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“一年之计在于春”,春节是中国人最看重的节日,是人们花钱最大方的时候,因此很多太阳能热水器品牌都要抓住这个机会,推出花样繁多的“春节促销活动”。然而,面对家电、服装、食品甚至旅游等处处都在促销打折的狂潮,又恰逢所谓太阳能热水器的“销售淡季”,商家都在苦思冥想如何通过春节促销。化淡季为旺季,来个“开门红”,取个好彩头。  相似文献   

刘拓 《江苏纺织》2007,(5B):16-19
家纺品牌,如何引爆流行上文主要提到了家纺品牌如何针对目前消费群,进行有效的产品开发设计和包装的问题,此次介绍家纺企业在品牌运作和渠道网点建设中存在的共性问题,仅供参考:  相似文献   

各位电脑画图爱好者们,相信你们肯定有好多是在Windows自带的画图软件中修炼成虾的吧!(废话)可是在画图软件中,有好多在日常使用中不易被发现的功能,不知你有没有发现并好好利用了呢?在平常创作的过程中,有没有浪费了大量精力?本小虫在日常画图过程中积累了一些秘籍,总结出来与各位大虾切磋、分享。希望能对各位大虾有一点帮助,从而创作出更棒的作品。  相似文献   

常青 《中国食品》2009,(22):38-40
2009年10月1日,新中国成立60周年庆典举世瞩目。在这个如诗如画般的金色秋天里,装饰一新的北京天安门广场上,那些威武雄壮的海、陆、空、武警、民兵方队,一架架雄鹰般的战机在蓝天列队飞翔,现代化科技装备令人眼前一亮;那些五彩缤纷的游行队伍和彩车装满丰收的喜悦;  相似文献   

【序】 这事儿靠谱吗? 前段时间,记者走访多个区域市场,发现很多经销商对于“联盟”这一概念的热衷,有的是构想,有的已经有了大致的雏形.在经销商谈论完自身对联盟的构想之后.紧接着便会抛出诸多问题,“你怎么看这种模式?”“其他区域市场他们是怎么做的?”等等,用一句话来概括,那便是“这事儿靠谱吗?”。  相似文献   

7月18日,上海民光国际企业有限公司假上海粤海酒店召开“百年经典·时尚美韵”2008品牌家纺新品发布会。上海纺织控股(集团)、公司、龙头(集团)股份有限公司、纺织科技研究院等领导到会指导。与民光公司有着长期合作关系的百联有限公司、上卧、上床等大型商业公司与麦德龙超市的代表,以及香港利捷纺织有限公司、希杰(北京)商贸有限公司上海分公司的负责人和来自全国各地的83家经销商、加盟商、代理商及17家新闻媒体记者出席了本届新品发布会。  相似文献   

本报告根据本协会从事正常生产、经营业务的62户会员企业提供的2008年度主要经济指标完成情况年报数据汇总整理分析。  相似文献   

一、前言 中国四大发明之一的造纸术的问世,才使得人类摆脱了知识凭个人记忆、信息靠口头传播的方式,进入了知识和信息可记载的时代。毕升发明的活字印刷术,解决了书籍的印刷问题,逐渐形成了印刷出版业,大大推  相似文献   

营销专家沈志勇先生这样告诉记者,当一个快速发展的大众化市场没有领导品牌出现时,那这个市场一定存在巨大的商机。相对于家电行业而言,家纺业的知名品牌显得逊色得多,这到底是家纺行业发展的太落后还是家纺业的时机真正来临?  相似文献   

相比啤酒的激情,白酒的喧嚣,葡萄酒一直是少有的沉稳。无论业界怎么豪言壮语,信誓旦旦,40万吨就象一道难跨的坎。这对一向喜欢做大事,同样喜欢激情、喧嚣的葡萄酒业界多少是无可奈何,就像他们常说“安稳中睡不着觉,太需要自己一大片的处女地了。”那么葡萄酒业的“南泥湾”在何处,葡萄酒业的“北大仓”在何方?这个阳光产业何时能出现人们期盼已久的大飞跃?  相似文献   

作为家纺产品的经销商。每次面对促销活动都头痛不已,一方面,每年的家纺厂商制定的促销方案和促销政策总是千篇一律;另一方面,家纺终端的竞争已经陷入到了阵地战的胶着状态,价格战、广告战打得焦头烂额。辛辛苦苦一年,收获寥寥,那么经销商如何在促销活动中取得竞争优势呢?[编者按]  相似文献   

根据国际统计局统计数据,2006年,中国葡萄酒行业规模以上企业实现销售收入129.5亿元,实现利润总额13.5亿元,分别增长25.04%和19.6%[1]。伴随着行业的扩张,带来的是企业之间的激烈竞争。在“终端为王”的竞争环境之下,葡萄酒企业都将餐饮终端作为  相似文献   

进入秋冬时节,随着中国传统节日的到来,如中秋节、元旦和春节等,葡萄酒也迎来了销售旺季。此时,葡萄酒企业为了刺激销售,会推出各种各样的促销方案来提升销售额,其中就会涉及到企业应如何来设计促销品或者选择什么样的产品作为赠品。本文根据葡萄酒企业促销的特点,分析了促销品  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effects of the 1977 and 1995 tobacco sales bans on tobacco acquisition of minors. Design: Biennial nationwide postal surveys (adolescent health and lifestyle survey, AHLS) in 1977–2003; annual classroom surveys (school health promotion survey, SHPS) in 1996–2003. Setting and participants: Entire Finland—12, 14, 16, and 18 year olds (AHLS, n = 80 282); eighth and ninth graders (14–16 year olds) (SHPS, n = 226 681). Main outcome measures: Purchase of tobacco from commercial sources during the past month, purchase from different commercial (shop, kiosk, other outlet) and social sources, ease of buying tobacco, overall acquisition of tobacco products, daily smoking, tobacco experimenting. Results: Decrease in tobacco purchase from commercial sources was small and short term after 1977 but large and permanent after 1995: purchase rate among 14 year old smokers diminished from 90% to 67% in 2003, 16 year olds from 94% to 62%. Purchases in shops decreased most (14 year olds: from 39% to 14%; 16 year olds: from 76% to 27%); purchases in kiosks less. An increase was observed in obtaining tobacco from other outlets and friends (social sources). Only 2–3% of 14–16 year old smokers used commercial sources exclusively when obtaining tobacco. Daily smoking began to decrease after 2001, following an earlier decrease in those experimenting. No changes were observed among age groups not targeted by the ban. Conclusions: Legislation appears to have permanently changed tobacco sales practices and decreased purchases from commercial sources. Social sources need to be taken into account when controlling access to tobacco. Sales bans should be accompanied by other health promotion measures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the presence of features of sales promotion in cigarette advertising in United States magazines, and to describe trends in youth (ages 12-17) exposure to such advertising (termed "promotional advertising"). DESIGN: Analysis of 1980-1993 annual data on: (a) total pages and expenditures for "promotional advertising" (advertising that contains features of sales promotion) in 36 popular magazines (all magazines for which data were available), by cigarette brand; and (b) readership characteristics for each magazine. We defined promotional advertising as advertisements that go beyond the simple advertising of the product and its features to include one or more features of sales promotion, such as coupons, "retail value added" promotions, contests, sweepstakes, catalogues, specialty item distribution, and sponsorship of public entertainment or sporting events. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Total pages of, and expenditures for promotional advertising in magazines; and gross impressions (number of readers multiplied by the number of pages of promotional advertising) among youth and total readership. RESULTS: During the period 1980-1993, tobacco companies spent $90.2 million on promotional advertising in the 36 magazines. The proportion of promotional advertising appearing in "youth" magazines (defined as magazines with a greater than average proportion of youth readers) increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 100% in 1987. Although youth readers represented only 19% of magazine readers, the proportion of youth gross impressions to total gross impressions of tobacco promotional advertising exceeded this value throughout the entire period 1985-1993, peaking at 33% in 1987. The five "youth" cigarette brands (defined as brands smoked by at least 2.5% of smokers aged 10-15 years in 1993) accounted for 59% of promotional advertising in all magazines, but for 83% of promotional advertising in youth magazines during the study period. CONCLUSIONS: In their magazine advertising, cigarette companies are preferentially exposing young people to advertisements that contain sales promotional features.  相似文献   

通过导入事件性促销的概念,对LAVIN for H&M的案例展开分析,结合案例探讨了事件性促销的整个流程及关键点,并对此流程中的技术性要点进行逐一分析,研究其流程和可借鉴性内容.  相似文献   

食品安全事件的不断出现,激发了食品相关专业大学生对食品安全的高度关注。为提高食品专业大学生的食品质量安全与控制方面综合能力,提出了以食品安全典型案例项目实践式的课外综合能力培养模式,初步取得了较好效果,为食品专业大学生食品安全综合能力培养提供一条借鉴途径。  相似文献   

该文研究了海藻酸丙二醇酯(Propylene Glycol Alginate,PGA)和果胶稳定体系对饮用型桑葚酸奶稳定性及品质的影响。以桑葚酸奶的离心沉淀率、粒径分布、黏度、Zeta电位、Lumisizer稳定性扫描、Turbiscan扫描结果为指标,结合桑葚酸奶的外观和口感来确定保持桑葚酸奶状态稳定、口感最优的果胶和PGA方案。结果表明:果胶对桑葚酸奶体系稳定有主要作用;PGA对桑葚酸奶析水、乳清析出和持水力具有较好的效果;当果胶添加量为0.45%、PGA添加量为0.1%时,桑葚酸奶感官评价较好、各指标最优,其中离心沉淀率仅0.12%、粒径只有0.731 μm、Zeta电位绝对值高达34.95 mV、黏度20.28 cP。该方案的桑椹酸奶弹性模量适中,Lumisizer稳定性扫描结果和Turbiscan扫描结果也最好。由此可知:PGA和果胶通过合理复配构建的稳定体系,对提高UHT杀菌方式下饮用型桑椹酸奶的整体稳定性、改善饮用型桑椹酸奶质地口感、提升饮用型桑椹酸奶整体品质有显著效果。  相似文献   

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