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Exogenous free vitamin B12 or B12 bound to human transcobalamin II (TCII) accumulated in the near-term rat visceral yolk sac. The rates of their uptakes in vitro and in vivo increased rapidly with time then reached a plateau, which supports a saturable transport/binding process as the rate-limiting step for the uptake of free and TCII complexed B12. Both uptakes were significantly decreased by trypan blue, colchicine, and low temperature but not by ouabain. Such inhibition suggests that the absorption of free and bound B12 is via an endocytosis process dependent upon energy but not the magnesium-dependent sodium/potassium-activated ATPase. Thus, the role of the visceral yolk sac in vitamin transfer to the conceptus and the alterations in yolk sac function associated with birth defects and diminished growth can be integrally related.  相似文献   

Effect of glucagon on pinocytosis by the yolk sac of the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uptake of macromolecular markers by fluid pinocytosis in the rat yolk sac was inhibited by glucagon, with half-maximal effect at a hormone concentration of approximately 3 X 10(-8) M. Glucagon had no effect on the cellular distribution of the marker subsequent to its uptake. Rates of uptake promptly returned to normal when the yolk sacs were transferred from a glucagon-containing to a glucagon-free medium. Epinephrine also inhibited, but only at much higher concentrations. The effect of the latter was augmented by theophylline. Insulin (10(-6) M) had no effect when added alone or with an inhibitory level of glucagon (10(-7) M). The presumption that the hormone effect was mediated by cyclic AMP was supported by the findings that the cellular levels of cyclic AMP were elevated in the presence of glucagon and that dibutyryl cyclic AMP could replace glucagon as an effective inhibitor. The conclusion that the hormone effect was on uptake rather than on subsequent regurgitation was based on the linearity of accumulation in both the presence and absence of glucagon and the inability of glucagon to stimulate loss of invertase from preloaded cells. Colchicine and vinblastine also inhibited uptake. This finding and those of others which are discussed suggest the possibility that effects of cyclic nucleotides on certain cell functions may involve their regulation of microtubular status.  相似文献   

The lag in phenotype expression of methylnitrosourea(MNU)-induced mutation to 6-thioguanine (6TG) resistance has been studied in a diploid human lymphoblastoid cell line. We find that a considerable period (8-12 days) elapses before new mutants appear in treated cultures; after 2 weeks, however, a stable maximum fraction is attained, as would be expected for a genetic mutation. We present preliminary data linking this phenotypic lag to the slow degradation rate of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) and to an apparent requirement for very low (less than 0.2% normal) cellular HGPRT content in order for cells to be resistant to 10 mug 6TG/ml. A series of reconstruction experiments are presented, the results of which support the conclusion that selective pressures in the assay procedure do not bias the quantitative estimates of induced mutant fraction.  相似文献   

The surface of rat visceral yolk sacs (VYS) of intact, viable rat conceptuses were continuously monitored with a microfiberoptic sensor optimized for detection of the reduced pyridine nucleotides, NADH and NADPH. Model chemical toxins, cyanide and alloxan, were used and evaluated on the basis of their differential ability to modulate NAD(H)- and NADP(H)-dependent cellular pathways, respectively. Exposure with 2 mM sodium cyanide for 5 min caused a reversible fluorescence increase of 325 arbitrary fluorescence units (AFU) and 225 AFU on Gestational Days (GD) 10 and 11, respectively. Exposure with 40 mM alloxan for 5 min resulted in a fluorescence decrease of 170 and 120 AFU on GD 10 and 11, respectively. Glutathione (GSH) levels in the VYS, as determined by HPLC, showed a marked decrease from 27.3 +/- 2.1 to 2.9 +/- 0.4 pmol/mg protein, within the 5-min alloxan exposure period on GD 10. No decrease in GSH levels was noted for the same exposure duration on GD 11. A 2-hr pretreatment with 25 microM BCNU [(1,3 bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea], to inhibit glutathione disulfide reductase (GSSG-Rd), resulted in an elimination of the fluorescence decrease, but still led to a significant drop in GSH levels as seen on both days of gestation. These results are consistent with overall changes in intracellular pyridine nucleotide concentrations, where the relative amounts of NADPH increase significantly and disproportionately from GD 10 to 11. The net oxidation of NADPH, through GSSG-Rd activity, appears to be responsible for the alloxan-induced decrease in surface fluorescence. Conversely, the cyanide-induced fluorescence increases appear to be the result of NAD+ reduction, mediated through the inhibition of the terminal cytochrome oxidase in the electron transport chain.  相似文献   

Familial defective apolipoprotein B100 (FDB) is caused by a mutation of apo-B100 (R3500Q) that disrupts the receptor binding of low density lipoproteins (LDL), which leads to hypercholesterolemia and premature atherosclerosis. In this study, mutant forms of human apo-B were expressed in transgenic mice, and the resulting human recombinant LDL were purified and tested for their receptor-binding activity. Site-directed mutagenesis and other evidence indicated that Site B (amino acids 3,359-3,369) binds to the LDL receptor and that arginine-3,500 is not directly involved in receptor binding. The carboxyl-terminal 20% of apo-B100 is necessary for the R3500Q mutation to disrupt receptor binding, since removal of the carboxyl terminus in FDB LDL results in normal receptor-binding activity. Similarly, removal of the carboxyl terminus of apo-B100 on receptor-inactive VLDL dramatically increases apo-B-mediated receptor-binding activity. We propose that the carboxyl terminus normally functions to inhibit the interaction of apo-B100 VLDL with the LDL receptor, but after the conversion of triglyceride-rich VLDL to smaller cholesterol-rich LDL, arginine-3,500 interacts with the carboxyl terminus, permitting normal interaction between LDL and its receptor. Moreover, the loss of arginine at this site destabilizes this interaction, resulting in receptor-binding defective LDL.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis and fatty acid oxidation were examined in rat hepatocytes under a variety of experimental conditions. In cells from fed animals, glucagon acutely switched the direction of fatty acid metabolism from synthesis to oxidation. Addition of lactate plus pyruvate had the opposite effect. The inhibitory action of glucagon on fatty acid synthesis and its stimulatory effect on fatty acid oxidation were largely, but not completely, offset by the simultaneous addition of lactate plus pyruvate. Changes in cellular citrate and malonyl-CoA levels indicated that glucagon exerted its inhibitory effect on fatty acid synthesis at two levels: (i) blockade of glycolysis; and (ii) partial inhibition of a more distal step, probably acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Under all conditions, fatty acid oxidation was related in a linear and reciprocal fashion to the rate of fatty acid synthesis and the tissue malonyl-CoA content. The latter fluctuated through a range of 1 to 6 nmol per g wet weight of cells. Since malonyl-CoA inhibits carnitine acyltransferase I of liver mitochondria with a Ki in the region of 1 to 2 micron, the present studies support the concept that this compound plays a pivotal role in the coordination of hepatic fatty acid synthesis and oxidation. The ketogenic effect of glucagon on liver appears to be manifested in large part through the ability of the hormone to reduce the tissue malonyl-CoA concentration.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B (apoB) is the major protein component of atherogenic lipoproteins of hepatic origin. In HepG2 cells, the standard cell culture model of human hepatic lipoprotein metabolism, there is a limited availability of core lipids in the endoplasmic reticulum for association with nascent apoB. Under these conditions, apoB is partially translocated, interacts with cytosolic Hsp70, and undergoes rapid degradation. We show that increasing the expression of Hsp70 in HepG2 cells promotes apoB degradation. In addition, apoB is polyubiquitinated and its degradation both normally and after Hsp70 induction is blocked by inhibitors of the proteasome. The apoB that accumulates after proteasome inhibition is endoplasmic reticulum-associated and can be assembled into lipoproteins and secreted if new lipid synthesis is stimulated. Thus, apoB is the first example of a wild-type mammalian protein whose secretion is regulated by degradation in the cytosol via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Furthermore, targeting of this secretory protein to the proteasome is regulated by the molecular chaperone Hsp70 and the availability of apoB's lipid-ligands.  相似文献   

Thiazolidinediones are oral insulin-sensitizing agents that may be useful for the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). BRL 49653 ameliorates insulin resistance and improves glucoregulation in high-fat-fed (HF) rats. It is known that thiazolidinediones bind to the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR gamma) in fat cells, but the extent to which the improved glucoregulation and hypolipidemic effects relate to adipose tissue requires clarification. We therefore examined BRL 49653 effects on lipid metabolism in HF and control (high-starch-fed [HS]) rats. The diet period was 3 weeks, with BRL 49653 (10 mumol/kg/d) or vehicle gavage administered over the last 4 days. Studies were performed on animals in the conscious fasted state. In HF rats, rate constants governing 3H-palmitate clearance were unaffected by BRL 49653. This finding, taken with a concurrent decrease of fasting plasma nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) (P < .01, ANOVA), demonstrated that systemic NEFA supply and hence absolute utilization are reduced by BRL 49653. Hepatic triglyceride (TG) production (HTGP) assessed using Triton WR1339 was unaffected by diet or BRL 49653. In liver, BRL 49653 increased insulin-stimulated conversion of glucose into fatty acid in both HF (by 270%) and HS (by 30%) groups (P < .05). Relative to HS rats, HF animals had substantially elevated levels of muscle diglyceride (diacylglycerol[DG] by 240%, P < .001). BRL 49653 significantly reduced muscle DG in HF (by 30%, P < .05) but not in HS rats. The agent did not reduce the intake of dietary lipid. In conclusion, these results are consistent with a primary action of BRL 49653 in adipose tissue to conserve lipid by reducing systemic lipid supply and subsequent utilization. The parallel effects of diet and BRL 49653 treatment on insulin resistance and muscle acylglyceride levels support the involvement of local lipid oversupply in the generation of muscle insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Oxidized LDL is implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. A widely studied model for oxidation of the lipid in LDL involves Cu2+. Recent studies suggest that Cu2+ may be reduced to Cu1+ by alpha-tocopherol to initiate LDL lipid peroxidation. LDL demonstrates binding sites for Cu2-, but the nature of these binding sites, as well their role in promoting Cu2+ reduction and lipid peroxidation, has not been established. In the current studies, we used diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) to modify the histidine residues of apolipoprotein B100, the major protein in LDL. First, we demonstrated that histidine residues were preferentially modified by DEPC under our experimental conditions. Then we monitored the kinetics of Cu(2+)-promoted oxidation of LDL and DEPC-modified LDL. In both cases, the progress curve of lipid peroxidation exhibited a lag phase and a propagation phase. However, when LDL was modified with DEPC, the length of the lag phase was prolonged whereas the rate of lipid peroxidation during the propagation phase was lower. Studies with LDL oxidized by 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride and phosphatidylcholine liposomes oxidized with hydroxyl radical established that DEPC was not acting simply as a nonspecific inhibitor of lipid peroxidation. DEPC treatment of LDL almost completely inhibited its ability to bind Cu2+. These observations suggest that peroxidation of the lipids in LDL can proceed with normal kinetics only when Cu2+ binds preferentially to sites on apolipoprotein B100 that contain histidine residues. We also compared the kinetics of Cu2+ reduction in the absence and presence of DEPC. There was no effect of DEPC modification on either the rate or extent of Cu2+ reduction by LDL. Therefore LDL is likely to contain a second class of binding sites for Cu2+ that does not involve histidine residues. Thus, LDL appears to contain at least two classes of Cu(2+)-binding sites: histidine containing sites, which are responsible in part for promoting lipid peroxidation during the propagation phase, and sites at which Cu2+ is reduced without binding to histidine.  相似文献   

Prior work from mammals suggests that load experienced by extensor muscles of the hindlimbs (i.e. Duysens and Pearson 1980; Pearson and Collins 1993; Fouad and Pearson 1997) or cutaneous afferents from the plantar surface of the foot (Duysens and Pearson 1976; Guertin et al. 1995) enhances activity in extensor muscles during the stance phase, and delays the onset of flexor activity associated with the swing phase. The presumed functional significance of this phenomenon is that extensor activity of the supporting limb during walking can: (a) reinforce the supporting function in proportion to the load experienced, and (b) prolong the stance phase until unloading of the limb has occurred. Whether a similar functional role exists for load-sensitive afferents during walking in the human is unknown. In this study, the effect of adding or removing a substantial load (30% of body weight) at the centre of mass was studied in healthy adult human subjects. Loads were applied near the centre of mass to avoid the need for postural adjustments which might confound the interpretation of the results. Subjects walked on a treadmill with either: (a) a sustained increase or decrease in load, or (b) a sudden unexpected increase or decrease in load. In general, subjects responded to the changes in load by changing the amplitude of the extensor electromyographic (EMG) bursts. For example, with sudden unexpected additions in load, the average increase in amplitude was 40% for the soleus across the stance phase, and 134% for the quadriceps during the early part of the stance phase. Extensor EMGs increased with both sustained and sudden increases in load. Extensor EMG durations also increased (average increase in duration of 4% for soleus with sudden loading, and 7% for sustained loading). Cycle duration hardly changed (average increase of 0.5% with both sudden and sustained loading). These results differ from those of infants subjected to a similar perturbation during supported walking. A large change in timing (i.e. an increase in the duration of the stance phase by 30% and the step cycle by 28%) was seen in the infants, with no change in the amplitude of the EMG burst (Yang et al. 1998). These results suggest that the central nervous system can control the timing and amplitude of extensor EMG activity in response to loading independently. Maturation of the two components most likely occurs independently. In the adult, independent control of the two components may provide greater flexibility of the response.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the frequency, associate factors and clinical features of bacteremia in patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), with or without therapeutic procedures. METHODS: Prospectively, 42 consecutives patients undergoing 46 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographies (ERCPs) from August to December 1994 were analyzed. The search for bacteremia was done by drawing 6 blood samples for cultures from peripheral blood. Two blood samples were collected before the ERCP and 4 of them after. The bottles used for cultures were Bactec bottles. The bottles were incubated in the Bactec 9240 system, and eventual bacteria detect were identificated by the manual routine of the laboratory and also with the autoScan/Microscan system. RESULTS: All blood cultures obtained before the ERCPs were negatives. Bacteremia were detected after 7 endoscopic procedures. In two episodes of bacteremia, the microorganism identified (Staphylococcus epidermidis) was considered to be a contaminant. The other 5 episodes of bacteremia were considered true bacteremia (frequency- 10.9%), and the microorganisms identified were: Streptococcus viridans, Corynebacterium sp., Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiello oxytoca and Enterobacter aerogenes. This episodes were more frequent in the blood cultures obtained immediately after the ERCPs (p < 0.05), and occurred exclusively in the patients who were not receiving antibiotics (p = 0.0192). Clinical manifestation of the episodes of bacteremia were not detected. CONCLUSION: The episodes of bacteremia occurred exclusively in the patients who were not receiving antibiotics, were transient and completely no symptomatic.  相似文献   

The effect produced by unconjugated bilirubin (UB) on p-aminohippuric acid (PAH) translocation from plasma to the urine, was analyzed by using an isolated rat kidney preparation applying the multiple indicator dilution technique. Arterial -to- urine mean transit times and fractional recoveries of creatinine and PAH in the venous effluent, were calculated before and after the incorporation of UB into the system. PAH influx into cells, its efflux from the cells to the capillaries, and its movement between lumen and tubular cells were also calculated. The results indicated that PAH influx into cells was impaired in the presence of UB. The phenomenom was shown to be dose-dependent. On the contrary, the efflux of PAH to the capillaries that was also impaired by UB, seemed to be unrelated to the pigment concentration within the system. Movement of PAH between lumen and tubular cells also appeared to be affected by UB. The results obtained suggested that UB interferes with the renal handling of PAH but the mechanism involved could not be clarified with the model used.  相似文献   

1. We evaluated the effects of chronic ethanol consumption on microsomal and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation and on ethanol oxidation by the kidney. 2. When mature rats were fed 20% ethanol for 10 weeks, an increase in alcohol dehydrogenase and catalase activities were observed in the kidney. 3. Renal microsomal and peroxisomal oxidation of fatty acids also increased by the treatment, but total cytochrome P450 content did not. 4. We concluded that chronic ethanol consumption results in an increased extramitochondrial disposition of fatty acids and ethanol oxidation by the kidney.  相似文献   

An investigation was made to alter the fatty acid composition of pork and a pork product in line with human dietary advice while not adversely affecting factors controlling consumer acceptability. Pigs (n = 150) were assigned to three dietary treatments with 25 intact male-female pairs per treatment. Diet A (control) contained 3% of a 4:1 (wt/ wt) tallow-soybean oil mixture. Diets B and C contained 2% rapeseed oil plus 1% fish oil. Diets A, B, and C were supplemented with 100, 100, and 250 mg of all-rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate/kg of diet, respectively. Pigs were given ad libitum access to feed from 52 kg live weight until 95 kg (slaughter). Sausages were prepared from the resulting cuts. Tissues of pigs were evaluated in terms of fat firmness, color, fatty acid composition, and contents of alpha-tocopherol and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS). Organoleptic characteristics of chops and sausages were evaluated by a trained taste panel. Pigs fed Diets B and C had improved feed conversion ratios (P < .05) and ADG compared with control pigs. The levels of n-3 (omega-3) polyunsaturates were significantly increased in the tissues and sausage from pigs fed Diets B and C with associated alterations in n-6 to n-3 fatty acid ratios that accorded with contemporary human dietary recommendations. Levels of alpha-tocopherol and TBARS were significantly altered in the tissues. There were no appreciable differences between treatments in carcass characteristics, including color. The overall organoleptic acceptability of chops and sausages was not different between the treatments.  相似文献   

The influence of glycerol on the rates of fatty acid snythesis in liver slices from rats and chickens in pieces of adipose tissue from rats was first studied. Then the effect of dietary glycerol on lipid metabolism in rats and cheickens was examined. Media containing 3 or 10 mM glycerol depressed the rate of glucose conversion to fatty acids in rat liver slices. However, media containing up to 25 mM glycerol did not influence the rate of fatty acid synthesis in chick liver slices. The inhibitory action of glycerol in rat liver slices might occur at the level of glucose (or glycogen) conversion to pyruvate because glycerol did not inhibit pyruvate or acetate conversion to fatty acids. Rats and chickens were fed glycerol containing diets for either 3 days or 3 weeks. Feeding diets containing 20.5 parts glycerol (22% of dietary energy) to rats or chickens did not influence the growth rate of the animals. However, substitution of 42.2 parts glycerol (43% of dietary energy) for glucose in the diet significantly depressed food intake and growth rate in both rats and chickens. The activities of citrate cleavage enzyme, fatty acid synthetase and malic enzyme in livers of rats fed the glycerol-containing diets were dramatically increased. However, this stimulation of enzyme activity occurred without a concomitant increase in the in vivo rate of fatty acid synthesis in the rat liver. In the chicken, unlike the rat, dietary glycerol did not stimulate but instead decreased hepatic malic enzyme and fatty acid synthetase activities. No significant differences in adipose tissue lipogenic enzyme activities or in the rates of fatty acid synthesis were observed in rats fed glycerol-containing diets. The lipogenic response to glycerol feeding depends on the species as well as the organ.  相似文献   

Plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, non-high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and apolipoprotein (apo) B, the major protein constituent of LDL, were measured in 1,533 men (mean age 49 +/- 10 years) and 1,597 women (mean age 49 +/- 10 years) participating in the 3rd examination cycle of the Framingham Offspring Study. Mean plasma levels of LDL cholesterol and apoB were higher in men than in women (136 versus 132 mg/dl, P < 0.0001; and 109 versus 95 mg/dl, P < 0.0001, respectively). Increased age was associated with higher plasma LDL cholesterol and apoB levels, especially in women. After adjustment for age and body mass index, LDL cholesterol and apoB levels were still significantly higher in postmenopausal than in premenopausal women, indicating a hormonal effect on LDL metabolism. The associations between coronary heart disease (CHD) and LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, apoB, and other plasma lipid and lipoprotein parameters were examined by dividing participants in four groups, based on approximate quartiles for these parameters. Elevated LDL cholesterol levels were not significantly associated with CHD in men, but were in women. This result, at variance with that of several longitudinal studies, is likely due to the cross-sectional design of our analysis. Elevated non-HDL cholesterol and apoB levels were significantly associated with the presence of CHD, in both males and females. A plasma apoB value > or = 125 mg/dl may be associated with an increased risk for CHD. Low plasma levels of HDL cholesterol were also significantly associated with CHD. Plasma triglyceride levels, age and body mass index were strong determinants of LDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, and apoB levels in men and women. In women, postmenopausal status and elevated blood pressure were also significantly associated with elevated levels of these parameters.  相似文献   

The effect of a long-term excess of pyridoxine on the fatty acid spectrum of phosphatidylcholine, lysophosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine of liver, plasma and kidneys in rats was studied to determine whether this response might be opposite to that observed during a deficiency. As a function of time, the fatty acid composition of the phospholipids generally changed similarly in both the control group and the pyridoxine-treated group. Though differences did occur between the two groups, particularly on day 14 of the treatment, they generally disappeared by day 22. We therefore attributed the major part of the changes occurring in the pyridoxine-treated rats to the age or development of the rats rather than to the pyridoxine treatment itself. In general, the proportion of arachidonic acid increased with time in the phospholipids of both groups while that of linoleic acid decreased. The magnitude of these changes and the proportion of the different fatty acids in the various phospholipids were not uniform from one phospholipid to another or from one tissue to another. Possible mechanism were discussed.  相似文献   

The results indicated that the levels of IL-1, IFN, and TNF, especially those of IL-1 and INF, produced by cultured rat kupffer cells were increased in the presence of Cordyceps sinensis (CS) or the drug serum (DS) from rats fed on CS. The experimental result of DS was similar to that of CS. However, the former had a better repeatability and stability.  相似文献   

Thirty male rats were randomly assigned to one of three dietary groups in which the source of dietary fat was either a mixed oil, maize oil or fish oil. Effects of dietary fatty acid composition on in vitro rates of [U-14C]glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids and into hepatic triacylglycerol were measured under basal, insulin (4 nM)-, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP; 6 nM)- and insulin + GIP (4 nM + 6 nM)-stimulated conditions. Effects of the three diets on postprandial plasma triacylglycerol, cholesterol, insulin and GIP concentrations were also measured. The fish-oil diet decreased rates of basal glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids (P < 0.05) and hepatic triacylglycerol, (P < 0.01) compared with the mixed-oil diet. The presence of insulin + GIP in the incubation medium stimulated glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids in the maize-oil (P < 0.01) and fish-oil groups (P < 0.05), as well as into hepatic triacylglycerol in the maize-oil group (P < 0.005). In addition, the fish-oil diet decreased postprandial plasma triacylglycerol levels compared with both other dietary groups (P < 0.05 both cases), and the mixed-oil diet markedly increased postprandial plasma insulin levels compared with the other dietary groups (P < 0.001).  相似文献   

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