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提升管-下行床耦合反应器内颗粒混合行为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
刘会娥  杨艳辉  魏飞  金涌 《化工学报》2002,53(3):302-306
引 言循环流化床中气固两相的流动有两种不同的方式 :提升管中为气固并流上行的逆重力场运动 ,下行床中为气固并流下行的顺重力场运动 .其差异表现为提升管内颗粒浓度、速度以及气体速度在径向上严重的不均匀 ,颗粒浓度概率密度分布以及速度的瞬时信号都表明了颗粒团 -空穴两相结构的存在[1] ,一些研究[2 ,3] 还发现提升管中颗粒的停留时间分布 (RTD)曲线存在较大的拖尾甚至出现双峰 ,研究者认为提升管内存在弥散颗粒和颗粒团两种不同的混合机理 ;下行床则比提升管大大改善 ,气固速度、颗粒浓度沿径向分布要均匀得多 ,颗粒的RTD曲线…  相似文献   

采用轴径向二维扩散模型对提升管-下行床耦合反应器催化裂化反应进行了数学模拟,并与提升管及下行床进行了对比.结果表明,在下行床之前耦合一段适当长度的提升管不仅可以保证原料具有较高的转化率,而且可以保证目的产品的选择性较高,缩短达到相同产品收率所需的下行床长度.这种耦合反应器充分利用了提升管与下行床各自的优势,并可以根据具体的原料及产品需求调整进料的位置以改变提升段与下行段的长度比例,实现柔性操作.  相似文献   

提升管-环流床耦合反应器环流床内的固含率分布   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对催化汽油辅助反应器改质降烯烃技术,在提升管-环流床耦合反应器大型冷模实验装置上,研究了上部环流床内局部固含率分布及操作条件的影响,采用径向不均匀指数分析比较了提升管上端耦合环流床及耦合常规流化床的流化质量. 结果表明,环流床内固含率随表观气速增加而减小,导流筒底部固含率随外循环强度增加而增加,中上部固含率受外循环强度影响较小,环隙内固含率随外循环强度增加略有降低. 当导流筒内表观气速Ug,d<0.85 m/s时,固含率径向分布的均匀性沿轴向向上逐渐变好,当Ug,d≥0.85 m/s时,则沿轴向向上先变好,在导流筒出口处又变差;环隙内固含率分布趋于均匀的程度依次为环隙中部>环隙下部>环隙上部. 相同条件下,环流床内固含率分布的径向不均匀指数小于常规流化床.  相似文献   

气固下行床超短接触反应器催化技术及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘宏巍  李健  韩毅 《辽宁化工》2009,38(7):494-495
介绍了超短接触反应器的工业应用及其发展现状,指出气固下行床超短接触反应是一项新的催化工艺,它将过去气固上行逆重力场运动改变成气固下行顺重力场运动,从而减少了返混、缩短停留时间,能大幅度提高轻油收率。该反应系统也比较容易实现提升管催化裂化、催化裂解装置的改造,有利于降低装置建、改造成本。  相似文献   

陈恒志  李洪钟 《化工学报》2005,56(3):455-461
在一套内径为80 mm,高5.6 m的新型下行循环流化床内,以硅胶、FCC催化剂以及玻璃珠等颗粒为实验物料,在颗粒循环流率最高达600 kg&#8226;m-2&#8226;s-1,床层颗粒平均浓度达14%的条件下,进行了低气速、高浓度下行床内气固流动特性的研究.实验结果表明:高浓度下颗粒浓度的波动特性与低密度的有所差异.在低浓度操作条件下,颗粒浓度的概率分布曲线为单峰,而在高浓度下,概率密度分布曲线近似为水平直线;床层颗粒浓度随固体颗粒循环流率的增加而提高,颗粒直径及密度小的物料容易达到高的床层浓度,密度大而流动性好的物料容易达到高的颗粒循环流率;在低密度操作条件下,下行床内气固沿轴向流动过程可分为两个区域:加速区以及恒速区;而在高浓度操作条件下,可分为3个区域:加速区、恒速区以及出口受限区.  相似文献   

16m高气固提升管中的压力梯度与流动行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在较宽操作条件范围对16m高提升管中气-固两相流(空气-FCC颗粒)的压力梯度进行了实验测试,进一步揭示了快速流态化和密相气力输送这两种流动形态的动力学特征及其与操作参数的关系。结果表明,在表观气速增大的过程中气固提升管中的轴向压力梯度并非总是不断趋于均匀分布;提升管高度对快速流态化到密相气力输送状态的过渡有重要影响,对于给定的表观气速,提升管高度增加将使过渡点所应的颗粒循环量和床层颗粒浓度都减小。本实验条件下所有过滤点对应的床层颗粒浓度较为一致,平均为0.0104,并由此得到过渡点操作参数Ug与Gs的关联式。本文研究表明,在以往工作基础上进一步研究提升管高度对流动行为的影响极有必要。  相似文献   

提升管内气固流动行为的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用计算流体力学软件Fluent,对空气为连续相、固相为催化裂化反应催化剂的循环流化床提升管内的气固流动行为进行模拟。采用用户自定义函数引入颗粒与壁面的恢复系数和颗粒的镜面反射系数,对颗粒在边壁处的部分滑移运动进行描述。采用不同的计算动力学模型及参数,数值模拟了径向颗粒浓度、轴向床层压降的空间分布,以及用以描述颗粒脉动动能的颗粒温度与固含率的关系,并与文献报道的实验和数值模拟结果进行对比分析。结果表明,选取的颗粒动力学理论模型及参数、颗粒部分滑移边界条件及气固曳力模型,可计算得到合理的颗粒轴向及径向分布,验证了提升管中存在典型的径向环核流动结构和轴向压降分布。进一步分析表明固含率显著影响颗粒温度,当固含率为0.05~0.1,颗粒温度存在转折区。  相似文献   

针对重油残渣(沥青颗粒)气化制氢工艺,在流化床-提升管耦合反应器大型冷模实验装置上,考察了不同操作条件下沥青颗粒体系在耦合反应器内截面平均密度的轴向分布. 结果表明,对单组分沥青颗粒体系,耦合反应器适宜的操作条件为:提升管表观气速ug,r=0.70~1.76 m/s;与A类颗粒相比,沥青颗粒在耦合反应器内的流动特性呈现不同的特点,整个反应器沿轴向可分为底部流化床密相区、提升管底部低密度区、提升管颗粒密度重整区、提升管加速区、充分发展区和出口约束区6个区域;反应器内截面平均密度随颗粒质量流率增大而增大,随表观气速增大而减小;确定了耦合反应器内提升管区域截面平均固含率的影响参数为ep', Fr及H/Dr,并利用实验数据回归了平均固含率的轴向分布经验模型,其计算值与实验值吻合较好.  相似文献   

气固循环床提升管内的局部颗粒浓度及流动发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用反射式光纤浓度探头对f100mm×15.1m循环床提升管8个轴向截面上11个径向位置的局部颗粒浓度进行了测量, 分析研究了颗粒浓度径向分布的不均匀性及其沿轴向的发展变化。结果表明:提升管内气固两相流的发展并不同步,而是一个由核心区向边壁区逐渐扩展,并最终达到总体充分发展的过程,该过程主要受边壁区发展过程所控制;相对于核心区,边壁区的发展不仅显著缓慢,而且受操作条件的影响也较显著。实验还发现:在颗粒加速段,无因次颗粒浓度的径向分布不具有相似性,不仅与径向位置有关,而且还与床层截面高度有关。  相似文献   

下行床气固两相流动计算流体力学模拟   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
程易  魏飞  郑雨  金涌  郭印诚  林文漪 《化工学报》2000,51(3):344-352
基于颗粒相动力学理论 ,对层流机制表达的气固两相流体力学模型采用Reynolds平均的方法获得气固两相流的湍流模型描述 .其中 ,气相湍流行为以k -ε模型描述 ;颗粒相的碰撞行为以颗粒流的动力学模型表达 ;而湍流行为以kp 模型描述 .因此建立的k -ε -Θ -kp 模型综合考虑了气相和颗粒相的湍流运动以及颗粒的碰撞行为 .依据此模型建立了三维流体力学求解程序并对下行床气固两相流动行为进行了模型预测 .讨论了恢复系数的选取及壁效应假设 ,从机理上分析并考察了 3种模型的预测能力 .针对内径 1 40mm、高 7m的下行床冷态设备 ,在较宽的操作范围内 ,对比了详细的颗粒浓度和速度径向分布以及轴向参数分布 ,并对下行床的放大行为进行了预测 .  相似文献   

Z.Q Li  C.N Wu  F Wei  Y Jin 《Powder Technology》2004,139(3):214-220
Experiments were carried out in a specially designed high-density coupled circulating fluidized bed system. Fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) particles (ρp=1300 kg/m3, dp=69 μm) were used. When the solids circulation flux is 400 kg/m2·s, the apparent solids holdup exceeds 20% near the top of the riser A, and the volumetric solids fraction (apparent solids holdup) is larger than 5.2% in the fully developed region of the downer. Hence, a high particle suspension density covers the entire coupled CFB system. Under the high-density conditions, the primary air rate had a small influence on the solids circulation flux, while the secondary air rate had an important effect on it. The results indicate a particle acceleration region and a fully developed region were identified along the downer from the pressure gradient profiles. In the fully developed region of the downer, the volumetric solids fraction increases with increasing solids circulation flux or decreasing superficial gas velocity U1.  相似文献   

引言Geldart A类颗粒气-固环流技术是一种利用气-液环流原理,并结合气-固聚式流化体系特点而开发的一种新型流态化技术[1],具有气固接触效率高、传质传热性能好等优点,被广泛用于石油炼制领域中的催化裂化汽提器、提升管出口粗旋快分的预汽提器、外取热器、石油焦燃烧器和降烯烃反应器等装备中[2]。  相似文献   

Comparison of flow development in high density downer and riser reactors is experimentally investigated using fluid catalytic cracking particles with very high solids circulation rate up to 700 kg/m2s for the first time. Results show that both axial and radial flow structures are more uniform in downers compared to riser reactors even at very high density conditions, although the solids distribution becomes less uniform in the high density downer. Solids acceleration is much faster in the downer compared to the riser reactor indicating a shorter length of flow development and residence time, which is beneficial to the chemical reactions requiring short contact time and high product selectivity. Slip velocity in risers and downers is also first compared at high density conditions. The slip velocity in the downer is much smaller than in the riser for the same solids holdup indicating less particle aggregation and better gas‐solids contacting in the downer reactors. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 1172–1183, 2015  相似文献   

The axial pressure drop profile and the radial solids distribution were measured in a circulating fluidized bed for evaluating the effects of return gas-solids stream position on the riser flow properties.The saturation carrying capacity of gas for Geldart B typed particles and the flow mode of return gas-solids stream in the bed were discussed.It was found that arranging the inlet at a higher position of the riser would make the bottom bed leaner when U0 was high and Gs was low.When Gs increased,the longer influenced region of return particles and a small air-staging through lifting the loosening air injection position made the bottom bed become denser significantly.The deceleration and residence of return particles caused a relatively denser but asymmetrical region in the vicinity of inlet.But much more symmetrical solids distribution profile was found in the upper and lower regions far away from the inlet.The effects of inlet height on the flow properties of the riser with air-staging also were analyzed.The secondary air injection below the solids inlet could not cut off the solids exchange in the bed.The bed solids concentration increased when the particles inlet moved to a higher position of the bed when air-staging was adopted.Using CO2 as tracer,the dispersion of the loop-seal-fluidizing air for transmitting the return particles was investigated.It was found that the loop-seal fluidizing air dispersion rate was low but can be enhanced by the secondary air injection.  相似文献   

The development of gas and solids flow structure was studied in a 9.5 m high and 0.10 m diameter, gas-solids cocurrent downflow circulating fluidized bed (downer). Local solids concentration and particle velocity were measured using two separate optical fibre probes at different radial positions on several axial levels along the downer. The results show that the flow development is significantly influenced by the operating conditions. For most of the conditions under which the experiments were conducted, the gas-solids flow reaches its fully developed zone within 3 to 8 m away from the entrance. On the other hand, the development zone can extend as long as the downer itself, under certain conditions. When the solids circulation rate is over 100 kg/m2s, an increasing solids circulation rate largely extends the length of radial flow development. It is found that the flow developments in the core and at the wall are not quite simultaneous. For solids concentration, the core develops more quickly at low gas velocities and the wall region develops faster at high gas velocities. For particle velocity, higher gas velocity speeds up the development of the wall region but does not significantly affect the development of the core region. The wall region is much more sensitive to the change of superficial gas velocity than the core region. At high superficial gas velocities (> 7 m/s), a “semi-dead” region is observed in the fully developed zone adjacent to the wall where the dilute solids are moving at a very low velocity.  相似文献   

Fractal characteristics of gas-solids flow in a circulating fluidized bed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A fractal approach is adopted to describe the dynamic behavior of a circulating fluidized bed. Two times series, differential pressure fluctuations along the riser height and solids momentum fluctuations along the radial direction, are measured and analyzed in terms of fractal dimensions. The influences of operating conditions and axial/radial positions on the fractal dimension are discussed. Attempts are also made to interpret the flow structure in the bed in terms of the fractal dimension. It is found that fractal analysis can provide a useful tool for understanding the characteristics of gas-solids flow in circulating fluidized beds.  相似文献   

In order to achieve high solids circulation rate (Gs),an idea of coupling a moving bed to the bottom section of the riser of a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) was proposed and tested.The results from the preliminary study demonstrated that the solids circulation rate in the new-structure bed approached 370 kg·m-2·s-1 at superficial gas velocities around 10.5 m·s-1 for sand particles with an average Sauter mean size of 378 μm.This study was devoted to further justifying the effects of the coupled moving bed by performing comparative studies in two CFBs with conventional configurations.It was shown that the pressure at the riser bottom and the realized solid circulation rate were only about 15 kPa and 230 kg·m-2·s-1 in the two conventionally configured CFBs,obviously lower than 25 kPa and 370 kg·m-2·s-1 in the moving bed coupled CFB.These verified that the coupled moving bed increased the force driving particles form the particle recycling side into the riser.The study further tested the effect of a few specially designed riser exit configurations,revealing that a smooth riser exit could facilitate solids circulation to increase the solids circulation rate.  相似文献   

高密度下行床内颗粒浓度径向分布的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自行设计的一套下行循环流化床内进行了低气速、高浓度下行床内颗粒浓度的分布研究。实验分别采用了硅胶和FCC颗粒,在床层截面平均浓度最高到12%范围内进行了下行床不同截面上颗粒浓度径向分布的研究,并进一步分析了床层颗粒浓度对稀相中心区、环形浓相区浓度径向分布的影响。研究表明,在同一截面,随着床层颗粒平均浓度的增加,浓度分布趋于均匀;在截面平均浓度相近,浓度的径向分布沿轴向从上到下逐渐趋于均匀。颗粒的相对浓度的最大值随截面平均浓度的增加而减小,其在径向的位置基本不变。实验还发现,床层截面平均浓度的增加,浓相区内颗粒浓度的分布更均匀,而对稀相区内颗粒浓度分布没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

王德武  卢春喜 《化工学报》2008,59(4):859-865
针对催化汽油辅助反应器改质降烯烃工艺,在一套提升管-流化床耦合反应器大型冷态实验装置上,系统研究了提升管出口段的颗粒流动特性,通过定义约束指数Ri(Ri为颗粒约束返混区实际截面平均固含率与理论截面平均固含率之比)定量反映提升管出口分布器及流化床层的约束作用。结果表明,与常规提升管相比,耦合反应器提升管出口存在一个颗粒约束返混区,其长度主要受表观气速、颗粒循环强度及上部流化床内颗粒静床高度影响;由于出口设置了倒锥形分布器,使得颗粒约束返混区靠近提升管出口区域在表观气速较低和颗粒循环强度较大时,局部固含率最大值出现在量纲 1半径Φ=0.7处;颗粒约束返混区的约束指数在靠近出口的过程中逐渐增大,气固流动受到分布器及上部流化床层的约束作用亦逐渐增强。  相似文献   

In the last decade, cocurrent downflow circulating fluidized bed reactors, called “downer” reactors, have been proposed as an alternative to upflow circulating fluidized bed, or “riser”, reactors. In this paper, published results on downer studies are summarized and future directions of research are recommended. Downer reactors are shown to have several distinct advantages over upflow circulating fluidized bed reactors and can potentially be used in many industrial processes, mainly due to a more uniform gas and solids flow structure compared with risers.  相似文献   

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