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Definition of the problem Breakthrough discoveries in genomics allow the sequencing of the human genome within a couple of days at a reasonable price. In cancer research, whole genome sequencing helps to identify the molecular lesions that drive tumour growth and thereby provide the basis for the development of targeted therapies. However, genomic research also raises new ethical questions. The interdisciplinary EURAT project in Heidelberg (Germany) addresses these normative questions. It aims at developing an ethically and legally informed practice for biobank-based genomic research in Heidelberg. Arguments This paper gives an overview of the relevant ethical and clinical questions of biobank-based genomic sequencing with regard to the informed consent process. It also presents a code of conduct as an institutional ethics response to the following question: how research institutions can foster the responsible handling of genetic information in biobank-based research throughout the institution. Conclusion A thorough informed consent process and the code of conduct are elements of a best-practice guideline and should be a guide for responsible conduct of all employees who handle sensitive genetic data.  相似文献   

Definition of the problem: Ethics consultation is one of the most important ways in which clinical ethicists can support both health-care providers and patients and their relatives in coping with ethical and existential challenges. The practice of ethics consultation, as performed at the Freiburg University Hospital is described and illustrated by a case report about the problem of treatment termination. The range of subject matters that come up in ethics consultations is analyzed. A research program in clinical ethics is summarized that has been undertaken to pave the way for a specific and interdisciplinary analysis of needs; from there on, the investigation aims at further developing clinical ethics support services. Suggestions for criteria of competence for ethics consultants are formulated on the basis of both the author’s and international work. Finally, the issues of structural conditions for establishing clinical ethics in the German-speaking world are raised and the long-term prospect of ethics consultation as an instrument for learning and teaching ethics in the health-care system is highlighted. Zusammenfassung.   Ethische Reflexion und Diskussion sind in der heutigen Medizin unumg?nglich geworden und fordern eine kompetente Bearbeitung. Die Etablierung von Formen einer praxisorientierten Ethik in der Medizin hat jedoch in Deutschland bisher nicht mit dem vielfach ge?u?erten Bedarf Schritt halten k?nnen. Auch bleibt der aktuelle Stand hier hinter dem in den USA oder in vergleichbaren europ?ischen L?ndern wie Gro?britannien zurück. Das Ethik-Konsil ist eine der zentralen M?glichkeiten, durch die die Klinische Ethik heute zur Unterstützung der Behandelnden, Betreuenden und ebenso der Patienten und ihrer Angeh?rigen bei ethischen und existentiellen Herausforderungen beitragen kann. Es wird die Arbeitsweise der Ethik-Beratung am Freiburger Universit?tsklinikum dargestellt und an einem Fallbeispiel zur Problematik der Therapiebegrenzung erl?utert. Das Spektrum der Themen und Anl?sse von Ethik-Konsilen wird analysiert. Ein laufendes Forschungsprogramm zur Klinischen Ethik wird referiert, in dem mit einer interdisziplin?ren Methodik Grundlagen für eine spezifische Bedarfsanalyse erarbeitet werden, die künftig eine fundierte Weiterentwicklung klinisch-ethischer Dienstleistungen erm?glichen sollen. Auf der Basis eigener und internationaler Vorarbeiten werden Vorschl?ge für ein Kompetenzprofil für die Ethik-Beratung formuliert. Abschlie?end werden günstige bzw. ungünstige Rahmenbedingungen für die künftige Etablierung der Klinischen Ethik im deutschsprachigen Raum diskutiert. Es folgt ein Ausblick auf die langfristige Zielperspektive des Ethik-Konsiles als Medium der ethischen Fortbildung in der Praxis des Gesundheitswesens.


Definition of the problem

Therapeutic helplessness reasons “individual treatment attempts” aiming to improve the patient’s health. Thus, its ethical justification relies on the intended potential benefits. However, reduced (or even lacking) capacity of autonomous decision making and impeded applicability of concepts ofsubstituted judgment support risks of heteronomy and instrumentalization of mentally ill persons.


The analysis of the historic example of the patient Borel treated by the psychiatrist G. Burckhardt in 1888 with his newly invented neurosurgical “topektomy” illustrates the realization of risks of instrumentalization of the mentally ill and, therefore, serves as a casuistic for the discussion of actual risks of “individual treatment attempts” focusing on the mentally ill in this article.


Adoption of the concept of “controlled individual treatment attempts” may help to protect the mentally ill from instrumentalization.  相似文献   

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