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An initial structure design of MMI 1×8 optical power splitters is reported.The waveguide material is Si-based SiO_2 Ge-doped and deposited by PECVD method.Embedded strip structure is implied in the section design.By using BPM-CAD,a favorable result is obtained that this device has a sound uniformity and fairly low loss.Meanwhile,simulations of designs with certain changed parameters is also implemented for a better design configuration.  相似文献   

1IntroductionAgoodunderstandingofthepropagationPropellesoftheurbanndcrocellularradiotransmissionchannelisveryimpo~tforthedesignofmobileradioandcordlesstelephonesystems.ThechannelbehaviorinurbanndcrocellsisdetenninedbyPropagationofrwhowavesinthetransmissionenvirolllnent.Typicalwavephenomenalikescattering,difhachon,andabsorphonbyPhysicalstIUctUresintheenvironmentSleadtoadiffusionofa~saltteddigitalsignalwaveintoacontinuousdistribuhonofpnalwaves.Obviously,theseeffeCtSdependonthegeometricalande…  相似文献   

Bargaining game between manufacturer and retailer is very important for many distributing channel. The bargaining power would influence the allocation of the total income and coordination of the channel. In grocer distribution channel, manufacturer often complain that retailers try to find new ways to plunder the profit of channel. Alister (1997) found that the sum of product disrepair all over world was as high as 25 hundred million dollar in recent year, and that increasingly turn into a can…  相似文献   

相比于影音系统中的其他任何单件器材来讲,电源处理器的重要性也许怎么强调都不为过.因为,干净的电源效果是音响环节中的任何一件器材发挥出声音水准的源头与保障.既往,很多玩家或许将电源处理器的作用仅仅看作是周边性的,然而,随着近年来数码类器材大行其道,需要有一个稳定的电源工作环境.这使得其有从周边器材升至主角器材的可能与需要.  相似文献   

On the problem of competing channel structure, we present asymmetry competing channel structure models under bargaining power, analyze the evolving process of channel structure under different bargaining power and product nature, find different bargaining power and product nature important role for channel structure, and also present equilibrium result. Furthermore, the academic proof for channel structure choice is presented.  相似文献   

12月01日,韩国ReignCom推出了旗下一款触摸屏幕手机——iRiver Wave。iRiver之前推出的主要是数码产品,不过这家公司对于手机行业也比较的感兴趣。这款iRiver触控手机在年初国际消费电子展(CES)首次曝光,当时ReignCom方面表示这款触控手机将于2009年3月份正式发布,不过现在来看发布日期提前了。有消息猜测正是由于目前国内魅族M8的出现才使得这款触控手机匆忙发布,如果说魅族M8是追随苹果的脚步,那么这款idverWave就是要尽可能地要赶上魅族M8的步伐。  相似文献   

作为广电基层技术值班单位,为应对非法信号对广电设备的冲击,在做好“技防”工作即备份不同信道的信号源和准备快捷的切换回路,更要做好“人防”工作,即培养值班员思想重视的政治素质和当机  相似文献   

文章介绍了MicrochipTechnology公司研制生产的PIC12C508/509系列微控制器芯片的功能、特点及应用。  相似文献   

品尼高公司9月12日宣布CinéWave4最新版本正式发布,该版本功能强大的硬件和软件相结合充分满足了苹果公司的FinalCutPro4的需求,可以对苹果公司的最新PowerMacG5提供全面的支持。苹果公司已指定CinéWaveRT和RTPro4.0.1用于最新版的PowerMacG5。CinéWave精彩的实时,实时在线和脱机的编辑特点对那些被苹果公司称之为“世界上最快的PC机”的后期制作专业人士来说是非常实用的,目前CinéWave最新增强特性还可以用于支持PAL视频格式。CinéWave4具备当今最苛刻的电影制作人和视频编辑人员所需的功能和工作流程,包括以下最新特性:…  相似文献   

日本神奈川科学技术研究院利用自行开发的ARROW型光波导开发出世界上最小的1×8波长滤波器。将比以往小两个量级的直径19μm的微小环形共振器装在盒子里。具体地将ARROW型微小环形共振器靠近呈网状布设在玻璃基板上的布线用ARROW型波导交叉点处,层积连接。其特点是为便于层积,微小环形谐振器的直径可以缩小,且光纤的连接效率也高,首次确认  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了8×8视音频矩阵切换器的设计思想,工作原理及主要功能。  相似文献   

文章介绍了美国MAXIM公司的交叉点开关矩阵MAX456的原理、设计与应用.  相似文献   

This paper represents a low leakage, highly efficient and delay improved 4×1 MUX with MOS based voltage doubler circuit cum augmented sleep transistors MOS configuration with nanoscale structure. The unique newly designed voltage doubler circuit is implemented as an additional circuit at the output of the implemented proposed design to step-up the voltage. It means that the output peak voltage is doubled due to the transient of both positive and negative cycles. This stepped-up voltage may be exploited as a stabilized supply for specific applications. The voltage doubler circuit is not enough to improve the overall performance of proposed 4×1 MUX design. In order to integrate the optimization criterion of leakage power and delay performance, the voltage doubler circuit is utilized along with the MOS configuration of augmented sleep transistors. To minimize the parameter of leakage power dissipation theMOSbased voltage doubler circuit cum augmented sleep transistorsMOSconfiguration is introduced. This will mitigate the redundant unused leakage power dissipation of the circuit. This additional circuitry brings out the aspired level of output voltage for the proposed and implemented 4×1 MUXwith better performance parameters. The whole simulation has been done for the 45nmtechnology. It is finally summarized that the leakage power dissipation is minimized up to 55% just around and the delay performance is also improved up to a desired level due to the utilization of MOS based voltage doubler circuit with the MOS configuration of augmented sleep transistors. In this paper, different combinations of MOS based augmented voltage doubler circuit implemented at the output of 4×1 MUX are represented.  相似文献   

何滔  雷富坤 《电子测试》2020,(19):37-38+17
伴随人们生活质量的提升,人们对于生活需求越来越高,传统的二维的LED显示屏控制技术已经不能够满足当前的生产娱乐需求。对此在新的计算机技术手段的支持下,基于STC单片机控制系统设计一个8*8*8的立方体显示器具有可行性和必要性。下文主要从STC单片机控制系统下的光立方系统工作原理入手,提出系统总体框架,展开软硬件系统的设计和功能实现。旨在能够为三维显示器的进一步发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

低电压驱动微机械1×8光开关的动态分析   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
研制了一种小体积、低成本及可扩展的低电压1×8微机械电子系统(MEMS)光开关。由5V电压驱动电磁机构动作,带动微反射镜绕直径100μm转轴转动,实现开关的状态切换。开关时间2ms,插入损耗<0.8dB,具有断电自锁功能。器件制作采用微细电火花加工(EDM)技术。应用有限元方法进行了器件开关时间的理论分析,器件的结构优化设计,并与实测结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

Using transmission function and diffraction loss function, the crosstalk, diffraction loss and non-uniformity of the 1 × 8 arrayed-waveguide grating multi/demultiplexer are simulated and values of 2M-+-1 and width of the tapered waveguide are optimized. The simulation results verify that the device we've designed has high performance.  相似文献   

针对Ag -Na 离子交换形成的渐变折射率分布,分析了多模干涉(MM I)型功分器的工作原理。在K9玻璃衬底上设计并制作了掩埋型1×8MM I功分器。测试结果表明,这种结构在具有结构紧凑、制作容差性大等优点的同时,其功分均匀性也很好,小于0.5dB。  相似文献   

采用高质量的 YBCO 高温超导薄膜,研制成1×8线阵超导远红外热型探测器。测量了线阵中各单元器件的性能,结果表明:NEP 在10~(-11)WHz~(-1/2),D~*在10~8m·Hz~(1/2)·W~(-1)的范围内。  相似文献   

针对Ag+ - Na+离子交换形成的渐变折射率分布,分析了多模干涉(MM I)型功分器的 工作原理。在K9玻璃衬底上设计并制作了掩埋型1 ×8MM I功分器。测试结果表明,这种结构在具有结构紧凑、制作容差性大等优点的同时,其功分均匀性也很好,小于0. 5dB。  相似文献   

Russian Microelectronics - This paper describes a cascade circuit of a gallium nitride (GaN) power amplifier whose chip area is smaller by factors of 4 to 6 than that of traditional amplifiers on...  相似文献   

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