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A machine learning evaluation of an artificial immune system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ARTIS is an artificial immune system framework which contains several adaptive mechanisms. LISYS is a version of ARTIS specialized for the problem of network intrusion detection. The adaptive mechanisms of LISYS are characterized in terms of their machine-learning counterparts, and a series of experiments is described, each of which isolates a different mechanism of LISYS and studies its contribution to the system's overall performance. The experiments were conducted on a new data set, which is more recent and realistic than earlier data sets. The network intrusion detection problem is challenging because it requires one-class learning in an on-line setting with concept drift. The experiments confirm earlier experimental results with LISYS, and they study in detail how LISYS achieves success on the new data set.  相似文献   

Architecture for an artificial immune system   总被引:92,自引:0,他引:92  
An artificial immune system (ARTIS) is described which incorporates many properties of natural immune systems, including diversity, distributed computation, error tolerance, dynamic learning and adaptation, and self-monitoring. ARTIS is a general framework for a distributed adaptive system and could, in principle, be applied to many domains. In this paper, ARTIS is applied to computer security in the form of a network intrusion detection system called LISYS. LISYS is described and shown to be effective at detecting intrusions, while maintaining low false positive rates. Finally, similarities and differences between ARTIS and Holland's classifier systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Artificial Immune System algorithms use antibodies that fully specify the solution of an optimization, learning, or pattern recognition problem. By being restricted to fully specified antibodies, an AIS algorithm cannot make use of schemata or classes of partial solutions, while sub solutions can help a lot in faster emergence of a totally good solution in many problems. To exploit schemata in artificial immune systems, this paper presents a novel algorithm that combines traditional artificial immune systems and symbiotic combination operator. The algorithm starts searching with partially specified antibodies and gradually builds more and more specified solutions till it finds complete answers. The algorithm is compared with CLONALG algorithm on several multimodal function optimization and combinatorial optimization problems and it is shown that it is faster than CLONALG on most problems and can find solutions in problems that CLONALG totally fails.  相似文献   

The paper presents cellular automata (CA)-based multiprocessor scheduling system, in which an extraction of knowledge about scheduling process occurs and this knowledge is used while solving new instances of the scheduling problem. There are three modes of the scheduler: learning, normal operating, and reusing. In the learning mode, a genetic algorithm is used to discover CA rules suitable for solving instances of a scheduling problem. In the normal operating mode, discovered rules are able to find automatically, without a calculation of a cost function, an optimal or suboptimal solution of the scheduling problem for any initial allocation of program tasks in a multiprocessor system. In the third mode, previously discovered rules are reused with support of an artificial immune system (AIS) to solve new instances of the problem. We present a number of experimental results showing the performance of the CA-based scheduler.  相似文献   

人工免疫系统的基本理论及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了生物免疫系统的工作机制与特性及人工免疫算法,且将人工免疫系统与其他智能方法进行比较.还归纳了人工免疫系统的工程应用并对人工免疫系统需深入研究的方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

With increased global interconnectivity and reliance on e-commerce, network services and Internet communication, computer security has become a necessity. Organizations must protect their systems from intrusion and computer virus attacks. Such protection must detect anomalous patterns by exploiting known signatures while monitoring normal computer programs and network usage for abnormalities. Current anti-virus and network intrusion detection (ID) solutions can become overwhelmed by the burden of capturing and classifying new viral strains and intrusion patterns. To overcome this problem, a self-adaptive distributed agent-based defense immune system based on biological strategies is developed within a hierarchical layered architecture. A prototype interactive system is designed, implemented in Java and tested. The results validate the use of a distributed-agent biological system approach toward the computer security problems of virus elimination and ID  相似文献   

An adaptive artificial immune system for fault classification   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Fault diagnosis is very important in ensuring safe and reliable operation in manufacturing systems. This paper presents an adaptive artificial immune classification approach for diagnosis of induction motor faults. The proposed algorithm uses memory cells tuned using the magnitude of the standard deviation obtained with average affinity variation in each generation. The algorithm consists of three steps. First, three-phase induction motor currents are measured with three current sensors and transferred to a computer by means of a data acquisition board. Then feature patterns are obtained to identify the fault using current signals. Second, the fault related features are extracted from three-phase currents. Finally, an adaptive artificial immune system (AAIS) is applied to detect the broken rotor bar and stator faults. The proposed method was experimentally implemented on a 0.37?kW induction motor, and the experimental results show the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed method to the diagnosis of broken bar and stator faults in induction motors.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cooperative coevolutive approach for designing neural network ensembles. Cooperative coevolution is a recent paradigm in evolutionary computation that allows the effective modeling of cooperative environments. Although theoretically, a single neural network with a sufficient number of neurons in the hidden layer would suffice to solve any problem, in practice many real-world problems are too hard to construct the appropriate network that solve them. In such problems, neural network ensembles are a successful alternative. Nevertheless, the design of neural network ensembles is a complex task. In this paper, we propose a general framework for designing neural network ensembles by means of cooperative coevolution. The proposed model has two main objectives: first, the improvement of the combination of the trained individual networks; second, the cooperative evolution of such networks, encouraging collaboration among them, instead of a separate training of each network. In order to favor the cooperation of the networks, each network is evaluated throughout the evolutionary process using a multiobjective method. For each network, different objectives are defined, considering not only its performance in the given problem, but also its cooperation with the rest of the networks. In addition, a population of ensembles is evolved, improving the combination of networks and obtaining subsets of networks to form ensembles that perform better than the combination of all the evolved networks. The proposed model is applied to ten real-world classification problems of a very different nature from the UCI machine learning repository and proben1 benchmark set. In all of them the performance of the model is better than the performance of standard ensembles in terms of generalization error. Moreover, the size of the obtained ensembles is also smaller.  相似文献   

分析了在人工免疫系统中识别器识别抗原的过程中,由于抗原的属性具有不确定性并且抗原空间异常庞大,传统的单一识别模式带来的高伪肯定率和伪否定率的问题。引入了云模型的理论来应对此类问题,用多个识别器联合对抗原进行云决策,达到降低识别的伪肯定率和伪否定率的目的。  相似文献   

将免疫系统所特有的免疫记忆、clone选择和亲和力计算应用于工作流协同机制的算法研究中,尝试着探索出用人工免疫理论来解决动态、不确定性计算环境中多任务协同问题的新思路。仿真实验表明,该算法是正确、有效、可行的,而且在运行时间和解的性能上都优于相关算法。  相似文献   

Urban haze pollution is becoming increasingly serious, which is considered very harmful for humans by World Health Organization (WHO). Haze forecasts can be used to protect human health. In this paper, a Selective ENsemble based on an Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Improved Discrete Artificial Fish swarm algorithm (IDAFSEN) is proposed, which overcomes the drawback that a single ELM is unstable in terms of its classification. First, the initial pool of base ELMs is generated by using bootstrap sampling, which is then pre-pruned by calculating the pair-wise diversity measure of each base ELM. Second, partial-based ELMs among the initial pool after pre-pruning with higher precision and with greater diversity are selected by using an Improved Discrete Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm (IDAFSA). Finally, the selected base ELMs are integrated through majority voting. The Experimental results on 16 datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository demonstrate that IDAFSEN can achieve better classification accuracy than other previously reported methods. After a performance evaluation of the proposed approach, this paper looks at how this can be used in haze forecasting in China to protect human health.  相似文献   

The ensemble approach to neural-network learning and generalization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method is suggested for learning and generalization with a general one-hidden layer feedforward neural network. This scheme encompasses the use of a linear combination of heterogeneous nodes having randomly prescribed parameter values. The learning of the parameters is realized through adaptive stochastic optimization using a generalization data set. The learning of the linear coefficients in the linear combination of nodes is achieved with a linear regression method using data from the training set. One node is learned at a time. The method allows for choosing the proper number of net nodes, and is computationally efficient. The method was tested on mathematical examples and real problems from materials science and technology.  相似文献   

Deflection yoke (DY) is one of the core components of a cathode ray tube (CRT) in a computer monitor or a television that determines the image quality. Once a DY anomaly is found from beam patterns on a display in the production line of CRTs, the remedy process should be performed through three steps: identifying misconvergence types from the anomalous display pattern, adjusting manufacturing process parameters, and fine tuning. This study focuses on discovering a classifier for the identification of DY misconvergence patterns by applying a coevolutionary classification method. The DY misconvergence classification problems may be decomposed into two subproblems, which are feature selection and classifier adaptation. A coevolutionary classification method is designed by coordinating the two subproblems, whose performances are affected by each other. The proposed method establishes a group of partial sub-regions, defined by regional feature set, and then fits a finite number of classifiers to the data pattern by using a genetic algorithm in every sub-region. A cycle of the cooperation loop is completed by evolving the sub-regions based on the evaluation results of the fitted classifiers located in the corresponding sub-regions. The classifier system has been tested with real-field data acquired from the production line of a computer monitor manufacturer in Korea, showing superior performance to other methods such as k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, and neural networks.  相似文献   

集成学习已成为一种广泛使用的软测量建模框架,但是建立高性能的集成学习软测量模型依然面临特征选择不当、基模型多样性不足、基模型估计性能不佳等诸多挑战.为此,提出一种基于堆栈自编码器多样性生成机制的选择性集成学习高斯过程回归(selective ensemble of stacked autoencoder based Gaussian process regression, SESAEGPR)软测量建模方法.该方法充分发挥深度学习在特征提取方面的优势,通过构建多样性的堆栈自编码器(stacked autoencoder, SAE)网络,建立基于隐特征的高斯过程回归(Gaussian process regression, GPR)基模型.基于模型性能提升率和进化多目标优化对SAEGPR基模型实施两次集成修剪,以降低集成模型复杂度、保持甚至进一步提升模型估计性能,最后,引入PLS Stacking集成策略实现基模型融合.所提出方法显著优于传统全局和全集成软测量建模方法,其有效性和优越性通过青霉素发酵过程和Tennessee Eastman化工过程得到验证.  相似文献   

针对移动僵尸网络日益活跃的现状,提出一种基于人工免疫的僵尸短信入侵检测模型。该模型包含两个核心模块,短信过滤模块提取短信号码与黑名单信息相匹配初步过滤垃圾短信和广告;短信识别免疫模块量化短信的签名信息生成抗原,采用实值否定选择算法生成抗体,通过抗原与抗体的亲密程度识别僵尸短信,最后根据用户反馈结果更新抗体。实验结果表明:该模型具有较高的检测率,证明了其可行性。  相似文献   

分析了资源有限人工免疫系统的不足,提出了改进的资源有限人工免疫系统。改进的系统在演化过程中每一步都重新计算适应度阈值,更实际地反映了当时的抗体亲和度的状态;选取的刺激度函数充分体现了抗体距离较小时刺激值所应具有的优势,对较小的距离又不过分敏感;同时选择可以使系统更合理地分配抗体的资源分配函数。仿真实验结果说明,改进的人工免疫系统在网络的进化速度、结构等方面获得了较优良的性能。  相似文献   

为克服传统遗传算法退化和早熟等缺点,同时降低优化算法的复杂度,提出基于人工免疫系统(Artificial Immune System, AIS)实现无约束多目标函数的优化。使用随机权重法和自适应权重法计算种群个体的适应值,使Pareto最优解均匀分布的同时,加快算法的收敛;通过引入人工免疫系统的三个基本算子:克隆、超变异和消亡,保持种群的多样性;在进化种群外设立Pareto 解集,保存历代的近似最优解。使用了两个典型的多目标检测函数验证了该算法的有效性。优化结果表明,基于AIS的多目标优化算法可使进化种群迅速收敛到Pareto前沿,并能均匀分布,是实现多目标函数优化的有效方法。  相似文献   

This study presents a novel weight-based multiobjective artificial immune system (WBMOAIS) based on opt-aiNET, the artificial immune system algorithm for multi-modal optimization. The proposed algorithm follows the elementary structure of opt-aiNET, but has the following distinct characteristics: (1) a randomly weighted sum of multiple objectives is used as a fitness function. The fitness assignment has a much lower computational complexity than that based on Pareto ranking, (2) the individuals of the population are chosen from the memory, which is a set of elite solutions, and a local search procedure is utilized to facilitate the exploitation of the search space, and (3) in addition to the clonal suppression algorithm similar to that used in opt-aiNET, a new truncation algorithm with similar individuals (TASI) is presented in order to eliminate similar individuals in memory and obtain a well-distributed spread of non-dominated solutions. The proposed algorithm, WBMOAIS, is compared with the vector immune algorithm (VIS) and the elitist non-dominated sorting genetic system (NSGA-II) that are representative of the state-of-the-art in multiobjective optimization metaheuristics. Simulation results on seven standard problems (ZDT6, SCH2, DEB, KUR, POL, FON, and VNT) show WBMOAIS outperforms VIS and NSGA-II and can become a valid alternative to standard algorithms for solving multiobjective optimization problems.  相似文献   

We consider the n-job, k-stage problem in a hybrid flow shop (HFS) with the objective of minimizing the maximum completion time, or makespan, which is an NP-hard problem. An immunoglobulin-based artificial immune system algorithm, called IAIS algorithm, is developed to search for the best sequence. IAIS, which is better fit the natural immune system, improves the existing AIS by the process before/after encounter with antigens. Before encounter with antigens, a new method of somatic recombination is presented; after encounter with antigens, an isotype switching is proposed. The isotype switching is a new approach in artificial immune system, and its purpose is to produce antibodies with the same protection but different function to defense the antigen. To verify IAIS, comparisons with the existing immune-based algorithms and other non-immune-based algorithms are made. Computational results show that IAIS is very competitive for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem.  相似文献   

基于人工免疫系统的导弹智能诊断模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭小生  杨建华 《计算机应用》2005,25(12):2774-2776
提出了基于人工免疫系统的导弹智能诊断技术的概念,研究了故障诊断细胞模型、故障诊断基因库模型,并对故障基因库的生成与进化和基于人工免疫系统的智能诊断原理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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