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Utilizing an educational concept known as the hidden curriculum to analyze the design studio, the author argues that there is a rough correspondence between schooling and larger societal practices, where the selection of knowledge and the ways in which school social relations are structured to distribute such knowledge, are influenced by forms and practices of power in society. Asymmetrical relations of power are reproduced in schools and classrooms, including the design studio. In response, the author has been experimenting with a transformative pedagogy for the design studio, attempting to set up the conditions to investigate not only the many issues of design, but the nature of design education itself, especially with regard to how knowledge is produced and disseminated, how social relations are structured, and how students and the professor come to see their roles in these activities.  相似文献   

Combining insights from the sociology and political economy of the professions with several more recent analyses of canon formation, this article provides a critique of the transmission model of education which currently dominates architectural training. The transmission model is criticized for its tendency to portray students as passive and homogeneous professional subjects removed from social and political forces. An alternative model of educational practice, informed by theories of critical pedagogy, is considered. Critical pedagogy provides insights into how the existing framework of architectural education might be challenged, permitting the development of a more democratic learning environment informed by competing interpretations, alternative histories, and a new range of situated political issues.  相似文献   

在现代技术迅速发展的前提下,仍存在一些工作不能使用机器人代替,需要人工操控进行工作。工人在高温环境下作业时,需要穿着专用服装的研发成本如何降低,以及开发周期如何缩短,将假人长时间放置在高温环境中进行了实验,通过对假人外侧皮肤温度的测量,综合分析建立数学模型,并解决该实际问题。通过建立最优解模型和检验模型对给定条件下厚度的最优值进行了基础分析和模糊计算,通过解决问题,优化结论,来达到研究的目的——降低研发成本,缩短研发周期,解决现实问题。  相似文献   

In this second-year graduate studio at the University of Pennsylvania, students generated different spatial and tectonic models by scrutinizing the dynamic conditions inherent in transparent surfaces. These different models were utilized to address an institution currently caught within a very different metaphor, and dilemma, of transparency: the contemporary public elementary school.  相似文献   


In this article I argue that the study of cultural heritage preservation practices in the context of Muslim societies has been constructed—and obstructed—through specific historical trajectories and challenges. These originate within the field of cultural heritage preservation, through its own history and principles which have complicated the interplay between heritage and religious values and uses. As a result, situated studies of preservation practices in and by Muslim communities are in their infancy. In this article I revisit the points of contact between the emergence of a Eurocentric preservation dogma and its encounter with different articulations and practices related to Islam that are now approached as part of heritage assemblages and debates. I consider specific biases inherent in these discourses and propose, as a result, to approach the study of Islam and heritage in its own terms—rather than as an alternative to Western preservation paradigms.  相似文献   

陆邵明 《规划师》2010,26(9):109-114
英国码头遗产及其滨水区的保护再生实践构建了"物—场—事"的保护策略与框架体系,并得出:保护主导下的码头遗产适应性再利用,不能仅仅停留在物质更新的层面上,还要注重事件的再现与营造,从而创造一种有特质的生态的滨水生活模式;同时,要充分利用这一特殊的城市语言,通过情境塑造、空间的社会实践来建构城市特色和活力。  相似文献   

丹麦的美丽古城——丽伯,是北欧最古老的城市。在公元700年以前,成为丹麦最大的港口城市,也是中古世纪最大的商埠。1855年成立了丽伯博物馆,该博物馆的主要任务是保护这座古城的原貌。对于丽伯古城的保护,市政府作出了很大的努力。当地居民化身博物馆职员,使这座城市更加生气勃勃。  相似文献   

新加坡的历史街道保护策略——以Chinatown历史街区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方榕 《规划师》2011,(9):120-125
街道作为参与构架城市形态的重要元素之一,在历史街区保护中处于不容忽视的位置.对城市历史街区进行保护绝不仅仅是保护几幢历史建筑,更重要的是要延续历史街区形态特色.新加坡的城市规划和设计在多年的实践中形成了一套高效的历史街道保护策略.其策略从历史街区保护政策保障、街区物质形态解读、规划策略制定及规划控制实施等方面对历史街道...  相似文献   

基于对国内外历史街区保护进程与研究动态的综合评述,从物质空间修复、社会经济治理、定量评测分析三方面系统梳理了街区保护研究的主要内容与技术方法;在此基础上提出整体、动态、适应、平衡四大保护理念以及“循律”与“适度”两大原则,并对未来历史街区保护研究的发展趋势进行了预测与展望.  相似文献   

目的:探讨支气管激发试验操作过程中采取的合理有效的措施,提高操作准确性与安全性,并减少不良事件。方法:选用本院肺功能室392例行支气管激发试验的可疑支气管哮喘患者,并对其结果进行综合分析。操作中采取的措施包括:(1)操作前严格筛查;(2)掌握绝对禁忌证和相对禁忌证;(3)排除可能影响结果准确性的因素;(4)操作中和操作后观察病情变化。结果:392例中,388例完成支气管激发试验,无并发症发生,4例患者途中中止操作。结论:操作前严格筛查,操作中密切观察,操作后适当处置是支气管激发试验的重要保证。  相似文献   

2003年以来,建筑师和人类学家萨利玛·纳吉一直都在努力保护摩洛哥南部绿洲城镇的建筑遗产,这同时也是对当地文化价值与精神传统的保护。这项宏伟的事业涉及4个项目,从公共谷仓到部分遭废弃的防御工事城镇等,尺度各不相同,都位于小阿特拉斯山脉上的盖勒敏大区。  相似文献   

历史文化名村在传承我国传统文化方面起着重要的作用。然而,随着时代的发展,村庄面临人口流失、经济发展滞后和风貌破败等问题,而保护与发展的矛盾更为突出,如何保护历史文化名村的景观风貌和传统文化成为社会关注的问题。《安远县老围历史文化名村保护规划(2013—2030)》从保护与协调的角度出发,围绕国家级重点文物保护单位—东生围,制定了古建筑保护、村落格局与周边自然山水环境保护、客家传统文化传承等方面的具体措施,旨在引导村庄有序建设和可持续发展,保护村庄的自然和人文资源。  相似文献   

湖北五峰地质公园总体规划,以地质遗迹景观为核心,以生态、保护、传承、共生为理念,结合具体的景点设计,形成"一轴、两点、三特色、三精品、五景区"的规划结构,力图将五峰地质公园建设成为集科学考察、观光览胜、休闲度假、纪念等功能于一体的科普胜地,推动五峰地质公园的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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