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Economic development depends on energy resources and power, which will not change in short future. Itexists and will persist for a long time that energy consumption increases faster than population, and power consumption in-creases faster than energy; The fact that consumption rates of energy resources largely exceeds energy renew rate probablyleads to another global energy crisis. Burning emissions of combustible fuels have badly polluted environment, and threatenedour earth ecological health. It becomes a global task to avoid a terrible ecological disaster. In 21 century, we will face theenvironment and resources pressures in energy resources exploitation and utilization. The sooner we realize this, the better itwill be. We should construct persistent, renewable and clean energy resources system, by devoting great effort to promoteenergy efficiency, optimize energy consumption structure, develop clean coal technology, and advance the exploitation andutilization of new renewable energy resources. So energy resources and electric power can develop in coordination with e-conomy and environment, and more contribution we can do for modernization.  相似文献   

任何一个缓存问题的重要目标都是减少网络中的流量,但在内容中心网络中能量的消耗是一个不得不考虑的因素,包含缓存能量消耗和传输能量消耗.提出了传统的缓存效率衡量指标,例如命中率,和能量消耗之间存在一定的对立关系.提出一种既可以提高命中率又考虑到减少能量消耗的新的缓存机制,并将这个优化问题表达成亚模的形式,通过贪心算法找到命中率和能量消耗的平衡点,并且找到一种近似最优的缓存机制.最后通过仿真验证了这一结果,在内容中心网络中可以达到命中率和能量消耗的一个均衡的缓存机制.  相似文献   

传统电力通信网络能耗调节过程,无法根据通信距离进行及时调整且节点与通信之间协调效果不理想,为此论文提出基于SDN架构的电力通信网络能耗动态调节方法。根据电力通信网络的SDN体系架构,分析目前电力通信网络能量消耗情况。从节点和通信距离两个角度,构建调节电力通信能耗模型,两者协调共同实现电力通信网络能耗的动态调节。实验结果表明,研究方法的能耗调节精准度得到了较大提升,证明了通信距离与节点能耗之间的均衡性,说明该论文的研究有利于电力通信网络可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper explains the losses in an electric power system. Methods of evaluation of losses in generation, transmission, distribution and consumption are introduced. An understanding of the power system losses is important not only to the power system engineer but also to the energy policy maker.  相似文献   

雷蕾  张建  赵凌 《电力学报》2011,26(1):37-40,56
以1990年至2007年中国能源年消费总量为基础,建立了ARXMA模型和GM(1,1)模型,并对这两个模型进行了分析.采用最小化方差的方法进行对两个单项预测的结果进行权重分配,建立组合预测模型,并对我国2008年至2012年能源年消费总量进行预测.结果表明组合模型的预测结果比两个单项模型的预测结果理想.  相似文献   

居民生活用电作为电价分类中价格水平较低的用电类别,近年来成为电价调整的焦点。为体现支持民生,降低学校、部队、福利性养老服务机构等行业的负担,居民生活用电范围频繁调整,逐渐扩展至上述行业,在惠及民生的同时,居民生活电价执行范围的扩大对理顺电价分类、合理引导能源消费以及电价机制改革的也产生了相应影响。  相似文献   

为了研究我国当前可再生能源消纳保障机制与电力市场的协同关系,构建了关于消纳量市场与可再生能源电力市场的系统动力学模型,分析了给定条件下不同消纳量权重制定方案对消纳量市场、可再生能源装机增长以及市场电价的影响.以云南省非水可再生能源为算例的模拟研究表明,可再生能源消纳保障机制实施以后,非水可再生能源消纳量市场及电量市场对...  相似文献   

为了改善城市交通,我国许多城市已经、正在或者将要修建城市地铁。地铁系统的巨大能耗,使我们必须关注其节能研究。地铁系统的照明能耗在其总能耗中占不小的比重,因此,地铁照明系统的节能不可忽视。为了实现地铁站绿色照明,课题组成员到国内多个城市地铁站进行了大量的实地调研和问卷调查,发现了现行地下铁道照明标准滞后于现在的地铁站照明设计。为了使地下铁道照明标准真正成为地铁站照明设计的指导和依据,课题组在大量理论研究的基础上,结合调研结果,对地下铁道照明标准中影响照明能耗的数量标准进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the electricity consumption and economic growth nexus using 30 European countries' quarterly data between 2015Q1 and 2021Q3. We employ the panel unit root, panel causality, and dynamic panel estimation tests and find that there is bi-directional causality between electricity consumption and economic growth. The findings of this study provide new insights into understanding the electricity consumption and economic growth nexus by suggesting that an increase in electricity consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic decreases economic growth. We also investigate the strict confinement period of the COVID-19 pandemic as a robustness test. The results of robustness analysis reveal that there is an even stronger negative impact of electricity consumption on economic growth due to the pandemic influenza mitigation strategies such as lockdowns and business’ shutdowns that cause people to intensely consume residential electricity.  相似文献   

An analysis of the potential of energy management tools enabled by advanced metering infrastructure to induce energy conservation behavior among customers of two utilities suggests that EMTs empower individual residential customers to have a more thorough understanding of their electricity consumption. This is encouraging news at a time that many U.S. states are developing climate action plans with aggressive targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

居民侧用电量在社会总用电量中占有较大比重,但用电效率低。针对该问题,首先提出多用户智能电能表改进法和三相电能表改进法两种分路计量方法,并建立基于分时电价和分路计量的家庭负荷调控模型,以实现平衡电网负荷、减少电网容量投资的目的。其次,设计了基于智慧能源网关的多表合采技术方案,并提出家庭用能情况展示与用能建议推送方法,研究了各类用能方式、用能场景下用能成本计算方法,实现以家庭用能成本最小为目标的家庭用能建议智能推送。  相似文献   

能源电力要与经济和环境协调发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济增长对能源@电力依赖关系的规律短期内不会逆转,能源消费增长快于人口增长、电力消费增长快于能源消费增长的历史趋势仍将长期持续下去.能源资源的消费速率远远超过资源的可再生能力,使再次爆发全球性能源危机的可能性依然存在.可燃矿物燃料燃烧后的排泄物对环境的污染已经严重地威胁地球的健康,避免一场可怕的生态浩劫是全球的任务.21世纪,我国在能源开发利用方面将面临资源和环境两大压力,必须及早引起我们的高度重视.要大力提倡能效革命、优化能源消费结构、发展洁净煤技术、推进新能源和可再生能源的开发利用,致力建设一个持久、再生、干净的能源体系,使能源与经济和环境协调发展,才能为21世纪我国的社会现代化做出更大的贡献.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe, first, the present status and the tasks toward the future of energy systems in Japan from the viewpoint of 3E +S. 3E +S means energy security, environmental conservation, economic efficiency, and safety. Second, we describe the future energy society in 2030 and 2050, respectively. We introduce a large picture of the total energy system considering the energy resources, conversion, transportation, storage, consumption, control, and system architecture. For the image of 2030, the Japanese government has already announced the middle‐term (2030) energy demand and supply on July 16, 2015. For 2050, we assume three cases regarding the renewable energy installations: the status quo of 2030 covering 22–24% of the total consumption, and 50 and 100% of the total consumption. In the last section, we describe smart technologies to support the envisioned society in 2030 and 2050. We also introduce the reference architecture model. To achieve 80% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG ) emission in 2050, the innovations at the consumer side, such as the large‐scale renewable energy resources and storage installations, utilization of electrified vehicles, distributed energy management systems including virtual power plants, and system integration, will become very important in addition to innovations at the supply side. © 2017 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

《The Electricity Journal》2021,34(10):107045
Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest access to modern energy and highest urbanisation and population growth rates in the world. The increasing population and its move towards urban areas are expected to exert pressure on existing energy infrastructures and government budgets, introducing uncertainty in the path that future resource consumption might take. Research on the effects of demographic changes on energy use in Sub-Saharan Africa is scarce, with a few studies that only look at this issue tangentially. This research investigates the effect of urbanisation on total energy consumption and electricity consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study estimates this effect using panel data for 49 Sub-Saharan African countries for the period 1980–2014. The size and significance of the urbanisation variable, measured as the total number of people living in urban areas, is estimated for total energy consumption, total electricity consumption and electricity consumption per capita. To isolate the effect of the urbanisation variable, the analysis controls for several demographic and socio-economic variables. Recognising the political aspects of energy infrastructures and investment, the analysis control for governance, a novel addition in these types of studies. There are two main findings: urbanisation has a positive and significant effect on total energy consumption, the size and significance of this effect varies across country income groups; urbanisation has a negative effect on total electricity consumption and electricity consumption per capita, the size and significance of which varies across country income groups.  相似文献   

基于我国能源的利用现状,对我国单位GDP能耗和单位GDP电耗的变化趋势进行了分析.着重针对近20余年来我国发电机组的年平均供电煤耗的变化进行分析并采用三次指数平滑模型对未来年平均供电煤耗的变化趋势做出预测.根据预测结果,对优化火电结构的战略问题进行了研究,结合我国目前电源结构的实际情况,论述了调整电源结构的重要性,提出了调整电源结构,达到节能降耗目标的具体措施.  相似文献   

Global and regional climate changes produce a significant effect on energy production and consumption, especially on heating and air conditioning in residential, industrial, commercial, and office rooms. In Russia, with its contracting climate conditions, energy consumption varies a lot in different regions. Thus, we have to review the dynamics of energy consumption during the cold season individually for each region of the country. We analyzed the dynamics of duration and temperature of the heating season in Moscow region and completed a comparative study of heat energy consumption, actual and calculated based on the 'degreedays' concept, in the municipal economy of Moscow during the last decade. Based on the actual data analysis, we proved that conservation of energy resources in a large city relies not so much on a shortening of the heating period as on the growth of atmospheric air temperature in winter. The projected climate warming in the Moscow region in the nearest decades, along with measures of energy conservation, will promote a significant reduction in energy consumption of the municipal economy in winter. The results shown in this article were obtained in the process of preparing and implementing project no. 16-17-00114 by the Russian Science Foundation “Analysis of an impact of the regional climate change on the residential and commercial energy consumption of Russian megacities,” within the main area of focus of the Russian Science Foundation, which is “Fundamental Research and Exploration in Main Topical Areas of Focus.” The project was implemented within the framework of the scientific area of focus, which is “Reduction of the Risk and Mitigation of Consequences of Natural and Man-made Disasters” (“Studying Economical, Political, and Social Consequences of Global Climate Changes” problem).  相似文献   

近年来,随着新能源快速发展,中国局部地区消纳形势严峻,在深入分析中国新能源并网消纳现况及存在主要问题基础上,从电源侧、电网侧、负荷侧以及市场机制设计等4个方面,研究提出“十三五”促进中国新能源大规模开发和消纳的关键举措。通过时序生产模拟方法,对2020年新能源消纳能力进行多情景分析,研究各项措施对提高新能源消纳能力的贡献程度,分析实现新能源消纳目标存在的不确定性,提出通过推动相关各方共同努力促进新能源消纳的重点措施,力争到2020年将弃风弃光率控制在5%以内的合理范围。  相似文献   

分布式能源发电的不确定性给电网公司消纳新能源带来了极大的挑战,电力物联网全域感知技术为分布式能源消纳提供了有效的数据支撑,故提出了一种基于源网荷互动的分布式能源消纳方法,构建了分布式能源总功率预测方法,采用自回归移动平均算法对新能源发电功率进行预测,并建立分布式能源发电波动影响因子,分析新能源发电波动对电网带来的影响。根据源网荷的互动情况,采用离群点自趋优算法,实现新能源机组有功功率精准控制,有效推动分布式能源的消纳。仿真验证表明:采用离群点自趋优的新能源机组控制算法能根据电网运行情况,自动调控分布式能源、电网资源,实现分布式能源最大化消纳,有效提高了园区分布式能源的经济运行水平。  相似文献   

Suppose a special district (group) that is composed of multiple companies (agents) imposed energy demand. We have proposed a distributed energy management system (DEMS) that optimizes energy consumption of a group through energy trading in the group. In this paper, we propose an efficient operation planning method for DEMS with storage device. At first, we formulate the optimization problem for agents. Second, we propose a method to search a unit commitment state that depends on group composition. We confirmed that the proposed method enables efficient use of generators in groups.  相似文献   

随着新能源装机容量的不断提升,新能源高占比系统弃风弃光问题严峻,开展新能源消纳问题研究,精确定位新能源消纳阻力对提升新能源消纳措施的制定有重要意义。文中提出一种面向网络节点的电力系统新能源消纳阻力精细化评估方法。首先,基于潮流追踪算法将网络节点潮流划分为常规机组注入、新能源注入和负荷流出三部分;其次,从网络节点角度建立调峰、调频及节点电压偏差约束与新能源消纳的数学关系模型,计及三者耦合关系分析网络节点弃电情况;然后,构建基于网络节点的新能源消纳阻力评估模型并求解,定位系统中新能源消纳的关键节点,明确各节点新能源消纳制约因素并量化新能源消纳阻力;最后,基于改进IEEE 39节点系统设计算例,验证了评估方法的有效性。所提评估方法可为电力部门采取措施以提升新能源消纳提供依据。  相似文献   

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