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A study was conducted with sows of a high-producing genotype to evaluate their reproductive performance using three breeding weights over a three-parity period in two management systems. A total of 114 F1 gilts (Landrace x Yorkshire) were used in a split-plot, randomized, complete block experiment conducted as a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments in two replicates. Three gilt breeding weights of 120, 135, and 150 kg were achieved by feeding 1.8, 2.3, or 3.2 kg/d of a .73% lysine corn-soybean meal (C-SBM) diet, respectively, from 5 to 8 mo of age. Two locations, each with different management systems, were considered the main plot and consisted of 1) outside, concrete-floored gestation lots and indoor farrowing pens or 2) indoor gestation pens and farrowing crates. All sows were fed 1.8 (Parity 1) or 2.1 (Parity 2 and 3) kg/d of a .73% lysine C-SBM diet during the breeding and gestation periods, whereas a .82% lysine C-SBM diet with 5% added fat was available ad libitum during lactation. All sows lost weight during the first lactation; larger weight losses occurred as breeding weight increased (P < .01). During the second and third lactations the 135- and 150-kg sow breeding groups had less lactation weight change, whereas the 120-kg group lost more weight, resulting in a breeding weight x parity interaction (P < .01). The 120-kg breeding weight group consumed less feed (P < .05) for the three lactation periods than did the heavier weight groups. Initial breeding weight had no effect on number of pigs born (total, live) or pig and litter weights at birth. Pig mortality increased with increasing breeding weight (P < .01) and parity (P < .05), a response that was exacerbated when sows farrowed in pens vs crates. Postweaning breeding intervals and sow removal from the experiment were not significantly affected by initial breeding weight, but a numerically higher percentage of sows in the 120-kg group were anestrous or failed to conceive than the percentage of such sows in the heavier weight groups. These data suggest that an initial breeding weight of approximately 135 kg at 8 mo of age may be best when sows farrow in crates, whereas when sows farrow in pens a lower breeding weight may be more desirable.  相似文献   

In the common goby, Pomatoschistus microps (Pisces, Gobiidae), males build nests under mussel shells where they care for the eggs until hatching. To investigate why male common gobies cannibalize their own eggs (filial cannibalism), we conducted a feeding experiment. Males given little food ate from their eggs more often than males given food in excess. However, males given mussel meat in excess did not eat more of their eggs than males fed with both mussel meat in excess and goby eggs. This may suggest that male common gobies cannibalize their eggs to obtain energy rather than essential nutrients lacking in other diets. Moreover, males ate their whole clutch if it was exceptionally small regardless of food treatment, suggesting that males stop investing in their clutch if its reproductive value is less than the cost of guarding it. Thus, whole clutch cannibalism and partial clutch cannibalism seem to be governed by different factors. Furthermore, poorly built nests were associated with starved males, suggesting that nest concealing is costly. There was an association between how well the nest was built and partial clutch filial cannibalism, suggesting that the appearance of the nest may indicate the condition of the male, and thus the risk of filial cannibalism. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The potential for genetic improvement of reproductive performance in pigs is great. Improvement can be achieved by increased commercial use of F1 hybrid females produced by crossing lines with excellent reproductive performance and by selection within nucleus populations of these lines for improved reproduction as well a for growth and carcass characteristics. The value of incorporating reproductive traits in selection programs is critically dependent on the relative economic values of fat (or lean) and of extra pigs produced. There is widespread agreement that litter size is the first choice as both the selection objective and the criterion to improve reproductive performance, on economic, genetic, and ease of measurement grounds. Although there are few examples of successful response to selection for increased litter size in pigs (exceptions being the University of Nebraska selection experiment and results achieved by hyperprolific selection schemes), overall results do not suggest that selection for litter size is impossible, only that it is difficult with limited resources. Artificial insemination is being used increasingly by pig breeding companies to accelerate rates of genetic improvement and to improve dissemination. Combining data from genetically connected herds and analyzing with BLUP computer programs to make efficient use of information on relatives makes selection for litter size feasible while maintaining selection pressure for growth and carcass traits. Although selection for lifetime productivity is impractical today, the knowledge and data accumulated from successful breeding programs for litter size may help make it the selection objective of the future. Meanwhile, the search continues for useful indirect criteria for selection, from testis size to molecular markers, and scientists are working with highly prolific breeds of Chinese pigs to better understand the physiologic and genetic basis of large litter size.  相似文献   

Virginiamycin (VM), a compound with proven performance-promoting properties in pigs, can also be considered as sow performance enhancer. The present dose titration study investigates the long-term effects of VM on gilt/sow and litter performance. A total of 140 healthy gilts, in 35 sets of 2 + 2 siblings each, were used in this trial; gilts in each set were randomly allocated to the four treatments (35 gilts per each treatment group): VM0 = negative control, virginiamycin 0 mg/kg, VM20 = virginiamycin 20 mg/kg, VM40 = virginiamycin 40 mg/kg and VM60 = virginiamycin 60 mg/kg of feed. VM was added to the gilt/sow feed for a period starting from 6 months of age up to conception of the fourth parity, covering three complete breeding cycles (pregnancy, lactation and weaning-to-conception interval). The feed given did not contain any other antibacterial agent or performance enhancer. Piglets were given exactly the same quantity of creep feed from the fifth day onwards; it did not contain any antibacterial agent or performance enhancer. The lactation period was the same in all gilts/sows (21 days). Results indicate that VM supplementation of the feed improved gilt/sow performance by: (i) increasing (P < 0.05) the mean body weight at each farrowing, (ii) decreasing (P < 0.05) the mean weight loss from farrowing to weaning, and (iii) decreasing (P < 0.05) the mean weaning-to-conception intervals. VM supplementation of gilt/sow feed also resulted in improved litter size and litter performance in terms of: (i) a higher (P < 0.05) mean number of piglets born alive at each birth, (ii) a higher (P < 0.05) mean number of piglets weaned, (iii) a higher (P < 0.05) mean piglet body weight at each birth, and (iv) a higher (P < 0.05) mean piglet body weight at each weaning. These beneficial effects of VM were more pronounced in the VM40 group.  相似文献   

A bidirectional replicated selection experiment for high (H1 and H2) or low (L1 and L2) cumulative number of complete matings (CNCM) in male Japanese quail was conducted for 40 generations. In the S32 generation, a subline was taken from each selected line and selection was relaxed. In the randombred control line (C), CNCM and unselected traits changed significantly over generations. Means of the selected lines were adjusted each generation for deviations from the control means. After 40 generations of selection, there was a 21-fold difference in CNCM (59.4 vs 2.8) between Lines H1 and L1. Whereas means increased and variation decreased in the high lines, means decreased and variation increased in the low lines. Regressions of mean CNCM on generation of Lines H1, H2, L1, and L2 were 1.15 +/- 0.08, 0.61 +/- 0.08, -0.26 +/- 0.04, and -0.34 +/- 0.03, respectively. Although responses to selection were observed throughout the 40 generations in Line H1, the low lines appeared to have reached a limit to selection after the S30 generation. Relaxed lines provided supporting evidence for this conclusion. Mean CNCM decreased in the relaxed high lines to that of the control, whereas the low relaxed lines remained at the same level as their corresponding selected lines. Line H2 went into extinction in the 37th generation as a result of reduced fitness. Realized heritabilities of CNCM were 0.09, 0.07, 0.06, and -0.15 in Lines H1, H2, L1, and L2, respectively. As correlated responses to the selection, male quail in the high lines were heavier, exhibited greater relative aggressiveness, and had larger cloacal glands than those of the control and low lines.  相似文献   

Results obtained by the investigators in ground-based experiments and in two parabolic flight series of tests aboard the NASA KC-135 aircraft with a hydraulic simulator of the human systemic circulation have confirmed that a simple lack of hydrostatic pressure within an artificial ventricle causes a decrease in stroke volume of 20%-50%. A corresponding drop in stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output (CO) was observed over a range of atrial pressures (AP), representing a rightward shift of the classic CO versus AP cardiac function curve. These results are in agreement with echocardiographic experiments performed on space shuttle flights, where an average decrease in SV of 15% was measured following a three-day period of adaptation to weightlessness. The similarity of behavior of the hydraulic model to the human system suggests that the simple physical effects of the lack of hydrostatic pressure may be an important mechanism for the observed changes in cardiac performance in astronauts during the weightlessness of space flight.  相似文献   

Production of the bacteriocins enterocin A and enterocin B in Enterococcus faecium CTC492 was dependent on the presence of an extracellular peptide produced by the strain itself. This induction factor (EntF) was purified, and amino acid sequencing combined with DNA sequencing of the corresponding gene identified it as a peptide of 25 amino acids. The gene encodes a prepeptide of 41 amino acids, including a 16-amino-acid leader peptide of the double-glycine type. Environmental factors influenced the level of bacteriocin production in E. faecium CTC492. The optimal pH for bacteriocin production was 6.2. At pH 5.5, growth was slow, and very little bacteriocin was formed. The presence of NaCl or ethanol (EtOH) was also inhibitory to bacteriocin production, and at high concentrations of these solutes, no bacteriocin production was observed. The induction factor induced its own synthesis, and by dilution of the culture 106 times or more, nonproducing cultures were obtained. Bacteriocin production was induced in these cultures by addition of EntF. The response was linear, and low bacteriocin production could be induced by about 10(-17) M EntF. This response was attenuated by low pH or the presence of high concentrations of NaCl or EtOH, and 300 times more EntF was needed to induce detectable bacteriocin production in the presence of 6.5% NaCl. High levels of bacteriocin production in cultures grown at low pH or in the presence of high concentrations of NaCl or EtOH were obtained by addition of sufficient amounts of EntF.  相似文献   

Oestrus induction and synchronisation achieved by means of progesterone implants (Silestrus; Abbott) and one or two injections of 500 in FSH (Gestyl; Organon) at 15-day intervals was followed by natural service in 194 10-month-old ewe lambs, fed on pasture (Group A, of 101 animals) or pasture and concentrates (Group B, of 93 animals) used to study the influence of nutrition and of induction of a second synchronised oestrus on the percentage of oestrus manifestations, conception rate, number of lambings and of lambs born among the above animals.  相似文献   

Influences of pressure changes within the upper airway on respiratory frequency were studied in anesthetized rabbits. These reflex effects were investigated in two ways: (1) by applying sustained negative or positive pressures to isolated upper airway in vagally intact animals during tracheostomy breathing, and (2) by briefly occluding the nasal airways of vagotomized animals at end expiration. Negative pressure applied to isolated upper airway decreased the respiratory frequency (P less than 0.01). Decrease in respiratory frequency correlated with magnitude of pressure change. In contrast, positive pressures produced an increase in respiratory frequency (P less than 0.05). But, the increase in frequency correlated poorly with magnitude of positive pressure change. A post-stimulus effect lasting several breaths was seen following the release of both negative and positive pressures (P less than 0.01). Nasal occlusion in vagotomized animals was associated with an increase in Ti and Ttot of the first nasally occluded breath (P less than 0.05). Increase in Ti was not associated with an increase in peak diaphragmatic activity. This would result in decreased inspiratory load on the upper airway patency maintaining muscles by reducing the mean inspiratory pressure. Hence, these reflex responses to airway pressure could play a functional role in the maintenance of upper airway patency.  相似文献   

The relation between the thermal stability of coke and blast-furnace performance is discussed.  相似文献   

Buff-breasted sandpipers use a variety of mating tactics to acquire mates, including remaining at a single lek for most of the breeding season, attending multiple leks during the season, displaying solitarily or displaying both on leks and solitarily. We found that differences in body size, body condition, fluctuating asymmetry scores, wing coloration, territory location and behaviour (attraction, solicitation and agonistic) did not explain the observed variation in mating tactics used by males. Which males abandoned versus returned to leks was also not related to morphology or behaviour, and there was no tendency for males to join leks that were larger or smaller than the lek they abandoned. These results suggest that male desertion of leks was not dependent on a male's characteristics nor on the size of the lek he was presently attending. Males did join leks with larger males than their previous lek, perhaps to mate with females attracted to these larger 'hotshot' males. Males at both leks and solitary sites successfully mated. Lek tenure did not affect mating success, although lekking males appeared to mate more frequently than solitary males. Courtship disruption and to a lesser extent, female mimicry, were effective at preventing females from mating at leks, and may offer a partial explanation for female mating off leks. Our analysis that combined all males together within a year (regardless of mating tactic) indicated that males that attended leks for longer periods of time and that had fewer wing spots were significantly more likely to mate. Given some evidence that wing spotting declines with age, and that females inspect male underwings during courtship, the latter result suggests that female choice may play some role in determining male success. We suggest that male buff-breasted sandpipers may use alternative mating tactics more readily than males in other 'classic' lek-breeding species because: (1) unpredictable breeding conditions in this species' high arctic breeding range leads to low lek stability, which in turn hinders mate selection mechanisms mediated by male dominance and female choice; and (2) males are not constrained by morphological markings that indicate status or sex. Both characteristics may reduce the reproductive benefits associated with males adopting one mating tactic and result in a sort of scramble competition in which males switch between tactics as local conditions change.Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

beta-Myrcene (MYR) is a monoterpene found in the oils of a variety of aromatic plants including lemongrass, verbena, hop, bay, and others. MYR and essential oils containing this terpenoid compound are used in cosmetics, household products, and as flavoring food additives. This study was undertaken on investigate the effects of MYR on fertility and general reproductive performance in the rat. MYR (0, 100, 300 and 500 mg/kg) in peanut oil was given by gavage to male Wistar rats (15 per dose group) for 91 days prior to mating and during the mating period, as well as to females (45 per dose group) continuously for 21 days before mating, during mating and pregnancy, and throughout the period of lactation up to postnatal day 21. On day 21 of pregnancy one-third of the females of each group were submitted to cesarean section. Resorption, implantation, as well as dead and live fetuses were counted. All fetuses were examined for external malformations, weighed, and cleared and stained with Alizarin Red S for skeleton evaluation. The remaining dams were allowed to give birth to their offspring. The progeny was examined at birth and subsequently up to postnatal day 21. Mortality, weight gain and physical signs of postnatal development were evaluated. Except for an increase in liver and kidney weights, no other sign of toxicity was noted in male and female rats exposed to MYR. MYR did not affect the mating index (proportion of females impregnated by males) or the pregnancy index (ratio of pregnant to sperm-positive females). No sign of maternal toxicity and no increase in externally visible malformations were observed at any dose level. Only at the highest dose tested (500 mg/kg) did MYR induce an increase in the resorption rate and a higher frequency of fetal skeleton anomalies. No adverse effect of MYR on postnatal weight gain was noted but days of appearance of primary coat, incisor eruption and eye opening were slightly delayed in the exposed offspring. On the basis of the data presented in this paper the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for toxic effects on fertility and general reproductive performance can be set at 300 mg of beta-myrcene/kg body weight by the oral route.  相似文献   

为了研究延长碳化时间对焦炭质量的影响,通过对焦炭块度、冷热强度和气孔率等指标进行宏观分析,并且从焦炭显微结构微观角度分析延长碳化时间对焦炭内部结构的改变。结果表明,随着碳化时间的延长,焦炭中的镶嵌组织逐渐增多,光学组织之间有很好的结合性,减少了裂纹的发生,阻止了裂纹的延展;焦炭的块度大幅提高,冷热性能均有所改善,孔径和气孔率都有所降低,焦炭的反应性降低。  相似文献   

This paper reports the preliminary findings on the reproductive performance of 325 Punjabi women between the age limits 35 and 55 years. The total amount of time available for reproduction and total time used for effective reproduction and the period which has been wasted as a result of socio-cultural and biological factors have been calculated in the study in hand. For the purpose of the present study it has been assumed that the time period between menarche and menopause represents the maximum possible length of potential reproductive life. A mean age at menarche of 14.31 years and mean age at menopause of 44.6 years gives an average length of menstrual life of 30.3 years for the cases studied. The mean age at marriage in this sample is 14.60 years. A total of 10,084.20 years were all the reproductive periods of 325 individuals. It has been observed that out of this period only 8,782.90 years (87.08 per cent) have been used for effective reproduction and 1,201.3 years (12.92 per cent) have been wasted as a result of socio-cultural and biological factors. All pregnancies, as well as breast feeding operate to reduce fecusidability. The various contraceptive measures used by mankind also lower reproductive performance.  相似文献   

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