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包装工程的学科结构分析及跨学科教育模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
宋宝丰 《包装学报》2010,2(4):79-83
为提高包装工程专业的教学质量,运用交叉科学的理论和方法,探讨该专业的学科内涵及特征,对其教育现状及未来发展做出分析和评价,确定该专业的学科定位和教学内容,同时引入学科交叉度指数的定义式对包装工程的不同课程体系的学科交叉状态进行量化分析,并指出包装行业要培养高素质复合型应用型人才,就必须改革创新,构建新型的跨学科教育模式和体制。  相似文献   

研究生管理系统方便了学生查询,同时也使教师容易了解学生的情况,为教师的教学工作提供信息,有效地分担教务处的工作,使研究生处的工作简便、高效,管理部门可以抽出更多的时间和精力把管理工作推上新的台阶。  相似文献   

包装工程学科是应用型交叉学科,既有自身独特的发展轨迹、学理框架、研究方法和路径,也从其所属一级学科和相关支撑学科吸纳养分。本文在梳理包装教育发展历程和研究生培养现状的基础上,从学理上分析了包装学科的基本架构和主要研究方向。其基本架构和研究方向与研究生培养相结合,反映在不同的学校里,必然形成自身的培养模式和特色。  相似文献   

创新能力对于社会科学研究生具有重要的意义。培养社会科学研究生创新能力应从学术基础、日常生活应有的研究态度、想像力的激发等方面着手。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the role of the faculty member in recruiting students currently enrolled in B.S. programs in engineering and the sciences into full-time pursuit of a graduate-level engineering degree. The faculty member is demonstrated to be in a unique position to influence such students, providing strong counterforces to a confluence of attitudes and pressures experienced during the B.S. experience which effectively create a barrier to full-time engineering graduate study. We analyze this barrier via the method of force field analysis, and demonstrate that effective recruitment into full-time graduate study must be based on a four-fold strategy of education, expectations, improved B.S. experience and better control of the B.S. environment. Approaches to implement these strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

如何理解设计学科专业的对应调整,尤其是对交叉学科“设计学”对应调整意图的解读,从学科专业建设与发展角度来说十分必要。就实施政策来看,其着眼点就在于建设新的学科体系,凸显设计专业博士学位点的实践性功能,并促进设计学尽快融入交叉学科。对此,整个对应调整工作的重心,必然是平衡且凸显学科专业与社会发展紧密联系的优势,拓展应用领域、补齐教学短板、完善学科体系,这是设计学科专业体系在发展中层层革故鼎新、去芜存菁的思考方向。依此来看,交叉学科“设计学”的设置,就有着极大的调整与自主作为的空间,其学科交叉发展策略应当是比较清楚的,诸如,“设计学”交叉学科+“设计”艺术的开启,显示出新版学科专业目录下的设计学,从艺术学门类调整到交叉学科大类,这明显是将传统意义上的设计学进行了剥离,从而推向适应未来高科技和社会服务发展时代需求,设计学将在国家规划战略中发挥出举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

Background The U.S. has experienced a shift from a manufacturing‐based economy to one that overwhelmingly provides services and information. This shift demands that technological skills be more fully integrated with one's academic knowledge of science and mathematics so that the next generation of engineers can reason adaptively, think critically, and be prepared to learn how to learn. Purpose (Hypothesis ) Project Lead the Way (PLTW) provides a pre‐college curriculum that focuses on the integration of engineering with science and mathematics. We documented the impact that enrollment in PLTW had on student science and math achievement. We consider the enriched integration hypothesis, which states that students taking PLTW courses will show achievement benefits, after controlling for prior achievement and other student and teacher characteristics. We contrast this with alternative hypotheses that propose little or no impact of the engineering coursework on students' math and science achievement (the insufficient integration hypothesis), or that PLTW enrollment might be negatively associated with student achievement (the adverse integration hypothesis). Design/ Method Using multilevel statistical modeling with students (N = 140) nested within teachers, we report findings from a quantitative analysis of the relationship between PLTW enrollment and student achievement on state standardized tests of math and science. Results While students gained in math and science achievement overall from eighth to tenth grade, students enrolled in PLTW foundation courses showed significantly smaller math assessment gains than those in a matched group that did not enroll, and no measurable advantages on science assessments, when controlling for prior achievement and teacher experience. The findings do not support the enriched integration hypothesis. Conclusions Engineering education programs like PLTW face both challenges and opportunities to effectively integrate academic content as they strive to prepare students for college engineering programs and careers.  相似文献   

社会资本对大学生就业起着重要的作用。大学生要在短时间内找到满意的工作,他们必须依靠一定量的社会资本。例如社会、学校、家庭等都可能影响到这一资本的获得。因此,大学生在学习期间,也应该积极扩充自己的社会资本,争取就业优势。  相似文献   

An assessment of a discipline‐specific advanced engineering communications program initiated over a decade ago and those assessment strategies that best measure the success of the program are described. Novel ideas for the visualization and interpretation of the data are presented. These techniques are conducive to an “assess‐revise‐assess” strategy for curriculum improvement since they can efficiently assist in defining an appropriate and rapid response to program needs and constituency expectations. Based in part on the assessment results, additions and extensions to the original program have been made. These include instruction in interpersonal communications, teamwork, engineering research and professional ethics, management and professional development skills, critical and creative thinking, and engineering design and are described briefly to place the current program in proper context for assessment. Positive correlations show that the program continues to be highly regarded by students, faculty, the college administration, alumni, and industry.  相似文献   

工程哲学是新近发展起来的有别于传统科学技术哲学的新领域。文章结合机电工程教育实践,论述了工程哲学研究的一些最新理念和进展,分析了工程哲学对工程教育的价值意蕴,并提出了将工程哲学思想引入到工程教育中的现实途径。  相似文献   

在研究近10年文献资料的基础上,概括了普通高校体育课程设置的现状,指出其中存在的问题,提出了具体的意见及建议,为增强体育课程设置的实效性和社会适应性提供参考依据,为全民健身的开展及终身体育的实现奠定基础。  相似文献   

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