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基于四阶贝塞尔曲线的无人车可行轨迹规划 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对于实际的无人车系统来说,轨迹规划需要保证其规划出来的轨迹满足运动学约束、 侧滑约束以及执行机构约束.为了生成满足无人车初始状态约束、目标状态约束的局部可行轨迹,本文提出了一种基于四阶贝塞尔曲线的轨迹规划方法.在该方法中, 轨迹规划问题首先被分解为轨形规划及速度规划两个子问题.为了满足运动学约束、 初始状态约束、目标状态约束以及曲率连续约束,本文采用由3个参数确定的四阶贝塞尔曲线来规划轨迹形状.为了保证转向机构可行,本文进一步采用优化方法求解一组最优参数从而规划出曲率变化最小的轨线.对于轨线执行速度规划,为了满足速度连续约束、加速度连续约束、加速度有界约束以及目标状态侧滑约束,本文首先求解了可行的轨迹执行耗时区间,再进一步在该区间中求解能够保证任意轨迹点满足侧滑约束的耗时,最后再由该耗时对任意点速度进行规划.本文结合实际无人车的应用对轨迹搜索空间生成、道路行车模拟以及路径跟踪进行了仿真实验,并基于实际的环境数据进行了轨迹规划实验. 相似文献
We present an algorithm for detecting and extracting the silhouette edges of a triangle mesh in real time using Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). We also propose a tessellation strategy for visualizing the mesh with smooth silhouettes through a continuous blend between Bézier patches with varying level of detail. Furthermore, we show how our techniques can be integrated with displacement and normal mapping. We give details on our GPU implementation and provide a performance analysis with respect to mesh size. 相似文献
Piecewise Bézier Curves are constructed using a minimization principle. Ck and GCk continuity is imposed by linear constraints. The corresponding quadratic programming with linear constraints problem is introduced and solved by duality methods. Bordering matrices methods are implemented to deal with local refinement (subdivision). The result is a versatile tool for defining/editing contours made of piecewise Bézier curves. 相似文献
The objective of this paper is to provide an efficient and reliable algorithm for representing and evaluating the boundary of the interval Bézier curve in 2- and 3-D. The boundary of the planar Bézier curve is represented by a sequence of Bézier curve segments with same degree and line segments in the order they are encountered when marching counter-clockwise along its boundary. The boundary can also be represented as a single B-spline curve having the same degree with the interval Bézier curve. The boundary of the 3-D interval Bézier curve is made up of trimmed Bézier surface patches and rectangular patches. Some examples illustrate our algorithms. 相似文献
Yves Mineur Tony Lichah Jean Marie Castelain Henri Giaume 《Computer Aided Geometric Design》1998,15(9):879-891
The problem of controling a shape when fitting a curve to a set of digitized data points by proceeding to a least squares approximation is considered. A nonlinear method of solving this problem, dedicated to the obtention of planar curves with a smooth and monotonous variation of curvature is introduced. This method uses particular Bézier curves, called typical curves, whose control polygon is partially constrained in order to provide the desired curve shape. The curve fitting principle is based on variations of the tangent direction at the ends of the curve. These variations are controled by the displacement of a given curve point. An automatic procedure using this method to get a curve close to a set of data points has been implemented. An application to car body shape design and a comparison with the least squares approximation method is presented and discussed. 相似文献
Recently, for the sake of fitting scattered data points, an important method based on the PIA (progressive iterative approximation) property of the univariate NTP (normalized totally positive) bases has been effectively adopted. We extend this property to the bivariate Bernstein basis over a triangle domain for constructing triangular Bézier surfaces, and prove that this good property is satisfied with the triangular Bernstein basis in the case of uniform parameters. Due to the particular advantages of triangular Bézier surfaces or rational triangular Bézier surfaces in CAD (computer aided design), it has wide application prospects in reverse engineering. 相似文献
S.H. Roth Markus H. Gross Silvio Turello & Friedrich R. Carls 《Computer Graphics Forum》1998,17(3):285-294
This paper discusses a Finite Element approach for volumetric soft tissue modeling in the context of facial surgery simulation. We elaborate on the underlying physics and address some computational aspects of the finite element discretization.
In contrast to existing approaches speed is not our first concern, but we strive for the highest possible accuracy of simulation. We therefore propose an extension of linear elasticity towards incompressibility and nonlinear material behavior, in order to describe the complex properties of human soft tissue more accurately. Furthermore, we incorporate higher order interpolation functions using a Bernstein-Bézier formulation, which has various advantageous properties, such as its integral polynomial form of arbitrary degree, efficient subdivision schemes, and suitability for geometric modeling and rendering. In addition, the use of tetrahedral Finite Elements does not put any restriction on the geometry of the simulated volumes.
Experimental results obtained from a synthetic block of soft tissue and from the Visible Human Data Set illustrate the performance of the envisioned model. 相似文献
In contrast to existing approaches speed is not our first concern, but we strive for the highest possible accuracy of simulation. We therefore propose an extension of linear elasticity towards incompressibility and nonlinear material behavior, in order to describe the complex properties of human soft tissue more accurately. Furthermore, we incorporate higher order interpolation functions using a Bernstein-Bézier formulation, which has various advantageous properties, such as its integral polynomial form of arbitrary degree, efficient subdivision schemes, and suitability for geometric modeling and rendering. In addition, the use of tetrahedral Finite Elements does not put any restriction on the geometry of the simulated volumes.
Experimental results obtained from a synthetic block of soft tissue and from the Visible Human Data Set illustrate the performance of the envisioned model. 相似文献
L2-norms are often used in the multi-degree reduction problem of Bézier curves or surfaces. Conventional methods on curve cases are to minimize , where and are the given curve and the approximation curve, respectively. A much better solution is to minimize , where is the closest point to point , that produces a similar effect as that of the Hausdorff distance. This paper uses a piecewise linear function L(t) instead of t to approximate the function φ(t) for a constrained multi-degree reduction of Bézier curves. Numerical examples show that this new reparameterization-based method has a much better approximation effect under Hausdorff distance than those of previous methods. 相似文献
Parametric curved shape surface schemes interpolating vertices and normals of a given triangular mesh with arbitrary topology are widely used in computer graphics for gaming and real-time rendering due to their ability to effectively represent any surface of arbitrary genus. In this context, continuous curved shape surface schemes using only the information related to the triangle corresponding to the patch under construction, emerged as attractive solutions responding to the requirements of resource-limited hardware environments. In this paper we provide a unifying comparison of the local parametric C0 curved shape schemes we are aware of, based on a reformulation of their original constructions in terms of polynomial Bézier triangles. With this reformulation we find a geometric interpretation of all the schemes that allows us to analyse their strengths and shortcomings from a geometrical point of view. Further, we compare the four schemes with respect to their computational costs, their reproduction capabilities of analytic surfaces and their response to different surface interrogation methods on arbitrary triangle meshes with a low triangle count that actually occur in their real-world use. 相似文献
For convincing realistic scenes objects with free‐form surfaces are essential. Especially for photorealistic rendering pure polygonal models are often not sufficient. We present a new kind of algorithm to render free‐form surfaces in a rendering system based on ray tracing. We describe a triangular patch as usual by its three points and normal vectors, but base the intersection calculation as well on the viewpoint of the camera (or, in general, on the ray itself). Hence, the shape of the object depends to some extent on the sampling rays. However, the resulting differences of, for instance, the shape of the silhouette to the shape of the corresponding shadow is usually not perceived by the observer of the rendered image. Because we perform a direct computation without a tessellation process, the resulting surface, its shadows, and its reflections appear smooth independent of the distance to the camera. Furthermore, the memory consumption depends only linearly on the number of input triangles. Special features like creases, T‐vertices, and darts are also well supported. The computed uv‐coordinates provide a direct means for texture mapping whose visual appearance improves significantly compared to triangle meshes of the same resolution. 相似文献
Katsuhiro Ichikawa Yoshie Kodera Hiroshi Fujita 《Journal of the Society for Information Display》2006,14(10):831-837
Abstract— A modulation‐transfer‐function (MTF) measurement method that uses a bar‐pattern image for medical displays such as liquid‐crystal displays (LCDs) and cathode‐ray tubes (CRTs) has been investigated. A specific bar‐pattern image on the display was acquired with a high‐resolution single‐lens reflex‐type digital camera equipped with a close‐up lens. The MTF was calculated from the amplitudes of the fundamental‐frequency components, which were extracted from the profile data across the bar patterns by using Fourier analysis. Actual comparisons with the conventional line technique were performed for a medical CRT. The adequate accuracy and excellent reproducibility of the method were confirmed. Furthermore, unlike the line method, an advantageous feature which can use an input signal with sufficient amplitude was theoretically proved. Horizontal and vertical MTFs at the central position of the display area were measured up to the Nyquist frequency for several medical displays. From these measurements, this method has the capability to detect slight differences between the displays measured. This proposed method is useful in understanding and quantifying the medical display's performance due to excellent reproducibility and accuracy. 相似文献