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宽频太赫兹(THz)技术在国防、科研等领域有着广阔的应用前景,光电导天线是产生宽频THz波的重要手段.分析了低温生长和高温退火对光电导天线材料载流子寿命和电阻率的影响.在生长温度为230℃和250℃,退火温度为475℃的低温生长砷化镓(LTG-GaAs)上制备了领结(BowTie)和偶极子(Dipole)两种电极结构的小孔径光电导天线.实验给出,在250℃生长的LTG-GaAs上制备的光电导天线产生的太赫兹波辐射强度和频谱宽度较好,谱宽达到了3.6 THz,BowTie天线的辐射强度优于Dipole天线.两种形状的光电导天线皆可在10 V的偏置电压下产生太赫兹波辐射.  相似文献   

The THz-wave generator based on the resonance of phonon-polaritons in GaP enabled THz spectral measurements of organic molecules like DNA/RNA-related molecules in wide frequency range (0.6–5.8 THz). High spectral purity of the generated THz-wave enables even the detection of defect structures of organic compounds, and will give a new tool for molecular sciences. We demonstrated THz imaging of a liver cancer. The THz-wave generator can be made small-size, light-weight system.  相似文献   

Physics of plasma oscillations and basic principles of plasmonic detection of terahertz radiation in the grating-gate transistor structures with two-dimensional electron channels are considered. It is shown that the grating-gate-transistor plasmonic detectors can be efficiently coupled to terahertz radiation. Plasmonic detection response considerably increases if the electron density in the grating-gate transistor structure is spatially modulated.  相似文献   

Recently, the intense terahertz electroluminescence from monopolar n++–n?–n+ structures of 8H-SiC natural superlattice at helium temperatures due to Bloch oscillations was found out. In the present work, we compare the THz emission and electrical characteristics of monopolar n++–n?–n+ and bipolar n++π–n+ 8H-SiC structures at 7 K. The bipolar n++π–n+ 8H-SiC structures were analogous to those on which the negative differential conductivity effect was observed earlier for three polytypes (4H, 6H, and 8H) at T = 300 K. The obtained results allow one to draw a conclusion about common nature of the negative differential conductivity and THz emission effects in the natural superlattice of SiC caused by Bloch oscillations. These results give the proof of fundamental importance supporting the objectivity of postulates of the F. Bloch – C. Zener – G. N. Wannier theory  相似文献   

Optoelectronic techniques for generation and detection of terahertz (THz) signals have been reviewed. The operation principles of THz photomixer sources and THz parametric sources have been studied and recent developments in these areas have been presented. The performances of developed THz optoelectronic sources have been discussed and compared.   相似文献   

The interaction of laser and photoconductor in an optical heterodyne conversion scheme is studied in detail. A dc biased photoconductor excited by two continuous-wave (CW) laser beams with a difference in their central frequencies falling in the terahertz spectrum is considered as the core element in all photoconductive photomixing structures. For this configuration the continuity equations for the electron and hole densities are solved in their general form along with the appropriate boundary conditions to find photocurrent distribution inside the photoconductor. It is shown that in a CW terahertz photomixing scheme the resulting photocurrent contains a dc component and a terahertz component. It is also shown that the amplitude and the phase of the terahertz component of the photocurrent are functions of the applied bias, physical parameters of the photoconductor, parameters of the lasers, and photomixer configuration. The dependency of the photocurrent on all of these parameters is explored in detail for a typical photomixer made of low-temperature-grown GaAs photoconductor.  相似文献   

A new scheme of optical rectification of femtosecond laser pulses in a periodically poled lithium niobate crystal, which generates high energy and linewidth tunable multicycle terahertz (THz) pulses, is analyzed. The developed simple theoretical model allows investigating the generated THz spectrum and its dependence on spot size of the pump beam. It is shown that the transformation of THz radiation from narrowband to broadband is possible by simply reducing the pump beam size. The temporal waveform and energy of the multicycle THz pulses were calculated as well. It is shown that THz energy is inversely proportional to the pump beam size r y , whereas energy spectral density is independent of r y . The efficiency of optical-to-THz energy conversion for pump pulse energy of 1?mJ is estimated to be 0.8?×?10?4. The possibility of tuning the generation frequency by changing the direction of the pump beam propagation is analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have numerically analyzed the ultrafast change of local fields on the surfaces of a large-aperture photoconducting (LA-PC) antenna with GaAs and GaAs: As+ substrates. We find that the ultrafast screening of photogenerated carriers to the externally applied electric field has different effects on the saturation of THz radiation as the function of the laser fluence in the near and far field, respectively. Both screening effect of photocarriers and radiation effect are important in forming the saturation phenomena in the case of near field. But in far field, only the radiation effect is important.  相似文献   

The numerical integration of partial differential equations (PDEs) resulting from passive physical problems can be performed by simulation of the actual system with multidimensional (MD) passive wave digital filters. Due to the principle of action at proximity, physical systems are usually massively parallel and only locally connected. Beyond these properties, the wave digital filters are well-known for their excellent numerical stability behavior and their high robustness. The new result of this paper is a synthesis procedure for automatic generation of the algorithms, based on MD wave digital filters for the numerical integration of PDEs describing linear hyperbolic passive systems. The proposed procedure permits a fully automated software development, based on the given partial differential equation.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种采用脉冲MOS结构测量少子产生寿命的统一表征谱方法,此方法基于任何一种收敛弛豫过程均可以转换成一种衰减的指数函数的思想,应用关以样原理获得脉冲MOS结构瞬态电容差值谱,从谱图中我们可以直接得到关于少子产生寿命信息。本文综合了众多脉冲MOS结构测量少子产生寿命的物理模型,分析了不同模型之间的精细差别。  相似文献   

We report on a subterahertz superlattice parametric oscillator that operated simultaneously at two different harmonic frequencies of a microwave pump field. A pump field (frequency near 100 GHz) was coupled to a GaAs/AlAs superlattice in a resonator for the third and the fifth harmonic. The pump field produced a third harmonic field and this together with the pump field created a fifth harmonic field. A theoretical analysis indicates that the nonlinearity, which is based on the dynamics of miniband electrons, should allow for the upconversion of pump radiation of higher frequency into the terahertz frequency range.  相似文献   

A detailed study is presented of the structural, electrical, and optical properties of ErAs films grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). ErAs layers 1500Å thick were grown successfully over a relatively wide range of substrate temperatures (420-580° C), although overgrowth of GaAs on ErAs was found to be difficult. In-situ reflection highenergy electron diffraction (RHEED), x-ray diffraction, and Rutherford backscattering (RBS) measurements all indicate single crystal growth. Analysis of X-ray rocking curves reveals that, over the range of substrate temperatures studied, strain due to the lattice mismatch between ErAs and GaAs is completely inelastically relieved in the 1500Å thick ErAs layers. Variable-temperature Hall measurements reveal metallic behaviour in all samples, with no pronounced dependence on substrate temperature. Spectrally narrow (0.6 meV) intra 4f-shell transitions of Er3+ (4f11), at 1.54 μm, have been observed in ErAs epitaxial layers both in absorption (by Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy, FTIR) and in emission (by cathodoluminescence). The crystal-field splittings observed in the FTIR spectra are consistent with the cubic(O h)symmetry expected for the Er lattice site in unstrained ErAs, in good agreement with the x-ray analyses.  相似文献   

The detection of anti-personnel mines depends on the soil transmission and scattering at a given wavelength. Transmission spectra were measured over the range 90–4200 GHz for 19 soil samples that span a number of soil orders that have extensive worldwide distribution using a vector network analyzer (90–140 GHz) and a Fourier spectrometer (120–4200 GHz). Transmission drops to nearly zero for wavelengths shorter than the characteristic particle size of the sample as a consequence of scattering. This interpretation is supported by a fit to a standard scattering model with physically reasonable fitting parameters. Transmission spectra were also measured for various liquids (90–600 GHz) for possible index matching. These liquids were mixed with the soil sample and were found to reduce scattering and increase transmission through the soil at higher frequencies. This work is relevant to mine detection using terahertz and millimeter wave radiation for high resolution images through the soil.  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics - Superconducting integrated circuits based on high-quality Nb–AlOx–Nb and Nb–AlN–NbN tunnel junctions, including a...  相似文献   

产生太赫兹辐射源的Nd:YAG双波长准连续激光器   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
产生太赫兹波辐射的方法可分为电子学和光子学两大类.在光子学领域,非线性光学差频方法是获取高功率、低成本、便携式、室温运转太赫兹波的主要方法之一.实验研究了激光二极管(LD)端面抽运Nd:YAG1319 nm/1338 nm双波长准连续线偏振运转激光器,理论计算了输出双波长在非线性晶体DAST(4-N,N-dimethylamino-4'-N-'methyl-stilbazolium tosylate)中差频产生太赫兹辐射的平均功率.在重复频率50 kHz时,双波长激光平均输出功率达到2.22 W,斜率效率12.72%,线偏振度0.983,脉冲宽度71.91 ns.M2因子仅为1.165,不稳定性小于0.487%.根据非线性差频理论,计算出可在1 mm厚DAST晶体中获得4.71 mw的3.23 THz高相干性太赫兹波辐射.这两条非常接近的谱线为进一步通过非线性光学差频方法获得高相干性太赫兹波提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

We present the proposal of a microwave-driven semiconductor superlattice oscillator. We show that the interplay of a microwave pump field with a synchronous harmonic field can make a semiconductor superlattice to a gain medium for the harmonic field. Placing the superlattice in a resonator for the harmonic field allows the operation of an oscillator. The gain mechanism is based on Bloch oscillations of miniband electrons. The gain is mediated either by the interaction of the high-frequency field with the single electrons or with space charge domains or with both. The microwave-driven superlattice oscillator should be suitable for generation of coherent radiation up to several THz.  相似文献   

祁威 《微波学报》2012,28(S1):380-384
电磁波是一种场物质,这种物质在国防及国计民生中已经发挥并将继续发挥越来越大的作用。根据精细化描述电 磁波内容的新式《电磁波-频谱表》,对表里列出的电磁波中电波与光波之间的太赫兹波频谱范围,进行深入研究分析之 后,认为太赫兹波频谱范围确定为0.15 太赫兹至6 太赫兹,即波长在2 毫米至50 微米之间才是更为科学合理。这一结果 对于开展太赫兹波深入研究与应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics - Abstract—The results of developments of materials and structures used for generation and detection of terahertz radiation having applied...  相似文献   

张鹏程  任国斌 《中国激光》2012,39(1):111001-205
采用模拟退火算法设计了0.2~2.0THz和0.2~3.0THz两个波段下的消色差复合太赫兹λ/4波片,在0.2~2.0THz波段内实现了波片相位延迟偏差小于2%,在0.2~3.0THz波段内波片相位延迟偏差小于4%。系统分析了不同石英玻片个数对消色差复合太赫兹波片的消色差性能以及厚度和损耗等关键参量的影响。分析表明,随着石英玻片个数的增加,波片的消色差性能也会变好,在相应太赫兹波段相位延迟失谐量也随之减小;但同时,波片的厚度也随之增加,导致对太赫兹波的损耗增加。在0.2~2.0THz和0.2~3.0THz范围内,太赫兹λ/4波片采用5个玻片为最佳,此时可以获得较好的消色差性能,同时波片的厚度和损耗也在可实际应用范围内。  相似文献   

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