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花园景观可以看作是别墅空间的外向延续.社交活动、用餐、烹饪、读书、娱乐、园艺活动或是简单的放松都可以在花园里进行.花园带给人们的是一种归属感和包容感,让人们忘记现实生活的快节奏和压力,享受自然纯真的悠闲.大多数别墅业主都神往一个赏心悦目的 花园,淡泊宁静、劳逸结合,这不仅是生活的真谛,也是花园景观的精髓和灵魂,让花因为... 相似文献
别墅在国内已经得到普及,正因为别墅的居住者都是白领人士等,因此他们对于别墅的生活追求表尊相当高,如何设计出生活环境优美而且富有生活品味的别墅是设计者研究的问题.本文结合某别墅花园设计实例,探讨具有理想的人居环境的中、高档居住建筑,为别墅花园建筑设计的创新探索新思想. 相似文献
这个别墅分为两个部分,前庭和后庭。前庭为玄关石花坛、停车场等硬质地面;后庭为庭园主景,包括:(1)水池喷泉、溪流、藤架、小桥、凉亭;(2)木质休闲平台烧烤区;(3)花园中间一大块草坪是主建筑会客室及办公室。有一长排落地窗,从里向外看有很好的视觉效果。在最佳视觉位设计了一组喷泉水池,背景有溪流小桥和欧式凉亭,组成了一幅层次丰富、靓丽的庭园景观。在设计时要把最抓人眼球的景观放在人们经常看得到的视线之内,把最佳视觉留给人们。 相似文献
2013年3月,由布宜诺斯艾利斯城市发展部、阿根廷中央建筑师协会(SCA)联合举办的全国性大赛——布宜诺斯艾利斯新会展中心设计竞赛的结果正式公布,建筑师Edgardo Minond在本次竞赛中拔得头筹。 相似文献
别墅始建于1923年,具有典型的新古典主义风格,并于1980年进行了修缮改建。整个别墅花园的外部充满野趣的“自然”气息,内部则通过简洁明快的线条和简练的建筑语言来表达。各种高雅、高档材质的使用更加强化了这一设计理念,如自然石材以及青铜雕塑的使用等。花园主要分成三个部分,其中东面是别墅的主入口,入口处种植着经过修剪的黄杨和杜鹃花丛; 相似文献
这座位于太平洋沿岸的别墅花园经过重新设计后充满了现代美学的气息。在遵循当代环境管理标准的前提下,景观设计融入了原有植物的色彩,并采用了大胆简约的设计风格,从而使整体的设计风格得到统。最终呈现出的花园是由具有现代主义风格的花园改造而来的。 相似文献
<正>你,是否也和我一样,记忆里曾留下过四季的味道?春天清晨青草被踏过的潮湿的味道;夏天正午厚厚的树叶蒸腾的味道;秋天午后不知哪里飘来的桂子的甜香;冬天暮色里秸秆燃烧时烟火的味道。这些气味也 相似文献
高档景观别墅的弱电设计有别于其它住宅,有很多新技术、新观念、新标准被采用,文章阐述了高档景观别墅弱电设计中的一些要点。 相似文献
B. WALTON CEng FICE J. S. BATEMAN BSc CEng MICE M. HEINRICH BSc CAI AIDIS 《Water and Environment Journal》1995,9(4):369-375
This paper outlines the approach which was recently adopted by the Government of Argentina for the franchising of water services in Buenos Aires. It briefly reviews the water and sewerage services in the area and outlines the operation, background and process which were adopted by the Government to secure the franchise. The paper explains the circumstances and objectives, and describes how the franchising process developed both politically and organizationally. It also examines the franchisee and selection process, the bidding requirements, and organizational arrangements which enabled a successful transfer of the water services from public to private sector. 相似文献
阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的建筑和城市规划向来带有明显的欧洲风格——宽阔的景观大道和街巷各种大型公园和露天广场市民休闲场所.然而,在过去的30年间由于城市的迅猛发展布宜诺斯艾利斯也出现了很多问题如交通拥堵,社会不公正。 相似文献
项目地点:阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯项目类型:城市干预设计开工日期:未定这是为一项针对公共政策而设计的概念性项目,旨在大规模地推动布宜诺斯艾利斯现有住宅屋顶花园的建设。该项目获2005年豪瑞可持续建筑大奖赛拉丁美洲区金奖。 相似文献
Bocca B Caimi S Smichowski P Gómez D Caroli S 《The Science of the total environment》2006,358(1-3):255-264
Vehicular traffic is the main source of platinum group elements (PGEs) in highly populated urban areas like Buenos Aires where a traffic density of 1,500,000 vehicles day(-1) (corresponding to 7,500 vehicles km(-2)) is estimated. Since there is no information on the levels of PGEs in Buenos Aires, a pilot study was undertaken to ascertain the amount of two major PGEs, namely Pt and Rh, in the atmosphere of this city. To this end, 49 samples of PM-10 particulate matter were collected during 7 days in seven representative sampling sites located downtown Buenos Aires and spread over an area of about 30 km(2). The collection of particulate matter was performed on ash-free glass-fiber filters using high volume samplers with PM-10 sampling heads. Filters loaded with the particulate matter were subjected to microwave (MW)-assisted acid digestion using a combination of HNO(3), HF and HClO(4). The resulting solutions were evaporated and then diluted with 0.1 mol l(-1) HCl. Analyses were performed by sector field inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS) and special attention was paid to the control of mass interferences. Statistical analysis was performed on the experimental data obtained for the element concentrations taking also into account local meteorological data for the monitored period. The highest concentrations of Pt and Rh were detected at two sites (Hospital Alemán and Casa Rapallini) located in streets with traffic consisting mostly of passenger cars. The Pt content (in pg m(-3)) in airborne particulate matter was found to vary from 2.3 to 47.7, with a mean value of 12.9+/-7, and that of Rh from 0.3 to 16.8, with a mean value of 3.9+/-2.8. These concentrations are by far below the levels for which adverse health effects might be expected to occur, i.e., around 100 ng m(-3). On the other hand, monitoring of PGEs should be carried out in a systematic fashion to detect possible dramatic increases from today's levels. 相似文献
《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(3):346-353
ABSTRACTWhen considering the territorial changes in the Buenos Aires metropolitan border, progressive sub-division is not taken into account by the local bibliography as a component of this space. However, the changes reveal that land sub-division is an important issue that the bibliography should take into account. In light of this problem, this paper delves into the progressive sub-division problem in the Buenos Aires metropolitan border between 1972 and 2012. The elaboration of a specific mapping allows us to see that while we find lot divisions which are consolidated, and in many cases, densified, the bibliography does not address this process of occupation of the Buenos Aires metropolitan border. 相似文献
María Del Rosario Betti 《The Journal of Architecture》2013,18(2):225-239
All totalitarian governments try to capitalise upon cultural production for their own benefit, as metalanguages that reaffirm their values, and this includes architecture. The best-known example of this phenomenon is that of Nazi Germany, where the architect Speer transformed German cities into suitable settings for political display. This can be found, also, in Argentina, during the first two Juan D. Perón governments (1946–1955), under the influence of his wife Eva Duarte, known as ‘Evita’. In those days the social and political value of aesthetics was maximised, and architecture was converted into a political imagery. The aim was to create an urban stage to highlight the image of the leader. It is interesting to notice that the stylistic options that Germany, through Speer, and other totalitarian states adopted, were among those considered. Following the connotations that architectural styles developed through history, Neo-classicism was chosen for institutional buildings, whereas the vernacular languages that appeal to some kind of ‘national identity’ were the option for domestic architecture. So, the ‘Peronist city’ was not ‘one’, but at least ‘two’, solved by juxtaposition and assemblage. In spite of their differences, these two types of architecture defined artificial settings: on the one hand, the city of political power, on the other, the city of dwelling as space of illusion. 相似文献