,等轴晶涂层的硬度低于层片状组织涂层,对于大气等离子喷涂经过热处理后的涂层硬度明显降低。  相似文献   

In this paper, alloy powders mixed with a molar ratio of Fe : P : C of 80 : 13 : 7 were sprayed on Q235 steel by plasma spray method to prepare coating with amorphous phases. The phase composition of the mixed alloy powders and prepared coating were characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ). The morphology and the composition cf the coating were analyzed by scanning eleetron microscopy (SEM) nnd energy dispersive apectroscopy ( EDS ). In addition, the thermal stability ef the coating with amorphous phases was characterized by differential thermal analyzer ( DTA ). Tile results showed that, usirtg mixed alloy powders with a molar ratio of Fe: P: C of 80:13:7, the coating containing certain amount of amorphous alloys was suceessathlly prepared through atmospheric plasma spray technique. In the coating, the main phases were determined to be Fe, FeP aad Fe2P. The crystallization of the coating started from about 461°. Tile coating was mechanically adhered to the substrate.  相似文献   

等离子束表面冶金原位颗粒增强铁基涂层的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用等离子束表面冶金技术,在Fe、C合金粉末中添加强碳化物形成元素W、Cr和少量的Al,在低碳钢基体上制备出原位析出的颗粒增强铁基复合涂层.利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪对冶金层显微组织和硬质颗粒的分布进行了观察、分析.结果表明:冶金层组织为过饱和的γ-Fe、原位析出形状良好细小弥散的复合碳化物(Fe,Cr,W,Nb)7C3和少量的AlFe,冶金层与基体呈冶金结合.在固溶强化、弥散强化和细晶体强化共同作用下,冶金层显微硬度可达到830HV0.1.  相似文献   

采用等离子束表面冶金技术,通过多道搭接方式在低碳钢基体上制备大面积铁基复合超厚涂层。基于大面积涂层成形的特点,探讨搭接率与涂层厚度等的变化规律,并利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪、金相显微镜、显微硬度计及磨损试验分析测试了涂层的相组成、组织及性能。结果表明:表面冶金涂层厚度可达3.0 mm,无裂纹、气孔等缺陷;组织为γ-(Fe,Ni)枝晶、M23C6、CrB及原位合成的TiC陶瓷颗粒,与基体呈良好的冶金结合。由于颗粒强化、细晶强化和弥散强化等多种强化作用,大面积Fe基超厚涂层具有良好的耐磨性能。  相似文献   

大气等离子喷涂锆酸镧热障涂层   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用自制的稀土元素复合掺杂锆酸镧热喷涂粉末,采用大气等离子喷涂技术,在镍基高温合金表面制备La1.6Nd0.4Ce1.0Zr1.0O7(LNCZ)热障涂层,研究了喷涂参数对涂层沉积率、显微结构、结合强度及抗热震性能的影响。结果表明,增大喷涂功率,降低送粉速率可以有效地提高涂层的沉积率,但对涂层结合和抗热震性能不利。减小喷涂距离不仅提高沉积率,还有利于获得孔径细小、孔隙率适中的层状组织结构,该结构对提高涂层的抗热震性能极为有利。采用DH-1080大气等离子喷涂设备制备LNCZ涂层较好的喷涂条件为:功率40 kW,喷涂距离9 cm,送粉速率12 g/min。  相似文献   

0 IntroductionThermalbarriercoatings(TBCs)arewidelyusedontheturbinebladesforaircraftpropulsionorpowergenerationtoreducethemetallicsubstratetemperature,whichleadstoincreasingengineefficiencyandloweringpollutantemissionsresultingfromallowableincreaseofoperationtemperature[1,2].Today,TBCsareattractingmoreattentionandhavewiderpotentialapplicationstoprotecthightemperaturecomponents.However,thermalbarriercoatingshaveatendencytocrackandspallinserviceduetothermalshockandthermalcyclingbetweenambient…  相似文献   

针对抽油泵、水煤浆泵等产品在工作过程中常见的腐蚀+磨粒磨损问题,采用雾化法研制了一种FeCr-Si-B系合金粉末。采用等离子弧喷焊方法分别制备喷焊耐磨层,并对合金粉末喷焊耐磨层进行渗透探伤以及化学成分、显微组织、硬度、耐磨性分析。结果表明,合金粉末的喷焊显微组织均由Cr3Si硬质相和A2基体韧性相组成,晶粒细小,抗裂性能优越,硬度值为58.1HRC;耐磨性为0.428 mg/100S,与Fe-36Cr-5C过共晶合金喷焊层耐磨性相当。该Fe-Cr-B-Si系合金粉末适合于腐蚀环境下低应力磨粒磨损工况的表面强化。  相似文献   

吴斌  李稳  马国  谢会  信若飞  王大伟 《电焊机》2016,(3):143-147
材料为ZG310-570的铸钢件因承受冲击载荷的频繁作用导致其内孔磨损失效,是该类铸钢件最主要的失效形式。利用粉末等离子弧喷焊技术对铸钢件受损内孔进行修复,并利用火花直读光谱仪、金相显微镜、布氏硬度计、冲击试验机和扫描电子显微镜分别对喷焊层外观质量、显微组织和力学性能进行分析。分析结果表明,采用粉末等离子弧喷焊修复方法使铸钢件内孔尺寸得到恢复;喷焊层与基体为冶金结合,结合线清晰;喷焊层的硬度值为267.5 HBW,优于基体材料的180.2 HBW,修复后的内孔冲击吸收功为15.40 J,满足技术要求;喷焊层的断口存在大量撕裂,说明喷焊层具有一定的冲击韧性。  相似文献   

The effects of the composition of plasma gases (Ar-N2, Ar-H2), arc current, and voltage on the temperature and velocity of a low-power (5 kW) plasma torch in the arc field free region has been investigated using an enthalpy probe. Coatings of Al2O3-13TiO2 were deposited under different conditions. The results show that in the Ar-N2 plasma, the enthalpy, temperature, and velocity change little with arc current and voltage when regulating the nitrogen proportion in the plasma gas. The hardness of the resulting coatings is 800 to 900 kg/mm2 HV.300. For Ar-H2 plasma, however, increases in the H2 content in the mixture of the gases remarkably enhanced the velocity and heat transfer ability of the plasma jet, with the result that the coatings showed high hardness up to 1200 HV.  相似文献   

The effects of BaF2-CaF2 particle morphology on National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) PS304 feedstock powder flowability were investigated, BaF2-CaF2 eutectic powders were fabricated by comminution (producing an angular morphology) and by gas atomization (producing a spherical morphology). The fluoride powders were added incrementally to the other powder constituents of the NASA PS304 feedstock, (Ni-Cr, Cr2O3, and Ag powders). A linear relationship between flow time and concentration of the BaF2-CaF2 powder was found. The flow of the powder blend with spherical BaF2-CaF2 was better than that with angular BaF2-CaF2. The flowability of the powder blend with angular fluorides decreased linearly with increasing fluoride concentration. However, the flow of the powder blend with spherical fluorides was independent of fluoride concentration. The results suggest that for this material blend, particle morphology plays a significant role in flow behavior, offering potential methods to improve powder flowability and enhance the commercial potential. These findings may be applicable to other difficult-to-flow powders such as cohesive ceramics.  相似文献   

采用等离子喷焊技术在灰口铸铁基体表面制备铁基喷焊层,喷焊两层时,喷焊层金属厚度可达8 mm。通过金相显微镜、X射线衍射仪对喷焊层显微组织进行观察分析,使用维氏显微硬度仪测试喷焊层金属显微硬度。结果表明:喷焊层显微组织主要为珠光体,基体上分布着大量的初生碳化物,初生碳化物多以(Cr,Fe)7C3形式存在。喷焊层硬度可达1 300 HV,是灰口铸铁基体的5倍以上。喷焊两层时,第一层喷焊金属组织中碳化物细化,硬度值降低,第二层喷焊金属受基体金属稀释程度的影响减小,组织更加均匀,硬度变化不大。  相似文献   

等离子熔射皮膜温度分布在线监控与过程诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用红外测温仪与热像仪相结合的现场红外诊断方法对等离子熔射过程中基体/皮膜温度进行在线监控与过程诊断,分析了皮膜温度的变化规律,并对皮膜破坏现象进行诊断.试验结果表明:皮膜破坏一般发生在预热后基体表面温度较高区域及其与临近温度偏低区域之间的过渡区域;温度曲线中皮膜破坏区域对应的温度极大值要比临近区域平均温度高30~50℃,甚至更高.因此该方法为等离子熔射成形质量控制提供了一种可行途径,同时试验结果也为皮膜温度监控确定了皮膜破坏预警信息与核心监控区域.  相似文献   

夏卫生  张海鸥  王桂兰  王伟 《电焊机》2007,37(3):46-48,70
应用红外热像仪获取等离子熔射过程中基体与皮膜发生破坏时的温度场,对比分析皮膜破坏发生区域.然后从通过破坏区域的直线上的温度变化曲线,深入分析该区域的温度波动.实验结果表明:皮膜破坏一般发生在预热后基体温度较高区域和温度较高区域向临近温度偏低区域过渡部位;温度曲线中,皮膜破坏区域对应的温度极大值要高于临近区域平均温度30℃~50℃或者更高.实验结果为等离子熔射过程中皮膜温度监控确定了皮膜破坏预警信息和核心目标监控区域.  相似文献   

Steel applied in ocean environment is exposed to corrosion and cavitation and is subject to increasing damages. To prevent this, anti-corrosion thermal spray coating technique is widely used. The low-temperature thermal spray coating was performed with 85%Al–14.5%Zn–0.5%Zr for ship materials and various sealing materials were applied to improve its durability, and the electrochemical behavior and cavitation characteristics were observed. The results show that the sealing improves all the properties of the materials. Hybrid ceramic and fluoro-silicon sealing materials show good electrochemical characteristics, and the fluoro-silicon sealing material shows the best anti-cavitation characteristics.  相似文献   

As the important evaluation parameters concerning the spray qualities, the porosity and surface roughness of the coatings obtained by thermal spray forming have great influence on their forming accuracy, mechanical properties and service lifetime. But it is difficult to predict or control the two parameters for such a highly nonlinear process. A two-dimensional simulation of coating porosity and surface roughness of nickel-aluminum alloy (Ni-5%Al) in plasma spray forming was presented, which was based on the multi-dimensional statistical behaviors of the droplets as well as the simplification and digitization of the typical splat cross sections. Further analysis involving the influence of the droplet diameters and the scanning velocities of the spray gun on the two parameters was conducted. The simulation and analysis results indicate that the porosity and surface roughness are more influenced by the droplet diameters, but less influenced by the spray gun velocities. The results will provide basis for the prediction or control of coating mechanical properties by depositing parameters.  相似文献   

利用直流电弧放电装置产生了大气压下热喷涂等离子体,采用原子发射光谱法测量热喷涂等离子体射流中的辐射强度.通过Stark展宽法,使用ArΙ谱线在430 nm处的Δλ1/2(谱线的半宽高)对大气压力下热喷涂等离子体射流中电子密度进行计算,研究了不同氩气流量及不同输入功率对等离子体电子密度的影响;同时使用Saha方程计算氩等离子体的电离程度,研究气体流量和电流与氩等离子体电离程度的关系.结果表明,电子密度和电离程度随着等离子体喷枪输入功率的增加而增加,而随着气体流量增加时,电子密度略有增加而电离程度会减少.  相似文献   

The Solution Precursor Plasma Spray (SPPS) process had been successfully used to deposit 7YSZ thermal barrier coatings. In this research, the effects of solution precursor concentration on 7YSZ splat formation and coating microstructure are studied. With increasing solution concentration, solution viscosity increases and surface tension decreases. Solution concentration has no effect on precursor pyrolysis and crystallization temperatures. The average atomized droplets size of ∼ 35 μm is the same for low and high concentration solutions. By contrast, splat formation is greatly dependent on precursor concentration. Low concentration precursors experience surface precipitation and lead to shell formation. The deposits consist of semi-pyrolyzed material and result in a soft, porous coating. When the substrate temperature is raised to 450 °C, spongy deposits are formed. High concentration solutions are beneficial for volume precipitation within droplets. Solid particles are formed, melted and form splats on contact with the substrate. The build-up of dense splats provides a dense coating.  相似文献   

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