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Graphene has proved itself as being unique in terms of fundamental physics, and of particular importance for post–silicon electronics. Research into graphene has divided into two branches, one probing the remarkable electronic and optical properties of graphene, and the other pursuing technologically viable forms of the material. Terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz TDS) is a powerful tool for both, able to characterise the free carrier response of graphene and probe the inter and intraband response of excited carriers with sub-ps time resolution. We review THz TDS and related THz measurements of graphene.  相似文献   

石墨烯太赫兹波段性质及石墨烯基太赫兹器件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石墨烯在太赫兹波段的优异性质,使其在太赫兹源、太赫兹探测和太赫兹调控三个方面都具备广阔的应用前景。主要对石墨烯在太赫兹波段的性质及石墨烯基太赫兹器件的相关研究进行了综述,并对石墨烯在太赫兹波段的应用前景进行了展望。在石墨烯太赫兹波段性质方面,主要介绍了石墨烯的电导模型、静态和超快光谱响应特性,以及表面太赫兹波辐射特性。在石墨烯基太赫兹器件方面,主要综述了基于光、电、磁调控的太赫兹主动器件,石墨烯基超材料的太赫兹调制器,基于阻抗匹配的减反射调控器件,以及可调太赫兹源器件的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

In the present work, azimuthal angle dependences of the terahertz (THz) pulse emission from lower symmetry, (311) planes of porous GaAs samples have been studied. GaAs porous layers were prepared by pulsed anodic electrochemical etching of n-type (311) GaAs wafers in mixed acidic fluoride-iodide electrolyte. It has been discovered that the anodic electrochemical etching of the GaAs sample significantly enhances its terahertz radiation emissivity. It was shown theoretically that for this crystallographic plane the contributions of both optical rectification (OR) and electric-field-induced optical rectification (EFIOR) effects are characterized by different azimuthal angle dependences. Experimental measurements were compared with the theoretical calculations of the azimuthal angle dependencies; it has been shown that both nonlinear optical effects are necessary to take into account when explaining the experimental observations.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent advances in emission of terahertz radiation from two-dimensional (2D) electron systems in semiconductor nano-heterostructures. 2D plasmon resonance is first presented to demonstrate intense broadband terahertz emission from InGaP/InGaAs/GaAs and InAlAs/InGaAs/InP material systems. The device structure is based on a high-electron mobility transistor and incorporates the author??s original interdigitated dual-grating gates. Second topic focuses on graphene, a monolayer carbon-atomic honeycomb lattice crystal, exhibiting unique carrier transport and optical properties owing to massless and gapless energy spectrum. Coherent stimulated terahertz emission from femtosecond infrared-laser pumped epitaxial graphene is experimentally observed, reflecting the occurrence of negative dynamic conductivity and population inversion.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the techniques and development of photoconductive (PC) semiconductor devices for efficient generation and detection of terahertz (THz) pulsed radiation are reported. Firstly, the optimization of PC antenna design is discussed. The PC detection of THz pulsed radiation using low-temperature grown GaAs with 1.55-μm wavelength probe is then described. Finally, the enhancement of THz radiation from InSb by using a coupling lens and magnetic field is investigated. These results reveal valuable insights on the design of an efficient, compact, and cost-effective THz time-domain spectroscopy system based on 1.55-μm fs laser sources.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent advances in spectroscopic study on ultrafast carrier dynamics and terahertz (THz) stimulated emission in optically pumped graphene. The gapless and linear energy spectra of electrons and holes in graphene can lead to nontrivial features such as negative dynamic conductivity in the THz spectral range, which may lead to the development of new types of THz lasers. First, the non-equilibrium carrier relaxation/recombination dynamics is formulated to show how photoexcited carriers equilibrate their energy and temperature via carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon scatterings and in what photon energies and in what time duration the dynamic conductivity can take negative values as functions of temperature, pumping photon energy/intensity, and carrier relaxation rates. Second, we conduct time-domain spectroscopic studies using an optical pump and a terahertz probe with an optical probe technique at room temperature and show that graphene sheets amplify an incoming terahertz field. Two different types of samples are prepared for the measurement; one is an exfoliated monolayer graphene on SiO2/Si substrate and the other is a heteroepitaxially grown non-Bernal stacked multilayer graphene on a 3C-SiC/Si epi-wafer.  相似文献   

We present the direct measurements of terahertz meta-atoms, an elementary unit of metamaterials, by using locally generated terahertz waves in the near-field region. In contrast to a conventional far-field terahertz spectroscopy or imaging, our technique features the localized emission of coherent terahertz pulses on a sub-wavelength scale, which has a potential for visualizing details of dynamics of each meta-atom. The obtained data show the near-field coupling among the meta-atoms and the impact of the electric field distribution from the excited meta-atom to neighbor meta-atoms. The observable LC resonance response is enhanced with an increase of numbers of meta-atoms. Furthermore, our approach also has a potential for visualizing the individual mode of meta-atom at different terahertz irradiation spots. These data can help us to understand the important role of the meta-atom in metamaterials and develop the novel terahertz components and devices such as active terahertz metamaterial and compact, high-sensitive bio-sensor devices.  相似文献   

潘炜  张晓霞  罗斌  陈建国 《激光与红外》2001,31(4):216-218,224
针对半导体微腔激光器的结构特点,以及腔量子电动力学中自发辐射增强效应,采用光增益与载流子密度的对数关系,引入增益饱和项和非辐射复合项的贡献,指出即便是对于理想的封闭微腔,由于非辐射衰减速率的影响,光输出并不随泵浦线性变化。结合频谱和相图分析,给出了自发辐射耦合因子与微腔激光器的辐射阈值、开关延迟时间、驰豫振荡频率和光输出等参量关系的仿真结果,这对于微腔激光器的理论研究和优化器件结构有所裨益。  相似文献   

在伴随信号的噪声为加性白噪声和大输入信噪比的前提下,采用小信号近似的方法,对微腔半导体激光器的自发发射因子调制进行了频域分析,得到了实际语音信号输入下不同参数下的信噪比增益.数值模拟的结果表明,如带通滤波器的通带范围取300~3400Hz,激光器的抗噪声性能随偏置电流变化出现振荡现象;当带通滤波器的通带范围增大到一定程度,调整偏置电流和腔内参数可以实现半导体激光器的高抗噪声性能.  相似文献   

Based on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system and two-dimensional scanning control system, terahertz transmission and reflection intensity mapping images on a graphene film are obtained, respectively. Then, graphene conductivity mapping images in the frequency range 0.5 to 2.5 THz are acquired according to the calculation formula. The conductivity of graphene at some typical regions is fitted by Drude-Smith formula to quantitatively compare the transmission and reflection measurements. The results show that terahertz reflection spectroscopy has a higher signal-to-noise ratio with less interference of impurities on the back of substrates. The effect of a red laser excitation on the graphene conductivity by terahertz time-domain transmission spectroscopy is also studied. The results show that the graphene conductivity in the excitation region is enhanced while that in the adjacent area is weakened which indicates carriers transport in graphene under laser excitation. This paper can make great contribution to the study on graphene electrical and optical properties in the terahertz regime and help design graphene terahertz devices.  相似文献   

As a next generation of detection technology, terahertz technology is very promising. In this work, a highly efficient terahertz wave absorber based on 3D graphene foam (3DG) is first reported. Excellent terahertz absorption property at frequency ranging from 0.1 to 1.2 THz is obtained owing to faint surface reflection and enormous internal absorption. By precise control of the constant properties for 3DG, the reflection loss (RL) value of 19 dB is acquired and the qualified frequency bandwidth (with RL value over 10 dB) covers 95% of the entire measured bandwidth at normal incidence, which far surpasses most reported materials. More importantly, the terahertz absorption performance of 3DG enhances obviously with increasing the incidence while majority of materials become invalid at oblique incidence, instead. At the incidence of 45°, the maximum RL value increases 50% from 19 to 28.6 dB and the qualified frequency bandwidth covers 100% of the measured bandwidth. After considering all core indicators involving density, qualified bandwidth, and RL values, the specific average terahertz absorption (SATA) property is investigated. The SATA value of 3DG is over 3000 times higher than those of other materials in open literatures.  相似文献   

王祖英  温中泉  袁伟青  高杨 《半导体光电》2014,35(6):992-995,999
研究了石墨烯纳米带横向p-i-n结构探测器对太赫兹波的响应特性,基于载流子输运方程和泊松方程,建立了考虑迁移、扩散、生成、复合等载流子运动的太赫兹探测器数学模型。根据该模型,对石墨烯纳米带横向p-i-n结构的太赫兹波响应进行了仿真,获得了反向栅压诱导生成的p-i-n二极管的能带图;进而探讨了纳米带宽度、i区长度及偏置电压对响应电流的影响,分析表明石墨烯纳米带带隙随宽度增大而减小,响应频率减小;i区长度与载流子寿命匹配时响应电流达到峰值;光电流随偏置电压的增大而增大,并趋于饱和。  相似文献   

The electronic properties of armchair graphene oxide nanoribbons (AGONRs) with different doped oxygen configurations are studied based on density functional theory using first principle calculations. The electronic properties of the AGONRs are tuned by different oxygen configurations for top edges, center, bottom edges and fifth width. The AGONRs for top-edge O doping configuration are indirect band gap semiconductors with an energy gap of 1.268 eV involving hybridization among C-2p and O-2s, 2p electrons and electrical conductivity of oxygen atoms. The center and bottom edges are direct band gap semiconductors with 1.317 eV and 1.151 eV, respectively. The valence band is contributed from C-2p, O-2p and H-1s for top-edge O doping. The electronic properties of AGONRs are changed due to localization in ?2.94 eV of O-2p states. The center O-doped AGONRs are n-type semiconductors with Fermi levels near the conduction band bottom. This is due to hybridization among C-2s, 2p and O-2p electrons. However, bottom-edge O-doped AGONRs are p-type semiconductors, due to the electrical conductivity of oxygen atoms. The fifth-width O-doped AGONRs are indirect band gap semiconductors with an energy gap of 0.375 eV. The projected density of states shows that the localization and hybridization between C-2 s, 2p, O-2p and H-1s electronic states are rising in the conduction band and valence band from the projected density of states. The localization is induced by O-2p electronic states at a Fermi level.  相似文献   

通过取点法得到了由Ingot法、BM法、S-MS法和Te-MS法制备的四种新型p型热电材料(Bi0.5Sb1.5)Te3的变物性参数拟合公式,分析了温度对不同方法制备的热电材料的影响,得到了热电材料无量纲优值与绝对温度的关系曲线.从热力学方面研究了制备工艺对基于新型热电材料的热电制冷器最大制冷系数的影响.结果表明:由Te-MS法制备的新型p型热电材料(Bi0.5Sb1.5)Te3具有最大的优值系数,基于该材料的热电制冷器最大制冷系数可达2.49,较其他三种方法制备的热电材料分别提升了 34.59%,37.57%和25.76%.  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics - A numerical–analytical method is developed for mathematical simulation of nonlinear effects in multilayer plasmonic structures (PSs)...  相似文献   

黄钦文  吴军  陈大鹏  陈永胜  叶甜春   《电子器件》2007,30(6):1981-1984
碳纳米管暴露在空气中会引起其电子特性的改变.使用微电子工艺在硅衬底上制备出生长碳纳米管的阵列图形,使用热CVD法实现碳纳米管在硅平面上的定点生长.研究了不同温度下空气氛围对多壁碳纳米管电子特性的影响.实验结果表明,空气中的水分子和氧气都会影响碳纳米管的电子特性.在室温环境中,水分子对碳纳米管电子特性的影响起主要作用,随着环境温度的升高,氧气对碳纳米管电学性质的变化起主要作用.  相似文献   

二氢卟吩类光敏剂化单态氧光谱及其量子产率   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
陈平  姚建忠等 《光电子.激光》2002,13(10):1081-1086
建立了测量单态氧(^1O2)荧光光谱和量子产率的方法;定量测定了二氢卟吩类光敏剂CPD1和CPD2在有机溶剂中敏化^1O2的荧光光谱和量子产率 φCPD1=0.51、φcpd2=0.83;研究了CPD1和CPD2敏化^1O2的荧光光谱特性及其与溶剂,浓度和光照强度等外部条件的相关性;分析和阐述了提高光动力疗法(PDT)疗效的基本思路,并提供了部分理论和实验依据。结果表明:CPD2和CPD2具有较强的敏化^1O2的能力,是有前途的用于PDT的光敏剂;敏化^1O2是此类光敏剂在PDT中的主要机制;测定^1O2在1270nm的荧光光谱,是测定敏化^1O2量子产率的方便而可靠的方法。  相似文献   

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