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Bhattacharya  S. 《IEE Review》1988,34(5):203-206
The technologies associated with manufacturing have undergone several changes in the past decades; the primary business objective forcing these changes has always been the need to increase profitability by improving products and raising productivity. Current management thinking, in order to achieve these objectives, centres on the concept of an automated factory incorporating computer integrated manufacture (CIM), which brings together the design, production, marketing, commercial and financial functions. The author argues that the cost effective implementation of CIM systems depends crucially on the effectiveness of sensors and instruments acquiring plant-level data  相似文献   

MAP信令的安全保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动应用部分(MAP)协议是移动通信网络的信令协议,MAP协议消息是由7号信令网承载,而7号信令网是缺乏安全保护的。为保护在7号信令网上运行的MAP协议,必须利用另外的安全协议。MAP安全(MAPsec)协议为传输MAP消息提供了安全保证。文章研究了MAPsec协议的网络模型、保护模式、消息结构及交互流程,并提出了MAP信令的安全保护方法。  相似文献   

本文首先概述了对传统固网进行智能化改造的必要性,其次具体分析了SHLR与交换设备之间的两种交互协议MAP、MAP+,着重剖析比较了两种协议之间的差异,最后总结了两种协议对整个网络的布局和发展产生的影响。  相似文献   

技术集成的未来趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
整个有关如何在系统芯片(SoC) 方案中集成知识产权(IP)模块的争论中,多数讨论都集中在IP的设计和传递机制上。很明显,IP是未来SoC设计的核心,但还必须考虑一个重要的问题基础——硅芯片制造技术本身。 目前,多数的注意力都集中在选择单层多元而又成熟的CMOS技术做为SoC器件的传递机制。确实,CMOS技术近期仍将是主导技术。CMOS技术适用的范围不断改变,深亚微米技术和硅工艺设计以及封装技术的革新使器件密度达到了前所未有的高度。为在一块硅片(或封装单元)内实现一个电子系统所有功能的梦想提供新的…  相似文献   

This paper presents the technoeconomic aspects of network solutions based on integration of satellite and terrestrial, based on ADSL, WLAN and DVB‐T technologies, architectures. Following a discussion of the general deployment context, the business case framework is described in terms of areas served, services offered, tariffs, demand assumptions, as well as network architecture and dimensioning rules. The key cost items are presented and economic estimations are provided in the case of telecom operators, which integrate satellite bandwidth with terrestrial technologies in different area types. The evaluated business cases have shown that the satellite rental cost (airtime cost) level is one of the most critical parameter for the economic indicator of present value. Therefore, agreements with satellite operators for spectrum usage will give operators space for business opportunities and acceptable profit margins. In addition, dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes can exploit the aggregated traffic within satellite transmission, which can benefit satellite, telecom and cable operators offering entertainment on broadband business as well as new entrants in broadband business, equipment vendors, broadcasters and TV companies. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

GSM与CDMA移动信令差异分析与消息解码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍GSM MAP与CDMA MAP之间的差异问题,以及所涉及的协议差别,着重介绍它们在TCAP层的差异及解码.有利于我们实现MAP信令监测系统以及更好地理解信令监测结果,对于更好地维护、管理和优化移动网络,提高网络运行质量具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Although the idea of computer integration of the enterprise has existed for a long time, still the domain is not at all well mastered. In the first part of this article, a number of definitions and specifications are proposed which are aimed at remedying this situation. A distinction is first made between enterprise integration, computer integration of the enterprise and the implementation of computer systems which contribute to the integration of the enterprise, and then between systems integration and the implementation of integrating systems. A detailed definition of integrating systems follows and the process of integration to which integrating systems give rise is explained. It is finally shown that computer integration of the enterprise is fundamentally different from organizational integration of the enterprise. The second part of the article is devoted to demonstrating the theoretical as well as the practical utility of these proposals. In particular, a case study illustrates the new way in which the computer systems in an enterprise can be viewed  相似文献   

本文以生物视觉功能及其机理有关的研究成果为主要依据,通过分析、建模和模拟计算等方式建立进化的图像目标轮廓组织整合的理论、方法和模型。首先通过分析初级视觉通道内(LGN—〉视觉皮层V1区—〉视觉皮层V2区神经元)目标轮廓的组织整合机理,建立具有广泛视觉心理学和生理学基础人工神经网络模型;然后将该模型应用于自然场景图像的目标轮廓组织及整合的模拟计算中,并根据实验结果对模型做出分析与评估。  相似文献   

The future of computer telecommunications integration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Describes activities in integrating the desktop computer with the telephone system (computer-telephony integration, or CTI). CTI is but one step in the evolution to a seamless and interoperable integrated telecommunications and computer infrastructure, and this may arrive surprisingly soon, enabled by some recent technological developments  相似文献   

闫跃龙 《通讯世界》2003,9(9):34-36
随着企业日益面临降低成本和提高效率的挑战,语音和数据融合的网络正在受到其青睐,然而伴随其中的安全、投资回收以及收益问题始终令人关注,此外,国外在IP-VPN发展上的经验教训也值得尚处于落后状态的我国借鉴。本期的IP融合专题将对上述问题综合阐述。  相似文献   

All versions of the General Motors manufacturing automation protocol (GM MAP) specify that MAP's lower-layer services are to be provided by the IEEE 802.4 token bus. An understanding of 802.4 and its performance aspects is therefore a prerequisite to predicting the performance of MAP. It is shown how total bus capacity is divided among data throughput, token traffic, and propagation delays. The relative contributions of access delay and queuing delay to total message delivery time are discussed. The effects on message delivery times of message size and the number of active stations are also reported. As the token cycle time increases beyond the target rotation time for each of the asynchronous access classes, service to the lower-priority classes is curtailed; a formula that can be used to identity the offered load at which the transition from normal to curtailed service begins is presented  相似文献   

Technology computer-aided design (TCAD) is the software tool set that allows integrated circuit (IC) technologists to develop new processes and devices without having to build costly test lots. TCAD can potentially provide process engineers the same benefits that electronic circuit CAD (ECAD) has provided to circuit designers. Circuit designers can design, lay out, and test new circuits without fabricating them, and still largely be assured that the circuit will work when manufactured. Will the day come when an engineer can use software to develop a new manufacturing process and predict its performance and yield accurately?  相似文献   

Lessard  A. Gerla  M. 《IEEE network》1988,2(3):64-69
The networking issues involved in the use of infrared communications in a factory environment are described. A brief history of the use of infrared and radio for indoor (factory environment) communications is given, and the physical infrared environment is reviewed. Topology and protocol alternatives are compared  相似文献   

A wireless local area network (WLAN) is designed for an IC factory in Hong Kong using the hierarchical genetic algorithm (HGA). The HGA is capable of handling multiobjective functions and discrete constraints. Because of this uniqueness, together with the adoption of a Pareto ranking scheme, a solution can be reached even when skewed multiobjective functions and constraints confinements are being imposed. It has been found from this study that a precise number of base stations can be identified for the WLAN network, while it can satisfy a number of objectives and constraints. This added feature provides a further design tradeoff between cost and performance at no extra effort  相似文献   

关于制药企业空调净化系统的验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合空调净化系统的相关规范和GMP认证要求,介绍了空调净化系统的验证内容和方法。空调净化系统验证合格才能投入正常运行。  相似文献   

The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is popular in estimating the parameters of various statistical models. We consider applications of the EM algorithm to the maximum a posteriori (MAP) sequence decoding assuming that sources and channels are described by hidden Markov models (HMMs). The HMMs can accurately approximate a large variety of communication channels with memory and, in particular, wireless fading channels with noise. The direct maximization of the a posteriori probability (APP) is too complex. The EM algorithm allows us to obtain the MAP sequence estimation iteratively. Since each step of the EM algorithm increases the APP, the algorithm can improve the performance of any decoding procedure  相似文献   

大型的半导体研发和制造工厂需要高质量的可靠电源,但是,由于静态UPS的局限性,选择和使用一种新型的动态不间断电源就成为今后半导体项目设计工作中必须正视的重要问题。本文介绍了动态UPS的基本原理,通过与静态UPS对比,分析了动态UPS的优越性,并就动态UPS的应用给出了工程实例。  相似文献   

王睿 《电子测试》2014,(23):72-73,34
随着科学技术的高速发展,社会逐渐迈向智能化时代。在当代社会,物流与人们的生产生活息息相关,而配送是联系卖家和买家的重要环节,同时也是物流的关键之所在。因此,物流配送企业必须要充分利用物流智能配送系统,提高其服务质量和水平,推动物流行业的又好又快发展。  相似文献   

In single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), every reconstruction algorithm must use some model for the response of the gamma camera to emitted gamma-rays. The true camera response is both spatially variant and object dependent. These two properties result from the effects of scatter, septal penetration, and attenuation, and they forestall determination of the true response with any precision. This motivates the investigation of the performance of reconstruction algorithms when there are errors between the camera response used in the reconstruction algorithm and the true response of the gamma camera. In this regard, the authors compare the filtered backprojection algorithm, the expectation-maximization maximum likelihood algorithm, and the generalized expectation maximization (GEM) maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm, a Bayesian algorithm which uses a Markov random field prior.  相似文献   

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