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A direct-view storage tube has been developed which is capable of displaying stored information in either of two colors or in intermediate hues. The operating principle is based on the fact that flood electrons which pass through the holes in the storage mask when the storage-surface potential is near cutoff fall within small areas on the viewing screen opposite the storage-mask holes; whereas flood electrons which pass through the holes when the potential is near its maximum, i.e., flood-gun-cathode potential, fall on larger overlapping areas on the viewing screen. The viewing screen consists of a pattern of two phosphors: one occupies small areas in register with the storage-mask holes, and the other occupies areas surrounding the first. The tube, which has a 10-inch diameter, can be operated with simple circuitry, essentially the same as that required for conventional half-tone storage tubes. When the performance of this tube is compared with that of conventional half-tone storage tubes, it can be seen that a moderate sacrifice in resolution was made in order to replace the half-tone monochromatic range with a system of two primary colors and intermediate hues. This system permits the color coding of stored information that provides a vivid qualitative or semiquantitative representation of a variable in the display. The design and performance considerations for the tubes are discussed and future investigations for this type of tube are outlined.  相似文献   

The basic structure, principal mode of operation, and performance characteristics are described of a storage tube utilizing the coplanar grid effect. An array of 600 000 silicon dioxide storage elements/cm2has been fabricated, which provides continuous read-out of stored TV quality images for several minutes. Write-in can be accomplished in 1 frame and erasure in 1 to 4 frames.  相似文献   

The electrostatic storage display tube is a special vacuum tube which combines the intrinsic charge-storage property of a dielectric membrane with the high-speed high-resolution capability of a newly developed electron gun and an independent optical system to provide bright high-contrast large-screen displays. Writing and recording functions have been completely separated from the actual display function, thus providing several advantages over conventional storage display tubes. The same tube may be used for either theater-size displays or hard-copy outputs on photosensitive media. Four phases of the tube are covered in this paper: its basic characterstics, construction, applications, and preliminary speculations on reliability.  相似文献   

A simplified meshless storage tube has been developed which uses a single-layer dielectric storage target deposited over a transparent conductive coating on a glass faceplate. The dielectric layer serves the two principal purposes of bistable charge storage and production of the visible image. The mechanism of writing, storing and erasing depends on the well-known bistability of a good secondary emitting surface under flood current bombardment. The occurrence of an upper and lower stable potential is used here, as in previous bistable devices, to form light and dark image areas having a sharply defined boundary between them. This boundary is, in bistable tubes in general, an inherently unstable region because it has a high gradient across it, which tends to move the boundary across the face of the target. The principal new structural feature of the storage target is the formation of a semicontinuous porous dielectric layer which will not sustain migration of the boundary of the stored charge image transversely across the target surface, because of the electrical and mechanical discontinuity of the target microstructure. Another target is described in which image boundary migration is inhibited by the formation of the target dielectric in a pattern of islands or dots. The semicontinuous layer and the dot target each prevent image spreading and result in a substantial stable range of operating voltages of the collector electrode. The flood current collimating system is described, as is the erase pulse, the split screen, electrical readout, the integration mode, and measurements of the potential on the vacuum side of the storage dielectric. The dependence of brightness, contrast, resolution, writing speed, and stable range on target thickness is also described.  相似文献   

 The development of a high information capacity Chinese character generator,which is called the Chinese character tube is described.It is a high capacity,electron beam-addressed,read-only memory.Information capacity of one tube is more than one megabit.This kind of Chinese character generator has the advantage of small size,high capacity and cost-effective.It can be widely applied to various Chinese character information processing systems. The working principle is described briefly.The experimental results of tube Type Ⅰ(one that stores 512 Chinese characters with 48×48 dot matrix per Chinese character)are given.  相似文献   

A new approach to the measurement of the statistical characteristics of physical data is presented. This approach exploits a novel use of a storage oscilloscope of the bistable type to display equiprobability lines on the oscilloscope screen. The first- and second-order probability density and distribution functions and the autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions of stationary random processes can be measured. Although the accuracy of the methods is limited, they provide a convenient "quick look" at the statistical characteristics of physical data. The frequency range is quite large, extending to megahertz in all cases.  相似文献   

A novel concept for a quantum-well infrared photodetector (QWIP) with a spectral response peak tunable by an external voltage is described and tested experimentally. This multicolor detector structure is made by stacking conventional (one-color) QWIPs, separated by thin, heavily doped layers (≈90 nm in the test structure). The most important feature is that externally applied DC voltage is distributed among the different one-color QWIPs according to their DC resistances. Each one-color QWIP therefore turns on sequentially in the order determined by its resistance  相似文献   

Segment-type, twisted nematic liquid-crystal panels with finely striped, two-color filters within the panel are discussed. The panel has a color filter-on-indium tin oxide structure. Two types of printed filter (an offset-printed (OP) filter and a screen-printed (SP) filter) were subjected to heat treatment and evaluated. It was found that an SP filter of about 0.3 μm has less effect on the operating voltage and availability for multiplexed drive than an OP filter of about 1 μm in thickness with the same color density. The test results for panel reliability for automotive use are given. The panels can digitally display a vehicle's speed, fuel level and engine revolutions in bargraph format with good legibility using three colors  相似文献   

分析了三能级Λ原子系统内三色操控引起的色散转换、Kerr非线性增强效应及三色操控对布居反转的影响。分析表明,三色调控下多个双光子通道之间的干涉将引起多个透明窗口内的Kerr非线性增强和布居反转频带增宽。而三色场内两边频场的相对相位之和对色散变换、布居反转和Kerr非线性增强效应也起着至关重要的影响。相位之和从0调为π,将引起多个频带内色散正负转换,从而使得慢光速向超光速转换,引起Kerr非线性增强对应的频带位置改变,并引起布居反转对应的频带进一步增宽。相位之和影响以上非线性效应的原因也得到了分析。  相似文献   

This paper describes a machine vision system for automatic characterization of sections of biopsied tissue. Color images are first segmented by using an original color segmentation procedure. A structural analysis is then performed over the segmented images to extract the same features that a pathologist would use to make a diagnosis. Alternatively, monochromatic images can be analyzed by using cellular logic techniques. These two methods were used to implement a machine vision system capable of recognizing normal liver biopsies and liver biopsies showing alcoholic hepatitis and acute viral hepatitis. The color segmentation procedure leads to 100 percent classification success in distinguishing between the normal and acute viral hepatitis classes. By using cellular logic techniques, no overlap was found between the normal, acute viral hepatitis, and alcoholic hepatitis classes at the 90 percent confidence interval.  相似文献   

Self-assembled, molecular crystalline nanofibers form microscale light-emitters for future nanophotonic applications. Such organic nanofibers exhibit many interesting optoelectronic properties, including polarized photo- and electroluminescence, waveguiding, and emission color tunability. Surface-grown nanofibers from two different molecules are implemented in an organic field-effect transistor platform by a double roll-printing scheme. Roll-printing multiple types of nanofibers onto the same device provides a fast and simple alternative to multilayer devices. The combination of nanofibers made from para-hexaphenylene and 5,5′-di-4-biphenyl-2,2′-bithiophene results in a nanofiber based organic light-emitting transistor (OLET) which emits both blue and green light. A comparison of measured electrical transport and electroluminescence (EL) properties results in a correlation between the threshold voltage for transport and the onset voltage for EL emission.  相似文献   

This work develops a new technology to fabricate polymer-dispersed microencapsulated liquid crystal (PDMLC) devices using screen-printing, which is a low temperature procedure (about 90 $^{circ}$ C) for application on a soft plastic substrate. This research demonstrates numerically and in Mandarin, a 4.5-in multicolor PDMLC (MPDMLC) device with high color contrast, low electric consumption and flexible bending mechanical property. The current work coats three different color pastes (red, blue and black) on a single substrate. Their turn-on voltages are all as low as 5 V and saturation voltages are 20, 30, and 30 V for red, blue, and black colors, respectively.   相似文献   

We present results on the realization of an all-taper coupled, multicolor microspherical light source fabricated from the erbium-doped fluoride glass ZBLALiP. Whispering gallery mode lasing at 1555 nm and fluorescent emissions from the ultraviolet to the infrared (IR) have been observed. A tapered fiber is used to launch 980-nm pump light into the microresonator cavity and to collect the resulting IR lasing. A separate, half-taper fiber is used to outcouple the upconversion spectrum over several hundred nanometers. A number of discrete emissions from 400 to 850 nm have been observed in the upconversion spectrum, indicating the suitability of this scheme as a miniature device with a 450-nm-wide band and reasonable output coupling efficiency.  相似文献   

为了实现微流控芯片上多目标DNA片段的同时检 测,建立了基于光棒匀光结构的微流控芯片多色 荧光检测系统。根据微流控芯片中的聚合物链式反应(PCR)反应腔的特点,设计了基于超亮 白光LED模组、光棒、二向色镜 和CCD的正交型荧光检测系统。CCD可一次采集微流控芯片上所有PCR反应腔中的荧光信号 ,通过滤光 片轮组合的变换,可实现多种荧光标记物的同时检测。采用荧光素钠溶液对激发光的均匀性 进行了测试, 激发产生的荧光图像均匀度达到93.99%,可满足微流控芯片上多反应 腔同时检测的需求。同时,以pUC-18人工质粒DNA作为标准品,开展了微流控荧光PCR生物实验,对系统性能进行验证。实验结 果表明:微 流控PCR反应腔的 DNA浓度变化与荧光信号的变化相一致,pUC-18样品的检测限达到0.05pg/uL,扩增 效率为97.28%,熔解曲线显示无引物二聚体产生,特异性好,达到了 商业化仪器的水平。  相似文献   

A GaAs:Si-GaAsP heterostructure chip coated with NaYF4:Yb,Er phosphor has been fabricated to demonstrate multicolor operation. The one-chip light-emitting diodes (LED's) with double junctions showed a centrosymmetrical distribution of green-and red-light intensities. An intermediate hue between green and red was achieved by adjusting the thickness of the phosphor. The luminance of each color was more than 100 fL at a current density of 30 A/cm2and the power efficiency was 2-3 × 10-4for green. The luminance of the green light was less than 250 fL at 20 A/cm2for a single GaAs:Si LED because of the refraction of infrared light in the GaAsP layer.  相似文献   

王忆锋  谈骥 《红外》2013,34(11):18-25
军用红外探测器需要使用工作在各种红外波段的大规格、高均匀性多色焦平面阵列器件.满足这些要求的一个候选者就是量子阱红外(光电)探测器(Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector,QWIP).作为新一代红外探测器,QWIP基于极薄半导体异质结构中的载流子束缚效应. GaAs/AlGaAs/QWIP的主要优点包括标准的Ⅲ-Ⅴ族衬底材料和技术、良好的热稳定性、大面积、低研发成本以及抗辐射性.QWIP的另一个重要优点是具有带隙工程能力.可以通过调节量子阱宽度和势垒组分设计出满足特殊要求(例如多色焦平面列阵应用)的器件结构.介绍了对QWIP探测物理机制的理解以及近年来多色QWIP技术的发展状况.  相似文献   

提出了一种针对广义色移键控(CSK)调制RGB 3色发光二极管(LED)的可见光通信(VLC)星座图设计方法。为了实现通信与照明的结合,考虑了一些照明条件的约束:首先,LED产生的颜色和强度被限制以达到照明要求;其次,为了减小非线性效应的影响,每盏LED灯的功率被限制在线性范围;最后,利用奇异值分解(SVD)的预均衡来消除多径效应的影响和颜色间的干扰。仿真结果表明,相比较于每路LED分别采用开关键控(OOK)调制的误码率,优化的星座图性能更优。  相似文献   

本文探讨大功率LED驱动器设计,用于支持包括高亮度(HB)LED在内的彩色照明系统的供电。文中给出的电路示例用于驱动RGBLED,非常适合装饰、建筑、娱乐以及舞台照明设计。  相似文献   

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