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五一前后,乌鲁木齐玩具市场进入旺销期。龙宝宝出生潮又为婴童用品市场带来更多生意。英纷公司的健身垫和峰佳公司的软弹枪成为市场上抢手的热门产品。英纷公司的宝宝海洋世界健身垫材质好、包装精美。峰佳公司的软弹  相似文献   

12月乌鲁木齐市场继续走好。内销方面,临近春节出现不少团购现象:外销方面,因圣诞节的到来红火了一把。  相似文献   

众多新品相继登陆乌鲁木齐,令当地市场有效延续国庆后的行情,销售数据节节走高。  相似文献   

据“义乌·中国小商品城指数”监测显示,进入12月,益智玩具行业整体运行稳健,价格指数有力上行,行业景气调整回升。随着圣诞节、元旦的来临,益智玩具行业迎来一波新的销售热潮,拼图、积木、万花筒等玩具市场需求放大.经营户信心逐步回升,后市行情继续看好。  相似文献   

自从《愤怒的小乌》火了以后,便带动出现了各种五花八门的周边产品,诸如糖果、手机壳、布绒玩具……甚至T恤、月饼。如今,圈钱圈得已经不亦乐乎的游戏开发商、芬兰手机游戏公司Rovio又想出了新点子:出书。  相似文献   

今年以来,郑州玩具市场整体行情比较平淡,遥控车、娃娃等传统产品销量均有所下降,婴幼玩具产品则在近期开始热销。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐7月的玩具市场与6月相比,同样是波澜不惊。不同之处在于木制玩具销势走低,婴童类玩具则成为本月玩具市场主角。在夏天高温天气影响下,家长多带上小孩到户外活动,因而一直销量不错的铭塔电子积木和木制类拼图玩具销量同比有所下降。美泰的芭比娃娃系列,星辉的轨道车模兰博基尼和宝马等销量相对上一个月来说变化不大。谷雨的摇铃组合、不倒翁玩具,汇乐的多功能玩具台806、爵士鼓、儿童音乐架子鼓及南国婴宝的不倒翁等相对木制玩具来说则成为本月度玩具市场的主流。  相似文献   

龙年新生儿多。随着龙宝宝们的降临,新疆乌鲁木齐玩具市场的婴幼儿玩具销售额明显上升。而市场最为抢手的婴幼儿产品是南国婴宝的不倒翁和汇乐的爵士鼓系列。乌鲁木齐市盛德坤商贸有限公司的马总向记者介绍:南国婴宝的不倒翁卖得特别好,  相似文献   

近两个月来,随着俄罗斯、印度等国采购高峰的到来以及圣诞节临近。新疆外贸市场本该到了销售旺季,但由于受世界金融危机影响,整体销售下降了30%。面对经济低迷带来的消费萎缩,玩具商们应该采取更灵活谨慎手法,以应对复杂多变的形势。  相似文献   

6月,玩具销售的热潮在六一儿童节前后几天内,体现得淋漓尽致。进入各大商场的国内外各类品牌玩具琳琅满目,种类之多让人目不8段接。其中当属电影主题的玩具销售势头最强劲.其中《变形金刚3》的周边产品无疑成为男孩类玩具最大的赢家,而女孩玩具中,美泰的芭比娃娃与宠物的互动,以及设计服饰等多功能的套装大放光彩。  相似文献   

受春节临近带动,1月份乌鲁木齐玩具市场销售呈现上升趋势,相比于上一年.今年的销售情况较好,不少商家出现提早备货的现象。  相似文献   

5月,河北白沟小商品城玩具市场的明星是玩具水枪。今年北方气温较往年偏低,本来按惯例早在一个月之前就开始热销的  相似文献   

河北白沟国际商贸城畅销产品由原来的室外玩具,转成室内玩具和毛绒玩具。毛绒玩具主要为本地生产,而商贸城主要销售的是电动毛绒玩具,包括摇头驴(彩驴)、动耳狗、跳舞娃娃、会走路的喜羊羊和花园宝宝等。这些产品有的一边唱歌摇头一边走路,可爱至极,深受小朋友的喜欢。最有趣的是有一种小狗躺在地上打滚,一边打滚一边笑,很是滑稽。批发价15—28元不等。适合2岁以上的孩子玩耍。  相似文献   

In recent years, a dramatic increase in the demand for ethnic foods in the United States has been observed. Interestingly, with their rise in popularity, more foodborne illness outbreaks associated with ethnic foods have also been reported. Despite a more than 200‐y history of ethnic foods in the United States, there is a paucity of information about them. Furthermore, there is also a lack of research on food safety issues involving ethnic foods. Therefore, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of ethnic foods, including the history, types, popularity, characteristics, ingredients, and consumer attitudes toward them. Importantly, this review provides an analysis of the statistics of foodborne illness outbreaks associated with ethnic foods based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The breakdown of etiology of ethnic foods identified the number of total outbreaks, the causative microorganisms, the food vectors, and the locations where foodborne disease outbreaks have occurred. Also covered is a review of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system implementation, food safety training, and inspection score systems related to ethnic foods and how these can serve as effective tools for the prevention of foodborne illness outbreaks. This study contributes to the body of food safety literature by providing helpful information about ethnic foods in the United States.  相似文献   

国内饮料市场以碳酸饮料、瓶装水(包括矿泉水、纯净水、蒸馏水等)、果汁饮料和包装茶饮料四大类产品为主,占据了近80%的市场份额。从市场的增长情况看,果汁和包装茶两种饮料市场空间更大,发展势头非常迅猛。  相似文献   


Electronic textiles, also referred to as smart fabrics, are quite fashionable right now. Their close relationship with the field of computer wearables gives us many diverging research directions and possible definitions. On one end of the spectrum, there are pragmatic applications such as military research into interactive camouflage or textiles that can heal wounded soldiers. On the other end of the spectrum, work is being done by artists and designers in the area of reactive clothes: “second skins” that can adapt to the environment and to the individual. Fashion, health, and telecommunication industries are also pursuing the vision of clothing that can express aspects of people's personalities, needs, and desires or augment social dynamics through the use and display of aggregate social information.

In my current production-based research, I develop enabling technology for electronic textiles based upon my theoretical evaluation of the historical and cultural modalities of textiles as they relate to future computational forms. My work involves the use of conductive yarns and fibers for power delivery, communication, and networking, as well as new materials for display that use electronic ink, nitinol, and thermochromic pigments. The textiles are created using traditional textile manufacturing techniques: spinning conductive yarns, weaving, knitting, embroidering, sewing, and printing with inks.  相似文献   

Tincuta Heinzel 《Textile》2018,16(1):34-61
The present paper interrogates the status and the role of electronic and reactive textiles in domestic contexts. After a preliminary incursion into the modern definition of home and homing, the paper addresses the changes that took place in the domestic space due to the development of digital and communication technologies. Defined as a “sensing home,” as a “communicating domestic space,” smart homes are challenging the traditional understanding of home, defined in terms of intimacy and privacy. In this context, electronic and reactive textiles are asked to overcome the low acceptance of smart homes, through their technical, sensorial, and cultural dimensions. The paper highlights some of the pros and cons in accommodating the latest technological advances in the field of textiles, analyses the way physical computing allows textiles to transform into domotics (robots for domestic environments), presents some of the latest developments on soft architecture fabrication and argues in favor of a much more critical approach to the development of sensors and actuators in textile objects.  相似文献   

响应面法优化新疆若羌大枣总黄酮提取工艺及抗氧化活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伟  南光明  李紫薇  腊萍  欧阳艳 《食品科学》2012,33(22):123-126
在单因素试验基础上,以乙醇体积分数、提取温度、料液比为自变量,进行三因素三水平Box-Behnken试验设计,利用响应面分析法优化新疆若羌大枣总黄酮提取条件;将粗提物进一步分级萃取并对其抗氧化部位进行考察。结合实际可操作性得出大枣中总黄酮较优提取工艺为乙醇体积分数45%、提取温度90℃、料液比1:35(g/mL)、提取时间90min,总黄酮提取量为14.34mg山奈酚/g,达到预测值(14.647mg山奈酚/g)的97.9%。乙酸乙酯萃取物具有显著的抗氧化活性,与抗氧化剂BHT活性相当。  相似文献   

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