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煤炭运输用生态型抑尘剂的制备研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘凤月  朱红  李伟 《中国胶粘剂》2007,16(11):33-35
简要介绍一种煤炭运输用煤层抑尘剂的制备方法。该抑尘剂以水溶性高分子和淀粉为原料经接枝改性、催化氧化制成,具有原料来源广、成本低等特点,煤层干燥后耐水性能良好。应用于运煤列车表层,可以明显减少运煤损失和防止环境污染。  相似文献   

罗彤彤 《粘接》2011,(7):78-80
以天然植物胶为主要原料,复配少量合成水溶性高分子以及其他助剂,制备出一种煤炭运输抑尘剂。该抑尘剂符合铁道部行业标准TB/T3210.1-2009《铁路煤炭运输抑尘技术条件》第1部分抑尘剂的要求,使用时将其喷洒在煤炭的表面,可形成具有一定韧性和压缩强度的固化层,能够承受长时间车辆的颠簸和风力作用,对车体金属、漆层和橡胶无腐蚀作用。经过内蒙古一年的实际应用,使用该抑尘剂能够避免列车运输途中煤炭扬尘污染.同时也节约了煤炭资源.  相似文献   

张帅 《清洗世界》2022,(9):51-53
煤炭开采和利用是我省皖北地区的主要支柱产业之一,并将在今后较长时间继续维持,各类煤炭堆场、矸石山等以及煤炭的运输带来的大量粉煤灰扬尘,不仅破坏城市形象,其弥散在空气中的颗粒物还会影响周边居民及行人的身体健康。本文主要介绍了抑尘剂几种常见类型,抑尘原理,系统研究了抑尘剂的应用、抑尘效果评价等。  相似文献   

针对国内现有煤炭抑尘剂喷洒站与生产设备脱离现状,设计了煤炭抑尘剂生产与喷洒一体化设备,有效节省了设备投资费用,提升了现有喷洒设备的自动化水平,为提高经济效益和降低粉尘污染、保护环境起到积极作用。  相似文献   

将新型抑尘剂应用于散堆储煤场,以降低储煤场扬尘对周边大气环境造成的污染,减少煤炭资源浪费。现场采用自制喷洒设备将抑尘剂溶液均匀喷洒在煤粉表面,在12 h内形成1~1.5 cm的固化层,固化效果良好。通过喷洒抑尘剂前后煤堆周边空气中粉尘含量的监测分析可知,新型抑尘剂可以有效抑制散堆储煤场的扬尘,减少煤炭损失。  相似文献   

陈功  来水利 《精细化工》2020,37(5):947-954,1023
以环氧树脂E-51、丙烯酸丁酯(BA)、甲基丙烯酸(MAA)、苯乙烯(St)、植酸等为原料,K2S2O8和Na HSO3为引发剂,烷基酚醚磺基琥珀酸酯钠(MS-1)和辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚(OP-10)为乳化剂,在微波辅助下,合成了一种高分子阻燃抑尘剂乳液。采用FTIR、SEM、TGA等对产品进行了结构表征和应用性能测试。结果表明,在m(BA)∶m(St)=2∶1,引发剂用量为0.6%(以单体的总质量为基准,下同),乳化剂用量为6%,m(MS-1)∶m(OP-10)=2∶3,E-51用量为6%,植酸用量为2%,微波功率100 W,微波辐射时间90 min条件下,所合成的乳液稳定,粒径分布均匀,成膜柔软。喷洒阻燃抑尘剂的煤样相较于喷洒水的煤样的失水率、风蚀损失率、振荡损失率、CO质量浓度分别减小了47.7%、96.6%、96.0%、67.5%。  相似文献   

矿物散料储运表面固化抑尘剂的研究及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结了目前国内外有关矿物散料运输和堆放表面固化抑尘剂的研究现状及应用.针对目前固化抑尘剂存在的问题,研制开发出具有实际应用价值、低成本的KG系列固化剂,并对所研制的固化剂机理、性能进行了介绍.现场喷洒实验结果表明,KG系列固化抑尘剂具有价格低、喷洒后对煤质无影响等优点,是解决矿物散料储运过程中风力损失和粉质污染的有效方法.  相似文献   

以羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)、丙烯酸(AA)、丙烯酰胺(AM)等为原料,在超声作用下合成了软膜型煤炭抑尘剂。以引发剂过硫酸铵、交联剂二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵、HPMC的用量为主要影响因素,抑尘率为响应值,采用响应面法优化制备工艺。结果表明,当引发剂用量为1.00%,交联剂用量为0.50%,HPMC用量为25.00%时,喷洒抑尘剂的煤样干燥后在风速为30 m/s的条件下吹蚀5 min抑尘率可达95.79%。  相似文献   

粉煤抑尘剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以可溶性淀粉,硅酸钠和表面活性剂为主要原料,进行了粉煤抑尘剂的研究,通过正交实验得到了最佳配方,并对相应的性能进行了测定,其强度值能达到5MPa以上。结果表明研制的抑尘剂对粉煤、沙尘以及其他粉尘具有较好的抑尘效果。  相似文献   

To mitigate the dust dispersion pollution in the open-pit coal mines, this study experimentally develops a novel environmentally friendly coal dust suppressant. The experiment uses naturally biodegradable soybean protein isolate (SPI) as the main material and utilizes anion surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to modify SPI. In the carboxymethylcellulose sodium and sodium silicate and other auxiliary agents, this process produces gives rise to the SDS-SPI coal dust suppressant. Experimental characterization of the developed dust suppressant reveals that the viscosity of the 5% dust suppressant solution can reach 24.6 mPa s. Correspondingly, the compressive strength reaches 0.48 MPa, and the dust suppression efficiency can reach 93.47% with the presence of force 9 wind. Furthermore, this study uses Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to analyze the dust suppression mechanism of the developed dust suppressant. It is observed that a layer of compact hardened shell is formed at the surface of the coal powder treated with the newly developed dust suppressant. Also, there exists a strong cementing effect among dust particles, yielding a decent cementing performance. Therefore, the present dust suppressant can effectively suppress dust dispersion in the open-pit coal mines, allowing a mitigation of the environmental pollution. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019 , 136, 47354.  相似文献   

In the process of coal transportation and storage, a large amount of dust is inevitably generated, which seriously threatens the health of coal miners and causes the waste of resources. How to prevent and control the dust generated during coal transportation and storage is a key issue of coal mine occupational safety research. In this study, sodium alginate is reacted with 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid, and the resulting intermediate is graft copolymerized with acrylic acid to prepare an environment friendly dust suppressant product suitable for coal transportation and storage. The microscopic reaction and structure of the product are analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. The optimal synthesis conditions have been obtained by taking the strength of the coking coal as the single factor experiment evaluation index. Through the research on the related properties of the dust suppressant, it is found that this dust suppressant has excellent performance and an obvious dust suppression effect. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019 , 136, 47819.  相似文献   

梁文庆  李青国  宫敏 《粘接》2013,(11):65-67
以苯乙烯(St)、丙烯酸丁酯(BA)为主要原料,引入丙烯酸(AA)作为功能单体,采用预乳化种子聚合法成功合成了性能优良的三元共聚苯丙乳液,以该乳液加入其他辅料,配制成固沙抑尘剂。着重讨论了引发剂、乳化剂以及功能单体用量等因素对于乳液性能的影响。当St:BA=45/50-50/45,引发剂过硫酸铵(APS)用量为单体质量6%,在适量乳化荆机AA提供交联点的作用下,合成的固沙抑尘剂效果最好。  相似文献   

During coal transportation, a large amount of coal dust is generated; this not only leads to a massive loss of coal but also causes severe environmental pollution. In this research, we used a chemical modification approach to prepare a highly water-absorbing dust suppressant. Corn starch, as the main ingredient, was copolymerized with acrylic acid and acrylamide, and acrylic acid and acrylamide were used to form a starch graft copolymer. Subsequently, in this research, we designed a suite of single-factor experiments using the viscosity as the metric to determine the optimal reaction conditions, which were as follows: mass ratio of acrylic acid to acrylamide = 3:2, neutrality = 50%, reaction time = 3 h, and reaction temperature = 50 °C. Tests were carried out to assess the viscosity, water retention, and anti-evaporation performance of the dust suppressant. The results indicate that when the dust-suppressant concentration was 6%, the performance was optimized. Also, the anti-evaporation behavior of the suppressant improved with the dust-suppressant concentration. The use of this dust suppressant during coal transportation could greatly reduce dust dispersion and lead to improved environmental protection. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019 , 136, 47065.  相似文献   

中国铁路煤炭运输以敞车车型为主,在运输过程中对铁路沿线生态环境造成严重扬尘污染。为了解决铁路煤炭运输过程中的扬尘污染问题,研发了新型环保扬尘覆盖剂及自动喷洒系统装置。自动喷洒系统可实现扬尘覆盖剂溶液自动配置;溶液浓度、黏度、电导率、温度等数据在线监测;喷洒量根据车速自动调节;在车辆运行过程中实现喷洒作业,不需停车等特点。自动喷洒系统适应各种C车型,具有操作简便、运行稳定可靠、喷洒均匀,自动识别牵引机车和混编列车等优点,不影响机车车辆的安全和正常运行。自动喷洒系统人工使用量少,自动化程度高,抑尘作业成本比传统喷水降尘,遮盖篷布等方法低,实现了新型抑尘技术在铁路煤炭运输抑尘领域的工业化推广应用。  相似文献   

钟立超  孙晓然 《上海化工》2010,35(12):26-30
介绍了粉尘危害,对抑尘机理和国内研究进展做出分析概述,并对化学抑尘方法做出评价,最后提出化学抑尘的发展方向。  相似文献   

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