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阅读是一种再创造,它带有强烈的个性特征。没有个性的阅读。没有创造性的阅读,只是一种“死读书”。我们知道,阅读教学中,学生是阅读的个体,教师不厌其烦的分析和讲解。严重影想学生在阅读过程中个人的高度民主自主性、能动性和创造性。压抑了学生丰富多彩的个性,封闭着学生思维与智慧的头脑。而只有个性化的阅读.才能实现教师学生文本之间的对话。创设民主、和谐,人人参与活动课堂。教师只有“蹲下来”走近学生。走进他们的心灵。才能真正开启学生色彩各异的丰富世界。怎样才能在闲读教学中发展学生的个性?《语文课程标准》明确指出:“阅读 相似文献
教育不只是给学生灌输知识,也还要使学生在充满乐趣的环境中自觉地学习.这首先应培养学生自信心,使学生相信自己的能力.树立明确的学习目标,教会学生自我欣赏意识,教师要常用鼓励性话语激发学生的自信,创设机会,感受成功体验,增强学生的自信心.自信心的良好发展,能促使学生正确对待学习和生活,能正确地对待人生中的挫折,树立满心的自信去迎接失败、挑战成功. 相似文献
新课标要求我们教育的目标是培养社会主义合格的建设者和接班人,就更需要我们培养大批的具有开拓创新意识的新型人才,在这一过程中,创造性思维能力的培养就起到了核心作用.在各学科的教育教学中都应当渗透创造性思维能力的培养,尤其是在大学英语学科的教育教学中,更应该体现学生创造性思维能力培养的重要性和必要性. 相似文献
学生的主体作用,简单地讲,是指在教学过程中学生作为学习活动的主体出现,他们能够能动地发展自己的潜能。学生应是教学活动的中心,教师、教材、教学手段都应为学生的“学”服务。教师应引导学生积极参与到教学活动中去,并充当教学活动的主角,而不是把教学看成“教师灌、学生装”. 相似文献
杨磊 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,(10)
在体育学科的教学过程中,为了实现体育教学目标,教师要采用一定的教学模式,培养学生对体育学科兴趣和爱好,体育学科独有的、开阀的学习和活动的环境,以及充分的观察、思维、操作、实践的表现欲望对促进学生的“兴趣和爱好”的提高,具有其他学科所无法比拟的优势。 相似文献
在英语教学中培养学生的自主学习能力,必须从改变教学观念,优化心理素质、夯实基础知识,创设教学情境、指导学生自我教育等五个方面入手,促进教学水平的全面提升. 相似文献
宫丽娜 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,8(1)
英语作为一种语言交际工具,需要教师使用各种方法和手段来激发学生学习积极性.积极参加操练,同时培养语言能力,语用能力,思维能力,使学生成为功能性目标交际者,能超越具体结构和功能,成为语言创造者,达到交际目的和丰富自身同时,创造或创造出内涵深刻,形式多样的语言. 相似文献
宋敏 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,(9)
影响学生学习外语的因素是多方面的,但主要一方面是学生学习外语的动机,因此,在外语教学中教师要注意运用一些方法培养和激发学生学习外语的动机。 相似文献
刘艳辉 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,(12)
语言是人类传递情感的工具,英语教学就是师生之间的一种情感交流活动.情感态度在很多方面影响着学习效果.运用多种教学手段,营造良好课堂气氛,使学生在学英语的过程中有成就感和自信心,就一定能使他们爱上学英语,从而达到提高成绩的目的. 相似文献
本文通过对目前中学生心理健康状况进行分析,提出如何在英语学科教学中培养学生稳定、健康、积极向上的心理素质,使他们积极主动地学习和感悟语言,提高语言实践能力. 相似文献
医用化学实验在培养学生动手能力、观察能力和分析能力方面,有着其它课程无法替代的作用.本文分析了我校医用化学实验课的现状,提出了教师在提高实验课教学效率中的重要作用,并列举实例. 相似文献
采用实验研究法,通过对学生的问卷调查、访谈及教学观察,借助SPSS软件对实验数据进行科学的统计分析,探讨运用建构主义理论指导英语教学以培养学生的学习自信心。结论表明:在高职院校学生英语学习的自信心相对偏低的状况下,合理运用建构主义理论指导英语教学,可以有效地培养学生的学习自信心。 相似文献
《中国青年报》曾刊登过这样一则消息 :1994年 ,日本某公司举办国际“未来家庭娱乐产品概念设计大赛” ,其主题是 :“发挥您的创意 ,画出您的设计 ,从最简单的设计到最不可思议的想法 ,请您尽情发挥 ,把您的理想、梦想甚至幻想拿出来与世人分享。”北京 8所高校和 12所中小学的 136 6名学生参加了此项大赛 ,其中不乏名牌学校和重点中小学的学生。如清华大学、人大附中、北大附中、中关村一小等。然而 ,从评审结果看 ,两组的冠军、亚军和季军都被其它国家和地区获得 ,北京地区仅获一项纪念奖。我们不禁要问 :“中国学生的想象力哪里去了 ?”… 相似文献
The hypotheses were that Armed Forces Qualifications Test scores would be related to problem-solving performance among Ss with high achievement motivation, that motivation would be related to performance with time constant, and that this relation would be greater below the median of the motivation distribution than above it. 96 Ss were used with a switch-light pattern apparatus. The first 2 hypotheses were supported, while the third was not. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Wood Joanne V.; Heimpel Sara A.; Newby-Clark Ian R.; Ross Michael 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2006,90(6):ii
Reports an error in "Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory: Self-Esteem Differences in the Experience and Anticipation of Success" by Joanne V. Wood, Sara A. Heimpel, Ian R. Newby-Clark and Michael Ross (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2005[Nov], Vol 89[5], 764-780). There are typographical errors in Table 2 (certain values should not have been in bold face). The corrected table is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2005-15658-009.) Successes--defined broadly as meeting important standards or receiving positive evaluations--are widely assumed to be enjoyed equally by people with high self-esteem (HSEs) and low self-esteem (LSEs). Three studies examined the contradictory hypothesis that HSEs react more favorably to success than do LSEs and that success brings about certain unfavorable consequences for LSEs. Undergraduate participants reacted to a laboratory-manipulated success (Studies 1 and 2) or imagined highly positive events in the future (Study 3). Self-esteem differences emerged in anxiety, thoughts about the self, and (in Study 3) thoughts about non-self-related aspects of the event. LSEs were more anxious than HSEs after succeeding, success improved HSEs' self-relevant thoughts but not LSEs', and LSEs focused more on success's negative aspects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Autonomous motivation for teaching: How self-determined teaching may lead to self-determined learning. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Roth Guy; Assor Avi; Kanat-Maymon Yaniv; Kaplan Haya 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,99(4):761
This study examined teachers' experience of autonomous motivation for teaching and its correlates in teachers and students. It was hypothesized that teachers would perceive various motivations posited by E. L. Deci and R. M. Ryan's (2000) self-determination theory as falling along a continuum of autonomous motivation for teaching. Autonomous motivation for teaching was predicted to be associated positively with teachers' sense of personal accomplishment and negatively with emotional exhaustion. Most important, teachers' self-reported autonomous motivation for teaching was expected to promote students' self-reported autonomous motivation for learning by enhancing teachers' autonomy-supportive behavior, as indicated by students' reports. Results from a sample of 132 Israeli teachers and their 1,255 students were consistent with the hypotheses. Discussion focuses on the importance of the experience of autonomous motivation for teaching for teachers and students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
露天金属矿山开采是露天矿山安全管理工作中最为主要的一部分,露天金属矿山安全管理的有效实施将会对露天金属矿山开采作出最为稳妥的安全保障,露天金属矿山开采的管理问题一直是露天金属矿山安全管理部门最为注重的问题,一些露天金属矿山安全开采情况较为复杂的区域想要零风险的进行露天金属矿山开采显然是十分困难的,但是露天金属矿山安全管理工作正是积极面对这种困难的最为直接的手段。露天金属矿山安全管理工作在于加强其安全管理人员的综合能力。面对责任重大的露天金属矿山安全管理工作,不具备露天金属矿山安全管理的基本专业能力是不行的,这也是露天金属矿山安全管理在选择任职人员时关键的一点。 相似文献
Wood Joanne V.; Heimpel Sara A.; Newby-Clark Ian R.; Ross Michael 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2005,89(5):764
[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 90(6) of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (see record 2007-16792-001). There are typographical errors in Table 2 (certain values should not have been in bold face). The corrected table is provided in the erratum.] Successes--defined broadly as meeting important standards or receiving positive evaluations--are widely assumed to be enjoyed equally by people with high self-esteem (HSEs) and low self-esteem (LSEs). Three studies examined the contradictory hypothesis that HSEs react more favorably to success than do LSEs and that success brings about certain unfavorable consequences for LSEs. Undergraduate participants reacted to a laboratory-manipulated success (Studies 1 and 2) or imagined highly positive events in the future (Study 3). Self-esteem differences emerged in anxiety, thoughts about the self, and (in Study 3) thoughts about non-self-related aspects of the event. LSEs were more anxious than HSEs after succeeding, success improved HSEs' self-relevant thoughts but not LSEs', and LSEs focused more on success's negative aspects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献